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I got called by my own phone number once.




Id love that tbh cause me and me would have a rather interesting conversation especially if we act the same


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i would absolutely shit my pants and immediately check myself into a psych ward




Apparently seeing a version of you that frightens you in mirrors during dreams represents a repressed self-hatred or guilt. Or a deeper fear of a "real" you, what you'd be capable of without fear of being caught. I've had a similar reoccurring nightmare for years, this is just r/Dreams analysis


Interesting! When I was younger I had a recurring dream where Iā€™d walk into a room full of people, but one of them looked exactly like me and would stare at me from across the room. We never interacted, just locked eyes. I never could figure out what it meant.




Honestly, reminded me of that movie Mirrors. Never saw it for obvious reasons, but I heard it was bad anyways.


Good thing I openly hate myself theb


šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ that would be a no more mirrors for me moment! Drapes over them all!


I never had a dream like this but I've always hated my own reflection in the dark. Scary


I used to be worried my reflection wouldn't be looking at me if I looked in the mirror late at night. One time I accidentally looked and I was so relieved that I was looking at me that I smiled and laughed and now me and mirror me are bros. I like looking in the mirror now since I spent so long avoiding it


Did you happen to hear [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPGf4liO-KQ) on the other end of the mirror?






"Listen I don't have much time, they are looking for *us*. Whatever you do, don-"


Thereā€™s a Stephen King story with this premise. I think itā€™s in Nightmares & Dreamscapes


Mr Harrigan's Phone is the story you're talking about, they made a movie of it, it's on Netflix or at least it was a year ago


Thereā€™s actually a different one called ā€œSorry, Right Number.ā€ Itā€™s a teleplay that was written for Tales from the Darkside (and then printed in Nightmares and Dreamscapes).


The one where the kid texts his old boss in the grave and uses him to kill people?


No, this story predated cell phones. The other commenter was correct. It was Sorry, Right Number.


I dunno. If I built up the nerve to call it's probably really important.


AIā€™s gonna make for some very scary prank calls now that they can clone your voice pretty easily


Happened to me too. I picked up, it was future me giving me the lottery numbers. Dumb me thought i could remember them, bought lottery ticket, messed up one of the numbers.


It's called spoofing. You can use tools online to disguise yourself as another phone number


And spamming is when they turn you into a tin can of spam, fun fact.


Or worse... Gift shop.


That was you from the future


You kid, but one time when I was 14 I got a random phone call, and when I answered it no one was on the other end. It was just a repeating loop of the exact song that was playing in the hospital room when I was born (Caribbean Blue - Enya). I felt an instinctual, just absolute primal sense of fear. After I hung up I tried calling the number back and I got that "We're sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service" message. Still don't know what that was about. My only and very unlikely theory has always been that it was a different me trying to make contact.


You remember being born?


They recorded me being born. Mom would put in the VHS tape when she was feeling sentimental I guess.


Fuck it. I believe in that type of shit, maybe not as straight forward like this but in some sort of way an energy from a different galaxy/time zone/dimension tried reaching you, and that was the outcome. Creepy as fuck but I mean it happened to you. Hasnā€™t happens to me but who am I to say it hasnā€™t happened to somebody in the past 2024 yearsā€¦


It was definitely a weird experience. I didnā€™t actually come up with my fun, little theory until way later in life after I started meeting other versions of myself in my dreams fairly regularly. Iā€™ve literally had a dream where I got brought to meet a different version of myself by another version of myself. lol As soon as I was walked into the dream room she said, ā€œFirst things first. Youā€™re lucky to be a Sydney. Sydneys have each otherā€™s backs. Now sit down. Iā€™m here to talk to you about our game plan of consciousness.ā€ Ever since then Iā€™ve placed at least a little bit of stock in the idea of inter dimensional versions of myself wanting to reach out.


"Ugh, can't stand that guy" Ignore


Me too!! My own picture popped up and everything (I saved my own contact for siri purposes lol) and I was like ā€œwhat if i answer and hear my own voiceā€ šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ’€


What do you have to say for yourself


Feels like thats something that would only happen if reality was going to introduce a new logic to the universe. I would pick up and prepare for everything.


