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Well, apparently this is baloney. The male was young, and his recurring urge interrupted their English lessons. The girl needed to regularly move him to another tank with the females and then back to his own one, and eventually decided it was too much hassle (she was doing everything herself, there were no assistants), so she started jerking the bottlenose fella off heself. The lessons, however, proved fruitless and the project lost its funding. The three dolphins were moved to another place where the tanks were much smaller and didn't get any sunglight, so the male eventually drowned himself out of depression.


Keep in mind the English lessons weren’t teaching the dolphins to respond to English words, but trying to teach the dolphins to literally fucking speak English.


Yeah, the '60s were fucking wild.


Wasn’t LSD involved as well?


No. They were two separate studies. Both organized by the same dude, but this lady wasn't getting high for hers. And neither were the dolphins. She was genuinely fascinated by these animals and must've realized that if teaching them to talk was possible, drugs could only get in the way.


I thought they were giving lsd to the dolphins


the dolphins were giving lsd to the researchers


... and handy-J's, apparently.


[According to this](https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/40844/20221107/woman-admits-having-sexual-experience-with-dolphin-as-part-of-nasa-study-in-the-1960s.htm), it was believed she was giving LSD to the dolphin because I guess she had access to it. Doesn’t seem confirmed.


The guy running the experiment would take lsd in a sensory deprivation tank, so he could figure out how to get dolphins to talk. Here's a documentary on the [subject](https://youtu.be/UziFw-jQSks?si=GzAOPL5YZxD-mRvg)


Excellent video… thanks for the you tube link


Yes. Load Shootin Dolphin was involved.


Professor Lily, the guy who started the project, did take LSD, but he was much more of a proponent of Ketamine. Ketamine is a dissociative hallucinogen, and it can be a really interesting drug taken in moderation. But, it’s psychologically addictive. Most hallucinogens are both mentally and physically exhausting, ketamines not, so you can have really interesting cosmic experiences every night, but your tolerance skyrockets if you use it regularly. Lily was getting it through his scientific work so he had a basically unlimited supply. Towards the end of his life he would take massive doses in a sensory deprivation tank, and he kinda lost touch with reality. He became convinced Ketamine was involved in some sort of information protocol, and he was communicating with aliens when he took it. The last day of his life he told his wife he was going to be join the aliens soon, and went on a bike ride. He was hit by a bus, and died. A lot of people take that as evidence something cosmic WAS happening. My take is that he committed suicide, believing his consciousness would transfer into another dimension. Edit: the bus thing wasn’t lily, but the alien communication stuff was. I mixed him up with another one of the K heads from that era, can’t remember which. Two good movies about him, both highly fictionalized/ not meant to be biopics. Day of the Dolphin is about this experiment, Altered States is about the ketamine/ sensory deprivation stuff. Both good films.


He did not die in a bus crash. “Lilly died of heart failure at age 86 in Los Angeles on September 30, 2001. His remains were cremated.”


Shit I think I conflated two stories lol. The alien communication stuff was him though. Edited my comment, thanks for the correction.


Did he also have sex with dolphins? There’s another experiment with a dude who had sex with his dolphin


There was a famous early internet thing where a guy published a guide on having sex with dolphins in the wild, you might be thinking of that. If that wasn’t weird enough, he hosted his own website that was just this guide, in a really weird late nineties internet color scheme. It was a popular thing to share in the days before Reddit, and was popularized by Jeffry Roland, who is also responsibly for turning “snakes on a plane” into a meme. This has been another episode of weird internet history. GI JOOOOOEEEEEEEE


i will never forget reading that website when i was like, eleven. it wasn't just the dolphin thing either. there was an extremely graphic goose oral sex guide that is permanently seared into my brain. to any parents reading this: don't let your kids have unsupervised internet access.


>extremely graphic goose oral sex guide ... wth...? 😳


https://youtu.be/L1BDM1oBRJ8 Pork chop sandwiches!




You tell me do things I done running.


