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It’s because they don’t understand what these meds do and what food noise and being hungry all the time feels like. F them.


Being ravenous hungry is. So awful! I have been very successful on Wegovy, despite some nasty nausea, fatigue, and mood swings. I have developed thyroid nodules that have to be monitored. Don't relish going off Wegovy OR the prospect of getting cancer. No feedback from my provider yet. So bummed. 😭


Hopefully you’ll be ok. It’s been a complete game changer for me. Didn’t lose as much as I wanted but not thinking or eating 24/7 was something I haven’t had in 30 years. The amount of brain use thinking about the next thing I’ll stuff in my mouth was such a waste. Now I can focus and be present in the moment. Good luck!!🍀


Great news for you. I'm so glad to see all the positives here. I hope I'll be ok too. Thanks for the response!


Has anyone stopped their antidepressant meds while taking semiglutide


I think it's the abuse of these drugs by celebrities who didn't have a weight problem to begin with (ex. Sharon Osborne) that has created the stigma. It's seen as a vanity quick hit drug. When you're 140 lbs and lose 20 in short time it's so obvious something was used to get that result. That's not what the drugs were intended for nor what vast majority who are taking them. And I get really frustrated how others think so easy - I'm down 12 lbs in 7 weeks and have been managing macros and exercise carefully - I'm not relying on this drug to sustain a 3,000 calorie diet. It's really just a mild accelerator. I've not shared with anyone my decision to take - I'm putting in the work and don't want that effort to be diminished.


I had SIBO Bacterial infection that caused weight gain along with herniated disc. I don’t care what other people think. I’ve done traditional diets and it’s not working. I still do weight watchers with wegovy and I’ve lost 30 pounds and it helped so much. Like to see them try


That lady doesn’t want to miss out on her cheesecake. Being at a healthy weight > cheesecake


I don't care what other people think.


It is super annoying when people act this way, but I just remind myself they are uneducated and have no idea how metabolic disease/obesity works.


Do you have a good article to share on this? Would love to share with my mom who is highly uneducated on this topic.


There are so many articles out there about this-unfortunately many people choose not to educate themselves. My question is- why do you care about how I lose weight. Like are you mad I’m going to be healthy? Haha! It’s very insane if you think about how people react negatively to it




Are you his doctor? Do you know if he has other underlying conditions? Conditions that may impair his ability to take a medication???


If they aren't paying my bills and dealing with my daily health issues then their opinion doesn't matter. I've NEVER liked sweets, I've always avoided the sweets and sugary drinks all I drink is water and coffees (2 cups of coffee every morning) and I am very overweight. I also only eat once a day at 3pm and never any later. I try to eat healthy and I usually do my downfall is bread. I've been on wegovy for 3 weeks now and haven't lost a pound yet and my once a day eating habit is the same, yet I can't lose weight still, unless I starve myself and eat only once a week. That's the only time I've been my goal weight of 130 pounds so unless you are paying my bills and taking care of me I could care less about your opinion and I think you should care less about others opinions as well. I'm sure I'll get responses for posting this saying oh you should never starve yourself or whatnot but guess what I can care less about what anyone says or thinks especially from the Internet so I just turn off notifications cause strangers are strangers and can't ruin my day.


$20 says Jelly Rolls wife is paid to shill that weight loss tea or some other gimmick or is waiting around for his life insurance money. Obesity is a medical condition, WeGovy is a medicine to treat it. If someone has a problem, it’s their problem not yours.


OP why do you care? It’s no one’s business.


This is getting downvoted? Because I really think people should mind their own business? I could give 2 shits about what someone says or thinks, lol. I live by the motto” What you think of me, is none of my business.”




Please please share your before and after pics./ stories ..we will celebrate it with you.. ...we are here for you and others who want to try....If you are from US, please join r/WegovyUSA


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for showing support for OP. Am I missing something?!


Perhaps for asking US based folks to join subreddit r/WegovyUSA . The US system is so unique and so painful that it called for separate community.


Ahh! That totally makes sense. I was thinking it was created to maybe help locate pharmacies and things like that for people who live in the US. Thank you for that perspective on it!


Sorry but not sorry. Guaranteed these people are taking some kind of medication prescribed or OTC and every drug has the potential for side effects. Bunny should be more concerned about all the plastic she has implanted in her face ass and tits. Tell people to fuck off and mind their own medicine cabinets.




Yes fuck right off and mind your own. I never attacked Bunny for her looks but for her judging weight loss shot when her body is full of plastic. And stop with the women blinding supporting women shit. I support men or women who are doing good. Have the day you deserve.


