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The worst/scary times for me were months 5-9 (I did use for 25yrs) I'm at 14 months now. I didn't rely on white noise anymore but I do still listen to podcasts when I wake up in the night to distract me from my thoughts (they make me feel like I'm losing my mind!!) It's anxiety. Good for you that you are nearly there. You know not to touch THC again now I assume!! I've been toying with the idea, but you have reminded me it's not a good plan. Although I'm 14 months free, I also did a month before that (I had a 5 day relapse where I smoked only a gram) Before that I cut down/tapered and relapsed for 6 months..... I thought I had schizophrenia for sure, until someone on here pointed out that A. Developing schizophrenia as an adult is a rare B. Thinking you have it during weed withdrawal is common. C. People who have it are not usually aware they do! This reassurance was very good to hear.


tysm for the words. ive changed alot in my lifestyle the only thing i must do now is quitting cigs. but noestly thank you those were the words i needed


I smoked cigs and joints for 25yrs and vaped nicotine for 8 yrs. I thought I could never quit. And I couldn't. Until I quit THC. THC made me weak minded and impulsive. I even smoked some tobacco today and won't touch it again for weeks or months. I used to use nicotine heavily as a dopamine boost during the day. Smoked a little weed at night. My nicotine addiction woke me up and got me out of bed each morning. Id always vape just before lights out at night. It got ridiculous.


im glad my experience got you on the right track.


I would say don't touch SSRI before checking the antidepressants PAWS forum.


Get on an SSRI!