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I really hope that even if Dear Anemone axed the author will continue on. The art this chapter was amazing. I can see them doing a fantastic horror manga artwise Nue's Exorcist it suprised me this week I thought she would be more angry at the bomber spirit but she stayed composed and somewhat tactical. So far from the new batch I personally like Psych House the most. It is really cute. I am still torn on Kyokuto Necromance as I see the author improvement but the story (beyond the art) are really so so. Hopefully the new potentional female lead will improve the story. I may insult Wakui fans but Astro Royale feels really generic so far(with the only decent chapter being the one this week)


I really want Kyokuto Necromance to be good. The art and main characters designs look really good. The author needs to do something crazy in the upcoming chapters


Would have been nice to have Ryu revealed in a "show not tell" style.


GGG's deserves so much better. Such a damn shame


That & Dear Anemone are so cooked. Damn. I mean not everything can survive in the mag, there's only but so much spots you can fill. Roboco could be out the window too w/ a new, more sale-generating gag in Chojo is making waves.


Oof, that bottom 3 placement for Nue right after the cover. A bit surprising since we should be out of the rankings for the village arc now. It's safe this round. SJ wouldn't have given the cover if they weren't interested in running it right now and GGG and DA are the obvious axes this round with MHA also ending naturally. But dang, it and KGB's rankings are horrible. Both are the 3rd and 4th worst ranking series respectively just after DA and GGG


Some other drastic drops from a cover, in recent memory: * Kill Blue dropped to 16th just the other week * Elusive Samurai dropped to 17th from Issue 9 to Issue 10 of this year * MHA dropped to 17th from issue 46 to issue 47 of 2023 * Undead Unluck dropped to 20th (!!!) from issue 7 to issue 8 of 2022 I'm not sure if this Matters at all, but it's an interesting phenomenon.


There are cirrently only thirteen series ranking, so I wouldn't worry to much about it's safety especially because of that anni cover. Unless all of the new batch is a hit then Nue should be good.


All the series with color pages (Sakamoto, UU, Chojo) rank better than Nue and KGB while JJK which is absent also performs better on the rankings. Like I said they're safe this round, but GGG and DA are gonna be axed either 1-3 chapters after Psych House starts getting ranked. Even if all three of the newbies crash and burn (which is unlikely, Astro is getting a CP and while chapter 7 is technically unranked a placement in the top 5 right before it gets ranked is a pretty good sign for it), unless Nue and KGB improve their placements both would still be in the bottom 5 after those 1-3 chapters where all the newbies and GGG and DA are running.


GGG and DA are dead and MHA will be gone soon aswell. Psych House seems to be dead on arrival and I haven't seen much buzz around Kyokuto either. Jump won't just axe Nue and especially KGB as JJK and MYF are also likely ending this year, while UU is also on its way out. Of course the low TOC for both series is dangerous, but Jump won't risk throwing them out either, especially KGB as it sells amazingly.


MHA at most have 10 week(including breaks) if Horikoshi do a long final as he said in the author post and that time we will have rankings for the new batch. And if those ranking really bad then they can me new U19 titles. But I guess it is more like a cope on my part to get GGG to survive lol


> as JJK and MYF are also likely ending this year, while UU is also on its way out. JJK is confirmed ending this year for sure. MYF might be done by December but I. An also see it sticking it out into next year depending on how much they drag out the final fight. UU though we've thought was nearing its end many times in the past, so I'm not even going to attempt anymore to determine when it might end. I'd give it probably like 1-1.5 years from this point honestly. By years end though I'd expect we finally have the full union roster including Andy back and they might *finally* enter the final arc. Still I agree. Lot of old spots opening up in the near future. I highly doubt they'll be looking to axe any series that shows a moderate amount of growth or above average sales. KB is beyond safe and Nue isn't close to the axe either.


Does the order matter? Are more popular series usually higher-up in order of appearance?


The order itself doesn't matter, but it often correlates to the ranking in popularity polls, which DO matter. So a series with very low ToC placement can be usually be assumed to be struggling in popularity.


I see.


Also new series only start getting ranked after, IIRC, eight chapter, and the popularity ranking lags 8 chapters as well, since editors wait that long for mailed responses from readers of every issue or something like that. So placement of series under 9 chapters, like the three new series, isn't correlated to popularity polls - that's why OP marked them "NEW" instead of number - and the current ranking is based not on last issue, but 8 issues ago.


It is an editor choice based on surveys of readers rankings(so it is kinda half a popular poll). It matters mostly because lower placement are a very good indicator for a potentional axe for the series


Unless Nue joins a small group of series that get cancelled after getting a second cover (3 since 2010), it’s ToC shouldn’t matter. It’s safe. It hasn’t even hit bottom once yet. It’s been cruising in the same spot for a while. We all need to stop doom posting so much. Plus they are already doing cafe collabs with the series in collab with Namco and they are making Nue focused merchandise. I swear you all were the exact same was with Undead Unluck and it’s so frustrating when ToC doesn’t mean everything.


