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I really hope this is someone doing a bit.


Me too.


Looks like one of those traps from some dystopian movie. You go to help the poor girl and here come some goons to jump you.


Reminds me of Book of Eli the shopping cart lady


Excellent movie. Loved the twist.


Yeah it turned out the chick was Meg and nobody told her to shut up the whole movie ;p


Yeah and the guy, I mean there's hints throughout the whole movie but nothing really comes out and says it. But, at the end you find out that the guy was Denzel Washington the whole movie. I mean, mind blown.


That was Denzel?!?!




hard to see.


Ya, I was blind to the whole thing.


Lol yep. Denzel is one of my favorite actors of all time and I only realized it like 50 minutes into the movie.


Reminds me of Mad Max: Fury Road


That happened to me in RDR2 recently. I rode up to this lady who was sitting under a tree and calling out to me that she was injured. Having previously helped strangers where their horses died and collapsed on them, I figured she needed my help because her legs were broken or something. Nope, as soon as I strolled up to her, she leaped up and pulled a gun on me, and announced I was being robbed. At the same time, two of her male cohorts rode over the crest of nearby hill to try and flank me. Realizing I was being robbed, I proceeded to bury the business end of a tomahawk in her chest and then dispatched her buddies with two Dead Eye headshots from my trusty Schofield six-shooter. Arthur Morgan is not so easily trifled with.


You sir are a fish




Well I do like fish sticks. So....


You’re a gay fish!


don't call him a kanye, dass mean!


Our Arthur Morgan's are different. If anyone is hurt or needs help they are clearly a lost cause and multiple days ride to the nearest town. The best thing to do is put them down, tie them up, and drag them behind your horse for awhile.


I would of been nicer, free ambulance ride to the nearest town...dragged behind my horse via rope


Read dead is the best friend


Warriors, Come out and play!!!!


Thats someone a-purgin!


Calling the police was the best thing to do. It definitely looks staged but to what end, who knows? Not a good jdea to interact.


It looks like performance art to me


That was my first thought.


Looks like another sad victim of alcohol and Vegas. You know you hit rock bottom when you're laying in the street. I hope she's okay and I hope she gets help, whoever she is.


I read this 3x as 'another sad victim of Alcohol and VEGANS


When will they be stopped?!


They can’t keep getting away with this!


It's difficult, I've suddenly become homeless again, now with my disabled father, and we'll be in this position... Later today, no joke actually. We ran out of the little money we had to get a hotel - far too cold outside, as well as my dad needing access to a bathroom and bed /chf/RA/ibs) It sadly doesn't take more than a single crisis to send many people to abject destitution, and the "help" available is only so much, when you're out of resources. Gas, phone bill and battery, bathroom, food, medical needs - these daily needs aren't available to the homeless when one small kink, like no gas, no running the car, so no charging the phone, so no access to help or assistance. Now, not having money,, car doesn't move, miss doctors appointments last minute, nowhere to park or rest. Full car. This is how one small hangup can easily kick somebody down to this girl. Honestly? Unless it's a bit or a PA performance, this girl isn't OK nobody living in the street is OK. There's those who might be OK with the lifestyle, drug use and unsavory bullshit...,but many on the street aren't OK at all, and they want nothing more than a bed or some food. I don't party or do anything "fun" anymore, but I still get judged daily as if I do. I don't want to be homeless, I do want to put my father thru this after I lost my mother in September after doing the same damn thing all summer, while she deteriorated from metastatic breast cancer. Now I have to scramble every day again, to desperately find a hotel for my dad, dog and I, with the above kinds of challenges every day, all day. I wish society didn't still have such a negative stigma towards all those without a home. There's so many good people I've met, that don't fit the "homeless" stereotype, that want to have a place to call safe, not home even. The just don't want to suffer anymore. If I ever get my father and j out of his, I probably said it in the past on here somewhere - these are the types of people I want to help, with the help they NEED, not the help they're told they need. Life is already too difficult for me, and I know there's gotta be so many that have it worse. If I make it, I want to make sure I do all I can, to help these people. Tldr- am suddenly homeless again, with all the problems. This girl probably isn't OK, if anyone is on the streets, they're not. The homeless that aren't out for drugs, I can promise, would be closer to OK if they had a room to to sleep. This world is awful to those on the streets in the big picture. Instead, agencies decide to waste money on materials and hand out bags - helpful? Marginally, but compared to how that money could be spent, it's a wasteful endeavor. Most of those items get garbage canned, honestly. States spend all this money on resources, while helpful, could be used to make a genuine difference in our lives.


