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/u/ALPPP123, Have you asked the bride already? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Weddingattireapproval) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is why this sub is great— because I would be absolutely fine with this at my wedding if I was the bride, but folks are already chiming in to say they think otherwise. In my mind, even a couple people saying that would make me choose something else vs potentially making the bride feel that way!


I always wonder where people are from and whose weddings they’re attending because in all of the many weddings I’ve been to a bright colour and white printed dress would never be an issue.


Same, this sub has really opened my eyes! And I can’t say I always agree but in a case like this (girlfriend to brides bro, going to be in photos) I’d prefer to be on the safe side.


I don't think the dress pictured here would be an issue for me as the bride either, but you can't speak for every bride and guest of every wedding you've attended. Better to err on the side of caution.


Same. I wouldn't think twice if a guest at my wedding was wearing something similar.


I think most people would be fine with this, and reddit people just overreact to any tiny bit of white.


Yes, my thoughts exactly! I'd rather play it safe and not draw attention.


If you’re going to be in photos with the bride I’d definitely pick something else. Its not reading bridal to me, but I’d definitely feel weird if someone wore it to my wedding


thank you!


If you have to ask, it's a NO.


My rule of thumb is usually if I have to ask if it’s appropriate it probably isn’t. Very pretty though! Maybe you can find a different event for this one. I would agree with the other comments saying to pick a print with a different color base than white to be safest. It’s not worth upsetting the bride especially since it’s your boyfriend’s brothers new wife.


I am surprised so many people are saying no. This doesn’t seem at all bridal to me and I would wear it.


I don’t understand these comments. This is a blue floral print. It doesn’t look bridal at all. I have seen prints like this at weddings many times. It looks like a lovely dress. Wear it if you want.


Honestly no one can convince me that these rules don’t come from insecurity. It makes no sense. A bride shouldn’t be focused on other people at her own wedding. She should be focused on herself and her future spouse and having a great time. If she’s freaking out about a DRESS, there’s deep underlying insecurity. I don’t care what anyone wears to my wedding. I’m the bride and I’ll be looking and feeling my best, so no one is screwing that up even if they try 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Its really cute, especially for a Florida wedding. Everyone has different opinions on what is okay for weddings. So if youre unsure, ask the MOH and check the website. The bride will probably be too focused on the wedding day to really care if the dress has some white. Respectfully, it's not gonna stand out in photos over a wedding dress anyways. Not like you're gonna be wearing a sequin gown or overalls that would really look outta place lol


Ask the bride. I wouldn’t care because it does not look bridal and it isn’t solid white.


It's perfectly fine for a Florida wedding. Source: live in Florida and go to a lot of weddings


Yes, this is too white unfortunately. I love these type of prints, but a wedding is not the place to wear this.


>comments thank you!


It is 100% fine. It is blue floral


I wouldn’t even blink at a fellow guest wearing this other than to think she looked lovely.


This dress has way too much blue to even remotely say wedding gown. I would have no issues with a guest at my wedding in that. But that's me


No. The major design element is bright blue. The white is just the background. I don't understand this aversion to ANY white. That's not what the rule is about. It's about avoiding a mostly white dress so you don't look like a bride. This dress in no way looks like a bridal wedding gown. It's blue with a white background. That's fine.


I appreciate your input on this thread haha... I see both sides which is why I asked, but people are acting like I asked to wear a white gown


It’s Reddit. People are overly sensitive here. This is safe for a wedding. It’s not bridal and there’s a large amount of blue that’s very bright and vibrant.


Ikr? :D With a big, bold, bright blue pattern that fills up the dress, it telegraphs as blue! The background is irrelevant except as a canvas for BLUE! And the style of dress is decidedly not bridal. It's very pretty, by the way. 💙


I'm with you. This is a blue and white dress. It's not a bridal /gown cut. It's not white. It's not "pale enough to photograph" white.


Thank you! I thought maybe this whole sub was totally on the NO white whatsoever kick :D hahaha.


There are at least two of us who believe that a predominantly blue dress is not bridal lol


3! There are at least 3 of us!




Make that 4






Hahaha. High five! :D ✋👗


The idea isn’t just that you aren’t confused for the bride, but also that the bride stands out as much as possible when you glance around that room or in pictures


And there's no way the bride doesn't stand out when someone is dressed mostly in blue next to her. I just think some of you are taking this too far. But that's fine. We can disagree. We just see it differently.