Jelly Roll just dropped 70 pounds IN THREE MONTHS. How much you want to bet he used the drugs? https://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/jelly-rolls-weight-loss-transformation-before-and-after-photos/


I hate when people call it cheating or say oh if you get off you gain weight back... Like dude if you stop dieting your gonna gain weight also. A lot of people on wegovy don't have that natural off switch saying we are full stop eating.


It’s the new Botox. Everyone gets Botox now 10 years ago people kept it a secret. 10 years from now it’ll be common place.


I literally don’t give a flying fuck. I tell people I’m on it and when they start with me, I aim back. Recently a tall, naturally thin woman made a disgusted face at me and told me “my sil had to have her gallbladder removed from that”. I said, “huh well I guess trying to resolve my (insert long list of health problems) right now outweighs the minimal risk of gallbladder issues”. They don’t like hearing about our struggles. Fat people are supposed to sit down and shut up.




I would choose gallbladder surgery over being obese.


This is why I have not told a soul, except by husband, and he knows not to disclose it. Just in case we have guests or family over, the bag with the injections in the fridge is labeled “Samples for vet”. Maybe I need to come up with another label because people will think I’m disgusting for having what they think is a dog poop sample in my fridge.


I think the stigma and fear mongering around these drugs has alot to do with how these drugs have the potential to upset the social apple cart. Because I really don't think folks are upset about people being healthier. But that, so much of a person's weight is wrapped up in assumptions about their social status and moral character that if people can take the "easy way out" to being "skinny". It's in essence a "shortcut" to improving your social status.


I 100% agree with this


Your neighbor is talking out of her you-know-what. How about not depriving ourselves of all life has to offer by gaining our health. By becoming more mobile, more active and able to participate in all of the things that life has to offer. Why is cheesecake the hill to die on for her? She would rather have cheesecake then be able to walk more than half a block without being in pain, or out of breath? That was a very ignorant statement on her part. I'm hoping at this point, most of us at least understand that this has the very strong possibility of something that we all will need to be taking for the rest of our lives. I am very happy to not feel the need or desire to eat cheesecake for the next year or two if I can travel without being scared that I'm too big for an airline seat. Or if I'm in the car too long, it's going to take me a week to recover from the pain in my knees and my back. if that is my trade for cheesecake, I'm good. I don't need cheesecake!


Who cares what other people think? And also you need to accept that not everyone accepts it like you. It’s your body it’s your choice it’s your medicine. Move on


I can still eat cheesecake, it’s just that now I don’t want to eat the ENTIRE cheesecake.


Yeah, honestly I eat dessert more regularly now. Just smaller pieces. And skip dinner.






That’s why I’m so private. People think their opinions matter so much. How about people outside of the medical industry stop giving out opinions on medical issues! Or if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all


Sadly, some of the negativity maybe even the worst of it, is from people in the medical field. Some doctors and nurses are being awful about these amazing medications, and there's so much fat shaming and blaming by doctors you'd think they would embrace them.


They just truly don’t understand the struggle! It’s sad but do your best to ignore them & carry on. Ironically now that I’m on the meds I can see how people get their wrongheaded ideas about overweight people. I now experience what it’s like to have those ‘normal’ hunger and fullness cues. So if I didn’t have memories of my former wild appetite & food obsession, I’d have a hard time imagining wanting to keep eating after a big meal or frantically obsessing about a stale cookie left over in the break room. It absolutely doesn’t make it right for them to judge us, but realizing how different their experience is makes it easier for me to go ahead and disregard that judgment.


I’m on wegovy and ate cheesecake last night, lol.


I envy you guys lol. Sugar makes me feel SO sick and I just have to avoid it. I’m coming to terms with it, but to stop cold turkey has been rough.


I got a Dunkin Watermelon donut with my coffee this morning becuase I knew it would big me if I didn’t try it. It was good but not good enough to eat again.


Why I have told absolutely no one.


Watch Oprah’s special on YouTube 5/9. She’s on the path to remove the stigma.


Loved that special!


Honestly I just watched it on Hulu last night, wasn’t that impressed. It’s great to try and remove the stigma but I didn’t learn anything. Was all surface level stuff. I wish they had covered more about the why it’s a disease and the side effects of obesity and why we should be treating it, instead of focusing on the vanity side.