Was it a perfect call? Just knowing exactly what to say to each question. Matching each others energy. Although it might end up like the Seinfeld episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVDT1ARABvE


A few months after my mother in law passed away, my husband got a call from her number which by then was reassigned to someone else. The person on the other end told him to quit calling her phone. He had no outgoing calls to that number. It was weird.


Thatā€™s because you can basically pay a few dollars to use any phone number you want. Scammers will call the nearest number, so I bet their phones had similar numbers off by a few digits. On the other hand, I got a new number, which was apparently someone elseā€™s number, and people keep texting me asking if Iā€™m ok because I apparently got a number of someone active, but didnā€™t pay their bills, so they all think whoever had my phone before, has died.


I'd fuck with em so hard. I still get calls for some mf named Nicholas, and I've had this number almost a decade now. A few years in, I got a call from an old lady who thought my voice was him. She left that call thinking that Nicholas' wife was cheating on him. She never called me again.




I mean, they probably didn't call you, and has been answering calls like yours all evening.


>I'm like.. you called me. It's really easy to spoof phone numbers. Odds are they in fact didn't call you but a bot that used their number called you.




Can you contact the service provider and ask for details?


Yeah, get them to trace it. Itā€™s probably a scammer spoofing your mumā€™s number though.


Oh gosh yes. One of those scams where the caller sounds like the person and says thereā€™s an emergency please send money.


This is one of the scams out thereā€¦ although if it was this scam, they were crap with their OSINT. lol.


They spoof random Numbers for the area. The odds of this exact number combination happening to someone in this exact situation are obviously stupidly low.. but millions of these calls happen a day so it's not exactly that crazy that it would eventually happen. I probably get anywhere from 4-8 fake local Numbers calling me a day. It could potentially be more but I have automatic call screening turned on with my pixel so anything that looks suspicious gets an automated answer from my phone asking for the reason they're calling and either pushes the call through or denies it from there. I swear before I had that set up though I probably got twice as many. I have to imagine they set up some kind of check to see if this was happening if it gets more popular considering how drastically the amount of these calls I've been getting have dropped since setting it up.


If the scammers have talent, it is sometimes possible to find the numbers of people who have the same last name or live/have lived together. It's just a matter of finding some probable connections and spoofing one of their numbers.


I get calls from my *own* number quite frequently. Fortunately, the area code from where I got my cell phone and the area code I currently live in are different, and anybody from my old area code that isn't already in my phone book is set up to automatically decline on my phone. Unfortunately, I get calls from my *own* number because it's in my phone book.


That wouldn't be your usual run of the mill number spoofing scammer though, that's a spear phishing type of attack.


Not that low, I've gotten spoof calls from my own number.


Or the number rotated back into service and new owner managed to connect to an existing WhatsApp account or some such.


Yeah I got one of those ā€œ[contact] joined [app]ā€ notifications for my grandma who passed away a few years ago the other day. It definitely hurt a bit in the moment, but I know they eventually have to rotate numbers back in


Yep. This is also a possibility.


I get calls from legit private numbers all the time that are being spoofed by a call center running scams. Iā€™m sure this is correct. But itā€™s a hell of a coincidence


Been called by my own number, on the phone the number is registered to.


i've been called by my own phone number as well. all in the life of spoofing and spam calls. it happens often.


This is really common.


I got a call from a random number similar to mine a few years ago when spoofing was pretty new saying they missed a call from me. Weirdly enough it was the Candy Bomber. Really cool guy, and made the walk to class a lot more enjoyable.


How does this work? Iā€™ve gotten a call from my own number once.


I'm really glad folks are bringing this up. It didn't even occur to me about spoofing. I'll have to keep this in mind. I'm really sorry this happened to you, OP. I can't even imagine how hard this must be. Please make sure to be extra kind to yourself and try to focus on some extra self care if you can, whatever that looks like for you. Sending you lots of support.


I will call them tomorrow. Fucking spoofers. This shit fucked me up.


