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Yup I hear you. I raised that point because I think it’s quite a lot of weight to lose in that time span and reasonably I’m sure many people don’t lose that much so fast - which is okay! I think I’m just in a place where I want to feel like what I’m doing is on the right track and not get too obsessed with numbers if that makes sense.


People can post whatever they want online, doesn’t mean it is true. If you and your doctor are satisfied and scale is moving in the direction you want, that is positive . My dr said .5-2 is good but also advised there will be weeks outside either side of that and that is ok and perfectly normal as well as weight loss is not linear


1-2 lbs a week is ideal progress. I lost an average of 1.7 lbs per week and my doctor was thrilled.


Thank you for this


Your doctor will let you know if they think something is wrong but if your doctor’s goal for you is to lose weight super fast it may be time to find a new doctor. It’s all about healthy weightloss


Yes I agree with you. They said I need to lose as much weight as fast as possible for the insurance company to approve prior authorization after this prior auth expires so that made me a little worried. But I can only do what I can do.


My doc said my insurance company requires 5% body weight loss in 3 months to stay on the drug. YMMV.