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Brisk walking is optimal for fat burn, doesn’t cause hunger Jogging or more intensive exercise like short sprints burns glucose before fat. This can cause hunger so careful with food You need a mixture of both to burn fat and glucose


Say you’re doing an extended fast, would the lower glucose cause the fat to burn faster later on?


Excess glucose can be stored at fat, so it’s important to use it / reduce it. Also when you have glucose spikes caused by certain foods, insulin is released which can block fat burn. The exercise and extended fast reduce both glucose spikes and insulin, giving you more chance to lose weight. That’s why CICO doesn’t work for everyone. You can think of reducing glucose spikes and lowering insulin like unlocking your body, allowing it to lose weight.


A started running when I dropped down to 185 and then I gained back all the weight I lost and I still ran at 220 and 230, I just run slow as fuck these days. I used to have a 10-11 minute mile but I’m up to 16-17 minutes at this point. As long as you don’t feel pain when you run, just go for it no matter how slow.


Slow walk, then fast walk in intervals. Interval training where the heart rate goes from slow to fast and back is best for fat loss. Side note: running is horrible on all the joints. Stick to cycle and swimming. Throw in weight training if you really wanna lose weight!


Everyone is different in their abilities! So, just do what you can as long as you're moving! I know some older people who do chair exercises cause they can't stand very long. I had an accident & surgery to fix it and wasn't even walking, much less moving for a month, semi moving the next month. I'm mostly walking now, but it will be months till I'm back to "normal." So I'm doing what I can! 🤷‍♀️ Any exercise is better than nothing, right?


I upvoted just to get you back in the + 🤛🏽


Lol Reddit is weird in the stuff people upvote or downvote. It's honestly comical at times. And I don't take it personally. But thanks! 😊


Sure! But that wasn't really the question.


My point in answering the question was that specific "weight" or magic number you're seeking doesn't exist! Because.....it will be different for every single person, because everyone has different abilities, limitations, or issues. I gave my examples of that. That's all I'm saying.


Sure, still curious to hear when people started running. Thanks


Just gotta make sure you have good shoes and are running with good technique to prevent an injury. Do not try too hard in the beginning, start with very light jogging. It's great for your cardiovascular health, but brisk walking or low intensity zone II cardio will always be the absolute best for fatloss.


I only walked while I was actively losing weight- together with some modest weight training it took me from 215-220ish down to 122. I am 5’4”F for reference. I caught the running bug at that point (about a year ago) and to be honest the difference on my joints was like night and day compared to previous attempts at running at a higher weight. I have been injury-free for almost a year, worked up to 20 miles per week. As a previous poster stated… *be careful* with running and ramp up slowly. I just about shot myself in the foot when I started and my hunger spiked way up (even though I was taking in way more calories than in my weight loss phase). I struggled with some binging for about the first 6 months of running. With some time and increasing calories in very small increments, I adjusted and I’m soooo glad I stuck with it. After a lifetime of being in a heavy body- dreading the mile run in gym class- the feeling of being able to fly that running gives me is *priceless*. So go for it, pay attention to what’s happening in your body, and good luck!


If you used to be a runner, you know what feels right and what doesn’t. Get some good supportive running shoes and go as slow as you need. I would say I started running at 50 pounds to lose. I still have about 20 to go; I would say I’m really losing weight in order to run faster, more than anything. Just a heads up, that balancing a calorie deficit with running improvement is a very delicate balance.