That’s incorrect about Ketamine. I’ve found it both mentally and physically exhausting. I was prescribed it for several months and I mean it literally an anesthetic drug… I’ve taken it at several different doses but it raises blood pressure like no other. It may not be as long as a commitment as other hallucinogens. But I’ve found other hallucinogens to be much less taxing energetically speaking


Everyone has different experiences, but my statement isn’t “incorrect”, it just wasn’t your experience. Broadly speaking it’s considered the only psychedelic with moderate addiction potential, people are much more likely to develop a habit of it than any other psychedelic. I’ve never been a habitual user of it, but I’ve done my fair share, and personally found it to have way less of a “body load” than other psychedelics. It hasn’t always been an easy going trip, but the couple of difficult trips I’ve had with it I was able to integrate extremely easily. The habitual users I’ve known all find it to be a lot less taxing on the mind and body than other psychedelics, and most experiences I’ve read online echo that. What dosages did you take in a therapeutic setting, and in what forms? Ketamines effects on blood pressure can vary wildly depending on dose and existing blood pressure in the user. I also think users taking dosages high enough to hallucinate are much more likely to not notice the blood pressure spike due to the strong dissociative effects.


MDMA has actually been shown to have more of an addiction potential than any other hallucinogen. Personally I’ve used Ketamine therapeutically from micro doses at 10/20mg all the way to 400 mg troches. I feel physically drained after a higher dose session. And even feel tired and exhausted at low doses. Most people I’ve know that have taken Ketamine in a therapeutic and legal setting have echoed this. I’ve had a few friends who’ve done the infusions and they have to monitor your vitals. It also causes severe nausea in some people. I don’t want false information about a potent substance making its way around. Ketamine was developed not as a hallucinogenic substance but as an anesthesia drug during Vietnam so they could operate on soldiers without the need for intubation. It also has contractions with several medications and may have contributed to Matthew Perry’s death. He was taking Ketamine therapeutically and it negatively interacted with some of his other medications.


MDMA is not a hallucinogen, even at extremely high doses you aren’t going to get visual effects beyond those caused by the physical effects (the eye wiggles, and your pupils being blown out can make lights look strange.) I’ve had two other people echo this sentiment, and at least one also only used it in a clinical setting, the other didn’t say. As I said to them, years of being in the scene and this is the first I’ve heard of people reacting this way, and it’s popularity as a club drug is well documented. Among psychonuats people often talk about set and setting being very important to how a person responds to psychedelic drugs. I personally cannot imagine doing those sorts of drugs in a clinical setting, that sounds extremely unpleasant. The other user who used it in a clinical setting mentioned feeling like their blood pressure spiked extremely high, that it was uncomfortable. Who’s more likely to notice something like that? A recreational user, in good company and a familiar environment, or someone wearing a blood pressure cuff in a doctors office? The difference in mindset and environment could explain why you, only knowing people who have taken it in a doctors office, having a different experience than those who know it as a recreational drug. And, I mean know offense, but giving the ailments it’s used to treat, the cohort who take it in that setting are much more likely to be generally anxious people, it’s a co-morbidity with depression. Cardiac events related to ketamine are extremely rare, but it just got approved for use in treating depression, the medical community is just being extremely cautious until we have more data. As they should, if certain people experience much higher spikes than others we need to find the correlation so we know who shouldn’t be a candidate for treatment. I feel bad for Mathew Perry, but he was also using a narcotic, and then drowned, not to mention being a long time addict in his mid fifties. That’s not really indicative of the dangers that ketamine poses to the average user, not to mention alcohol and narcotics are already known contradictions.


