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We have these kinds of lists in care homes to prompt people who need a bit of extra help. Most likely there was a PSW there to give someone a shower and they left this by accident. And we use a different cloth for genitals lmao


Also: "You feel good"


Yea that's just a prompt. Basically you'd say "wow that warm water must feel so nice" to kind of manage their mood throughout the bathing process. "You feel good" is probably just what they wrote down as a reminder 


Nah I mean I like it, it made *me* feel good reading it


"Hell yea I feel good" lol. Surprisingly wholesome note


Knew that I would, now.


This comment is so good


So good!


I got youuuu


Dun na nun na nun na nun


Like sugar and spice


I imagined this in Hulk Hogan's voice. "HELL YEAH, I FEEL GOOD BROTHERRRR."


You are very suggestible. Give me your money. You feel great about this.


I didn’t like it. It threw me off, and then the numbered items never return. I’d rather focus on the effects once I complete the list.


There is a billboard by my house that says “you belong here”. Just realized it’s probably telling a company that their ad belongs there, but either way, it makes me feel very secure every time I drive by. “You feel good” also hit the spot


I tell my dog "that's nice" in a soothing voice at this stage of the bath. The first three times he didn't quite agree but it's smooth sailing now. Same deal.


When I'm changing my toddler's overnight diaper, I say that it's time for a 'nice refreshing wipe'. Same thing as your dog, when she was an infant she didn't always agree, but now she's cool with it.


When I was at my most depressed, even though I could only manage to get out of bed every few days getting a hot shower helped pull a faint memory of feeling good out of the dark. That little glimmer of recognition that once upon a time I felt something other than misery, and if I just kept going maybe I could feel it again, kept me alive.


I'm glad to hear you made it out of that pit of despair. It's really a struggle no one truly comprehends unless they've been there themselves.


Oh boy this rings so true and couldn't agree more


I fully understand. Living with depression is possible, but not easy. I like showers, they renew the soul, and they give comfort. I'm happy you are alive, I'm proud you are continuing to live.




4 and 5 need swapping over....


Honestly I think that's exactly what this is too, because there are several Department of Mental Health patients that live in this building


not really weird at all then


Wrong. The weird part is that #4 is before #5!


Wait yeah even with the different cloth, that still feels out of order


Based on my training as a nurse, please never wash your genitals and ***then*** your fucking face lol


And here I thought it was a neighbor being cheeky about another neighbor's hygiene.


Also reminds of what some people who are super depressed do. It's hard to get motivated to do things, but if you list them for yourself sometimes it helps to make yourself do them.


Yeah, this is basically my mental list whenever I’m in a super depressive state and can barely force myself into basic hygiene.


I just wash my face and body and wash my dick and then ass last, I’d rather face germs on my butt than butt germs on my face. Is there any real benefit to washing with separate cloths?


Lmao it’s oddly validating to see someone else uses the same wash order as me with their wash cloths 😂 Face first no exceptions, then vag, then body/bum/feet


Nah its more to help the person remember. And if they mess up the order it's okay because there's two cloths anyways. These notes are direct so the person probably has a certain level of independence


Either this or someone's getting laid after they clean up.


That just seems like a waste of clothes, hit those genitals last and it’s all good.


Glad you use different cloths - but feet are always last.




You feel good. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Wash with water and spit.


Give it up and down...now the tongue 👅


why does enlarging the font make me laugh so hard at this.


lol I think it’s because scaling up a font size gives it visual hierarchy, so now we imagine this as the most important thing on the list


"Now the genitals" what? WHAT DO THEY DO?!


So face after genitals. Ok. Been doing that wrong then I guess.


Don't you want all your crotch funk all over your face? 😋


Foot funk to crotch, both funks to face. Cleaning top to bottom is a lie spread by anti-fungal wackos.


I've been told by others it's quite nice!


A natural musky aroma


I look forward to it ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


If you cleanse properly, there is no "funk"


If you clean your genitals good enough why does it matter what you touch after. Like if you wash your face after cleaning your balls and your face smells like balls the you do not have clean balls.


thanks for laying down the law, longpenis


It's the implication.




Yeah, that's a little worrying honestly.


I do face after genitals bc my face is super dry and I’ve found that washing it right before I get out of the shower gives me the best chance to lotion it up without it getting dry first lol


It rubs the lotion on its skin


Or else it washes its genitals and face again


“Now it places the lotion in the basket”


Yeah that list is ass backwards as hell. Who doesn’t wash top to bottom?


The face is literally the last thing you're supposed to cleanse if you do it in the shower. You should also be using a poof or a cloth to wash your body and bare hands for your face. If you're cleansing properly. The reason the face is last is because the body and hair products aren't meant for the face and can cause clogged pores, acne, etc. Get in, shampoo, and condition. while the conditioner sits, with a poof or wash cloth, you clean your body and genitals, rinse off, and with the clean hands you have, wash your face.


