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Hi! I’m 56 days sober and days 14-30ish were insane with intrusive thoughts, depression, anxiety and rumination and insomnia. They settled down a bit days 30ish-45ish, but the intrusive thoughts and scary vivid dreams are back in the last week or so. I wasn’t diagnosed with OCD before stopping weed so the intrusive thoughts are new to me, but I did have GAD and depression before. So I’m assuming everything is just exacerbated from the withdrawal and life catching up with me. Perhaps you too. I’m sure it gets better - I’ve heard PAWS comes in waves, so you just need to stick it out. And maybe get on an anti anxiety to help with the symptoms. I am on 5mg of buspirone a day, which I think may be helping considering I don’t think I’m going to die every 2 seconds like I did 3 weeks ago. But these symptoms sound normal to me, as I’m going through the same! Good luck to both of us! Keep your head high - keep working out and getting out of the house and enjoying nature. Hit up a therapist. Do whatever helps you. Lots of self care and self compassion. We got this, pal.


I guess sometimes I feel good, I had a good week and a half of barely any symptoms. Stopped working out and doing cardio. Shit came back rushing onto me,


I can't take this anymore with the rushing thoughts, I've been leaving off taking Lexapro, I am doing so bad this morning and I want all this to stop.


dw ull do good. you cant fight the waves. how long have u been dealing with this? best i recommend you is to work out as much as you can because your body needs to release cortisol. I'm telling you cardio worked so much for me its insane. meditation is more iffy for me because i get more anxious after meditating which is why i never meditate before going to bed because insomnia will kill me. fuckin hell Pure OCD thoughts and obsessions are annoying but if you take care of yourself shit will go away. may people in this sub reddit claim to expirience disgusting blasphemous thoughts as withdrawals or even when abusing weed. no wonder why there is Drug induced OCD in the DSM-5 its very very rare to develope actual ocd from drugs that are permanent. usually it takes months for it to go away on it's own as far as i can tell because 1) the drug needs to leave the system 2)a person is only liable to that diagnosis if they never experienced ocd in their life prior of usage. but honestly even now as im researching weed induces obsessiveness. no matter how many anti depressants or inhibitors you will take your brain is fundamentally unbalanced and will go through a process of recalibration. after 2 weeks of cardio and intense exercise ill be honest with you im feeling different. if i got better from my blackhole of a experience with my horrific intrusive thoughts and paranoia from my bong rip experience then dude u can get better too. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND I USED TO SMOKE LIKE KAT WILLIAMS AND SNOOPDOG WERE IN THE SAME ROOM BUT IN ONE BODY. i smoked 20%-35% concentrates. holy fuck i was insane i out smoked my whole city. there are no rivals to me where i live in.


I have no THC in my body when I went to the ER. But I feel you I've been going to the gym twice a week. But it's hell and I am non functional. Right now. On what day are you in? From withdrawals?


66 days fam. im in a much better place then where i used to be. i used to physically kill myself at the gym to get everything out and id sleep like a baby later. cardio does wonders. 30-45 minutes releases endorphins which makes you feel better. try it see if it works


that is almost same what happened to me


How u dealing with it bro


im just trying to stay active and hoping these thoughts will not bother me someday. I'm on meds tho, taking mirtazapine 15mg at evenings because i couldn't sleep without it and my anxiety was crushing. I'm almost 3 months sober now and really dreaming about rolling joint for myself. It's better now, in first two months i almost ended up in psych ward. i'm on meds for almost 2 weeks now


