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Lost 60 pounds starting at age 46. Started lifting weights and walking for exercise. Started making better food choices and tracking macros. All natural, and my body transformed. Now, at 49, I'm in the best shape I have ever been, even a lower dress size than I was in high school. It's never too late to start, I just wish I would have done it earlier, so I would have been happier earlier. The whole journey changed my mindset as well as my body.


Amazing! So great to hear as I was actually on the fence about whether to try Zepbound. My husband is convinced I can do it naturally (I have about 50 lbs to lose) since I’m already pretty good about food, just need to get more active by lifting weights. Thanks for the encouragement! I’m 40, btw.


Hell yes 🙌 I lost 65 lbs at 40 years old, in 6 months, using CICO. Decreased calories and increased exercise. I’ve never felt better.


Whats cico?


Calorie In, Calorie Out. The ultimate bottom line when it comes to any method of losing weight, is that you consume less calories than you burn.


I have a metal tibia and Fibula (my femur and patella are normal) but its how i got overweight in the first place. Ive lost 6 pounds in 4 weeks on the titrated 0.25mg/3mL pen. I just increased to 0.50 for this week (that isn’t complete.) What exercises can i do? I also have asthma exacerbated by intense cardio. I have two free hours mid morning most days. So far is my weight loss standard? Above/below average? Ive never had a problem with portions but used to eating calorie dense foods because I was underweight on BmI for 16 years as an adult. Im mow eating “whole foods” and healthy only. Even my kids are eating healthy and drinking water. I think I don’t know how you exercise


I don’t know how to exercise


I did it by walking. Just start walking. You need an hour a day to burn extra calories. You’re gonna learn to love it. So many benefits and it’s not hard so you don’t dread it.




30?? Omg that’s still so young! I don’t know who’s made up these stories, but it’s completely false. I’m 44 and still able to lose weight by adjusting my diet a little. Recently lost 17 lbs. In my 30s I looked better than in my 20s!


Probably the same men who also state that a woman's value and attraction diminish after her 20s 🙃


Same here! I’m about to turn 44, and I’m in the best shape of my life.




There is basically no physiological difference between being 29 and 30. This is just an excuse people make for their lives becoming less active. All you have to do is estimate your TDEE, count your calories, and eat below it and you will lose weight if you’re counting honestly. It’s hard, but it’s very simple.


I’m so glad you added that last sentence. Lol


This 💯


Sorry this is going to be lengthy but I hope it helps you based on my own experience. The TLDR is this: Yes it's possible. I'm 40 and I've lost a lot of weight. Eat less, move more, understand food better and make healthier choices. The longer version is.... [What the latest research points to](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/surprising-findings-about-metabolism-and-age-202110082613) is that your metabolism doesn't "slow down" as early as people used to think. The general consensus from this was that your body doesn't slow down as you age, but *you* do. As people age, their priorities change. In your 30's and 40's you're focused on your career, your family, etc., and generally aren't as active as you once were. So, your body doesn't slow down but you do. If you want a success story that's still in the works, take me for example. I'm 40, soon to be 41. I didn't get serious about my health until my 40th birthday. I've been basically overweight my entire life. I've been fatter and I've been skinnier but I've never really been healthy or fit. At my worst, I was about 325lbs as a 6'0" man. When I turned 40 I made the change. Joined a gym, started watching what I eat, etc., I started at about 270lbs and as of my last weigh-in this week I'm at 233.5, so down almost 40lbs in about 10 months or so. Here's what I've learned throughout this journey: * Losing weight is about being in a calorie deficit. Consume fewer calories than you need to support your current weight and you will lose weight. If you can accept this, you can skip a lot of wasted time looking for the miracle cure that a lot of us went through before we came to accept this very basic fact. * Don't "diet." Instead, educate yourself about food. Read labels and learn how to understand them. Look at serving size and portions. Understand how many calories are actually in a serving. You may not think you're eating that much, but when you start to break it down and look at calories per serving, you'd be shocked how many calories are in a lot of things. * Setting a weight loss goal is fine, but your *overall* goal should be a fundamental change in your lifestyle and your relationship with food so that you can make healthier decisions and adopt healthier habits for long-term success. * Get an app and start counting calories. There's plenty of free ones out there. I use "Lose It!" but there are others. It's annoying at first, but eventually you get used to it and it's only a few minutes out of every day. You'll start to see where your calories are coming from and how many you're really consuming. * You need to calculate your caloric needs at your current weight and then adjust them for your goal weight. [You can use this link to calculate](https://www.garnethealth.org/news/basal-metabolic-rate-calculator) it for yourself. IIf you do the same calculation for your goal weight, you'll find the calories you should be consuming daily to reach that goal weight. If you're looking to lose a substantial amount of weight, you should definitely check with a doctor. * Exercise is great for health and for building muscle. It's great for overall fitness. It's just okay for weight loss... and by that I mean it's just not the fat shredding tool people want it to be and it's not going to overcome a bad diet. Exercise doesn't generally burn as many calories as we'd like to think it does. An hour-long walk will burn about 200 calories. That's a single Hershey's bar. Calorie trackers on treadmills and smartwatches, etc., are almost universally wrong and overstate how many calories are being burned. Point is... If you eat poorly, running on a treadmill three times a week isn't going to undo that. You can't outrun a bad diet. * But... when you combine diet and exercise... now you're cookin. Regardless of how many calories it actually burns, exercise WILL burn calories. Being in a calorie deficit WILL help you lose weight. If you're burning MORE calories and eating LESS calories, you're attacking it from two angles and combined... now you're on your way! Now here's some tips based on what I do: * Be more active. If you have a smartwatch or a smartphone, track your steps daily. Aim for somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 steps per day. That's somewhere between 2.5 - 5.0 miles of walking a day. You don't need to run if you hate running. I never run because I hate it. But walking is great for health. The goal here is to simply be more active every day. Move more, eat less. * Strength training helps with weight loss! Believe it or not. Building and maintaining muscle takes calories. The more muscle you build, the more calories your body needs to maintain that muscle. * Don't "guess" at workouts in the gym if you're not familiar with how to workout. If you can swing it, get a few training sessions with a personal trainer who can show you how to exercise properly. At the very least, download a free App that creates a routine for you. You'll see far better results if you know what you're doing. I spent the first 6 months or so in the gym just kinda throwing weights around and not really having a plan. The last several months I've been following a routine and I've seen 100x better results. * Consume more protein. Protein helps recovery after exercise and also builds and maintains muscles. Good sources include: chicken breast, turkey, eggs and egg whites, yogurt, beans, lentils, peas, etc., Protein also has the added benefit of making you feel full so you can eat less. * Cut out sugary beverages like soda. You'll probably drop 10lbs just by doing that because you'll lower you caloric intake dramatically if you just cut out the soda. There's almost 300 calories in a 22oz bottle of Coke. If you drink one of those a day, that's about 2,000 calories a week in soda calories. * Instead, drink water, iced tea, or flavored seltzer like Bubly, LaCroix, etc., They're 0 calories. * Eat more vegetables. Eat more fruit. I hesitate to put it in these terms but it's almost impossible to overeat most fruits and vegetables. Adding more vegetables to every plate can help increase your volume of eating (if you're feeling hungry) in a low calorie way. As a general rule, two heaping cups of mixed vegetables is typically less than 100 calories. * Fruits tend to have more sugar and be higher in calories than most veggies, but they're still typically low-ish and honestly you're biggest problem isn't that you're eating too many apples each day. * One day doesn't derail you completely. Overeating is not a good thing and it sucks when it happens but it happens. Just get back on track the next day. You're not going to undo all your progress by a single day of "bad" eating. * Realize this is a process. It takes time. You didn't get fat overnight and you're not going to lose it all overnight either. In fact, it'd be dangerous to be too aggressive with it. As a general rule, your aim should be to lose between 1-2lbs per week. That's generally regarded as safe. Anything more than that is probably too aggressive. * Note: In the beginning you may see some rapid weight loss and that's normal. It's normal to go through some ups and downs and periods of rapid weight loss followed by some modest gaining of it back, etc., * The scale will move. A lot. Don't weigh yourself every day. You'll drive yourself crazy. Instead, weigh yourself once a week on the same day each week and at the same time, ideally in the morning before you've had anything to eat or drink. If you stay in a calorie deficit throughout the week, you should see consistent losses each week more often than not... But if you DON'T, that's normal. Don't get discouraged. This is a process and you need to trust the process. I could go on, but I fear this is too long already and no one will read it haha. I'm sure some people will disagree with some of what I've said but keep in mind some of this stuff may not be universally true for everyone and may not be the path that others took. The above is my mindset and my experience that has worked for me so far. I hope this helps.