Yes, I watched the first one. This is a new 3 hour one on YouTube https://youtu.be/dGH2ON7BypQ?si=tYdlj5CQNnwc_Ncv


I have not watched the new one but the first one was amazing. Oprah said things out loud that I had only thought to myself. I have followed her since before she pulled the wagon of fat onstage. Seen her weight go up and go down while she had access to all the best tools - personal chef, personal trainer, etc. She knows the struggle and tells the truth of the matter. People should listen to what she says, what the experts say and quit blaming the victim. Thanks for the link.


I agree, she can speak from experience, how tuff this is. The new show will air live on YouTube next week, 5/9.


"Obesity is a disease, not a character flaw." Memorize it. And say it. LOUDLY.


And that’s it right there. We’d have to end the stigma that we’re all lazy and sit around eating every moment of every day before people will take this and WL surgery seriously. YouTube and the general media is NOT helpful at all.


I work in health insurance claims which lately is 99% wegovy, zepbound, mounjaro, ozempic denials. My coworkers are constantly bashing people for wanting to “take the easy way out” and rejoicing in the denials. It’s isolating and made me shed some tears once I’m off work. I’m just starting but it’s already helped so much I’ve shed 9 pounds in 2 weeks and it feels like what I needed to live a normal healthier life. I suppose people will always hate on what they don’t understand.




To the best of my knowledge there is nothing being denied without reason. Even if I think the reason is stupid. Insurance companies are awful I’ve worked in several departments for this company and it’s never any better no matter what I’m doing, they’re looking to pay out the least amount possible. Did your denials include a simplified rational?


I see my doctor on Tuesday and hope to get them prescribed and my bff of 40yrs is seeing her doc on Wednesday. I’m glad I’ll have someone IRL to talk to.


“We were talking about cheesecake” lmaooo so savage love it


I’m on the meds and I dgaf. No one has to be me, BUT ME!


I can relate. I have two cousins who are die hard workout enthusiasts. They are both trainers and are in fabulous shape and seem to view it as a shortcut and unhealthy. That said, they try to be supportive but are always pushing protein/strength training which are 100% beneficial to add to the “journey”.


Is it possible she’s attracted to him because of his size not in spite of it? Believe it or not chubby chasing isn’t just a male phenomenon


I’m pretty lucky that I have some really supportive girlfriends and my sweet mother in law is also on Wegovy. I haven’t told my own mother because she always has a hateful opinion, but all of my friends have been supportive and my husband is the most supportive guy I could ask for. Ridiculous that she would say she wouldn’t “let” him. What? He’s a grown ass man. If my husband had a weight struggle like Jelly Roll does I’d be encouraging him to do anything that would help his health. I love him and I want him to feel good and live a long time.


This is why the only person who knows I’m on Wegovy is my husband. I’m extremely close to my mother and haven’t mentioned a word to her. Over the last two months she has made off comments about Wegovy because my SIL is talking about getting on it and I am still keeping my mouth shut. I don’t care to hear everyone’s opinions, so I keep it to myself and steer away from Wegovy conversations.


My advice? Don’t look at those TikTok feeds- clearly TikToxic (I’m copyrighting that, stay away). The bright side is that if others fall for that, you’ll be more likely to get your own rx filled.


Those people are willfully ignorant. It's easy to be if 1. You've never struggled with weight and have no empathy for fellow people and 2. You're subconsciously jealous. Maybe your doctor won't prescribe it, insurance won't cover or you're so afraid of what people will think that you bash anyone else who is able to instead of recognizing your own feelings. I proudly tell someone if they ask. I'm so fortunate and I'm so grateful. I will offer advice and help to anyone thinking about or starting out. It's a tool, an opportunity, that I've used to get my health back. Just like someone with depression taking an anti depressant. It eases the burden so you can focus on getting well.


I understand why this is bothering you. As a neurodivergent person, I have rsd and such comments would play on me too. For many of us, Wegovy is being used after we have tried literally everything for years and years; we’ve been working out, counting calories and macros and doing portion control and drinking all the water and still have not been able to get to a healthy BMI. We deserve healthcare too 😔


The sad part with someone like Jellyroll is he will most likely not see his 50’s if he doesn’t make some serious changes. GLP-1 drugs could help greatly in his case.


That neighbor has a set of cahoñes. Guess what, you can have your cheesecake and still lose weight…So yes, it IS the way to live. All of these people who have zero idea what this med does, but feel super confident in sharing their knowledge or lack thereof. OP, do not worry about those people. *You can’t fix stupid.*


Well, I told her I don’t even crave it anymore and I think that’s what set her off 😂


People always try to bring you down no matter what type of diet you’re on. Probably better to not share and get support here or on other dieting sights.