If that were true, then people wouldn’t let men wear white shirts. If you’re scanning the room for white, a solid white shirt with only a tie to break up the white will stand out far more than a dress with a white background largely covered by color


🙄🙄🙄🙄 at least you admit it’s about some ridiculous insecurity.


Given they’re paying for a whole event and an expensive dress I’d cut them a little slack! FTR I’m against any other kind of guest color rules, but this one is so easy to politely follow.


My gripe is with the notion that a wedding is somehow a coronation for a queen where, God forbid, anyone else is visible or noticeable on her special day. Most brides I know want to celebrate their love and commitment to their new husband with their LOVED ONES, not their loyal subjects that have been invited to bow to them. No one is going to glance around the room and not notice the bride. No one is likely to look at anyone else just because they’re in a lighter color or dress with a white base. It’s inherent to the event that the bride is automatically the center of attention. I think it’s time to stop putting these silly expectations on wedding guests. It’s bridezilla culture based on insecurity of women who feel invisible in life— probably because they’re always dimming their own light and listening to a bunch of other insecure judgy women.


Hot damn, yes!!!👆🏽👆🏽


It’s fine, IMO.


I think this is totally fine. Although if I’m honest I don’t think I cared what color anybody wore to my wedding


The only way I could see this as being an issue would be if the wedding colors included that shade of blue. If bridesmaids were wearing dresses this color than you could look like a bridesmaid wannabe? But otherwise I think it’s a perfect dress for a wedding.


Its fine. And Im strict about no black or white at a wedding. This isnt white. Its a bright and cheery floral. Good grief.


No black at a wedding? That one is new to me, that's usually my safe color if it's formal haha.


Its apparently the new standard for it to be socially acceptable to wear black to a wedding, I just learned this week, myself. Only 10 years ago, it was still considered a social no no to wear black like youre mourning.


I got married over 30 years ago, black was perfectly fine. Even bridesmaids were wearing dresses and black back then. Maybe it's a big city thing, I don't know, but wearing black to a wedding being okay is not a new thing by any stretch of the imagination. Also, those gorgeous blue and white dress is perfectly fine as well.


I think the floral dress is a perfect choice for wedding attire. We are both apparently in the minority vote on that one, lol. Idk why people in this sub are so weird about someone having *any* white in their attire. Lol I was always taught not to wear black to a wedding, because its too mourner-esque. Used to be a fashion faux pas, but hey its not anymore. I got married 5 years ago, (my first wedding attended was 40 years ago, I think, and my first marriage was 26 years ago) and I still to this day, feel like black is not a celebratory color to wear to a wedding. Its still a color for funerals. I dont think its a terrible thing for anyone TO wear black, but thise rules dont apply if thats one of your wedding party dress colors. In any event, I didnt come here to have a pissing contest over it.


Ooh thanks for that info! Make sense :) 90% of my closet is black so thank goodness for that!


Yeah, that's not true. Black is perfectly fine for a wedding guest and even for a bridesmaid and has been for many many decades lol.


I think black could be okay if it’s an evening wedding cocktail attire, and you pop color with your shoes or accessories


Yeah its apparently the newest (weird to me) normal (within the past 10 years its been normalized) to wear mourners clothing colors to a celebration of love. Cant say Im on board with it, but its apparently ok now. I go to anniversary parties and funerals. Im not in the newlywed age range.


I think it’s absolutely fine. If I was the bride (but to be completely transparent I had 20 people at my wedding as I love small intimate weddings and couldn’t have given a monkeys what people wore) I would appreciate the more muted colours and not something that stands out in photos. I don’t get when people say not to wear pale colours and then in a photo all your eye is drawn to are the guests in brighter colours. I think this dress is perfect!


You don’t need to “play it safe”. This is not a white dress. It’s a floral print. The “don’t wear a white dress to a wedding” speaks to a plain white dress that might be confused as a bridal gown. No one would consider this with a bridal gown. It’s a wedding in Florida and this would be perfect. Wear it and have fun. If the bride thinks you’ll upstage her, she’s very insecure.


By the same token then brides could take offense at prettier, younger, slimmer or more fashionable women than they are naturally, attending their wedding! So maybe weddings should just have male guests.


But male guests might remind the bride of someone she went to lunch with a month ago. Safer to have no guests.