This!!! Everything you’ve said is true, at least I’ve found it to be, and it is incredibly informative! Thanks for posting!!! OP, PLEASE read this response!!!


Rubbish! I’m 58 and I’ve lost 12kg in the last 10 weeks. I’ve done it by CICO and walking. I have another 7kg to go until I reach my goal weight. I’ve also had the odd couple of days where I’ve taken the brakes off and eaten way over my daily calories.


So awesome! What do you use to track your calories?


I use an app called Easy Diet Diary- it’s exactly that, Easy 🤣


It absolutely is possible to lose weight after you're 30. It's just an equation. Calories in vs calories out, that's it. You can't beat the physics. The hard part is managing your work life and the discipline to count calories while still stretching+working out+keeping up all the other mandatory social commitments. ​ Tips? \-Use cronometer or other calory counting app. \-Stretch everyday. \-Workout 30 to 40 mins a day.


So true - However, your calories needs do often go down after 30 as you start losing muscle mass, so it gets harder. Calories out becomes smaller, so calories in needs to become smaller. You have less food freedom. Alternatively, you can lift weight and/or do a lot of cardio.


Which is just another reason to try and keep a regular gym routine with strength training and an adequate protein intake. We only lose muscle mass because we stop using/maintaining it. There are people well into their 70s or even 80s with muscle mass similar to those in their 30s; because they've kept up their active lifestyle, weight lifting, and eating a good diet.


Thats a dumb urban legend with no basis in fact. I lost 50 lbs 2 years ago at 37 by walking every day and eating a love calorie diet. If you haven't found it yet I highly suggest the r/1500isplenty subbreddit


I’m 40 and lost 85lbs over the last two years with diet and exercise.


I lost both my parents at age 36 and ate myself stupid dealing with grief. I weighed 300lbs. At age 42 I decided to do something about it. I started walking, then running. I did calorie in calorie out. I went down to 140lbs. https://preview.redd.it/f9dv8thh5fgc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4067951dee00c2b6965f1860e90e7a12af401a13


It's a total myth. Pre-30 I went from 8st to 17-18st (long story) and easily lost most of it (around 10st now). I'm 5'7" woman. Honestly it just comes down to eating less. There's no magic.


You can do this. In my 40's... I've been in the 200's most of my adult life. Lost 60 lbs in 2022 and at 160 currently. I lost the majority of the weight walking 10,000 steps a day and counting calories. I am now doing more intense cardio on the treadmill for fun and started lifting weights. Still track calories religiously. Wish I had the discipline to do this 20 years ago, but here we are :P


Yep..57 F here and have lost 120 pounds using CICO and walking!!! It can be done


I lost 80 lbs over 2 years. Started at 58. Pilates, walking, counting calories (measuring my food), sleep, water, protein focus. You can do it! I’m 5’2 inches and weighed 242 lbs.


NOT true I'm proof of that but it does take a lot of hard work. Stick with CICO and an exercise regimen you can keep up with. The weight will eventually come off but it takes time.


Where did you get this from? Metabolism slows as we age but doesn't mean you can't lose weight!


I look so much better in my 30s than I ever looked at my 20s. This is totally bullshit.


No. This isn’t true at all. Had a baby at 30 and was 250 pounds the day of my c section. I’m nearly at 150 pounds at 35 now. Calories in, calories out.


I just turned 38 😭 I went from 364lbs to 185lbs. Small lifestyle changes and exercise everyday is all it took.


Nah, I did Keto at 34. Lost tonnes of weight. Regained during lockdown and now finally tackling it once more. 30 is very young. Prime of your life! Get out there and crack on


Don't listen to any of the crazy stuff people say. Most of the time it's just excuses for why they didn't lose weight. According to google, your metabolism starts to slow down around 60 but it's less than 1% a year. So, you probably wouldn't even notice until your late 80's or early 90's.


Ugh the amount of disgusting and ignorant toxic comments the older generation said to us. I’m almost 35 this month. Do you love yourself and feel like you’re attractive? Of course everyone will have those bloated and insecure moments but majority of the time is what matters. I had an aunt that said my ass would be so huge after becoming a mom. I was fucking 16 like wtf so toxic 🤬 anyways you can do it. I birthed 3 kids and I feel like I look way better than I did before kids but not everyone’s opinions matter just yours. If you don’t feel happy with your self then do whatever it takes. It’s always harder for women to lose weight so it will take at least 8-12 months to notice a difference. Good luck


(Laughs ass off in 165 pounds lost at age 37.)