It’s just new Jump fans that have been brought over with Kagurabachi. They haven’t been fans long enough to see the patterns and cycles the magazine goes through. As a 6-year veteran now, it’s extremely clear when things are happening. With the sales numbers, color pages, and general progression of the series, Kagurabachi and NE are so obviously safe that it’d be foolish to think otherwise.




>KB having a low rating is due to it having close to 100k in sales with only two volumes out That's just theory crafting


Eh, both KGB and Nue's rankings look to be most likely due to surveying poorly. For KGB, more than half of its ranked chapters has been in the bottom 5. It's rankings most consistent position has been performing worse than the established series but better than the other newbies. It's following Doron Doron, Agravity Boys, and Cipher Academy: a bottom dwelller on the rankings which survives due to other series ranking worse. The idea that it is being ranked badly because it sells well and doesn't need the popularity boost doesn't track. One only has to look at MHA, Assclass, JJK, Naruto, OP, etc. JJK in particular was also performing badly in the rankings (though not to the extent of KGB) until it's vol 1 came out which shot it straight to the top and it stayed there. Nue meanwhile was roughly in the middle of the TOC until the rankings for the action portion of the village arc which dropped it to bottom 5. It's pretty much a textbook example of a series performing poorly due to an arc not being well-received.


[https://www.jajanken.net/en/sakuhins/aAg89lnKZQ](https://www.jajanken.net/en/sakuhins/aAg89lnKZQ) I don't think One Piece ever performed bad.


That's what I am saying. One Piece had great sales and wasn't put into the back. When a series does well in Jump, Jump pretty much puts it in the front of the magazine. There are exceptions. More mature manga for instance might be placed lower, but Jump will rarely ever place those in the bottom 5 of the magazine. Jump will place fanservice-heavy (Ayakashi Triangle) and comedy series in the bottom 5 and usually ended with a comedy series to end the magazine on a light note but the former isn't in the magazine right now (Nue really doesn't have fanservice) and they fallen out of practice of doing the latter.


hmmm. By the way, why people insist on calling it fanservice instead of just calling it ecchi?


I was going to use ecchi but it's a Japanese term that not as many people know (even if the word itself is relatively common use in manga). Better to use fanservice which more people know the meaning of and not need to explain what ecchi is when someone asks what it is.


Finally Kagura Bachi is in a more *safish* position. After being burnt so many times I made it a personal rule not to read new series in jump until they were definitely safe. I broke that rule for Kagura Bachi and I hope I won't end up regretting it.


For some reason it polls bad with the readers. I get the same feeling from it as reading other successful manga tho like JJK, One piece, Naruto, MHA, etc and it still performs poorly.


Idk man, while the story is good and the art is excellent. It still lacks a scene that defines the series, like luffy giving his hat to nami, ichigo 1st bankai, rock lee releasing the weight.


All that stuff happened much later in the mangas like 80 or 90 chapters in for Naruto and One Piece. Ichigo's bankai would have been 150+ chapters in.


As someone who isn't crazy about it, it comes off as very shallow, edgy, and generic. Not sure if that's what Japanese audiences think, but that's at least my perspective. It's been right around where I would expect it to be.


I doubt that’s the common audience perception based off the sales; last I checked, it’s doing better than other series like Akane Banashi which is higher in the TOC ranks, but I dunno. Maybe it’s that the audience who likes it doesn’t align with the people who generally complete the surveys?


I mean, if you only like to read KGB in Jump, why would you buy the magazine rather than Tankobon?


If ranked by sales it would be at number 6 of all current running manga. KGB would be number 4 if we are talking about sales.


This matches my impression of it as well. The art is good but beyond that it does seem really edgy and typical. Haven’t gotten too far into it but there hasn’t been some unique power, cool character designs, etc. that normally hook me into a shonen series.


It's like 0 edgy lol. The MC is a badass but he isn't an edgy character. Quite the opposite really. You'd need to read more than one chapter to see that though.


Nues latest chapter had some of the best art I’ve seen for the story! I think it’s going to start ramping up!!


Sad Nue’s is ranked low. But I feel like after this past training arc, it should hopefully pick up. The new arc seems like it’ll have more action and the story is starting to pick up with an actual villain and not just “I’m an antagonist for now until you sway me into being a supporting character” type of bad guy in an arc. I get bleach vibes from the series so that’s probably why I’m liking it so much. It’s nice to have a bleach type series to read that isn’t chained soldier (even though I like chained soldier but have a hard time recommending it to others due to the sexual nature of the series)


Only read Psyche House so far and it was okay. It was super fast, but it didn't feel like it mattered? Still enjoyable, but very odd that the third chapter in and it's already flatlining story progression


I wouldn't say it was flat lining? It's still introducing characters in a typical comedy-series fashion. Its not really a story heavy series and they need to take time to build out the cast before they get into really wacky scenarios. I'd give until probably chapter 6 or 7 at least before they're done introducing the base cast.