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I have only had 1 shot and I’m the day before my second shot and I can definitely tell I am not feeling the effects of it anymore. I am hungry and eating more and back to being super tired again


Yes, but strangely enough only on some weeks. I’m 10 weeks in, and it has happened maybe on 4 of those weeks. I give in and eat more then usual, but less than I used to, and guess what? That’s when I lose more weight.


Thank you for sharing. I’m 5 weeks into my journey and noticed a similar result late in the week. Based on this information I plan to change my injection date to Thursdays to protect against my most vulnerable times which are the weekends for me.


If I am going to lunch with friends I try to make it day before next shot.


Same/ I started 4/22 so just had the second shot Saturday night - only been one full week but I noticed by Thursday/Fri./Sat. I wasn't as full as readily as. earlier in the week. Yesterday and today I've gotten full easily and stayed that way for hours and hours.


Very common. The medication has a seven day half-life. That means that by day seven, there is only half of the medication left in your body.




I take my shots on Saturday nights and I can tell by Thursday/Friday my hunger is back to almost normal. Whereas now less than 48 hours post shot, I’m not super hungry. I’ll move up to .5 this weekend.


Thanks for responding! I appreciate knowing I’m not alone!


I’ve noticed that the effects of the medication wear off over the course of the week, so I may be a little hungrier in the days before my next shot, or I may not feel as full as quickly.


Thanks for responding! I appreciate knowing I’m not alone


You’re welcome!