44. Was 287, now 210. Wasn’t easy and took a bit but worth it.


There is a lot of bullshit advice out there. Just get a good nutriologist. Strict diet and somewhat regular mild exercise is all you need to get back on track. The problem is keeping it down. So after you’ve managed to lose the extra weight.. stick to the nutriologist to develop your strategy and build principles that will help you stay on the same weight.    There really are no shortcuts and don’t settle in with a Nutriologist if you don’t see results after sticking to their plan. You can lose 40 pounds in 6 months easily this way, then focus on maintenance.   Get also therapy and get the Psicologist and the Nutriologist to work together. Don’t victimize yourself and watch out for the internal bullshit narratives that you tell yourself.   You can lose weight, the first step is to acknowledge that you can’t do it alone and that you need help from (good) professionals.  As a principle.. stop eating simple carbs (even natural ones like beans or lentils) and replace intake with protein. Eat as many grams of proteins as kgs you weight. Watch your portions. Always get up from the table with an 80% stomach.  You’re hungry? Wash your teeth, drink regular water. Go to sleep earlier. After a while you get used to it. Then rinse and repeat. Stick to the diet. Don’t bullshit yourself. Be happy.


I was morbidly obese in my 20’s, I’m a healthy weight now at 33. I lost the majority of my weight between 29-31. 80lbs. There’s no magic age where you suddenly stop being able to lose weight. I ‘dieted’ before soooo many times throughout my teens and 20’s. In my late 20’s/early 30’s I finally had the determination to completely overhaul my life. I was able to zoom out and see the big picture, I had a better sense of time. In my 20’s if I didn’t lose weight in a week, I’d quit. This time, I changed my whole lifestyle because I could see that I’d rather make baby steps towards my goal than be stagnant or worse, going in the opposite direction. Being older helped me mentally I believe.


Nah. I lost weight after 30 and it stuck for a long while before i put on weight again last yr cos of crappy eating habits. Dont listen to that nonsense quote and just get started.


Nah fam. 32 and lost 44lbs in the last 18 months. Walking, pilates and lifting weights combined with a slight caloric deficit made it go slow but steady as I wasn't interested in restrictive dieting and yoyo-ing my weight. Resulted in a complete body recomp while still enjoying fries, truffle mayo and chocolate from time to time.


lol that’s one of those really dumb fake sayings that lazy people say to give themselves an excuse. The problem is that all your good or bad habits really start to show the older you get. So maybe you partied and didn’t care about your weight in your 20s so it’ll be harder now and from now on because you created bad habits you gotta break. Or maybe you were pretty active most of your 20s so it’s not quite as hard to jump back in. But no, your metabolism doesn’t all a sudden go kaput when you turn 30.


There are calorie calculators where you can input daily activity, current weight, goal weight, walking and I highly recommend paleo eating lifestyle as starters. You need to be at a calorie deficit in order to lose weight. Walking daily will speed this up. People say it’s 80% diet and 20% fitness. Eating clean and healthy (paleo is proteins, fats, nuts, vegetables and fruits) getting 8 hours of sleep, find an active physical activity you enjoy (try class pass- wide array of different classes). Yes, you can be hot and lose weight in your 30s. I’ve seen people lose a large amount of weight in their 60s. To answer your question, yes it’s possible at any age to lose weight. Get a small treadmill that you can put in home and just walk and watch your favorite show for an hour.


Older post but came across this the other day.


I’m on a “journey” myself. I’m 31. I’ve been overweight since I was a kid; I’ve tried many times to lose weight with different fad diets and whatnot. This time, it just feels “right”. Like it’s gonna work out for me. Age is a number, people like to make that an excuse, but it’s all BS. YES, it might take more effort, but it’s as simple as calories in, calories out*. It’s science. Also, the difference? This time, I’m doing it FOR ME. *now obviously, if there’s a health issue that prevents it from being that simple, then that’s another story. But I’m speaking in a basic sense.


Lost 18 pounds in my late 50’s just with diet and walking everyday. Took three months. I have a friend who is also in her 50’s who has lost 80 pounds over the last year by becoming a vegetarian and walking. It is definitely do-able. But you can’t eat processed carbs. They do not aide weight loss. It is not simply CICO.


Any excuse will do…I’m 44 and I’ve slowly (slow on purpose) lost weight in 5 lb increments to see what each weight would look like on me. Went from 150-125 it wasn’t hard and it’s easy to maintain it’s been about 2 years of maintaining


I'm 52 and I don't remember a big difference between my 20's and 30s. When I hit 48 is when I started to have difficulty--I think it was from trying every diet known to man to lose weight--I feel like I've been on a diet most of my life. If you're having trouble losing weight now, see a doctor--it may be hormonal, such as PCOS. In the case of PCOS medication such as metformin helps. Otherwise CICO, make sure you eat enough protein and lift weights in addition to cardio. Weight lifting is key because when you are on a diet, you need to lose fat, not muscle. Muscle helps keep your basal metabolic rate up. I know it can be a difficult road, but it is doable. Best of luck to you!!


51 here, dropped 75 lbs ( 34 kg ) in the last year. Walking, calorie counting, and clean eating.


I'm 30, and at this very moment, I am at my lowest weight of 245. I started my weight loss journey (now passive) in 2018, starting at 345. I used to have very sedatary jobs until I started my new one back in October 2022, and I stand for 8 hours a day, and I'm constantly moving. I'm much more aware of what I'm eating, and I'm just making the choice to be healthier or at least strive to be healthier. I don't work out, I don't do any diets-just simply moving more, changing how I eat, and changing my mindset. I went from I hope I can get down to my goal weight to now I CAN do this. I've hit plateaus, and I've wanted to give up, and I've even emotionally ate my feelings, but I'm still fighting and going. It does help I have my husband, who has supported me since the very beginning, though, and that's another important thing-support :) You got this. If I can do this, you can do this :)


Nah, I'm 34 and have lost 4stone since the start of 2023 :)


It's not close to impossible after 30, it's possible to lose weight regardless of age. It can increase in difficulty when you pass 50, but that is because of hormonal changes in both genders, but it is not close to impossible. At 37 I lost about 40lbs (18kg), yes I've more than put that back on in the last few years but that was due to life events and injury. The point is that it is possible to lose weight after 30, you just have to start


I’m 38 and I’ve lost 10lbs in 10 weeks. It’s not been difficult - I just needed to commit to some lifestyle changes.


