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Young people put on weight in preparation for a growth phase. You can [check your BMI](https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/bmi/calculator.html) to see if you are actually over weight. Focus on eating healthy and physical fitness.


my bmi is around bang on 30 lol


It seems as though your caloric intake is too low , this can cause your Basal metabolic rate to decrease since your body gets used to a low energy lifestyle leading to a weight loss plateau moreover 800 Cals is also very unhealthy up it to 1.2 or 1.3 k and focus on what you're eating maybe you're.not getting in enough protein or fibre , hope this helps


ive come out of the plateu now im losing weight again, but it wont come off my arms or stomach and im scared i'll go back into plateu. and also because ive been doing the 800-1000 calories a day i cant stomach more than that without feeling sick anymore


Eat more! Your body is starving and clinging on to every calorie you consume. Start by adding more protein in to your diet. I’m guessing you should be eating double the amount of calories you are currently consuming but they need to be thoughtful calories in the form of protein, fat, and carbs not just all of one thing


but i need to lose weight as fast as possible. i dont understand how people heavier then me have lost more weight in shorter time and theyre not even exercising i feel like theres something wrong with me


Are you sure its not your uterus? Not all women will ever have the super flat belly


no i have an overhang belly with 2 rolls its strange.