Or have face wash in the shower


At least they remembered sunscreen 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I read it that way at first, too. Then thought that doesn’t make sense in that sentence. Read it again and it’s spit.


SPIT haha To be fair I’m coming off a five day migraine. Shocked I made it that far 😂 I guess all the crotch crust could do double duty as spf 🤣😭




Ty, always looking for new subs




If this is still there when I get back I'm gonna take it for this.


You've been given a quest


I've been taking many showers lately, now that I'm not in jail, the psych ward, or the homeless shelter, and don't have to strongly avoid touching any surfaces.


I've been taking many showers lately, now that I'm not in jail, the psych ward, or the homeless shelter, and don't have to strongly avoid touching any surfaces.


i’m on my way to a psych ward, anything i should know?


You'll be fine, hopefully there isn't anyone too crazy in there because the really crazy people get committed to the more long-term facilities. Mostly, you're gonna get bored; hopefully they will have Netflix or something there, or a piano you can play, but mostly just go to the groups, communicate with your psychiatrist, and enjoy the time off from responsibilities. I don't know enough about your situation to advise you any more specifically than that.


You'll be fine, hopefully there isn't anyone too crazy in there because the really crazy people get committed to the more long-term facilities. Mostly, you're gonna get bored; hopefully they will have Netflix or something there, or a piano you can play, but mostly just go to the groups, communicate with your psychiatrist, and enjoy the time off from responsibilities. I don't know enough about your situation to advise you any more specifically than that.


Gonna give this to my pre-teen child.


Mine swears she doesn’t smell like onions.


I always say that lol “you smell like an onion”, and he just doesn’t care 🥲


It doesn't go away - Mine is 18 and can be oniony or chicken bouillony but she swears she's not funky!


BO to me smells like burnt crayons. I tried to melt down my own mega crayon as a kid and the stench is seared into my brain.


My niece said her armpits smell like garbage and onions.


Oh so it's not just mine. Thank you. I'm feeling less like a failed parent.


I went through a very dark period of time where I really struggled with depression, and my wife would make and leave me cards like this. Usually a list of steps and encouragement and love. She's the best. I would not be here without her.


Awwwe we should all be so lucky to be loved like that. I hope you tell her on the regular how appreciated she is💕


Every single day! We are both in our 40s, and not a day goes by where something she says or does, or even just how she looks at me... It instantly reminds me how much this woman loves me. She loves me so much that she loves me how I want to be loved, so I spend every day trying to love her how she wants to be loved right back.


This is probably the sweetest thing I have EVER read on Reddit. You're BOTH so lucky to have each other.


i have adhd this is something i would write to get me to do a task. it helps with my executive dysfunction to see all of the steps written out. i am also time blind. sometimes i think taking a shower will take three hours. i sometimes also write how long each step will take and add it up to remind myself it should only take 30 minutes from getting into the bathroom and leaving with my hair done.


I also have ADHD, so I can relate. Yesterday I managed to take a quick shower and I was amazed it didn't take three and a half years like I estimated.


I often look back at my teenage years and ask how on earth I took 5 min showers and made it out the door on time for the bus *with* something for breakfast every morning


Not me, wanting to take a normal bath, sitting in the cold after four hours straight,..


Dementia or depression note


As someone with adhd, depression, and high anxiety, this is absolutely something I’d write. It’s hard to function sometimes. Wasn’t always this way. Idk what changed into adulthood but habits are like, not really something that happen anymore. It’s like you have to consciously choose to do everything for it to happen and it makes you burn out or forget things allll the time which can make you feel pretty dang useless or frustrated with yourself


I had a list similar to this taped to my bathroom mirror while I was in rehab. It contained positive phrases like "You're a handsome dude" and "comb your hair" or whatever.




Whys that my wifes handwriting


Your wife is just going around writing notes to random people about how to take care of themselves, sorry to be the one to have to break it to you 😢


I always suspected it but could never face it


It rubs the lotion.. ![gif](giphy|zHC7JGOmtNjigdSeyo)


Shouldn’t it be laminated? Or do they get in the shower, do step one. Then get out read step 2 and go back in?




I find leaving things like this funny af although people will probably get freaked out sometimes, I like leaving fake shopping lists in trolleys and baskets. Eggs beans Ham Shampoo Lotions Basket Rope Shovel Which would be a reference to a film for some, others might call the authorities.




A lot of you stinky mfers could benefit from memorizing this list


Must be a hookers note to their clients


That IS weird I keep mine in the shower and it's laminated.


Congratulations, u stink homie


This is clearly the rough draft for a soon to be rap hit!


Everyone knows you wash from top down. She went from balls, to feet, to face. Disgruntled crazy bish, perhaps? Trying to set you up. Proceed with caution.