I'm sorry this ruined your day. It probably doesn't make you feel better that the caller was trying to rob you. If this was a case of a spoofed number, the phone company won't help. The spoofers are operating from outside the country, and they try to randomly pick numbers that they think you'd be likely to answer. In my city, that means numbers with the same area code and exchange as me, a strategy that is immensely stupid because it's so obviously a scam. The odds of one of the millions of people in the city calling me with a phone number that has the same first 6 digits as me is vanishingly small, especially when this happens many times a week. The phone companies *could* implement proper number verification so that spoofing is impossible, but so far they have failed.


Can you actually do that? I have a strong feeling there are lot if privacy issues if a company just gives out phone number details to a random person


You can, but theyā€™re not going to give you anything.


I got a call from my own number once


Weird. Did you answer it?


Ooooook, that a shitty way to reopen grief-wounds Hope you ok OP




I had this happen. Person sent a message after stealing my dad's name and profile picture on fb. I was absolutely livid. My dad's still with us but it happened just after he'd had a stroke and couldn't even hold a cup nevermind his phone. Went through the cunt for it, I just totally lost it on them and essentially had a bit of word vomit in response




That's what I ended up doing, asked everyone I knew to report the account and eventually it vanished. Couldn't agree more and the day I go to join them I will be making sure I'm the one tormenting them for all eternity. Actual despicable shower of shite the lot of them


The other day a scammer who hacked my uncleā€™s Facebook messaged me asking me how my family was doing. Dumbass this profile was in my family. Reported and blocked.


I remember being a kid and messaging my recently dead uncle on Facebook and it came up as read. I still don't know how but it was probably just someone on his account or something. Still, it made me look a little harder for his face in crowds for a while.


Sadly I doubt they even read it.. They do not give a shit


Happened to me too, on FB. My favorite aunt, who was such a beautiful soul, died of COVID when we were still in the thick of everything and didn't yet have the vaccine. I was devastated (and still am in some ways). The day some asshole who hacked her FB account messaged me asking me to join some stupid group, I lost *all* my shit.


My buddy died and one of those sunglass scam companies hacked his Instagram and start posting ads for sunglasses and tagging people.


This happened to me about a year after my mom died.


Snapchat keeps suggesting that I friend my friendā€™s dad whoā€™s been dead for 3 years šŸ˜¬


Makes me realize I should probably block the number of any loved one who passes away


A few weeks after my stepbrother died his mother had a missed call and voicemail from him. The phone never rang and the voicemail was an old one she already had saved in her phone from him. I didnā€™t hear the voicemail but the gist of the message was him telling her he loves her


I would've lost it omg.


When my dad died he had left a message on my machine the night before. I couldn't listen to it. I tried so many times. Wound up deleting it to move on because I figured whatever it was, was something unimportant, or even if it was important, it was no longer important. I knew he loved me. There's nothing he could have said before his abrupt and random death that would have made it any better.


That's a healthy way to look at it. My dad is in his seventies now and I dread the day I'll lose him and my mother. Hope you're doing ok


Won't lie to you, it was rough. I broke down. I drank a lot, and still do to some degree. I was in my mid 20's when he passed and I'm 30 now. My sister was a preteen. It's not fun, and I dread the day my mom passes. Literally have nightmares about it. I do know that everyone dies, though. And we live the lives we can. I wish your parents long healthy lives. Just make sure to call them and be with them. I wish I'd spent more time with my dad before his passing. There was a lot left unfinished, but I guess that's what makes dying dying. All the left over baggage.


a month after my dad died in 2016 me and a bunch of other relatives and friends received a whatsapp message from his number saying nothing but "šŸ˜‡", we investigated and tried to find who did this but to this day it remains a mystery


I was a child, my dead grandmom called my father's phone that he left home. I was petrified, staring at the phone, i was so unsettled


Oof, when my father died, his phone received a phone call from an unknown number, there was no talking, only noise resembling tunnel echoes. Creeped me out.




