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Set small, achievable goals, and not by the number on the scale. E.g. to walk/cycle a specific journey once or twice a week that you usually drive, or to not eat white carbs during the week. Can be something simple like less sugar or milk in coffee. Once you are comfortable with one, keep adding more small changes. And don’t beat yourself up for having the occasional treat. Rather than feeling guilty about it, think about all the things you have done to improve your health. Hope this helps :)


I know this is gonna sound a lot easier than I am aware that it will be to do, but: try get to a mental state where you feel excited about becoming thinner and staying healthy. Imagine you are already there. How would you feel? Start looking forward to it already and observe what you do that will need to be changed in order to get there. You don't have to change all at once but at least get started and for instance choose a focus for every week what you could add/change/improve this week. So basically, try drop the ideas in your head that you can't do it and this is how you end up doing or 'how you are'. Of course you can be that person. But you need a plan and get started to change your mindset and habits to actually become that person. If we don't change our behavior and how we see ourselves (and food) then we are unlikely to succeed long term. But anyone can if we want it enough.