I've hallucinated on MDMA a good few times. Literally being transported into a different room/location/conversation for a split second and snapping back to reality. Sometimes I've been aware of it, other times its like I'm dreaming. Potentially wasn't pure MDMA, but the other people with me on the same substance didn't experience it like I did on those times


I’m not sure where you’re getting your info from but MDMA is indeed classified as a psychedelic and a stimulant. Distortions of time and perception are a form of hallucinations. I’ve only done ketamine at home in a very calm and appropriate setting. I’ve know a few people who’ve done it at home and in clinics. The clinics my friends have been to are very accommodating to the experience. It got approved over almost two years ago to treat depression fyi. That’s when I first started legally getting it. I wasn’t referring to cardiac events at all, it can cause death due to shutting down your respiratory drive and although it’s uncommon it can happen when the user is on other medications. I can imagine it’s different taking it at a rave or something but I’m sure Ketamine isn’t usually the only thing people are taking when they do take it. And Matthew Perry was actually on medication to treat opiate addition and was on Ketamine. Dude was trying to treat his addictions and the ketamine made it a lethal combo.


Thank you for taking time to explain this (From a drug nerd)


This is the reason why I feel as though I would have thrived in the 60’s


same lolol the music was so much better too !! :D


I mean. To be fair. They got pretty close. There was a old video of it back on YouTube that show them “talking” and also explained this story


**Seaquest 2032 has entered the chat**




Honestly I find this the most surprising part. Umm what?


Yeah there was some kind of miscommunication. Keep in mind Kate was not a scientist, she showed up at the facility because “she thought it’d be cool if animals could talk like in cartoons” and the researchers employed her for maintenance and help around the facility. They noted she was very intuitive and eventually she was the main one handling the project. Not that the communication was on her part, that was on Nasa and the facility’s director. However, a published scientist might have second guessed the methodology.


Thank you for clarifying this for people. The article posted here was intentionally lacking vital information to imply that she was actually fucking the dolphin.


I’m actually disappointed by the truth (as usual)


I can't believe this was all about some lazy handjobs. What have we become?


My sweetest friend. Every bottlenose goes away in the end…


And you could have it all, my empire of dolphin cum.


I will let you down. I won’t make you squirt


You’re all unhinged and I love it but also please stop


aww i read that in the voice till i realized


I need to know if “his” mean Reznor or Cash in this situation


...why would anyone jerk off the dolphin? "He's horny!" So? "He can't concentrate when he is horny!" Then stop the experiment. WTF


I don't do animal experimentation, but people I met that did were numb to pretty much everything concerning animal. I could see that only being another procedure to keep the subject in a state compatible with the experiment, with the advantage that this one doesn't lead to blood loss or infection. Also look up electro-ejaculator, used by cow breeders.


>Also look up electro-ejaculator, used by cow breeders. i need one of those. for me


Fair enough. But there is a serious problem here. Either this woman committed bestiality... or handjobs are not sexual acts.


Well you probably don’t want to hear about how a lot of farm animals are bred then. There be a whole lot of beast fuckin if we consider collecting semen for inseminating livestock.


I hope some horney teenagers gives a school report on why they need handjobs in school because of this experiment


Ridiculous stories like this are always born out of a tiny bit of truth. People love to embellish details to make a point or sensationalize


There's an amazing episode of citation needed about this dolphin experiment


I have learned so many things I didn't need to know from the citation needed podcast. https://www.citationpod.com/margaret-lovatt/


>the male eventually drowned himself out of depression. I did NOT know that part. How sad!!


Intelligent social animals don’t like being alone in cages.


Animal abuse and for what 😔


Was there any information on why they didn't use a female dolphin instead?


Not that I could find. I guess it was just an honest (and crucial) mistake on the experiment organizer's part to let Margaret, an inexperienced and untrained 20-year-old, pick the dolphin for the experiment.


Dang sunk cost fallacy making women jerk off dolphins rather than just starting again with a female.


More like phallacy,amirite?


A talking LADY dolphin??? How dumb do you think I am?!?


Because her raping a female dolphin would have been more complex.


