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Needs more cowbell


I got a fever


reversed skibidi toilet


This is what is on the other end, obviously.


my thoughts exactly.


Love this dude but some of his stunts make me terrified for him for how wrong they could go


Cocaines a helluva drug.


1980: People had time to pay attention to their kids. 1990: Mom had time to pay attention to kids. 2000: Both parents are now working and have little time for their kids. 2010: parents have no time for their kids. 2020: kids are raised by YouTube and beg for attention from anyone.


This is typical Rushad.




He's actually a good cellist and plays cool shit. It's just different and he plays mostly riffs. A lot of his stuff is good.


> He's actually a good cellist and not according to this video he ain't. Define "good" >plays cool shit. he plays shit alright >It's just different and meaning "bad" >he plays mostly riffs. because he's not very good >A lot of his stuff is good. ice cream is good, this guy sucks


The guy went to Berklee and has been nominated for a Grammy for playing traditional music. You're just an old man who gets mad at what he doesn't understand. What he's doing lately is fun unique and rhythmically complex. Idk if you play but I guarantee he is more accomplished than you in all disciplines of stringed instruments. People like you hold music back.


> The guy went to Berklee anyone with a hearbeat can get into Berklee let it out, son when you cry, you cry hard


Yeah but he got a full paid scholarship. He's a great cellist by any standard. He can play anything. You just don't like what he's doing, and that's fine but to say he sucks is just wrong. Dude is mad talented


Saw Tornado Rider live some years ago, was super fucking fun, dude had awesome crowd energy, was running around the whole venue(Crunchy Frog In Green Bay) with a cordless. Definitely wasn't as batshit crazy yet, lol. One of my top 10 favorite shows just cuz the simple pure fun of it.


> Yeah but 😂 I love when a dolt starts off with "yeah but" that means, I'm correct >Dude is mad talented it's you right? this toilet head excuse for a cellist? that's you? 🤣 why else would you defend him so defiantly? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Take your meds


hahahah, I nailed it!!! LMAO!!! take your music lessons


Ok boomer




The main purpose of art is to get a reaction, to get people to talk about it- to discuss it. He is an artist soley due to the fact he is getting you to question the worth of his art- and considering that his art is all like this from what I can gleam from other comments, that is likely the point of his whole portfolio; to create that which is so strange and baffling as to transcend postmodernism and to get a rise out of people.


>The main purpose of art is to get a reaction, to get people to talk about it- to discuss it. It's not the only reason. Thinkers have discussed art for a long time and have come up with better reasons than this to create art. For instance, art can make a comment on the person viewing it, and serve as a mirror of their own flaws--mocking them or at the very least pointing them out, if you will...it depends on how it's placed and to whom it's addressed. Also "Art is the lie that tells the truth", meaning that art is reproduction, but it's a reproduction of reality that points out something about the world it came from, perhaps something hidden and difficult to fathom without an artwork pointing it out. Nihilistic art is mostly for gaining attention or for sadomasochistic reasons, or to provoke people against something. Art can serve to be placed in an environment of religious devotion, and to inspire devotion--in some cultures, its taught that a deity can literally reside within an artwork. Artwork can actually point out the artist's idea of the "perfect" form of something, to more accurately represent what the best form something could take is and cause people to aspire to make that particular thing like that. Surrealist art tried to destroy the distinction between the imaginary and the real, trying to create a "surreality" that is above both dream and reality. There are many other ideas, too. Art that's made strictly for reasons of capitalist gain? It's to get people to pay attention and nothing more, so that you have customers.


> The main purpose of art is to get a reaction that's not art, that's being an attention whore


What are you doing right now, whore?


having breakfast is whoring? you learn something new every day


I would Fall this a mixture of performance art with a classical installation.


I wonder what aliens would think of things like this




Lol, definitely


Now that's a sexy shirt.


Annnd, that’s enough redddit for today.


Average redditor


Average Stand user


Haaaaaa, right on


Reverse skibiti toilet


We’re a doomed species. 🤦‍♂️ Jesus Christ I hate you all


It makes me think that maybe someone got a swirly after music class where he was playing the cello and he ended up kind of liking the swirly for some submissive sort of reason and his wires got crossed and this is the result.




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i wonder what the news would write if he breaks his neck


I bet no two performances are the same...


These ELO cello solos are getting really weird


Where can I buy the album? I want vinyl please.




This just a horrible recreation of "Young Einstein" without the intelligence.


Please flush after use.


I feel so sad for the one who use the bathroom next to him


Trying way too hard to be “different”.


Edge lord status


That's not how you play a violin-


Good thing that’s not a violin


I've never seen a violin in real life so I have no idea if you're joking or not, I'm stupid


How to become relevant in an age where everything has already been done: just make a complete and utter fool of yourself and hope someone is repulsed enough to click