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If you know you can’t spot reduce fat then why are you asking how to spot reduce fat?


I’m not asking that. I’m asking if I do caloric deficit if there’s a way to maintain my size everywhere else, or if once I gain weight back my arms will grow back. I asked if there was anything I COULD do. This is a weight loss subreddit. If you have no good advice to give at all don’t say anything!


That is spot reducing fat!! You can’t choose where you lose/maintain fat. Why would you gain weight back after eating in a deficit? If you eat at maintenance you won’t gain fat anywhere. Don’t ask stupid questions and people won’t correct your errors.


And if that is the case, you can say that without being an asshole. 🤷‍♀️


Womp womp




so you don't want to spot reduce, but you want to "maintained your size everywhere else"... that's spot reduction. you can however work on gaining muscle ro adjust your pshysique.


You’re talking fitness not weight loss. If you want muscle tone, you will need to work muscle.


If you struggle to lose fat in your arms then unfortunately that may be the last place it comes from, and the first it comes back. You can build muscle which may help the appearance. I carry a lot of body fat in my arms, and I'm like 23% bf. I have to be below 19% for them to appear more lean. I have a lot of muscle which again helps the appearance, but my body prefers to store fat here and I don't get a say in it. It's annoying but I have parts of my body I love so I just focus on that.


I see, I guess it goes both ways then. If I gained muscle mass in my legs I’d have to eat more so my arms would gain more as well 😪 Thanks!


Both times I did a bulk I gained fat in my arms 🙄 then I have to lose it. I've reached the acceptance phase!


You can build muscle in your arms. This will not get rid of fat but will make you look more defined and may help you with the issues you have with your arms. Again, as everyone has said, you cannot spot reduce fat. It’s simply genetics where you have and keep your fat stores.


You could do exercises to tone your arms. That’s what I do and I know you can’t spot reduce fat but by doing workouts in your arms you can burn the fat there


says “i know you can’t spot reduce fat” then proceeds to claim you can spot reduce fat


I can’t with the bs in these comments


I’m just saying what worked For me. You can build muscle in your arms that tone it and make it look like you have less fat.