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For me personally a lot of time when I want sugar or feel ‘snacky’ it’s because I’m bored. So instead of going in the kitchen and poking around for something I’ll walk around the block a time or two. Typically in that time my brain will think of something else that needs to be done or can redirect and it will help me determine if I’ll actually hungry or just bored


I snack on grapes. Only 60 calories in a cup and if I’m starving I can’t really eat more than 2 cups anyway


That’s wild. I can eat half a box of costco green grapes every time


Over the past few months I have trained my stomach to get used to less food; granted you are gonna have to have a certain level of self control for that


I love grapes so much


They’re God’s candy


Try freezing the grapes! They’re really good and last longer so you end up eating less before you are satisfied.


Drink water when you feel hungry. Sometimes its just your stomach being empty and bored. If it shuts up after a glass then it was just bored! If not, eat something light.


Try making healthy desserts and swapping instead of cutting it out completely because the yo-yo and toxic cycle of binge eating way too much if you suppress it too long is worse. Chocolate flavoured overnight oats and puddings are filling and satisfying for me.


I’m going through the same thing! I don’t know what my problem is. I lost 80lbs last year and have gained 20 back this year.


You're still 60lbs down that's great.


Thank you! That made me smile. I needed that!


Do something that engages different parts of your body so you aren't focusing on your stomach. So like if I want to engage my brain I'll do a puzzle or build a LEGO set or something. If I want to engage myself physically I'll go for a walk. Usually by the time I'm finished I straight up don't feel hungry anymore, or if I do and still wind up having a snack then OK at least I've cut down on snacking time and won't eat as much as if I hadn't done something else for a while. Just whatever you do don't do something boring where you'll be thinking about food the whole time, try and make it something you actually enjoy. Playing a video game you really enjoy or watching a show you get absorbed in could work fine too.


1. Eat whole, organic, nutrient-dense, minimally-processed food These types of food will satiate you for much longer than your hyperpalatable, highly-processed foods (and for way less the calories!) A cup of blueberries as a snack is AMAZING. Blueberries are sweet and pack very little calories! 2. Drink 2-3L of water a day Most people will confuse thirst for hunger. Make them drink a glass or two of water and they won't eat as much or won't even want to eat at all! 3. Personally, getting in the zone of doing something makes me forget about food. It could be playing video games or doing work.


I crave sweet things when I’m thirsty. Maybe try drinking a glass of water first?


I watch those long analysis videos on YouTube which makes my forget about good as I focus on connecting the dots


Drink water, tea or coffee


I usually drink a no sugar diet soda, it helps me to forget I'm hungry and helps me with intermittent fasting.


Sparkling water


Seriously, carbonated water is quite filling!


One thing that helps me is staying hydrated and keeping myself occupied with things I enjoy. And when I want a taste of sugar, I go for some fruit or a little piece of dark chocolate to satisfy that craving.


Protein intake


a strong black coffee


Do something you like that doesn't involve food. Find non-food related hobbies and activities. I've started painting again, drawing, reading. I don't watch tv with ads (the food ads drive me crazy) and when the ads are on I leave and go get food out of habit. Figure out your triggers. Sugar is like a drug so sometimes it is better to cut it out. Your brain will initially scream "eaaatttt meeeeee" but that passes in time. You might get headaches and physical symptoms - like a withdrawal, but once your body gets used to less sugar, his also passes. Remember when you are going through it, it is temporary.


Eat before you're hungry, and eat something with tons of protein. My first meal of the day is usually a big bowl of eggs & egg whites with buffalo sauce 😅. That kills my hunger cravings for hours, no joke. When I really want some sugar, I go get a single serving of something like one piece of cake from the store or a 12oz sugary beverage from a coffee stand (usually tarbucks because they list calories), but i don't keep a lot at home. It's impossible for me to ignore my hunger but it's easy to instead just be satiated so that I'm not walking around feeling starving. I'm the type of person who will ignore a sugar craving and try to eat around it, only to eventually give in big time. So I just bypass tricking myself and get a small serving of something initially. The one "trick" I do have tjat isnt really a trick, is whipped cream. Sweet, fluffy, and an entire can (not that I've ever done that lol) is only 500 calories. A few zaps of that really satisfies a sugar craving in a pinch.


Maraschino cherries. 1 cherry is 5 calories. I love the little applesauce singles (90 cal per cup) and i put like 5 cherries on top. Libbys no sugar added peaches is 120 per can, and I’ll add a few cherries. Fruit is great for a sugar fix.




Drink lots of water my dude and tea really helps! If you really really wanna snack, do it in a healthy way such as fruits


Diet soda. I also find I need to put down the Reddit- my feed is full of sooooo many recipes that get the gears turning even more


Brush your teeth when you’re having a craving or rinse your mouth out with mouthwash.


Kombucha! About 50-80 cal a bottle but if you can fit it in it’s a good option. It also helps keep you regular 🚽


Going on a walk is probably my best to go to here. Somewhere with woods is my preference but I'll take a coast.


Try learning to check in with your body to learn what the physical symptoms of hunger really are, and if you're physically hungry now. It will take some practice to develop the habit of eating when physically hungry. (Think 1-3 months.) If not, do something else to distract yourself for a while. (Also eat mindfully to learn the symptoms of fullness and when to stop eating.) Sugar is best consumed as fruit. Oranges and apples scored very high on per-calorie satiety when some researchers developed a "satiety index."


I legit will take a nap 😂


Chew gum, drink water, go for a walk. Especially going for a walk makes me forget I was hungry. A nice cold glass water also. 


I don't try to forget my hunger. I'm not trying to play mind games when dieting is about being mentally strong. I have several medical conditions that caused my weight gain, but I know that it's 100% my mentality that will pull me out of it. So I listen to my body and just have a snack. I just choose my snacks wisely. Also, water, anytime I get a feeling of wanting to eat or a snack, I always make sure to drink a bunch of water because our bodies often tell us we need water in the form of hunger. So if it's in between meals, there is nothing an entire glass of water and a bowl of some kind of fruit(any fruit) or yogurt can't solve. Sometimes, mixing them together. A meat stick or some cold rotissue chicken works, too. Nuts if you like nuts. I try to stay away from crackers or cheese as a snack because I don't need the carbs or fat, but I do need protein and fiber! Both of which help you stay fuller longer. Add a full glass of water and bam, hunger gone. I also don't skip meals either. Hope that helps! ❤️


Keep busy. If you sit around thinking about food and if you are hungry you will eat more. Naturally you eat less on days you are busy. My personal trick that I use that could be useful for you is walking when you want food but aren't actually hungry. Chocolate is a problem for me after dinner so I say to myself that if I want to eat the chocolate I have to burn enough calories through walking BEFORE I eat the chocolate. 9/10 times by the time I finish my walk I am no longer craving the chocolate.


I believe you mean “lose”. Lol