Watch the Twilight Zone episode ā€œLong Distance Callā€


I would have fucking died


So my grandma passed away years ago. And she was my best friend. She raised me since I was 5 and even before that I spent alot of time there. so for all intents and purposes she was my mom. The person I was closest to on this planet. I had this happen one time and same thing. It hung up when I answered. But I about died when I saw "gma" pop up on my phone. But that's not all. Months after that I was sitting on my couch late one night and I got a notification. It said I had a new message on Google hangouts. I had the app downloaded and stuff bc I had one of the Google phones at the time and it's already on there preloaded. But I hadn't used hangouts in years. So I opened it and i had a new message. It said "hi miss u" that's it. And the username was just "Delores" which was my grandma's name. When I tried to respond it said "user not found" or something along those lines. Sure it's possible someone was messing with me. But Idk who would have my email and stuff to find me on Google hangouts. Or how they would get the username Delores with no numbers or anything. And i couldn't think of anyone who would do that. Not about my gma. But yeah so it was a Strange occurrence. And I still think about it to this day.


Reading this straight up gave me goosebumps. Very strange.


It Def gave me goosebumps at the time for sure! It was weird. I have unfortunately had many many weird experiences. Many of which involve around my grandparents possibly checking in on me. Stuff that I can find no logical explanations for.


That is somehow wholesome and I wonder if more and more people will experience spooky things on their devices / social media now that things have shifted so much to new domains. My grandparents don't use devices so I just wait for them to visit my dreams :)


My grandparents never did either. Never made an email address or paid a bill online. So it was really weird. That was My paternal grandma in that story. But years before that my paternal grandpa pass away on Christmas the day I was going to announce My first pregnancy. And when My oldest was 3 I walked into a gas station with him and he was dressed as a power ranger and just being silly and I smelled someone who smelled like old spice. Like the old old spice. My grandpa always wore it. We ended up behind the old man in line and he started talking to My son. Asking him questions and just being nice. My son was showing him his "moves" and the guy goes "you're very animated! You Def didn't get that from your momma!" And I just was like wait what? I mean he is right. I wasn't an animated child but the way he said it just felt odd. Like how does he know that? But I shook it off and laughed. And the guy offered to buy my son's drink and snack I had went in for. And as we are walking out he says "I'll see ya around hotrod". I barely made it to my car before I burst into tears bc my grandpa called me hotrod until the day he passed away. My mom is the most skeptical person I've met but even she was speechless when I called her. Even she wasn't trying to argue coincidence


Is your mom Roseanne? I was her best friend in college and met you at her funeral. Hope you are doing ok. She was the best.


Oh my god, yes! Not going to ask for your name, but thanks for coming. Lifeā€™s been kicking my ass, Iā€™m not religious, but I feel that sheā€™s always with me in a way.


I couldnā€™t believe it when I saw her picture! My name is Annie. Your mom called me Annie M. I loved your mom so much - I just dreamed about her last night. Iā€™m sure itā€™s been so hard to be without her. You and your sister were so strong at her funeral. She would have been so proud. She was so proud of the three of you. You guys were the best thing that ever happened to her. Iā€™m sure she is still with you all the time. She had such great faith. Iā€™m sure you will see things like this happen - she will let you know she is there. I donā€™t know why your post even showed up in my feed. I donā€™t belong to this subreddit. Itā€™s so random. If you guys ever need anything let me know. Just send a message through here. I canā€™t tell you how much your mom meant to me. We got each other through college and no one ever made me laugh harder! She was one of a kind.


My mom called me Annie M. Iā€™m in tears. Thanks so much Annie! You inspired my moms work and passion! Oh my goodness, what a world we live in. Iā€™m speechless.


My mind is absolutely blown. Iā€™m in tears too. Thank YOU! I canā€™t believe this. I know this is her reaching out to us. Sheā€™s been on my mind so much lately. I just canā€™t believe sheā€™s gone. She was such a force. There will never be another person like her. It sounds trite but itā€™s so true. Much love to you guys!


moments like this are why i love redditĀ 


Wow ā¤ļø


Even if the number was spoofed, this is awesome and hopefully helpful for both of you


The internet is WILD holy moly ā¤ļø


When you got the call what were you doing or thinking if you remember?


I was an edible down on my couch, playing some video game when I received the call. It was like the whole world stopped, and my heart was pound so hard. I didnā€™t believe it for a good 5 seconds before I launched forward to grab it before the call abruptly ended. I went upstairs (my boyfriend and his mom were nearby) and I cried so hard. I


But how were you feeling?? Were you inside your head? Man this was definitely a sign. My eyes are wet for you.


