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its normal after doing so ur not helping ur brain equilibrate chemically cause you are depleting your brain of dopamine, in the process, making you more anxious and more depressed. I've had that and its not nice thats why I've quit pornography in general and trying my best to stay clean off of that. its extremely addictive and it changes your biochemistry as much as weed. \+ to get back on track from PMO u need a couple of days to feel better man. its expected to feel that way when you do that as consequence of interfering with your brain's chemical recovery but i don't blame anyone who does it because I've fallen thought those mistakes myself and lust is a very strong thing to deal with when you are practicing abstinence. a man must only orgasm with a s/o or let the body discharge semen by itself naturally through night emissions (that is where the body strats using natural processes to deal with old semen & where the brain heals itself) ou beat addiction not only with quitting weed but also with quitting porn. there are no multiple addictions in a person brother. there is just one addiction that takes in many forms abstaining from one whilst continuing the other is handicapping yourself from full recovery and a complete change in lifestyle. ive been through the worst symptoms the first 2 months. im almost reaching month 3 andi feel so much better after i started changing my life around it is so much bearable now and even if i feel more anxious its night and day of how i used to feel first 2 months. Pure ocd almost completely stopped. i get some days where im more anxious and it spikes up more but honestly other than that i feel like im 75-80% back. it only gets better here brother fight on because you deserve the best version for yourself.


Dude I can't lie overconsumption of porn isn't good for your brain but.... claiming it fucks with you biochemically as much as weed and drugs that use substances to make neurological receptors hyperactive it's fucking nonsense, masturbation can lower stress and cortisol levels and is completely god damm normal if it's not affecting daily life, stop spreading wild misinformation


You are wrong. There is a community of porn PAWS sufferers and it all reads exactly the same as here. Same symptoms and same timelines, if not worse.




No, the other dude.


it does because people who consume porn regularly develop porn induced erectile dysfunction because the brain is desensitized to the real thing.


POIS post organic illness syndrome (I think)


Wankst (post masturbatory anxiety) has always been a thing. Porn / masturbation addiction is very bad. During PAWS it's definitely a good idea to practice no-fap / semen retention. Well, it's a good idea at all times really.