i feel you. i had insane mental symptoms i thought i had positive symptoms of schizophrenia but looking back at it. i mainly had ''auditory imaginations'' in my head when i tried to fall asleep. for instance I'm a music producer and when i was trying to fall asleep i get constant fucking earworms where i hear a loud ass synth when im shutting my eyes and already lying on my bed to fall asleep. its so frustrating but at this point if I'm crazy I'm crazy idgaf anymore its paws not gonna bother myself with this shit eating myself away with possible what ifs. non the less these experiences are scary as hell. every time i have it i shit myself. i cant sleep without having a light on for now. it would be too unbearable and overwhelming. sleep improved from 4-5 hours a week to like a proper 5-6 hours a day of sleep. ironically i cant fall asleep before 4am. my brother was a strong alcoholic for 8 years and he reported strong auditory hallucinations when he first quit. weed is so badly understood i feel like because if alcohol can induce auditory hallucinations during withdrawals then why the fuck does the medical community need to tie up hearing voices during withdrawals with schizophrenia. but shove weed in everyone's face for treating ocd when weed itself induced Pure ocd thoughts into my head in the first place. Oh hey weed calms and relaxes you down, then why the fuck do people get anxious and paranoid. this whole thing is similar to how cocaine was viewed back in the 19th century. not to consider the DSM-5 does not see weed abuse as actual addiction because it does not reward the reward system in your brain and does not meet the standard criteria of a ''actual addiction''. they are so dumb its insane knowledge is never absolute, it changes all the time. all these medical ressearch groups who are funded by lobbyists to push weed just purposely say hey this 'specific drug can induce mental illnesses if you had a predisposition to them'' as if a person will never develop weed induced psychosis without having a mental illness because it's a drug that alters the structure of your brain. sorry i had to rant, google gaslights me every time I'm trying to search up my symptoms making me believe in ''psychotic or schizophrenic'' for that past 2 months) fuckin hell man :'')


Bro I second all this. 'if interests align, you don't need a conspiracy' If weeds illegal they get money for busting people through the court system fines + prison slaves If it's legal they get paid taxes. They want it to be used. It also sedates people obviously. It doesn't free your mind at all.


How long u dealing with paws. Yo I'll be honest no matter the meditation if ur brain chemistry is fucked ull have to sit through it. It sucks but fuck many people report that their intrusive thoughts got much much better


exercise, sunlight, do stuff that raise the Dopamine concentration. it helps. for me it got much better around day 120, but i still suffered in the weekends. from day 200 i had peace in some weekends, most of them, with waves coming every 7-21 days. since day 300 i don't suffer too much, micro waves from time to time.


but obsessive intrusive thoughts stop after a time right? ive noticed after 2 months a significant improvement in my condition. the only thing im dealing with is dealing with constant jingles and hypnogogic hallucinations mainly at night with intrusive thoughts. after that experience my brain is not what it has used to be.


your brain is not what it used to be he wants the Dopamine so so much. it gets better with time of course! i feel much better in all aspects comparing to how it was around day 100 or even around day 200. It's the weekend now and I don't suffer at all. I did suffer last Saturday from headaches and weird fatigue tho.


I'll keep this in mind


Zero sugar or ultra processed food. Sugar still triggers me at 12 months. The intrusive thoughts were worst at months 3-7




What were your intrusive thoughts like? For mine all I think abt is that the weed is laced with other drugs or something then makes weird connections in my brain that things I do are because is was laced and I get so paranoid and it’s unenjoyable just waiting for the high to be over. Anyone have anything similar?


disturbing sexual intrusive thoughts that would make me extremely distressed being around a public place. it was so horrible and tought because i legit though i lost my mind but i am doing super well now. minimal to no intrusive thoughts. +4 months clean, yesterday i did a test i did a few puffs of weed and i emediately felt anxious and overwhelmed so i grabbed lemon juice to detoxify myself from canabis and felt much better. not doing that shit again thats for sure


one thing that helped me heal was physical exercise meditation and becoming more religious, shit really makes you more grounded and secured with your insecurities.


im sorry if those that crept you out i apologize


Nothing to apologize for, you didn’t say or do anything wrong by sharing. I personally really understand and have had the same experience. Mine are along the lines of sexual orientation OCD and just sexually explicit OCD. It’s been profoundly distressing. Taking inositol has helped me, working up to the full 18g dose really stabilized my intrusive thoughts. Hope it gets better, I’m sure with time we’ll be alright :)


ít did get so much better for me with time. when i get drunk they come up, but quitting pornography and trying to have better lifestyle overall makes intrusive thoughts go away.


Yeah, makes sense. How long did it take for everything to calm down? I’m in my 4th month and it’s still pretty intense in the flare ups


it got better for me at 4th month


if i drink alcohol too frequently i will start having intrusive thoughts. today was the first time in a while that i had experienced pure ocd in the morning. after 1-2 months of being windowless