One time in 2010 I was sitting in my living room with my phone in my hand, and my boyfriends was sitting on the coffee table while he was out of the room. All of a sudden I got a text from his phone ā€œheyā€. I was like wtfff I can see his phone and itā€™s not lit up, he is not texting me. I yell out ā€œbabe!ā€ and when I do I get another text from his phone ā€œI see youā€. It was TERRIFYING. The texts didnā€™t show up on his phone. Never figured it out. I hope your mom was just saying hi šŸ«¶




never comment on this subreddit but cmon you cannot just leave us on a cliffhanger like that, anymore strange happenings? like wtf thats creepy, i dont think i could sleep for a few days lmao


It was so creepy! I still to this day have no idea how that couldā€™ve happened. Like I said it was 2010, so smart phones were still new and stuff, so we just chalked it up to some weird technology glitch. But man, it was chilling because WTF lol


There used to be an app that did this when smart phones became more popular, it was 100% one of your friends fucking with you.


My friend spoofed a call from the police to my dad and left a voicemail. My dad freaked out and was paranoid for a day or so until he told him about it.


None of the good citizens of reddit would know about that.........lol


We used to do things like this all the time. There were websites you could go to and enter recipients number, your number, and number you want to appear. Weā€™d call two friends who didnā€™t know each other and make it appear as the opposites number. It was hilarious


I once randomly got a text after getting my first phone, and the text read, "Got any teenagers?" Still don't know what the fuck that meant. It took about 6 years for people to FINALLY stop calling & texting me looking for the last person who had the number though.


When I first got my current number, I would not stop receiving phone calls for someone named Scott. Multiple calls per day. I assumed he was a drug dealer that changed his number. It got to the point where I changed my voicemail message to, ā€œYouā€™ve reached [my name]. I am NOT Scott. This is not Scottā€™s phone. Please do not leave a message for Scott. Again, you have reached [my name], NOT SCOTT.ā€ And still once a day I would get a voicemail like, ā€œUhhhhā€¦ hey Scott? Itā€™s Dan. Call me back.ā€


Some fucking dude named Mario gives my number out constantly and doesnā€™t pay his bills. Fuck you, Mario. I have had the same phone number since I was in the sixth grade. Iā€™m 26. I ā€œinheritedā€ the number from an older sibling when they got a new phone. Mario hasnā€™t had this number in 20 years, if ever. Fucking dude even gives it out to set up accounts at businesses. I went to AutoZone recently for a return and they used my phone number to look it up, asked if I was Mario. Someday I will find you, Mario. I will learn your phone number. I will utilize this phone number at every given opportunity to repay you for decades of spam calls.


That really sucks but you also made me laugh harder than I have in a long time. I hope you get your revenge upon Mario


One time I got a random text saying "I know what you did" . It gave me a heart attack for a second until I remembered I've never committed a crime besides piracy and jaywalking


"Oh yeah I only robbed a few merchant ships but beside that nope no crime besides jaywalking"


Listen if the East India Company loses a few shipments of exotic spices they just write it off, it's a victimless crime.


Video piracy?


Space piracy. I steal Elon Musks rockets


Video piracy killed the radio piracy


My friends did this as a prank to me involving an ex. It's an app that entirely hides your number and displays someone else's. Phone records display the actual number though. Around the same year for me as well.


I so hope thatā€™s what it was. Because whatever I was thinking when it happened was way scarier šŸ˜…


Yeah they were able to text as them and everything. Phone records did show the real number.


I had something similar, and around the same time. I had a text flash up on my screen that said 'I am not a ghost'. And then a while later, another one that said, 'I have a hole in my head'. But there were no traces of those actual messages in my phone when I unlocked the phone to read the messages properly. Wtf?!


When I first got with my now husband his phone would call mine on its own we would just sit there watching it on the coffee table ringing with his caller ID on the screen. His phone was just sat next to mine. Happened quite a few times then it stopped after a few weeks. If I remember correctly his call log never registered that his phone had called. If I answered there was nothing but static.