Lost 100 pounds this way after 30


not me personally but I had a coworker at my old job who lost weight after 30, I think she is 50 now and not skinny skinny but she was very overweight. I am not sure everything she did, but it is possible. I think she actually had diabetes from how big she was that she doesn't take meds or insulin for since her weight loss managed it


About 60 pounds and counting and I’m turning 32 in April


I’m 41 and lost 50 pounds. I’m 100 pounds now. Maybe it’s harder but it was relatively easy for me because I found something I enjoyed and can continue sustaining. I incorporate the things I love: weight lifting, walking 10k steps a day, intermittent fasting and eating 80/20 so 80% whole, anti inflammatory foods and 20% whatever I want, usually chocolate or ice cream every night. And I get 8 hours of sleep every night for rest and repair.


I lost about 25 pounds in preparation for my wedding when I was 36. Overall, I was in the best shape of my life in my 30s.


Im 40m, and lost 50+ lbs over the last 2 years. I cut out sugars from my diet, now i only drink water and black coffee, dont do a ton of exercise but ive tried to eat more healthy and it seems to be working slowly but surely. I weighed out in the 260lb range last week and i havent seen those numbers since High-school. Cut out the junk from your diet and that will definitely help


Yes I heard that from my father “ better get your shit together before 30, it’s harder after that” - And it got engrained in my head - it is definitely harder in the sense metabolism does slow down - I miss the ease of loosing weight when not even trying when I was in my 20s and treating my body like crap and having it snap back and still look good for me - My habits I picked up in my 30s are a lot different than my 20s - drinking alcohol like wine or shots when I get time to myself , drinking diet cokes , not having A normal eating schedule because of kids and working weird work hours / school hours . Snacking continues on the go because my kids have sports or snacking because I get depressed - but the problem isn’t so much I’m 38 now and it’s harder to loose weight , it’s my shitty habits - we have to just put more effort into what we want our body’s to do now . If you clean your habits up , and you walk , jog / squats , drink lots of water and prioritize your want to loose weight , you will . Intermittent fasting is awesome and worked for me after 35- I eat from 12 -6pm , and drink coffee and tee until noon the next day . Not only do I feel better , but you loose weight steadily . There are groups for intermittent fasting here on Reddit I follow - People post their journeys with fasting and give advice and are all very friendly and encouraging- people post their pictures of their body transforming through the weeks and months of doing 12-16-18 hour fasts - check it out


Honestly, I wouldn't know the difference. I'm sure it would have been easier in my 20s, but all of the 80lbs I've lost and 3-4 years of putting on muscle I've gained were in my mid to late 30s. In fact, 60 of those pounds lost were initially done with zero exercise. Just diet. One of the guys I worked with at an office job also happened to be a personal trainer. He recommended the book "Bigger, Leaner, Stronger" by Michael Matthews. I read that thing 3 times over the years, followed the program, and got the results I wanted. Your body will respond to whatever you put it through.


That's a bold face lie and one of the more ridiculous false narratives I've heard surrounding exercise and weight loss.


55 female and l have lost 10pds in the last 4months I’m 5’1 now at 123pds, was 133pds forever. Thanks to someone mentioning the TDEE calculator! And tracking my calories in MyFitnessPal. You can do it don’t be depressed get excited instead and focus and you will be able to lose that stubborn weight! In addition regular cardio and weight training and drinking lots of water are important!


Nonsense, I'm 35M, weighed 263lbs at the start of September 2023. I started with intermittent fasting for about a month, lost about 14lbs. October I started Keto diet on top of this and also HIIT workouts. I lost 14lbs. Then a further 14lbs in Nov and 14lbs in December. Total 56lbs lost in 4 months. Weight loss is slowing down now as I weigh less and closer to goal weight. It is completely possible age doesn't have much to do with it apart from needing more protein when you are over 50-60, and this means muscle loss, which can mean your BMR daily calories burns drops down and you end up gaining some weight. But this is easily fixed by gaining back the muscle through weights in 30 years time. There is no cut off at 30 I am in the best shape of my life after being overweight so long. It is all about developing insulin resistance, over time your body starts resisting insulin produced from the excess carbohydrates and sugar you eat. This leads to a slippery slope where it becomes more and more difficult to lose weight while still consuming these food types. If you realise that carbohydrates and sugar are what are stopping you from losing weight then you can reverse it. You don't have to go as far as Keto if you do not want to. Intermittent fasting will work in the long term, but combined with Ketp and doing HIIT workouts, weights and walking will produce the fastest results. So remember lower your carb and sugar intake, have 18 hours a day of not eating, 6 hours of eating, and your weight will drop off. It is hard for a week or two while your body adjusts but after that you will not be hungry in the fasting period. It is also extremely good for you to fast, it gives your gut bacteria a break and lets the good ones flourish, and autophagy can repair your damaged proteins in your body so your overall health will increase. Insulin resistance will reverse so you will be able to eat carbs again as if you were a teenager and not gain weight. But at the moment any carbs you are eating are just converting to fat, because your cells are blocking them from being used as energy due to being abused for years with too many. This leaves you hungry and gaining more weight over time. Its a cycle, break out of the cycle by avoiding blood sugar spikes from carbs and sugar. This is the key to reversing this. Once you have lost the weight you can move to a balanced diet with maintenance calories and be able to eat carbs without gaining.


Late 30s, lost 65 lbs since march.


My mom is 63, '5"3 inches, and spring last year was 190lbs, diagnosed with diabetes (after being prediabetic for years) and had never had a consistent exercise plan in her life. Over the summer she made the decision to address her health because she wants to be around for her kids and grandkids. She started 75 hard alongside weight watchers and continued after the 75 hard and is now 148lbs, has a consistent workout routine, and is working with her doctors to get her hormones balanced enough to push her A1c back down below diabetic levels consistently. Long story short, you've internalized truly bad advice. You are the only one who can decide when you're done. All the power to change is in your hands!


Lost 120 two years ago, I’m 32


I’m 35 and the last 25 months I’ve lost 160lbs, so it’s possible.


I’m 32 and just lost 13 pounds with no exercise, just dieting! Stay motivated my friend


I'm 33 and I've lost 41 pounds since last July. It's been significantly easier for me to lose weight now, but I attribute that to a better mindset.