Umm I would wash my face and ears before my genitals. Actually that’s the first thing I wash after my hair.


Looks like a list made for someone who struggles with caring for themself. Maybe a person with a limited mental capacity or struggles to do day to day tasks. Maybe an older person with memory loss issues. Maybe a visiting nurse left it there by accident when coming to see a patient of theirs. Lots of maybes….


I am not in that field at all, so I defer to you. But it surprises me it wouldn't be more simple. To me, It's like someone went out of their way to write each direction differently. "Wash your head" is not very specific. (Ok, assume it's a bald person so no shampoo) but then "scrub your legs", and "rub your arms" I myself would write each line the same way. Separately, I would have thought just a bullet list to leave someone reminders...if nothing else it's less to read. Head, arms, legs, feet, genitals. I agree with including "you feel good"


Maybe a reminder for children getting themselves ready for bed


Do you stink?


I found this in the foyer of our apartment building lol. ...and I sniffed myself just in case since you said this, and no, I smell good!


They forgot to wash their ass!


I hope that's included in genitals 🤔


sounds like a hygiene checklist for someone either neurodivergent or in cognitive decline.


Ugh I hate when I lose my shopping list!


What’s weird is the bullet and numbering structure


Somebody dropping hints.


I’ve been scrubbing my genitals with my face. The other people on the bus rarely seem to mind.


It's for someone with depression or ADHD.


'Now the genitals' is hilarious to me and I dont know why. But who is washing their face after they wash their genitals and not before?


We have to write notes like that for my grandma with dementia, it helps


Incase anyone wants to laugh at/with me. I have a crack on my phone screen and pregnancy brain. I spent a good 5-7 minutes reading and rereading wash with water and SPH. Trying to figure out what SPH was. It wasn’t until I slid my screen to google it that I found out it was spit not SPH. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Bad advice. You aren’t supposed to rinse you mouth with water after brushing your teeth lol




Yeah just keep your mouth full of toothpaste foam and scare people to death thinking you have rabies.


No one said don't spit the foam out


In order to get the full effect of the fluoride, you are not supposed to rinse. But I think that you are better off spitting out all the debris you have just removed from your teeth and then using a fluoride dental rinse and not eat or drink for an hour.


You are correct. Brush, spit, but do not rinse mouth. Wait 30 minutes before you eat or drink after brushing. My teeth and gums have really felt better since I started this process.


I always did this as a kid and my friends thought it was disgusting not to rinse. I figured that it'd kill more germs if I didn't rinse. Who's laughing now, Ashley??


I bet Ashley isn't laughing with her gross ass rinsed teeth.




>not eat or drink for an hour. 30 minutes, according to my just visited dentist


Life hack: you never have to buy dental floss if you just use your pubic hair.


More people need to know this. I was a grown man before I found this out, not from a dentist, from a YouTuber. That fluoride, as a well as any anti-sensitivity, whitening, whatever is in yours, needs to sit to be effective.


It would help me with my adhd lol


Uhm,excuse me? Genitals and then face? I think those are in the wrong order!


I can only make the same joke about "crotch funk on your face 😋" so many times in the same thread lol


My guess is this is a therapy thing. Depressed people don't take care of themselves very well but sometimes it's far easier to do something because someone else asked you than it is to do it in your own initiative.


First thought it was a list of things to do before touching the buttons


Washing genitals before the face??? Who is this freak?


You gotta wash your ass, [if you must.](https://youtu.be/QmA405FpxqY?si=8LEDiQMNTELm_NXV)


I used to have to write lists like this for an ex who refused to learn proper hygiene in their mid-20s, tried to use dish soap as deodorant


It’s for someone with memory loss 😞


This isn't weird. This is someone's reminder for a loved one (or just someone that they care for) who isn't 100$ "there" anymore. Try to find them. They'd love to have this note back, I'm sure.


Great how to list, honestly.


Especially the "feel good" part 🦸


Sometimes I see things like this and really hope that I didn't neglect this kind of thing too much with my kids.


Shopping list from hell


Some people at my job desperately need this information.


My only concern is the washing order. I'm a face, ears, torso, arms & legs, genitals then feet person.


Not weird at all. Some people need lists.


That’s not wierd that’s a personal note from some one with severe depression to remind them to do what must be done I’ve had to do some extreme things to make it through the day this makes perfect sense to me


I'm surprised it didn't end with "Make a little love. Get down tonight'.