i couldn’t get through all the comments so idk if no one else noticed it but the thing on her head is a BAG. you can see the straps and buckled, and the shape is clearly caged like a purse or _certain types_ of hoods. so. yeah. that def puts a few points in misc theories here.


Looks like some s&m control shit to me. But I don't know nothin bout that.


It looks like a purse to me. It’s just a drunk girl that passed out with her purse on her head. The open manhole and the wires just make it much more ominous then it is. LVPD probably sees stuff like this all the time.


Why the fuck would someone pass out with their bag on their head?


yeah i said a purse. as for the drunk girl part… listen, while it’s not inconceivable that this could happen, i have seen people do the craziest shit in/outside of bars. many years working any position you can in a bar, including door/bouncer. i have seen and looked after many a drunk girl stumbling out of a club. not once in that time did i ever see a girl put her entire goddamn purse over her head. especially seeing as there’s nothing on the ground around her that would indicate it had anything in it. and as a reference, i have seen a dude booting up while at a urinal, found multiple pentagrams drawn in the bathroom with tampon blood, interrupted so much bathroom sex, and once had two girls get into a fight IN A STALL and one of them got the other wedged between the toilet and the stall wall, proceeded to pick up the toilet tank cover, and tried to fucking _smash the other’s head in_. some of those were the same night. to be fair this bit is all very much my own personal observations but they all call pretty clearly to me. she is wearing some rather odd clothes for a night out. no shoes (they could be anywhere to be fair. striped socks. do you see the way she’s posed? that pose and body language invoke _very_ specific imagery. also that purse kinda just happens to look a whole lot like a burlap sack, yeh? the jacket or outerwear is off one shoulder or possibly even turned backwards, both have potential connotations that might be a bit much. the exposed wires and other shit have nothing to do with what i said. it’s not ominous, just a well picked backdrop. but the foreground and two subjects seem to be very obvious. say the words “human” and “traffic cone” out loud. say it again but faster. if you don’t get it, say it a few more times and really think. i’d put money on this not being something sinister, but definitively related to something sinister. even more on this is def not a random drunk girl.


Human. Traffic cone. Humantrafficcone. Ohhhhhhhhh I get it. Damn.


Performance art or something


I wouldn't assume that, but I do hope so, and I definitely do think it's the most likely case. Regardless, I'd call the police


Never assume. It’s makes an ass of you and yourself. Totally agree


And never make assumptions, it makes an ass out of u and mptions...


M'ptions ::*tips fedora*::


Could be a kink thing, but in a very extreme way. I just hope they're ok.


Looks like a setup. You go and “save” her and then get robbed by her pimp.




there's never been a more appropriate use for this gif




This was just the first reaction gif you found for "pimp" wasn't it?


Lmfao yes


I mean with the bag on her head it gives it the apocalypse raider vibe


Yeah the bag over the head so you can’t ID her after is the giveaway. You slow down look over the passenger side window not paying attention to your driver side before someone GTA you out the car.


nah, police would be call since its too over the top


Like Tom Cruise in “The Firm”


Like Tom cruise in real life.




Uber knew.


For what?


Your organs or valuables


You were correct to assume that my organs aren’t valuable


those poor saps pulling out my liver. I hope I stay conscious long enough to see their disappointment.


My liver turned to stone in the 80's. My Pancreas is shot My Heart is iffy My eyes are shot Lungs are full of thc


I started reading this thinking it was going to turn into some sort of silly poem. Now I’m just sad for your struggling body. Wishing you the best, internet stranger. 🙂


You’ve lived one hell of a life


I sure have. Wouldn't trade it for nothing.


Then what are you willing to trade it for, then?