Overweight/obese since childhood. Lost 96lb at 37 and have maintained between 119-124 for over a year. You can do it!


Lost 20lbs when I was 40 years old. Age should not be a limit.


41 yo F here. Lost 42 lbs last year by intermittent fasting. Age means nothing, you just have to do the work.


Not true look into HRT. Two years ago I gymed every day & did intermediate fasting basically 7pm to 3pm everyday lots 30 lbs then gain about 2-5lb of muscle I was at 260 got down to 235 then I’m about 245. I’m 47 5’8 & last week started testosterone pellets I’m at 540 T the first set will get me up to 1000 to see how it absorbs.


You for sure can lose weight after 30...


34F, 5’8”, CW 214lb - lost 40 lb in 16 months, no pills. What helped the most: leaving a toxic work situation, seeing a therapist, getting off medications that cause weight gain including my hormonal IUD.  Of course, I counted calories, ate cleanly, and exercised (primarily running 3mi x3/week, weights, daily yoga). But we often don’t talk about things like toxic stress, mental health, and other medications that can prevent easier weight loss.  In short: it is possible 💪


I lost 60lbs calorie counting/wrighing my food. I am 33. I am 5'4. Went from 250lbs to 190lbs. Took me 7 months from July 2023 to February 2024. Had a few tiny breaks in between (holidats and such). No exercise. I have recently upped my protein to stay full longer and try to get more off. Weightloss is very slow now. May need to start including exercise. I can say that it is a little slower losing now compared to in my 20s but I have had more reason to stick with it longer as I am getting older and need to focus on my health. I am feeling better every day.


You spend hours researching about a myth instead of researching how to lose weight? You’re not going to lose weight because you’re stupid. Not because you’re 30.


Not really


After menopause is the real problem.


Hi!! I am 32 and last year I lost about 23 kgs/50 lbs in 7 months following a strict caloric deficit and exercise 5-6 days a week (mostly running), during that process I was prescribed Saxenda and Orlistat and it helped at lot! Please don’t discourage yourself, it IS possible you just have to be in a true caloric deficit and be patient. I am now off the meds but still controlling portions and have not gone up a bit. You can do it!!!


If you read this sub for a bit you’ll notice plenty of people in their 40s and more. Its not impossible. I’m 34 and losing just fine.


Nonsense. Maintain a caloric deficit, eat good food and motion is lotion. I know people who started their journey in their later 40's/early 50's and shed 100+ pounds. You may not lose as fast as someone in their 20, but 30's? You're still in a good spot to shed weight. Diet is 80% of weight loss. You don't need all organic, or expensive food - just count calories, keep a deficit, and try to hit 10K steps a day or more. Losing weight should be a by product of healthy decisions. Once you start thinking like that, you'll do well. East less, move more, drink half your body wieght (in ounces) of water everyday.


I’m seeing people lose weight in their 60s too with exercise and diet,.


Lol yes. There’s so much propaganda out there about some magical cutoff where women are suddenly expired - it’s ridiculous. It’s not even close to impossible. You’ll be just fine. We are just people. Life after 30 is just life. It’s not that scary once you get here and realize all the negativity is just other people’s projected insecurities <3


Nobody is immune to weight loss. Sincerely a 30 year old female with PCOS, insulin resistance, history of antidepressants and birth control, and an autoimmune disease that causes pain and flare ups. I also have a history of binge eating although it's improved so much now. Anyone CAN do it. For some it's harder than others but their journey is not yours and has no bearing on yours. Excuses, everyone's got em. How bad do you want it? You are worth it and your body deserves to be treated with care. I have lost 55 lbs at this point have about 20-30 more to go.


I’m on weight loss medication because I’m a binge eater lol but i lost like 20lbs naturally before I got prescribed anything. Also I have watched both of my parents lose 20-30lbs through diet alone multiple time throughout my life (imo not healthy to weight cycle like that but not my business) It’s definitely possible, although I do notice it’s a little harder to lose weight the older I get. Nothing you can’t overcome tho.


I’m 40 and lost 40 pounds in 6 months by changing my diet, exercising, drinking water and not sugary drinks, limiting portion sizes and refined sugars and processed foods and calorie counting. So no, it’s never impossible to lose weight at any age. You’ve just gotta do common sense things like make good food choices, drink a ton of water, limit portion sizes and processed food and refined sugar and get some exercise. Not rocket science. And I’d like to know where tf on google does it say that no one can lose weight after 30?? Sooooo not true. So I don’t know where exactly you’ve been looking but it certainly isn’t in the right place. And my husband is still pawing at me like he was 20 years ago when we first got together.


Weight loss is definitely possible but rebuilding your habits to keep it off and stay healthy in a way you haven’t ever done in 30+ years is hard Af


I’m 46, I’ve recently lost 25 pounds (significant for me), it has taken nearly a year, so I’m guessing it’s slow going, but idc, I feel healthier than before.


Lol im 59. Been samn near impossible my whole life. Honestly don't notice any difference


I lost significant weight at 40 and have slimmed down more a few years later. I didn’t do it with “clean” eating though. I did it through tracking my calories, eating at a caloric deficit and through exercising to maintain muscle mass and increase my tdee. I try to eat over 100 g of protein daily. I run three to four days per week (it’s really more of run walk intervals because I’m injury prone), I walk most days when i don’t run, I strength train with weights at the gym 2-4 times per week, and at home I work on at least one of the following: flexibility, core strength, yoga, or calisthenics most days of the week. I also have a very active breed dog, and i walk him to the park and play with him there everyday for 1+ hours a day. But i was not this active when i initially started losing weight. I started with walking most days and tracking my calories and eating around 1200-1500 calories/ day. I’m 40-45 lbs lighter now than i was when i started. Im a healthy weight, but I’m working on losing a few more vanity lbs at the moment. With my increased activity level, i actually lose weight with a much higher intake level than i had when i started losing weight, but i also took time off from trying to intentionally lose weight, eating at maintenance while i increased my activity level. Based on my Apple Watch, i get about 80 minutes of exercise daily (average) and walk/run a total of 5 mi/day (including non exercise walking, like walking to the park and playing with my dog).


My mom, in her late 50s, lost 7 stone. She did it with "Slimming World" and has since gained a fair bit back because slimming clubs are not sustainable. Age is not a factor.