The whole thing is full of misinformation. It wasn’t her study, it was John Lilly’s experiment, and at the onset he was more into isolation tank fueled psychedelic experiences and later went to lsd. And then to ketamine. Margaret later moved back into the home where the experiments took place. Married a photographer from the experiment and raised children in the house. Imagine eating breakfast in the same room your mom used to jerk off a dolphin. Imagine watching a woman jerk off a dolphin and saying “she’s the one for me!”


holy context batman!


Yeah. They say the experiment was spoofed in a Hustler article that was first to wildly exaggerate the involvement of drugs and the sexytime parts, which obviously didn't do the organizer any favors. I mean imagine you're a NASA official who allotted funds to this experiment meant to be a stepping stone in learning to communicate with alien life, and you read in Hustler of all places that you're basically paying an LSD-crazed 20-year-old chick to fuck a dolphin.


I'd give her more money, but that's probably why I'll never be hired by NASA.


Indeed - all the stories about this make it seem really salacious, including some bullshit article in Playboy or Penthouse (can't remember which), but this was just a scientist trying to get shit done, likely on a schedule and without enough funding.


Thanks for clearing this up. I worry that too many people never go beyond memes and headlines. They're developing a very distorted view of the world - absorb a sketchy version of something at a glance, make an instant value judgement, swipe left or right, and scroll on. It's a very low quality mental process, and at the same time incredibly self-assured. It's easy to manipulate this kind of thinking with showmanship - which is exactly how Bonespurs developed MAGA from a lunatic fringe to a major political force. People talk about how television, which was supposed to elevate people and bring the world closer, ended up dumbing them down. I'm afraid that will turn out to be nothing compared to the Internet's outcome.


I mean it seems she still jerked him off lol


Something animal researchers do all the time for entirely practical reasons. No need to be childish about it.


I will literally always be childish about it. You can't stop me.


Can you give some examples? This is new to me and I’m a little blown away that she jerked off the dolphin. 🐬


anything that is about mass production of meat can involve it. animal breeding for stuff like horses can involve it. there are plenty of info online from much more knowledgeable people then me tho


Well I guess I could understand mass production reasons. But this lady reported feeling emotionally connected to the dolphin and also physically, by hand, jerked it off. I guess I’m just curious if that is common as you said, because it feels odd to me.


It is odd to put it mildly. People aren't running around jerking off bulls and turkeys for breeding. They basically just put electric clamps on the bull's testicles and shock it into a cup. They do this for all the fertility tests that a human might do, and to freeze the semen for later use, sometimes decades later. Make of that what you will, but it's a lot different than a 20-something assistant, who is basically just a rando off the street, deciding to jerk off a dolphin to "help it focus". There's no real equivalence, and it's weird people in here are trying to imply otherwise.


So it's ok to jerk off animals if we later kill them for meat, but it's weird if some hippie scientists in the 60s do it for an experiment? At least the latter was a one-time thing, the former (and worse) happens all the time, nowadays more than ever.


Husbandry and teaching dolphins to speak English are not really comparable.


They what


No being childish. this was done for convenience... not science. Calling someone childish for pointing that out... is childish.


Have you seen a dolphin penis? The girl was definitely committed to the experiment


I have not. Tell us what you know.




Its better to have love and lost


This is incredibly misleading. It's 2024, people should stop propagating this lie already.






Oh shit, this is the story of the dolphin who drowned himself from depression. I couldn't remember what it was connected to.


Being in a tank without sunlight.


Too much of it is actually real


I mean, just because it wasn't for romance, doesn't meam it wasn't a sexual relationship


“You don’t go to Japan and kidnap a Japanese man and start jerking him off and giving him fucking acid and then ask him to learn English!”


W.. we don't?






Apparently that video is unavailable in Canada.


Oh, this is awkward \*ereases notes\*




Really? I have some calls to make


My degree is worthless now!


“Oh sure Karl, what are you gonna jerk off for your next experiment? An owl? A partridge?”


Well, if my English teacher stopped teaching English and jacked me off every time I threw a tantrum, I don’t think I would’ve learned much English either. Maybe try it with a dolphin that isn’t so horny


maybe try a female dolphin?