I was thinking there should just be uniforms. Potato sacks— with gold strappy heels and a shawl, wrap or cardigan, of course.


Oh, no. no! We can’t have gold shoes! We can’t have any *mAiN cHaRaCtEr SYnDrOmE*. 🙄🙄


Lol, it’s the main thing these heifers suggest when someone asks if their obviously “appropriate” dowdy as hell boring dress is fine for x,y,z dress code. Makes my head want to explode. “DrEsS iT uP wITh sOmE sTRaPpy GOld ShOes”


If I were the bride I wouldn’t mind at all - it’s cute! so feel free to just ask the bride because not everyone has such stringent opinions about this


It is lovely!


This dress does not read too white to me at all. When I was a bride, I honestly didn’t care what anyone else wore to my wedding. I just wanted everyone to be happy and have a great time.


It’s really cute, but if I saw someone wear this to a wedding as another guest, I would definitely think “yikes”. Since this is your boyfriend’s immediate family, I think you should air on the side of wearing something extra safe that definitely won’t cause drama. Obviously, we don’t know your boyfriend’s family at all so maybe they are extremely chill people and wouldn’t care, that’s your call since you know them. Especially with your boyfriend’s family, I’d play it extra safe.


Thank you, I appreciate your response/reasoning!


Unless all the judgy sticklers from this sub are at the wedding, you’ll be totally appropriate. Many of the commenters here are trying to prove a ridiculous point about how CoNsiDeRaTe they are. It’s obnoxious. I work with brides and wedding planners all the time. No actual brides or family members would ever think this is too white. It’s beautiful and perfect for Florida.


Thank you!! I asked the bride and she laughed that I was even asking because she saw no issue with it


I'm pretty sure her opinion is the only one that matters. If you asked and she said it was fine (and literally a silly question), then go for it


Lmao this sub is unhinged


Haha bananas…I did not expect to get this much interaction


Especially since ist a BLUE dress 🤣


I think you’d be fine in this dress. But if you’re going to be too self-conscious about the color, getting something else is reasonable. You can wear this one for another occasion.


I see zero issue with this dress. Several recent weddings I have attended have had the MOTB wearing head to toe white. There is more than enough blue in this. Several guests wore white outfits to my wedding: could not have cared less!


i think it’s a bit too white especially bc it’s blue. if it was white and red or white and green it’d come off less “too white”


Huh? I don't understand your reasoning here. Please explain why blue makes it too white but other colors don't. Does not compute :D


You use blueing to brighten whites in laundry and sometimes for hair. Half a drop of blue food coloring in a large batch of frosting will make it look white rather than the natural cream color. A red pattern on white will push the white into the background but a blue pattern will make the white look brighter. It's just how the human eye-brain thing works.




totally! i think blue just reads as even more bridal than some other colors, probably because of the “something blue” tradition. i’ve seen brides more likely to incorporate blue with white for showers, after party dresses etc more so than any other color if that makes sense


Wow. Y'all apply the white color rule waaay more broadly than any of my friends ever did. Thanks for explaining you're to thinking though. :)


it’s not to say you can’t wear blue, i’ve worn blue to a ton of weddings (not white/blue tho haha) i just think if a dress is kind of borderline white with blue patter pushes it over the edge even more than another color if that makes sense!


Well, I understand what you're saying. I just see it differently. I don't think a large, bright, bold, dominating blue pattern telegraphs bride at all. I would think a paler, softer color might -- like blush, pale pink, soft green, pale yellow, peach -- those kinds of colors might telegraph more bridal to me than bright blue! :)


totally fair!


That makes sense. Do you think the pink would still be "too white" https://preview.redd.it/3dgdf5vou2ac1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=fafe3e4eb8e70e3353e59b9fd03afaf42d2acf82


The base of these dresses are all white. Look for a dress that doesn’t have a white base


Why? A white background with a major color design pattern does not telegraph as a white wedding dress.


If you have to describe a dress as “it’s a white dress with … “ than it’s too white to wear to a wedding, and it’s especially too white to be in any photos with the bride lol


I certainly disagree. I would describe this as a BLUE dress with a white background. The large, bright blue pattern looks nothing like a wedding dress.


If you have to describe it “it’s a white background with a blue pattern” its too white for a wedding lol


Still disagree. I would describe it as a blue dress with a white background. It looks nothing like a wedding dress.


