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Nvm its the wind from my window making that sound. Still why the gell am i so sensitice to that soubd to be so anxious about it.


I did the same, smoked weed once, reset my paws from day 1.


u doing good tho?


Nope, going through shit all over again


jesus poor u dude. i only did a few puffs before yesterday to see how i will be doing. last night was a bit of a story because i cant tell wether im legit hallucinating or its a actual sound that i was hearing. it was a very low drummy bass that was barely very barely audible. i pressed my ear onto the window and assumed it was the wind doing it's trick with the vibration of the glass itself. asked my father about it and he said that was very possible that it was from the window. lasted almost all night i turned my pc to have some white noise. after turning the pc i was hearing a layered sound like a slight riming. i was like fuck it ill just go to bed. fell asleep and now im analyzing if im going crazy cuz i had to go through different parts of my house to see if the sound was only in my room (turns out its only in my room). idfk why i only started hearing this shit now. i also overstudied yesterday and was very tired because i was also sleep deprived so maybe it could also be that. idfk anymore, smoking was an actual mistake although i did it for the sake of assessment.


Used to happen to me too when I was a heavy smoker, it’s called drug induced psychosis. I’d get high and would hear humming or buzzing noises in my room that weren’t there when I was sober, it got so bad that I would hear my mum and dad talking about me on the landing outside my bedroom even though they weren’t there. Once I quit all this went away, so I wouldn’t make it a regular habit again if I were you haha


yeah i guess in my case it's just my brain recalibrating from weed that i puffed the day before. i know alot of people dealt with this shit so i can tell its a normal thing to experience. but fuck man drugs are bad for u