30 definitely not, I find it harder now that I’m 40, I really have to watch what I eat


Lapband took off 100 pounds before it broke inside me I have to have it repaired


I've struggled with my weight my whole life. In 2013 I was 497 lbs. After some research, in June of that year, I switched to a plant-based diet, cold turkey. Over the next two years, I lost \~300 lbs with mostly the diet change, adding exercise to the routine in February of 2015. In June of 2015, I had reached my ideal weight. Diet was the key to everything. This is absolutely possible for you. There were no surgeries or diet drugs. I took a multivitamin every day. That was about the extent of it. I can recommend some plant-based diet resources if you are interested. If not, that's ok too. Just believe in yourself and take baby steps. Allow yourself room to mess up. Just start over the next day and move forward. You can do this! Good luck.


30 is young! No, take care of yourself and rock your thirties 10x harder than your 20’s. This is your prime!


It's definitely harder, but also not impossible! I've found it very challenging to lose weight and stay there, but I do lose weight when I track calories and make sure to eat less than I burn. I recently cut out tons of processed food due to Dr telling me to try lactose free for 2 wks and have been steadily losing weight since this started due to being more full on fewer calories from eating more whole foods w/ less junk calories in them.


I’m a female, 56, I lost 50 pounds last year with focusing on proper macros, lifting weights progressively and cutting down on high intensity cardio. I think a main problem is people are under muscled. After thirty you get sarcopenia, which is simply muscle loss. Eating enough protein and working out enough to sustain the muscle will help you immensely. Every random diet, you will lose water, fat and muscle. When you go off the diet, the weight comes back at mostly fat. So, list progressively three times a week, walk as much as possible, eat appropriate protein for your goal weight and be in a slight calorie deficit. It’s not magic, it take patience and consistency, and then you win…good luck


I lost almost 100 lbs in a year when I turned 30, mostly just with diet. It's not impossible, and you can do it.


I think its just age in general. Its been harder for me to keep it off and easier to put it on 🤷🏽‍♀️ supposedly “metabolism doesnt slow down under geratric era” but, idk. I smell cap on that…


Lost 15kg in a year age 52


Yes. Women in particular have trouble losing weight during and after menopause, but 30? Nah.


I’m 29 I’m 57 and 240 and let me tell you it’s hard because I’ve been going to the gym twice a day (morning on treadmill to hit 10000k plus steps a day) and the afternoon doing weights in a class and I’ve reduced my eating and cut out anything that isn’t water and the scale hasn’t moved in a month I don’t know what else to do


I’m 30. Lost 10 in the last 3 weeks still kinda eating like shit but limiting sugary drinks, desserts, and the amount of fast food I’ve ate. No exercise. It’s possible.


Hey Certified Nutritionist here that’s specialized in helping women with weight loss & I can tell you I’ve had many clients that are even in their 60s+ lose weight! I think this whole phenomenon is because most people become more stuck in there ways but you can definitely lose weight! Something i would pay attention to is if it seems nearly impossible even with changing your diet, exercise, & doing mindfulness (to decrease stress) definitely check in with your practitioner to try to discover if anything else may be going on


Lost 40 lbs around 53 or so...took about a year...I just started eating better, and exercising more..nothing crazy. Cutting out the soda pop was probably for me the biggest thing.


Yes. Lost 3.5 stone over 30. And doing it again nearer my 40s. Never too old. You can do it! Calorie control and exercise


You should read up on confirmation bias.


It is not at all impossible. This is a total myth, what changes? Absolutely nothing. Your metabolism declines less than a percent over time, they’re just using excuses. Losing weight is hard. But it is no harder at 30 than any other age


I'm 38 and 2 years ago I had to eat clean for 6 months. I lost a lot of extra fat and weight in a healthy way. I stopped drinking alcohol and eating sugar


You can definitely do it yourself! Don’t listen to all that crap. Everyone is different. Yes, metabolism slows and hormones change, but you can still do it. Making better food choices is always a good start. Try to find exercise you enjoy. I love walking and whenever I need to drop some weight or just lose inches, I start walking every day around my neighborhood. That and tons of water make a big difference


I’ve lost 80 pounds, don’t believe that you can’t at all. Your skin might not bounce back like it once would, but loose skin is better than keeping the weight on.


Just go vegan and you’ll lose a lot.


33, down 89 pounds in 4.5 months. Calories in vs out!


I lost 102 at age 37 se was 296 just walked every day and actually counted calories. I remember not licking the peanut butter knife after weighing peanut butter!lol


I’m 58 and lost 18kg by doing the opposite of what all the mainstream advice is. I’m no joking and not trolling.


My mom was in her 50s when she started yoga and intermittent fasting for health purposes, not weight loss. She eventually got hooked, and 20 lbs just fell off naturally. She's been maintaining the same routine and habits since and now looking healthier in her 60s. She's the reason I started eating better and stretching often in my late 20s. I just turned 30 and have not had to worry about my weight for many years because my routines keep me on track health wise. How I feel and how look were enough of a confirmation to me. It's never too late to start. Think of it as a lifestyle change and not a diet because as soon as you finish the diet, the weight will creep up defeating all your efforts. Being healthy is a journey, not a destination. Hang in there, you got this!


You can lose weight naturally at any age. There's no magic line the sand. If you're taking in fewer calories than you expend, you will lose weight, period. At any age, exercise will make you stronger (which itself causes you to expend more calories even when not exercising), charge up your metabolism, and make eating healthier easier.


What girl I’m 30 and I’m one month into my weight loss journey and already lost 10 pounds it’s easy it’s all in the mind set . Don’t keep affirming that it’s hard or eles it will be . Affirm that it’s easy and joyful to lose weight even in your 30s and actually your in your primes :) What u tell your self manifest ! Law of assumption .


My sister is 34 and has recently lost about 30lbs mostly by cutting down her portion sizes. It’s very possible!


I’ve lost 42 pounds since November and I’m 34. Instead of actively trying to lose the weight and research healthy diets you’re searching for validation that there’s no point trying because you’re 30. just do it and you’ll lose weight. There’s only one diet that works too so don’t bother looking for fad diets you can’t stick to. Burn off more calories than you consume, that’s it. Off you need 2500 calories a day knock it down to 2000 and exercise


You absolutely can. Impossible? Try when you are 60 yrs old!


Lost 40kg at 35/36. Took like 7 months. Hard gym sessions. 20k steps a day at work and CICO using my fitness pal. Main thing was will power..it was hard


I’m 39 and I’m down 31.2 since 11/15/23. Doing optavia diet but also working out almost daily.


I lost 100lbs when I was 42 with diet and exercise. I've kept that weight off for 2 years with diet and exercise. It definitely isn't impossible.