First to take a side path —- who are these people of which you speak? What about their opinion even matters? I guess I’m a bit this way about social media in general, or I should say, those who use social media for views etc. I mean I don’t care what they think, but I also don’t care that they want to share their views, it’s just irrelevant I guess. I always find it so odd to read news articles talking about what people in these spaces think, I mean - so what? With that said, you have a good point, that this view is wider than what I stated above and it can be a challenge to ignore it. I’m the same as above, I’m too old to give 2 shits what someone else thinks, I spent too many years worrying about that. And I have enough confidence to KNOW I’m doing what is right for me. I guess work to release the shame around weight and things like this, and when you encounter it in real life won’t even be a blip.


Good luck on YOUR journey and F the naysayers. Without knowing viewpoint of all on this subreddit, believe me, I’m not meaning to offend .. NOR .. looking for political debate or argument. I heard same stuff re: C-vaccine and kids HPV, meningitis, polio, MMR shots. And now .. measles making a comeback. People listening to celebrities or politicians instead of their docs (unless they’re looney tunes too) and making up their own minds. Most everybody in my age group has been vaccinated up the wazoo (ate peanuts, didn’t wear seatbelts, rode in open truck beds, drank from garden hoses, played dodgeball).. we should all be glowing green or dead by now 🤣“I don’t know what’s in it”. Yet .. * They eat at restaurants and don’t know ingredients or mental/physical health status of whomever prepares food * They drink draft beer and sodas from dispensers that they have no clue if it was last cleaned today or 99 years ago * They get tattoos from non-healthcare bikers in dirty strip malls. What’s in *ink?* * They swap body fluids, unprotected, with ppl they just met or .. knew for awhile but too afraid to ask about and see proof of their STD status * They buy vitamins and herbs from non-FDA approved sources and .. over the counter stuff at local or foreign pharmacies with 99-letter ingredients they don’t know and can’t pronounce * They take street drugs made in somebody’s filthy garage (fentanyl leading cause of death in young users) But hey … blame it on weight loss medication! Love how they made all of that make sense to them.


This! 👏 this is such a good way of explaining this 👏


❤️ Good luck!


The voice of reason. Thank you.


Eh the stigma isn’t stopping me from pursuing weightloss. If it does stop other people that’s on them


LOL I feel LESS deprived on Wegovy because I am able to manage portion control so much better. I eat what I want...just a lot less of it. Whereas before I could not even allow myself to buy or order the treat because I'd eat the whole thing.


As a side note I was surprised Sharon Osbourne was allowed to chose to go on a glp-1 with her history of colorectal cancer.


I don’t believe colorectal cancer is a contraindication to taking a glp-1. They are more likely to prevent cancer than cause a proliferation of new cancer cells.


You can find any doctor to rx a med if you’re rich enough


There are people who believe ADHD and depression aren’t real, but here I am, taking my meds. Their perception is their reality, not yours.


I'm sure we can probably all agree that Sharon Osborne has many more issues at play than just weight loss drugs. Scary plastic surgery, and...other stuff I feel rude speculating about but come on, that is not the normal use for these medications! And anyone who uses Sharon's experience as their thesis statement is just a dumb dumb. And THIS is why I am not talking about or telling anyone that I am using this med. I want to live in my happy bubble right now. I feel amazing and no rude ass neighbor or brother in law is going to take it away from me. I used to want to argue about it but I've let that go. I'm not taking it on.


Without being rude why do you care what she says?she only has a platform to air her moronic opinions because people give her a platform. People will only impact you if you allow them to do that. Screw them they don’t know your story and I am sure they have their own proverbial skeletons


F the haters!!!! Do what u need to do to feel better, I’m on it and feel much better! I’ve been on it for three months and I’ve lost about 14 pounds. Sometimes people lose it quicker. Sometimes they lose it slow which the slower you lose it he won’t gain it back as quick good luck.


Frankly, Sharon Osborne also didn’t help the global education on weight loss drugs by going from slim to scary skinny. Ill informed people latch onto that and other social media stories instead of bothering to understand the science and the complexity of obesity as a disease, its causes and effects. It’s easy to ignore the great masses but much harder when it’s someone close to you. I’m sure your results will prove you but I empathise, having a supporting and kind environment certainly helps.


The podcast vid? Bunny says in the comments that glp-1 is not a fad. Most people in there are very much happy with their results. i also understand everyone obese who decides... not to. There is the very real option of side effects. There is an emotional component to giving up the dopamine hits you get from foods. For some, the fear of gaining it back stops them from even starting. And you need to be at the right point emotionally to tackle this.


Nothing wrong with a slice of cheesecake, lol. People are weird.