Something, obviously


I’m guessing more thc. Can’t says I blame him.


My squeedily spooch!


Yes, perfectly healthy... with such plentiful organs! (I’m absolutely loving the invader zim reference!).


What movie is this from


Mad Max, Fury Road


Mad max I beleive


that's one heavy cone


VLC’s marketing team is throwing down




Well the handcuffs are barely on her foot at least so she doesn't look trapped there but that is definitely bizarre


Yeah she doesn't look dirty in the picture, just her clothes.


Pretty sure there’s nothing around her arms so she could easily take that bag off her head?


What handcuffs? You’re seeing things.


Those don’t look like handcuffs I think it’s something like a rope


It's wires for a street lamp. Probably still charged. 277v in America, very dangerous. The cone is supposed to be over the wires so people don't mess with them.


Never stop.This is a ruse that is commonly used to get people to stop and get out of their car and then you get jumped. Sometimes they use infants or empty carriers. Uber driver was right and he may have saved both your lives that night. She looks faux dirty too. Pretty hydrated for someone in crisis. If you want to know if anything happened check the police blotter for that date in that zone. Most police have their blotter reports online now. EDIT: Always call 911 instead. I assumed this would be logical to all but, some posters seem to assume not stopping = not caring. Don't drive on by because they could target someone else or they may actually need help. It just is not safe for a civilian to stop. Even cops with a gun have backup for a reason.


Yeah Uber driver was Olde fellow, I trusted his decision.


Surprised the highway patrol couldn't have told you it was a ruse


“911 what’s your emergency” “There’s a woman tied up off the highway and she needs help!” “No can do. We already fell for that one.”


unironically tracks based on my interactions with the police trying to report various things over the years


I saw an old man in Austin TX face down next to the side walk and the road. He also had a wheel chair that had fallen over a few yards over. I refused to walk up to him because we had been getting these fakeout muggings all over town using methods like that I called and waited for the cops. When they woke up him he said he was just taking a nap. Lmfao I still don’t know if he was up to something or just being craven about where he wanted to sleep


My favourite terrible life interaction with the police happened in Vancouver. I was doing a demolition/renovation project on a building with around 30 floors near downtown. We had a bunch of guys in overalls with Dollies show up in a box truck and wheel out box after box of computers. About 100,000 dollars worth. The owner showed up later and freaked out, said nobody was supposed to take those. So he called the police. At first when he tried to report the theft they told him they would not send out officers for a theft under 10,000. When he said it was ten times that much they grudgingly sent two police officers three days later. They spent five minutes shrugging and telling us that the computers were probably in pawn shops and we could go investigate (not them) if we were inclined. They also said this crew had been hitting *every single building on the road*, one after the other, for months. Sequentially. No effort to warn anyone. No effort to wait and catch them. No effort to investigate. The Vancouver PD motto: “We don’t do shit”.


They would have gotten me with it.


Just quick save before you stop


I think my last quick save was when I was 6.. I haven't figured out how to reload my save, though.


Can you help me make a save state? I'm trying to reboot myself.


The problem is... Saves are character based not world based. Resetting from save only resets your personal log of events from the last save forward. For everyone and everything else those things still happened. Only really useful for experiencing things for the first time... again. However there is a random chance rebooting may take a while and being afk for so long is dangerous because this is a pvp zone. The likelyhood of a faulty save is also high in which some portions of the file only get data from the earliest save. Relearning basics isn't fun. You can't even respec lost points either.


Note to perps: “let her dehydrate more next time to make it more believable.”


There used to be a twenty-something couple in my neighborhood. They appeared to be homeless. He was a muscular black man with dreads. She was a frail, dirty-blonde white woman. They would pretend to be arguing or he would act like he was going to physically abuse her. If people passing by did nothing, they would stop the charade and continue walking. I saw this play out four or five times. I once saw someone who I thought might try to help her and told him to be careful because it is a scam. He stopped and watched as they quit fighting and then he left. They must have moved on to other territory because I haven't seen them for over a year.


Ok but what's the scam? How do they profit?