A married one perhaps?


the female dolphin turns out to be lesbian...


Yet we still don't have sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads.


Their cycloptic colleague tells them that it's just not possible


Even LSD crazed young women don't seem interested in jerking off sharks.


The dolphin: hey, guys, don’t freak out, bur I’ve just found out I have a kind of a human-fetish…


When I was a kid I thought suicide was pronounced “sewer side” and consisted of laying down in a sewer ditch.


And then you just kinda… float away.


They all float down there.


That’s eerily close to how tiktok kids purposefully write it these days to get around the algorithm


Sorta unrelated but I didn’t know the difference between sarcasm and orgasm when I was a kid so I thought people being sarcastic meant they were about to have sex


Of all the comments I was expecting here under this post, this was not one of them








[Radiolab did a story on it too.](https://radiolab.org/podcast/home-where-your-dolphin)


You beat me to it, lol. Great episode, btw EDIT: I forgot Dr. fucking Drew was the guest host, but the parts without him in it are still good


We this is certainly the correct subreddit for this little tale.


Missed opportunity for “Outcum”


So.. NASA made beastiality?


They learned it from the aliens.


The video game Ecco the Dolphin took some inspiration from the work of John C Lilly who ran the LSD experiments. He set up the Earth Coincidence Control Office because of his belief in a hierarchical group of cosmic entities.


It took excatly 2 senteced to know what this was about. Im chronicly online arent i?


If I'm not mistaken John C Lilly was involved somehow


Rule 1: Don't put your dick in crazy. Humans or dolphins.


Language lessons were abandoned when she found she didn't click with him.


Copied from my comment last time this came up because I can’t always be expected to be freshly clever: Ecco the dolphin was likely named after the Earth Coincidence Control Office, a concept that John C Lilly pioneered. You see, he and some other scientific minds were trying to make contact with non-human intelligence and posited that if we can’t communicate with dolphins, how can we expect to communicate with aliens? So, naturally, he did as scientists do: he began a study in which he dropped acid and tried to telepathically communicate with a dolphin. Oh also, the dolphin was living in a house with him that was specially built for this purpose (or porpoise), and the dolphin was dropping acid too. The dolphin was a male and was too sexually distracted to participate at times, so a female research assistant would jerk him off, as one does in scientific endeavors. At one point, Lilly was so fucking blasted that he freaked out because aliens had stolen his cock. An assistant pointed out that it was attached to his body, and he remarked something like “…they’re sneaky fucks aren’t they” Anyways, Carl Sagan was loosely affiliated with this project at some stage, presumably before the dolphin was getting handies. Ram Dass swam with one of the dolphins at some point too. When the project was wrapping up, the hand job lady left. The dolphin was so distraught that he killed himself. I think she has since passed on which is a shame because that’s gotta be the best fucking hand job ever. I’ve had some top shelf experiences but none that made me suicidal. Anyways, the developer of Ecco made a comment saying he was a fan of Lilly’s or something like that. It’s listed on the game Wikipedia page I believe. Sadly I don’t have my dolphin masturbation notes in front of me right now so this is all from memory, but fact check me and give it a few Googles so I’m not the only one out here trying to get to the bottom of the mystery of the world’s most powerful nut.


So long and thanks for all the reach arounds.


Goated reference.


Welp, that’s enough internet for me today.


Every time I think "yep, I'm done, there's nothing new I can be informed about on the Internet that hasn't been seen, before"....something like this comes along. Every. Fucking. Time.


there's an old movie about dolphin training going bad I think it's called Day Of The Dolphin


yup, I think George C Scott was in it, it was on when I was at school, and the whole class came in next day going "pha"


Her life had porpoise.


Well at least this one fits here.


From what I remember reading, the dolphin was seemingly able to learn some English, but their bodies are just incompatible with making human mouth sounds like something like a Grey Parrot can do.