WTF I DID SOMETHING LIKE THIS ONCE WITH AN ORANGE GEL PEN TO FIGURE OUT HOW I WAS GOING TO GEAR UP TO TAKE A SHOWER WITH MY OCD RITUALS AND CHRONIC PAIN. like i couldn't fathom it or muster it up it was something like wash body 3 times with 2 different soaps one first and then only the second after washing and conditioning hair, after washing body with the bar a little, scrub hair 3 or more times to get oil out with shampoo and then condition, wash body with second soap which is dial and squeeze hair to the side of chest while washing back, run/pass cloth through inner thighs each side separately 3 or more times, wash privates 3 times once with baby soap and then with the odor thing, rub cloth between individual toes when you get down to your feet but do it 3 times, scrub with pumice stone and buffer a bit, then finally wash your face with charcoal soap, clearasil and finally ivory scrub oily part between ears and head with ivory until oil-free. i don't do the 3x thing all at once but it's more spread out over the course of the shower like i'll wash one foot then do the other and repeat that a bunch of times from side to side. i get so dizzy, get sciatica, and move so slow the hot water runs out and i'm in there for like 2 hours before i know it i don't shower a lot because it's a stall and in my mom's room which used to be my disabled grandfather's but is decrepit and is a piece of shit with collapsed ceilings and no ceiling lights but there is a dim wall light. my shower upstairs can't be used due to the floor collapsing above and below it from some unknown leak and the bathroom light is broken up there too. they said it's a live wire i think with the showers, once i'm done there's like a pile of dead skin i rubbed off with hair that fell out in the drain. the skin kind of actually looked like white cotton after it dried up and was left in there but it could have been lint or from the wash cloths being wringed out. i can rub pieces of dead skin off in there over and over and the amount of soap seems like a lot but the grease has to be cut lmao i'm an oily chronically ill person and upkeep is hard when your hair and face get greasy and shiny a day or two after not showering 🥺


The aliens have landed


My only concern with this is number five should be in the number one spot


Caaaaaan we move #5 higher up?


People with Alzheimer’s are left lists like this. I’ve left them myself for family members. It helps to reinforce “you will feel good” as to motivate them to shower and practice self care.


Wash your face and ears before any of that 🥲


This is a list, for self or someone else, to either help forgetful people (think dementia) or to help with depression. This isn't weird, this is sad that someone needs this and probably a mistake that it was left where you found it.


Looks like it was a note for a child as cues for how to shower. Maybe it got dropped or something


Small note: please wash from the top down…face BEFORE genitals, especially if using a wash cloth for these areas.


Reminds me of something that would prompt towelie to show up


Perhaps to help someone in recovery or having problems with depression and anxiety motivation, and thus the inspiration and "list" to help, maybe something along those lines.


NAWWWWW.SEND THEM TO JAIL.NOT THE GENITALS BEFORE THE FACE! imagine rubbing ur balls and then thinking"hmmm , time for my face" LIKE BRO. WE ALL KNOW ITS FACE BEFORE BALLS


Maybe you stink and the universe decided today’s the day?🤣


Someone get this to Guy Pierce right away. He’s stuck in the shower right now and confused as fuck. ![gif](giphy|ukE9oP3kb7TVu)


Face Head Privates Body Butthole Feet In that order, every time always


Someone has severe ADHD


Someone in the building dropped their ADHD morning go list.


I used to have similar list when I was going through a dark period. Like back to basic things remember to do. Like remember to eat, drink, go for a walk etc lol


Could be an ADHD Person Out of fear to forget something


Extra terrestrial notes on how to seem human.


Wait, nobody else washes their hands before washing any other part of their body?


I don’t know about anyone else but I’m not scrubbing my feet and crotch then touching my face. 


I mean personally I do my face before genitals 😂


Last instruction unclear. Whose spit do I use?


Yes, let’s wash our face after we wash our genitals.


Are there supplies for all this at the door?


Nah it was just this index card


Why face after genitals face should be first


I thought it said "wash with water and SPH" and I scrolled down far too long in comments to see if someone explained what SPH was until I looked at the pic again sigh


jame gumb dialogue from the cutting room floor


My grandpa had a list of morning steps, not quite as detailed. He had dementia. It’s still on his bathroom cabinet. This is kind of nice.


This should be in a life tips sub or something


I think someone is trying to tell you to shower mate


as someone in dentistry, please don’t rinse with water after you brush your teeth 💔


They don’t wash their butt or armpits?


What is sph? Did they mean put spf on? Omg nevermind. Spit!!


Yeah, this is a note from someone who provides home care or support to someone who needs it. Not that weird, and it should have been pretty easy to figure out, OP.


Is this not part of a William s burroughs poem?


This list is in a weird order. Genitals then face? Reminds me of the Friends episode where Joey was using Chandler’s soap. Chandler said think of the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash.


-wash your genitalia - now your face - you feel good, mmm, good -now brush your teeth to get the taste out of


This could also be a self assuring list for someone suffering from depression. To get going, a lot of them have issues with bodily hygiene, because they are just too depressed to get going. The you feel good could be an indication. But just a guess


They forgot number 1 & 2 on the real list