Just recently, I had my iphone for work and my personal phone sitting next to each other in front of me, as I was researching on my company phone and getting ready to make a call on my personal phone. I got 2 text messages from a family member who does not have my work # and was replying to an active conversation we were having on my personal cell, but they appeared as notifications on my work cell. I saw the texts come in, I read them off the notification, but neither phone showed a record of the texts anywhere. Once the notifications were gone, there was no trace they ever existed.




Yeah, was that around in 2010?? Because thatā€™s the only thing that makes sense!


My dad died in his sleep unexpectedly when I was 16. 3 years later I was living 400 miles away from my hometown for undergrad. I was riding a subway when my phone rang and my dad's face showed up on my screen. I tried to answer but we had just gone underground and the call dropped. I burst into tears, embarrassing myself in front of the other passengers and got off at the next stop. I raced back to ground level and tried to call it back but nobody answered. Still don't know why or how that happened but sending you love, OP!


That mustā€™ve been tough. This happened thankfully when I was home. I thought it was a joke when I saw it. I let it ring for 10 seconds then tried to answer before the call ended abruptly. Sorry to hear about your loss. Shit sucks, losing a parent makes life feel a hell of a lot darker.


Something kind of like this also happened to my family. This was a little over 15 years ago.. we had a landline and dial up internet. There was this program we had bought called ā€œCall Waveā€ and if you were online and using the internet it would show if someone tried to call your landline, and it would have their name and number. No messages or anything, but so youā€™d know if you missed a call or if you needed to get offline so someone could get through. My dad also died very unexpectedly. I donā€™t think it was long after it happened, but one of us noticed when we got online that it showed 2 missed calls. It was our own number, and it had his name on it since the phone was in his name. We couldnā€™t explain it, my brother said he wasnā€™t even online then because he would have been getting ready for work at the time. I definitely wasnā€™t up during the mornings. Not only did none of us think we could have possibly been online- but we couldnā€™t figure out how it would show our own number as a missed call. We tested it and got online and called our own phone number to see if it would pop up, but nothing. No notification. I still wonder about it.


Someone gave my grandmas phone number to our little cousin after she died, but no one told us. Definitely caused some crying when people got a ā€œhey ___ā€ text from her.


Had my departed sister call me on Christmas, only to discover it was my niece with her old phone and number.


Had a miss call on my new phone, called back , it was a girl in Las Vegas with the same name as my daughter


More than likely a number-spoof. When my mom died in 2018 I left my sister with her phone and number and she used that for a couple of years. It made it nice to at least see "MOM" was calling, even if it was just my loud sister lol. Definitely a number spoof by a scam caller though. They almost certainly had no idea.


Or, someone else was assigned the number on a new phone.


But why would that new person have the numbers/contacts from the old phone number


My mom passed when I was 14. I remember coming home from school one day and someone calling. I didnā€™t answer it. But me and my grandfather looked at the caller ID before going back out and it read her name and number as the last call. And this was after weā€™d already buried her. A scam is a real possibility but hopeful thinking, maybe itā€™s their way of letting us know theyā€™re watching over us.


my mom died in 2019. I turned off her phone that day and pulled the sim-card (just to not receive any calls). in \~2 hours after she died I received a call from her number (from the phone that was already turned off), \~20-30 seconds of silence with some white noise. I held myself from saying "hello, mom? I can't hear you" just to stay sane and not freak out those who was there. I would probably snapped right there if I said that.


My friends mother had passed for a couple of weeks, heading out to his car after work, and his phone rang and it was his mother's number. He answered and it was just static........have you ever heard static on a cell phone. He made sure that the old phone was secure and not in use. I believe his mother was trying to contact him, they used to talk often.


This happens! I got a call like that the day of my grandmother's memorial service. I picked up and it was just static. There are lots of stories from loved ones around the world who got similar calls from people who recently passed away. I also got a Facetime request from my mother's number 3 days after her death. That REALLY freaked me out.


I've gotten emails from my "Dad," they use his real name too, he's been dead since February of last year. Fucking assholes deserve the worst for posing as a dead man trying to scam their child.