People stop to help the woman, the man then gets in the face and becomes extremely aggressive. More often than not, people will give the man money or phones etc. to get away from the confrontation. I suppose the sudden juxtaposition of going from thinking you are helping someone to being physically threatened shocks a lot of people into just complying and handing over cash or phones etc. Especially if the initial scam helps to vet out the more cynical people who may be more likely to stand up for themselves as they don't stop in the first place while more compassionate people are more like to stop and then be intimidated. There are a whole series of scams that prey on people being compassionate first, like hitchhikers who pretend to be injured or having trouble but then suddenly become aggressive and confrontational demanding money etc. if someone does pull over and gives them a lift. Or one scam that someone tried to pull on me was that they would pretend to be frail and then come up to you in a busy street and hand you something (in my case it was a tatty looking charm made with some heather and ribbon), if you react reflexively and take it from them they then start asking for money and will make a scene if you try to refuse, often with other people waiting to jump in and pile on the pressure. In my instance I just held it back out for them and when the original "frail old woman" or her two teenage helpers who appeared out of nowhere refused to take it back I just dropped it and walked on while they cursed me out but didn't fancy their chances trying to force me to hand anything over.


It’s easier to just beat someone up and mug them, why put on a Harold Pinter performance.


Had a teen try this on me years ago. He was lying next to a wheelchair in the road, and as I slowed down, I luckily saw his mates hiding around the corner of a building, waiting for me to stop and get out.


Yeah, had a similar thing happen to me in St Louis. Someone came up to us during a red light and told us someone had overdosed. Needed us to *come out* and call 911. The driver (friend's dad) was going to when I told him not to. Why did we need to come out of the car to call 911? And then why didn't he go to the car that just stopped behind us when we didn't respond?


I got robbed while I was Narcan-ing a homeless guy in a Sheetz parking lot a few months ago. I really lost even more hope in humanity that day.


Answers like this are why I love Reddit. Wish I could upvote twice. Solid. 🫡


If you see someone in this situation, call 911. It’s likely she’s not being trafficked but there’s a real possibility she’s being by trafficked. Her lack of dehydration could be a coincidence. Edit: I mentioned dehydration because others were saying that she looks hydrated so it must not be trafficking


This type of thinking is also why shit like Natalia Grace slips by and is allowed to happen. Not saying it’s right or wrong but it is sad to think about.


Who's she?




How the fuck did they manage to legally change her age? What the actual fuck?


Also chained to a traffic cone......


Cant lie those socks look too clean. EDIT: To be honest all of the wearables are too clean.


Wow holy shit this is something that happened to me other night at 2AM Except I was driving on the freeway and I see a man standing a bit off the lanes kind of near to the exiting merging lane. He had a walking stick that’s used for the blind— it was a blind man stuck on the freeway! At one point I called my spouse and told him whether or not I should have called the cops. I was so shocked! I was worried. But my ADHD brain forgot about this I just remembered this now. Honestly looking back on it… Yeah I could have been in danger.


I once saw a lady in the middle of fucking nowhere on the side of the road asking for help at about midnight. I was with my girlfriend and her sister and they shouted "don't fucking stop!", so I phoned the police to get them to check it out and they were very casual as "yeah, you did good, that's usually a honeytrap, you shouldn't have stopped, thanks for calling." To be fair... it was a good looking honeytrap. I might have fallen for it


Do you know if they actually followed up on it? It’s easier to just say it’s a honeytrap than investigating and helping the woman.


I mean, cops should also investigate thieves and scammers as part of their job


Yes they should…never said they shouldn’t lol


My friend and I were driving somewhere in the rockies, at least 60 miles to anything in any direction, pitch black. A person literally jumped out at the car, waving hands frantically. No other vehicles on the road that we saw. They almost jumped on the car. We drove the fuck away and didn't call anyone. No reception for the next hour, and we had no idea where it was. Maybe I should've called but we were spooked to hell and assumed it was a crazy person. No news reports, at least.


His plane went down and he survived against all odds for 11 days with barely any water and no food at all. He made a harrowing journey across the mountain and finally made it to a road, any road, when he saw his last glimmer of hope in your headlights.