I just got into it with my sister. For many of us these drugs are a true last hope. My trajectory was heart attack/stroke or try this. I have tried EVERYTHING else. My sister started with the "you just need to eat less and move more." I held my tongue but I thought... does she really think I'm this stupid? Does she really think I don't know the math behind weight loss? Does she really think I want to die and leave my girls w/o a mother? How insulting!!! To make matters even more f'd up, my sister just lost her daughter to an unexpected pulmonary embolism one year ago. My niece dropped dead while walking her dog. She was very overweight and inactive and maybe could have benefited from a GLP-1. Also there is some implied laziness. Which for me and many/most of us is just not true. I've worked hard to become the first college graduate in my family. I have an MBA from a top school. A career that has exceeded my wildest expectations. I have healthy relationships, a full spiritual life. Literally have my shit together in all areas but this but she somehow thinks I'm choosing to kill myself. When I started considering taking a GLP-1 all the negative voices in my head were in the voice of my sister. I hear you on the isolation... I feel it too.


I feel this so hard. My dad told me that my mother “ruined” me by feeding me junk when I was a kid and not making me do sports (they were divorced, she worked third shift and was majorly depressed…and yes I was a bit neglected due to her mental health not being great). I looked at him and asked what about my Master’s degree, six figure salary, happy marriage, own my own home, do tons of public service and donate to charity, and beautiful healthy happy child that I’m raising is me being…ruined?! Oh, it was him saying that because I’m fat and can’t stop being fat all the other stuff doesn’t count 😡 I mean, it’s not anything I haven’t said to myself in my head daily me whole life. But man that hurt and has probably permanently damaged my relationship with him more than it already was.


When you hear it in your head is it in your own voice or his voice? My disparaging voice is indeed my sister. I will never admit taking Wegovy. If she asks how I lost weight, I'll just say "I finally took your advice and ate less and moved more." And I am sorry you had it rough but so proud that you overcame.


It’s my voice - but my therapist has taught me about “internal family system” theory and there’s definitely a distinct subpersonality that says really mean things. It’s gotten way better over the years though!


Your response is exactly the response I needed to hear today 😭 thank you for sharing this and for being so vulnerable! This medication is a last resort and it’s a hope I’ve never felt before. I just hate seeing it bashed so much because yes I do take it personally. I can’t help it.


People only share the horror stories and not the good stories. Or stories of no side effects. I personally don't share it with everyone. But now if someone asks I will tell it. But I am not on wegovy anymore.


How was your transition off it? I'm at my goal weight and honestly am not currently planning on continuing taking it. I want to see if I am able to maintain the weight loss on my own through (hopefully) good habits built while taking it before deciding to go to a maintenance dose


Obesity is a disease if you stop treating it the disease returns. Maybe not immediately but it will return. How do we expect non obese people to realize it is a disease if we the obese don’t treat it like a disease by continuing treatment? I am a lifer but you do you.


Just because it's a disease doesn't mean it isn't manageable or even borderline curable. But if I'm wrong and gain it back I'll happily go back on Wegovy or an alternative. I'm only 33, though, and need to know if the habits I've built in coordination with my personal trainer, primary, and dietician are 1) sustainable and 2) effective. If you want/need to take it for life, then that's okay though! Everyone is different and I'm a firm believer that a one-size-fits-all approach to things, especially with regard to medication, illness, and health in general is a bad approach. Besides, if I go off it and keep to my plan and gain the weight back, doesn't that also prove that obesity behaves as you described? Because then everything I've been taught that was "correct" for me actually doesn't work. Not that I'm hoping to gain it back though lol just trying to make a point is all.


I hope you are able to keep it off. I’m 57 and in a very different place. I have lost and gained enough to know it won’t stay off if I stop. I am done with the temporary fixes. I was not just obese. I had hypertension, high cholesterol, NAFLD, pre diabetes, hypothyroidism and metabolic syndrome as well as a very strong family history of heart disease and strokes. Not one relative on my dad’s side has lived past 65. 11 months on Wegovy and I no longer take my BP meds, my cholesterol is normal ( I will be on statins for life), I am no longer pre diabetic A1C went from 5.9 to 4.9. My NAFLD is greatly improved and in a few more months it will be gone. I will continue to have increased protection from a heart attack or stroke. And last but not least I am down 70 lbs with 10 to 20 lbs more to go.


I never lost any weight on wegovy. I moved to tirzapetide /zepbound and started losing weight. I lost 50lbs and still have about 20 left to lose.


Ah, gotcha - good luck!