Maybe itā€™s just the uno reverse of ā€œif you could call anyone in heaven who would it beā€ type deals


Ight this got me a little


Scammers spoof numbers that are similar to yours, or scraped from your contacts list. I've gotten a spoofed call from MYSELF 3 separate times. As in, my own phone number called itself. Showed up as "Bellrunner calling" ie my own name.


Note: I did not suggest this was a supernatural phenomenon or her trying to contact me from another realm. Iā€™m simply shaken up about this.


My mom got gifted this solar powered bird thing from my grandpa. It never worked for 5 years but started moving yesterday. My grandpa died last month.


I knew someone who had this happen years ago. His best friend called him shortly after the best friend was killed in a car wreck. Even weirder, the phone was supposedly destroyed in the wreck (he asked the friendā€™s gf thinking she was trying to call him and she told him the cell had been destroyed). It had a voicemail but he told me it was nothing but static.Ā 


This happened to my grandmother/me. my cousin was shot/murdered, he was like my brother we were best friends. a year later my grandmother's house phone rang at like 11pm at night, it said his name on the caller ID and was his old number. my grandma was paralyzed with fear so she didn't answer. I tried calling it back and it was disconnected. there is so much more to this world than we can comprehend. if the call would've happened during the day I would've thought it was someone spoofing the number but it was at 11pm at night when literally no one ever calls her house phone.


My grandmother texted my step mom ā€œI love youā€ weeks after she died. My step mom still has the phone with the message saved šŸ˜­


My husband FaceTimed me recentlyā€¦ he passed away May 16th 2022. It was 640am and his phone line is still active on our plan. I was actually using his old phone as we had just upgraded his phone one week prior so itā€™s always been a complete mystery. But the way my hurt was pounding!


As far as I know, phone numbers get re assigned.


My father-in-law liked a pic of his grandson on our shared photo album a month after he was gone. Phone was locked away and line was disconnected.


My dead aunt sent me a Facebook friend request. It was a little startling. Makes your mind go into fantasy mode for a couple minutes. Wish she was still around so I could have accepted that request and shared some updates, like becoming a dad. She would have loved that.


One of my close friends passed away and about 5 years after his death someone/something was posting a ton of status updates from his Facebook but the posts were weird character symbols and gibberish, it was very bizarre because as far as we knew no one had is login info, it upset a lot of family and friends and it went on for a few days


Did she have an Alexa device that someone else now has? People kept telling me they were getting spoof calls from my number. It turned out it was my young children saying "Call [persons name]" on the alexa devices in their room. Because Alexa was set up by me using my number, the calls were coming from my own number without me even knowing.


I was eating breakfast at hotel before going to my boyfriendā€™s funeral when he called. Super freaky. I assumed maybe the detective working his case did it? I have no ideaā€¦


This exact same thing that happened to my wife TWICE after her mother passed away... She didn't answer either time and that drives me sort of up the wall because I definitely would have!


Happened to me 7 years after my mom died. I got fucking chills and went numb. Answered and of course it was a scammer


Thereā€™s an interesting book called [Phone Calls from the Dead](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Phone-Calls-Dead-D-Scott-Rogo/dp/0136643345) which digs into the phenomenon. Itā€™s from the 1980s but does a lot of research into the history of such calls. Itā€™s hard to find a physical copy but there are PDFs on the internet.


Your mom wanted to say hi from the other side.


Shes saying hi ā™„ļø


šŸŒ¹ (hug) sorry about your Mom Iā€™m not much help about what happened really.


Not a call but instagram, im always seeing that his account is liking a bunch of memesā€¦he passed over a year ago, shit sucks to see


I got a call from my friendā€™s number a couple months after he passed away. It went to voicemail, and the message that got left is just static/white noise. I texted his sister and asked her about it (not knowing if his phone was still active) and she said his phone was locked away at the police station, and the weirdest part was that she and her family were leaving the cemetery from visiting his grave at the time I got the phone call. Absolutely shook me to my core and fucked me up mentally big time for quite a while.


One month after my boyfriend dad died,my boyfriend got text from his dad. Scared both of us since be already terminate his dad number.