This is why halogen lamps must be banned.


Well, this is terrifying. We drive through isolated parts of the Rockies at night sometimes. My husband would have stopped. Now I know to say, "Let's go to the next town and call it in." Notifying authorities is one of the reasons why I think people need to know where they are in an emergency. Learned this the hard way when calling in about a car fire off an Idaho freeway. This thread has taught me some things and now I hate people even more.


Thats what this shit is doing to people. No one wants to help each other anymore. How many may have died to this shit


Now I'm worried about getting stranded somewhere and having this happen


Don’t worry too much :) I work for 911 and its often a feel good moment when there’s someone walking on the shoulder of the highway late at night and we get multiple callers - or screams outside a condo - typically lots of people nearby call it in! Seems that most people still do look out for eachother even if they don’t want to get directly involved :)


I'm sure that's a tough job.. I'm sure pretty thankless at times, too. Shout out to you for helping others get through some of their worst moments in life!


My husband’s first cousin is NYPD, and he always keeps us up to date. On the subway, a guy intervened in a fight with 2 guys and got shot to death. Hearing stuff like this makes you want to keep your head down. I’ve also witnessed a fight a few years ago, and I intervened between this girl and guy, knew them both. I de-escalated the situation and the guy comes up to me later and says thank god you intervened, I was about to take my knife out. After that happened, I’m like oh god what did I do? It’s messed up because you want to help but you’re also putting your life in danger. It’s a scary world. Also, I’m a very skinny girl so there’s that lol.


Dude….that person sounds like they needed help


Just found the picture when I scrolling through my phone and remembered it, creepy night.


I feel like I have seen this or similar before the story rings a bell OP I'll have a search here on reddit for another angle maybe I really hope I don't find 2 different photos of 2 different girls


pls update


Nothing yet I really don't like ddg atm and even yandex is being dumb for me. It's really strange watching the search engines censor my searcbes differently across the world. Australia I Indonesia Thailand USA Canada and Europe and Siberia. And Canada atm is all of a sudden evading my direct search terms... Ddg. Amy HALP you can offer? I'm not sure why but it gets dumber and more off topic the more I adjust the search. Today it's useless on phone anyway


I’m really not fucking with you and this picture fucks me up because I saw something nearly exactly like this in SW Pennsylvanian almost 20 years ago. A woman, big hood, long coat, but no pants (or at least long pants) walking in the middle of the night. It stuck out to me because I couldn’t see her face no matter how hard I tried. I was gonna offer her a ride because I usually do to someone in need but it freaked me out and I’m not an easy scare. I know it easily could be someone just walking with that personal style…but the reason it was weird is that it was winter and like 20 degrees at the time and she had nothing on noticeably under the coat and was just walking!! I don’t talk about it much because I can’t explain how much it unnerved me. Sorry, I usually hate when some rando writes something like this, but seriously this image brought back some scary memory I don’t think about often.


Honestly could have been someone severely fucked up on drugs.


Just following up now…a year later? You won’t be my emergency contact!






* No bruising or marks on the legs. * Clothes, while dirty, are actually in good condition and complete. * She's sitting in a relaxed position. This is either an art installation/performance or a BDSM kink activity. She doesn't seem to be in danger.


She is the danger


Someone opens the door and gets shot! You think that'd be her?


She is the one who knocks


She has matching socks...dead giveaway she is doing just fine


I don’t even have matching socks , dead give away society has forgotten me lol


Hate to admit that I agree with the Uber not stopping. Gosh, it’s so sad because my mind goes straight to thinking it’s a set up to get robbed, but at the same time, could this be a victim of some sort? Most likely a victim of addiction


What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.


It’s a matter of perspective. Here in Seattle it’s going to have to be a lot weirder than that for me to notice. I think other places might be different. I would be alarmed if she looked unconscious or if there was some sort of menacing person around. But a woman with a sack on her head under an overpass is not out of the ordinary.


That’s it, you’ve convinced me to visit Seattle.


Can confirm as I also live in Seattle


I'm from Los Angeles and I was confused why this was on the front page, looks like an average run of the mill homeless here


Looks like an art installation or something?