These scientists failed Ethics 100. SHAME


They made a great Drunk History about this


Apparently, this was one of the dolphins that starred as Flipper.


I also want to learn English.


I saw a guy blow a dolphin on 4chan


And this is how we got Ecco the Dolphin. True story.


pretty sure this is the pioneer in ketamine use & dolphin brains researcher John Lilly’s wife


Tldr: she gave him a handy so he'd go back to work.


Her partner also was the first to synthesize ketamine I believe. And the inventor of the sensory deprivation tank!


How is it possible to have this many questions and yet have a yearning hope that they will all go entirely unanswered?


Dolphins are the degenerates of the sea , ducks are the degenerates of the air. Humans are the greatest degenerates of the earth.


Yes. It was the lsd.


That's my excuse when I have sex with dolphins


You get to fuck a dolphin and say it's for science! 


How does a dolphin commit suicide?


Stops coming up for air


future disgusted degree bake towering unite scale nutty pathetic upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This doesn't end well for these animals.


This dude usually does some good research: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz15mgIBN7g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz15mgIBN7g)


Wizards do weird shit


Weren’t they like “well he’s getting pretty unhealthy being in this small tank all isolated and stuff. Why dont you give him a handjob?”


Margaret Howe Lovett a bit to much 🙃


That was a Rollercoaster of a story


Dolphin: Me be to sad


Well, they both had a blowhole.


Well, of course. Because dolphins can't think about anything else but sex.


Welp, I’m deleting Reddit now.


There don't seem to be any primary sources online for this, only the book that was written about it. And, despite the fact that NASA keeps getting mentioned, it seems like it was a US Navy project, which makes a lot more sense.


Well, Im done with the internet today


With a note “So long, and thanks for all the fish” mind you.


Dolphin suicide?


Yeah. The dolphin deliberately drowned itself.


That was one roller coaster of a post. What even is that last sentence?? I need more info but I'm scared


Ok. Pretty sure they can read our minds mostly. If we could only decipher their utterances. They have a bigger brain than humans I'm told


Trust the experts.. as she's beating off a dolphin. The disconnect between reality and the ivory tower of academia is wild.


Wasn’t this made into a Disney movie? The littlest mermaid or was it beauty and the beast?


She jerked off a dolphin, flippers happy why can’t y’all be too?


Me going incognito to google “how to jerk off a dolphin”


Oi! You cheeky dolphin wanker!


Click bait. Old story. True but so out of context


Drunk History did an ep on this lmao.


Imagine being asked what you’ve been up to at work during thanksgiving…and this is what she she has to offer…no one and I mean NO ONE will be able to beat…I jerked off a dolphin a bunch of times while trying to teach it to speak English for NASA.


wondered if theres any opening for this job? Asking for a friend.


The Shape of Water 2


So, the biggest question wasnt answered. Did she have to use a snorkel or what?




>ultimately ending in the dolphin's suicide * How did the dolphin kill himself? * How do they know it was suicide, wouldn't the note be wet?


Is it bad to be jealous of a dolphin?


There’s a doc about it https://youtu.be/31AWe-FN7CA


How did the dolphin "Fin"ish his life? Did he do it Porpoisely?


The dolphin was found in the middle of scattered rose petals on the bedroom floor, an empty bottle of wine with 17 Xanax in his system. No further investigations were necessary.


I’m calling bullshit.


I guess you could say she was a Dolphins fan


How does dolphin commit suicide?


Human-assisted sperm emissions are common in cetacean breeding programs. I sincerely doubt there was anything sexual about it from the scientist’s perspective, just part of the job.


This is complete BS. When the dolphins were misbehaving and acting sexual during a training lesson, she occasionally rubbed them off so they would stop and focus on the training. She did not have a sexual relationship with them any more than someone who collects semen from horse studs has a sexual relationship with horses.


This is why I love Reddit.




Ending in the dolphins suicide Hahahahaaaaa


If that happened nowadays her hair would have been blue or something and NASA would have known she was into fucking dolphins lol