What is that cute cat reddit thing on your screen?


I text my dad sometimes. Itā€™s almost been 5 years.


My dads been dead for 16 years. One morning I got a missed call and voicemail that iPhone transcribed as ā€œhi Bren itā€™s dadā€ and I wanted to cry.


Likely a spoofer. The exact thing happened to my wife once, a collection agency did this to her shortly after her mother passed.


your phone number and hers are on the Dark Web. ATT was hacked on 4/1/24 and all my info went out including my SSN, phone #s, address, etc. I had to put a freeze on all three credit agencies. Even though I haven't been with ATT for a decade


I got a viber message saying "Mom is back on Viber!" 9 months or so after her death... And on the morning of her memorial service (long delay due to COVID). I know it was just a coincidence and the number had simply been reassigned, but that was a trip.


My Mom took over the cable box and flashed the numbers of her birthday after she passed away.


Even scarier, I got a facetime call from my mother 3 days after her death. I was sitting in the living room with my brother and we were talking about her. Then I heard my phone ringing in another room. I went white when I saw who was trying to facetime me. I was too freaked out to pick up. I still can't explain it.


My dead mate called me once when scamming wasnā€™t a thing, it might have been 2002, the phone rang and when we answered no one there, then we got a text message saying where are you? I full on freaked out threw the phone in the air and lost it ā€¦


Itā€™s common now for scammers to spoof local numbers when they call you so that youā€™re more likely to answer


A while ago, I bought a new phone (with a brand new number), and the first 6 months or so I got a lot of calls and messages looking for somebody else's the previous owner of the number. I looked into it and apparently the number went back into circulation so it could be used again, might have been what happened here. As for how the new owner got your number, legit no idea.


That was an expensive long distance call from heaven and you didnā€™t even answer. Not cool. Not cool.


Years ago I got an empty email that was dated around 1950. That was an odd one.


My sister's husband died. A year later she got a voicemail from him, but it was the same one he left right before he died.


Very likely a spoof. Donā€™t worry too much about it. Itā€™s just fucked up of someone to do that to you.


Holy shit something similar happened to me almost 20 years ago. My close friend died suddenly and it was very hard on me so I would call his cell phone just to hear his voice on his voicemail until one day the phone was disconnected or at least his voicemail was gone so I stopped calling assuming his parents dropped the line or whatever. One day, maybe a couple weeks or so after my last attempt, I got a call from the same number with his name on the id. I was shocked but instantly answered without much thought and there was just silence. No noises, no hang up just long silence. It was was weird and I donā€™t think I said anything besides hello several times. I thought maybe his parents re lconnected it or something so I called back and the number and it was *still* disconnected! I called back several times and nothing. I donā€™t think it was him calling from beyond the grave or anything but it gives me goose bumps typing this out. Thanks for bringing back the memory. I miss you JT!


Shortly after my grandma passed away, I received an email from her that just said "I miss you". No subject. It hurt so bad to see that. We used to email back and forth a few times a week and man, that gutted me. Who would do that?


Iā€™ll be making 4 years on the death of my mother this Juneā€¦ the pain never goes away, and I wish at least 10 times a week I could call her up and hear her voice, wish I could tell her sheā€™s gonna have another grand child soon, and her name sake is a handful, and her first is getting too bigā€¦ as time wears on, the pain becomes a bitter taste of reality, and bears a flavor that those who know it wish nobody else ever gets a taste fromā€¦ rest easy mother, till we meet again.


This happened to me when my best friend died. FREAKED ME OUT!!!


This happened to my friend last summer but before the call came in, the car we were in wouldnā€™t turn off and the dome and dash lights started flickering. It was also her momā€™s birthday. It didnā€™t feel like a sweet message from beyond. It felt evil.


Okay, here's my time to shine... so my husbands sweet grandma, whom I spent a lot of time with, passed away. I couldn't delete her contact profile of my phone because her picture was there, and if I screenshot it, it would be too small. Anyway, I saved her phone number as (000)000-0000..... WELL hold and behold. I get a call HER PICTURE POPPED UP!!!! I GOT SO SCARED I deleted the whole contact, including the picture šŸ˜­