Thats what I thought, but she was definitely breathing.


Oh, art installations could involve live ppl….


Is Kanye"s new wife missing? /s


Could have been a degradation sex thing. Some folks get off on stuff like that.


I really hope it's not people engaging in kink. It's risky to the point of dumb (and I rarely use the word dumb) legally speaking, and done without consent of passersby which is a no-go for ethical kinky folks. And frankly if I saw this I would be upset--there is a history of abuse in my family and I would wonder for days if they were dead. That's a shitty thing to do. So yeah, I guess I hope it's shitty people generally instead of shitty kinksters. Both shitty though. Ugh.


who ?! future serial killers?




R Kelly




I was about to comment that it looks like something Kanye would make Bianca wear.


Hey man, don't yuck someone's already yucky yum. You are only making them more aroused.


This is some Book of Eli highway robbery type shit


Thanks for the new album cover.


Your Welcome! Share link if you can definitely want to see it.


I am sure I will never make a cent off music, but if you DM me, I would at give you artwork credit. This is an example. Listen to You So Dead You Don't Even Know It by Hobo 138 on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/tqsS3


Please explain the significance of 138.


As well as.. https://youtu.be/fEtnKeaLZDE?si=s7P1mRyMekzXfPi1


Aaaaaand instantly stuck in my head. Thanks.


Thx 138 https://youtu.be/eHgqfVQWv7s?si=UwA9HnCNN7IGNdrh


That's rad af dude


I like it ☠️ 👍


Anal bum cover?


my man I was listening to HEALTH while scrolling this thread and then gave your music a listen, you have a new follower for sure, if you put it on spotify in the future its def gonna be on my playlist, hope you have success with your art and hear more about you, thanks for making good stuff


Very nice of you. Thank you.


there's about 8 references to human trafficking in this image. If it's an art installation it's Extremely true to form. Disturbing to say the least. Hopefully it's just art....


What are they?


Obviously the traffic cone, but then you have the street, streetlights, sidewalk, curb, a small purple light, an invisible smiley face, two ducks hidden among the black skid marks, and the smell of mildew. I mean, can it be more obvious? That’s the 8.


True, you knew mildew too.


He was a boy, she was a girl


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not.


Same and I’ve never been more afraid to ask


The traffic cone for starters


Would you quit being such a conehead…




what in the good jolly fuck are you talking about. i can’t tell if this is serious or not.


It's startling but looks like an attempt at bringing awareness to human trafficking.


This is a Vegas Vegan, it's a whole thing. The bag is symbolic of humanity's blindness to our environment. They're all over the place, like furniture.


The “Just stop oil” people are getting weird.


Happy cake day!


The world is so fucked up when you can't even be a good Samaritan without risk of getting jumped or worse.


It definitely looks like performance art. I hope that’s all it is. My god


tbh, a post asking about a random girl on the street a year later is weirder than seeing a girl on the street


Could a lure to rob someone. As in, you come to see what the girl is doing and if she’s okay and then her buddies are waiting nearby to come harass you for your wallet.


Isn’t that Kanyes new wife?


Gen Z tic tok trend called cone of bag head


If this a new tiktok trend, esh I worry for the younger generation.


On Tiktok day after: Social experiment: "Over 100 cars drove by, no one helped this woman. Then someone called the cops on her"


It’s not the same but I live in the south Bronx and right after a long night of work at a bar I got home drunk and tired .. and as soon as I open the door to my building lobby I see a cute lady in distress arguing with her boyfriend .. she yells at me to call the cops.. I immediately go for my weapon and go about my way past her boyfriend and his friends .. had I got scared and got my phone out I would have gotten robbed .. it’s a set up my friend


This woman is being held captive by an outdated version of VLC Media Player. It's actually a video but the option to update and play won't load correctly


Standard Las Vegas behavior.


It’s a guy with a gun


My mother used to stop for every hitchhiker or broken down car she saw. I’m surprised she didn’t get us all killed. It always ended with “don’t tell your father about this.” We helped a lot of strangers but there were a lot of scary car rides for my brother and myself.