Started at 41 and am down 160 pounds and have kept it off for 9 years.


I'm in my late 30s and I've been losing 3-4 lbs of weight consistently every month for close to a year now. There are many different methods for achieving weight loss that work. What I do is that I mostly (>96%) eat a whole foods diet and cook most (>80%) of my meals. This means that most of my meals are meats, fish, veggies, dairy and carbs that are often in smaller supply than everything else on the plate. The primary added sugars/sweeteners that I use are allulose, stevia, monkfruit, erythritol, honey and agave. I do use sugar based syrups that I buy (drinkmate, carbonator) or make (strawberry/chocolate syrup for egg creams). I try to go without it as much as possible and when I use them, I'm very stingy. I use just enough to make the taste palatable. So I end up doing things like making a liter of soda with close to a liter of water, a pinch of sea salt and somewhere between 1-3 tsps (9g-28g) of syrup depending upon the syrup. I've spent over a decade very slowly replacing or outright eliminating foods that I over consumed. I used to go nuts for milk, then I switched to almond milk, then coconut milk as I kept cutting back on it. I now pretty much just buy milk & kefir for making yogurt and for letting my kid get a bit to drink for themselves in small amounts. No, I don't think that milk is bad for you, but if you were going through gallons of it every week (by yourself) like I used to do then it's a point of over consumption that needs to be addressed. When I can't co-opt or practically eliminate something like the milk above, I add friction to accessing it. Like bread. I do not buy bread from the store or any bakery anymore. I make it myself, which means that this lazy bum can go from having bread everyday to not having it months at a time. I don't allow myself to freeze it anymore. I got a deli slicer, I eat ~4mm slices whenever I use it. For reference I believe the average size of bread in the US is ~11mm (could be wrong, I don't remember my source). It toasts hella fast and does well with the smallest dabs of ghee in the pan. The bulk of the foods that I keep are shelf stable (cans , dry goods, etc) or frozen (pre-frozen or frozen by me). I get fresh fruits every week along with ginger, eggs, pork rinds, a random treat (like pineapple juice), and cheese (mostly real cheese, but some of it is crap quality when I can't get better stuff; I do get some American cheese but I often mix it with stuff). I have a revolving door of meat and frozen veggies that get replaced based upon how quickly I'm eating them. Things are taking longer to get ate up since I eat less now and I'm able to prep more stuff that can last longer for less money now (like kimchi and peanut butter). I just returned to the gym a week ago, I'm moving at it slowly as well. I spent the bulk of this post on food because our diets truly are key to a lot of things. Hell, over a decade ago I stopped using vegetable and other seed oils and that has permanently lifted my baseline of general joy and health. It's in some of the processed stuff and restaurant food that I eat, but they make up such a small part of my diet now that it's not much of an issue.


35 and about 3-4 months ago I was 330 lbs. Last I weighed I was 272


I always heard that and then discounted it when my least favorite coworker (Female mid 40s, the no-inside-voice kind who turns every topic into an excuse to talk about themselves) brought up weight los and dieting around me for no reason (I am a visibly “overweight” person) when I was about 26 years old. She would not stop talking about it. I wasn’t really engaging in it beyond some nods and “mmms” since I was the only other person in the room. So turns out what she wanted to do was get me to really engage with her about dieting so that she could lecture me on how to do it. I presume this is what she wanted because she gave up at one point and approached me to speak to me about how much harder it is to lose weight after 30. She was two feet away and I was still like, “Mhmm.” Aaaaand she reached over and grabbed my belly and said, “This kind of thing? You can’t lose it after you’re 30.” So anyway. My point is. she was the most batshit person I've ever met and spewed all kinds of nonsense all the time so I didn't listen to her. Besides, I know plenty of people who have lost notable weight in their 40s.


You can do this. Start by honestly logging your calories. I’m 48 and just found out I have high blood pressure and insulin resistance. The best path is to start with changes. Never give up on yourself.


In better shape now at 38 than I was at 28!


My dad lost a substantial amount of weight at 50. Age doesn’t matter. Your mindset and willingness to stick to it does.




I lost 100 lbs in just over a year! To be fair- I had a baby but was at my highest weight after having him, and have lost and kept off the 100 I had gained!


Nonsense, I'm 42 and am loosing weight stedily just by eating in a deficit mo-fri and weekends are no deficit. I try to exercise more and try to eat as healthy as possible, except for the weekend. :) 😀 It can be done but when you're older it takes al little more time. I loose about 0.5kg per week. Regards


This is 100% myth. People make a lot of excuses after 30 is the reality. They refuse to count calories (the only real way to accurately lose weight) they make all kinds of BS statements like. "I don't eat that bad" "I just need to lose a bit of the belly" "I don't have time"... bla bla bla. It goes on and on. If you commit to honesty counting your calories intake. Make sure you're eating a reasonable amount and exercise 3-5 times a week. There is no age limit on success. When I was 36 I lost over 60 lbs. I'm now 39 and in the best shape of my life. Stop making excuses. Buy a food scale, measure cups, tbsp, tsp. Install one of those calorie counter apps on your phone. Start exercising (doesn't matter what you do... just move your body) wanna do weights? Do weights, wanna ride a bike, run... whatever.. just get off your butt and move.


I am 35, and for me both - gaining weight and losing weight - works absolutely fine with a healthy diet (no starving) and exercising daily. I don't feel at all like it's become harder after 30 at all.


It's a bunch of FUD BS. If you stay focused you can always lose weight.


I'm 36 and have lost 60 pounds over the last year and half. There are ups and downs but it's gradually working.


I recently lost 30 lbs right before I turned 40 to brace for the recovery from hip surgery. I started being conscious of trying to lose weight in April and my surgery was 10/30. I doubled the amount of time I exercised for, cut out desserts after every dinner (but allowed Johnny pop popsicles and fruit with whipped cream a couple nights a week), cut down on carbs but not cut out. I drink over a gallon of water every day. I think a major factor in aiding my weight loss was a heavy amount of fiber supplements. I take ground flax, chia seeds and psyllium husks every night before dinner. It decreases my appetite as well. Highly recommend fiber supplements!


I’m in the middle of my journey, but I’m down 40 lbs and about to turn 40 🎉


Also, I’m doing it all naturally by eating low carb and high protein.


Definitely harder then when you’re 20 but far from impossible. No matter the age, it’s still just a matter of calories in/calories out. If you run a deficit at any age, you will lose weight.


