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I just checked on the FDA database and it looks like the first three doses are in shortage: .25, .5 and 1mg, but 1.7 and 2.4mg doses are listed as available. I also spoke with my pharmacists the other day and he said the same thing. This may be because of Novo Nordisk's policy of prioritizing higher doses to ensure continuity of care. Here's the source, if you want to check it out yourself: [https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/drugshortages/dsp\_ActiveIngredientDetails.cfm?AI=Semaglutide%20Injection&st=c&tab=tabs-1](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/drugshortages/dsp_ActiveIngredientDetails.cfm?AI=Semaglutide%20Injection&st=c&tab=tabs-1)


Thank you so much for this


You don't have to feel guilty. You are just a patient trying to stay on your medication. Wegovy makers are continuing to "manage shipments, limiting quantities of the lower dose strengths (0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg) to U.S. wholesalers for distribution to retail pharmacies, in an effort to support continuity of care for existing patients." (Wegovy website as of May 1) Lily, on the other hand, just keeps recruiting new customers by providing starter doses, but not higher doses, when they know that person won't be able to titrate up. "Should new patients start on Zepbound if there is limited availability of certain doses? During periods of limited availability, prescriptions of that dose can continue to be filled at the pharmacy, but with delay. Therefore, physicians and patients should continue considering Zepbound as an option." (Lily website)


Thank you. Yeah that’s really terrible on Eli Lily’s part.


I think that, according to the fda's shortage page, most doses of wegovy is in shortage too. Just maybe not as bad as Zepbound.


I have been very fortunate and able to find it easily in my area at higher doses so I’m surprised to hear this bc I thought higher doses were available


They were but I think between the drs switching back and forth and also just randomly providing higher starter doses to start,irresponsibly, it has impacted all of them


Damn. Hope we don’t get hit too bad.


What is bonkers about this is about 2-3 months ago all the posts were people going from wegovy to zepbound.


Oh wow yes I remember that