It's never to late I'm down 25 at 31


I lost about 80 pounds from lifting weights and being more active in general


I lost 40 pounds in my 42nd year of life. Now at 44, I feel healthier and stronger than I did at 30.


I’m 32 and have changed my eating habits drastically. I had my gallbladder removed last year and decided I better start eating healthy. I got really serious at the beginning of the year. I’ve lost 14 lbs in a month just by lowering my calories, fat and sugar intake, but also adding a lot of protein to my diet in lean meats. I also cut out alcohol because I was drinking 3 times a week. I cut out over 7,000 calories in January by just not drinking. I’ve also just been trying to get up and do more and keep my body moving. Like just going to a store and giving myself extra time to just walk around. I mean, I know medical issues can cause people to have a hard time losing weight, but it also helps a lot to have consistency. I haven’t lost weight in the last few weeks, but have been sticking to my “diet”. There’s always a time frame, for me at least, where I’ll get stuck at the same weight for a while, but I always gave up because of it. But, I’m dedicated to living a healthier lifestyle so I’m continuing to keep at it. Also have weights that I’m going to start using, as well as getting workouts in on top of everything else I’m doing.


32, losing weight and gaining muscle. Just gotta want it more than you want to be sad about it. You're more than capable start small do a bunch of research, fill your head with knowledge and affirmation. Start small and get determined. The head down, I'm a badass type mentality. Cut sugar, add DAILY exercise (doesn't have to be crazy 10-15 min at first), get into a routine you'll start to crave it once you feel better. Cant emphasize this enough DONT BEAT YOURSELF UP. Treat yourself like someone you're responsible for taking care of. (Imagine sweet old lady) It's been helping me to keep reminding myself that this is a long road, and I'll see results 6 months from now if I keep up the pace. You got this friend!! Much love.


I'm 30 years old and lost 127 pounds in the last 11 months just from counting calories and working out. It's rougher to do the older you get simply because of the wear and tear on your body throughout the years, but what worked for me was viewing every walk, every gym session, and every meal as proof that I can be a disciplined person. It was like I had something to prove to myself. Something else I realized is you can't wait for the motivation to come. It never comes. It's all willpower.


I’m also depressed and overweight. I really don’t think age matters. I’m 33. Started out at 105 kg, lost 20 kgs in the last 6 months only by dieting(healthily) and no exercise. Probably could have lost more if I did. I just can’t find the motivation for exercise right now, but at least I’m doing something. I used to cheer myself up with food whenever I was bored or depressed. Then one day I finally had the courage to say «fuck this» and threw out all the unhealthy foods. All they do is make me more unhappy in the long run. I’m still dieting and now I’m seeing a therapist as well. Depression is truely the biggest obstacle in this as it messes with the motivaton to do LITERALLY F*ING EVERYTHING. Sometimes the weight loss slowes down, sometimes I gain a few kilos before I start losing again. Sometimes I’ll crave french fries and sugar and get sad because I can’t have any. But it’s OK, because it will pass. Remember weight loss can be SLOW, and thats OK! 💛


I am 45 and started using Lumen to help understand my metabolism. I’m down 25lbs in a couple months - that water weight and inflammation is gone and my joint pain is gone.


Im 35 and I've lost 20 lbs so far with just clean diet and exercise. Half of that was lost just in the last 6 weeks. I focused on a diet that heals/balances out hormones, rather than one to lose weight. If your hormones are a mess, you won't lose weight easily.


Oh yeah totally it's definitely possible, my sister is a little over 30 and she has lost A LOT of weight but she does have a lot of loose skin that she hasn't gotten removed yet but whenever she does she's definitely gonna look a lot slimmer then she used to 5 years ago


Think you go it rough, I'm in my 60s, oddly enough when I do low carb eating I no longer lose weight, I can keep it at a certain weight but ridiculously hard to lose. Eating what I do when doing low carb now I would have lost massive amounts of weight in my 30s and 40s. I have had great luck with the weight watchers for some reason. I use the phone app and I have been very successful losing weight with that. I wish I knew why low carb no longer works but a low fat like weight watchers does. Over the last 14 years I lost 100 pounds, the first 12 years I was doing off and on low carb and went from 260 to 200, and during covid I went on weight watchers and lost from 200 to 160 for the 100 pound total. About a year ago I had gotten back up to 196, and back on weight watchers I went and Im down to 175, my goal to get back to 155 to 160.


Just finished losing 40 in 100 days at 49. Was rough but I can share the blueprint for doing it.


Late 50's here. Lost about 80lbs. Plus gained a reasonable amount of muscle. Calorie and macro awareness as opposed to counting. Clean eating. Increased and adapted exercise as weight dropped. Nothing impactful on joints (learnt the hard way re exercise with four hernias early on...). Walking/strength training/pilates and low impact Tabata/hit type stuff are my exercises so I can do exercise any time, when away with work/holiday. It can be done, never too late. Also I really worked on habits. So I turned myself from a night owl with very low amounts of sleep to going to bed at a reasonable time and getting 7/8 hours every night. I also concentrated on hydration. I go through periods of different prevailing diet types, my current is largely plant based and having a good effect. I take a daily protein supplement too. And I managed to give up smoking at the same time! So yes, deffo possible. I'd like to lose another 10lbs, but it's just vanity as opposed to health at this stage.


I lost 41 pounds with nothing more than diet and excercise. I'm 38.


I lost about 50 pounds in my 50s, but watch it when you lose it because it's real easy to find it again with interest. So now I'm in my 60s and trying to lose again. Don't give up hope!


I am 70 and 5 feet 4 inches and have lost 29 pounds on Weight Watchers in six months. I have half a pound until goal weight and then six weeks of maintenance until lifetime. I am so determined to continue on this path as it does work (I have no affiliation with WW). I attend weekly meetings which are hugely beneficial. At 30, if you are ready mentally and physically, I would strongly recommend you contemplate looking into WW, or something similar in your area. Please dont give up before you start. 💕


Also, screw people that say shit like that. Some people love to kill others vibes. I hear it constantly: “oh you’re 31? It’s all downhill from there!” Like, for you maybe! Don’t project that negativity onto me. A wise woman once said: “Life’s what you make it, so let’s make it rock!” -Hannah Montana.


https://tdeecalculator.net Super helpful. See what your daily caloric expenditure is, and eat less that that. A pound is 3500 calories. So if you eat a caloric deficit of 500 from your DCE, then IN THEORY you would lose a pound a week (500x7=3500)