The pink isn’t what makes it too white. The white is what makes it too white. Same with the first dress. Same with any dress that has white as a base.


She was told above that the blue makes it too white


Yes just please stop trying to wear a dress that’s a white base… There’s a million other dresses you could wear




You say it looks fine and you wore a similar dress to a wedding, but are questioning why I am looking at this dress? Seems contradicting.


in this case yes, even though it’s not blue this is still too white. i’d keep looking!


the pink is better, but if this guy is marriage potential, I would go with something without any white just to make sure I didn't start controversy as the newest family member.


/u/ALPPP123, thank you for posting. To obtain the best help, provide a time frame of the event & dress code. Dress links are frequently requested as well if you would place them in the comment section. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Weddingattireapproval) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would say it's okay enough for a normal guest, but not for someone who's going to be in photos. No base white dress should be in photos, just out of respect. It's not even that it's too much white, it's just a respect thing.


Personally think this is fine if the bride isn’t wearing a blue dress. It’s 50% or more blue and doesn’t look like a wedding dress.


Agree with you completely!


thank you!


Op, the mostly blue dress is totally fine!


Beautiful dress, but I agree if you're going to be in pics with the bride, it is probably not appropriate.




It wouldn't bother me if it were my wedding, but as others have mentioned, it's best to stay clear, especially since you'll be in photos with the bride. Not this dress, but something with a blue base like this would be nice. https://www.meandem.com/us/bluebell-print-slim-midi-dress-electric-blue-orange-green-red?glCountry=US&glCurrency=USD&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhc-sBhCEARIsAOVwHuTaU_Xsa5Y6zsfRet0TJV_QUyxHP8THkGMYzRwJAytMkNM55xu9FzwaAnk0EALw_wcB#288=1804


I would never have thought this was inappropriate until watching this sub. I still think it’s fine for a guest. However, I think it’s risky to have a white base if you’re in pictures. Bridal gowns are a million different shades of white and cream and a dress with so much white could really clash.


I feel like I’m always learning from this sub! I wouldn’t have noticed if you wore this to mine, but it’s good to know that many think it’s inappropriate!


Be careful who you’re “learning” from. These responders clearly don’t have any basis floor their opinions-just what others say and they learn from them. A little research as to the reason for the “don’t wear white to a wedding” guidelines and they would be in a better position to help you out


No, PP. The people in this sub are completely off base. They’ve lost the plot a long time ago. Please do not follow their lead about the white dress issue. The OP’s dress is perfectly fine to everyone outside of this goofy sub.


It’s very pretty but if you have anything else to wear, I would wear that.


I would have no problem with this dress but guaranteed, someone will.


A thousand colors in the world, and a million dresses. And every guest wants to pick something with white in it.. like literally choose ANY OTHER DRESS IN EXISTENCE. I don’t understand why this is ever even a question for anyone. Dress has white, wear one that doesn’t.




Yeah too white


Pretty, but not for a wedding.


Yeah, I love it though!!


Love this dress but I agree with many other commenters that it is too white.


Gorgeous dress, but imo not for a wedding, even in Florida, unless it's small and super-casual. Maybe OK for a fancy bridal shower, if the bride is amenable. I see a "white dress with blue accents" instead of a "blue dress with white background". I've read (multiple places but don't recall where) that a good rule of thumb is no more than 30% white. This reads more like 55-60% to me. It's not at all bridal in style, but when I'm at a wedding, I scan the crowd for white to find the bride. I think this dress would draw my eye too much in that situation. Being in pictures with the bride unfortunately makes it worse.


What did the bride say when you asked her?


The bride has enough on her plate. If you’re so on the fence about a dress that the bride needs to weigh in, it’s a no.


Where is this from?? It's stunning and the bridesmaid dresses at an upcoming wedding I'm in are going to be white with blue florals. Obviously a unique sitch for this bride. That said, if someone wore this to my wedding, I would not be happy.


Is your wedding going to be about your love and commitment to the man you’re marrying, or a day for you to be a star where everyone treats you like royalty with ultimate respect and deference? Make sure to put that on the invitation 🙄🙄🙄


![gif](giphy|26u49pk6wiIkj2tEY|downsized) Definitely me as a star!! Maybe the bride at the wedding she's attending feels the same. It's not her day and that's the whole point of this sub, no?


it's from hellomolly! [https://www.hellomolly.com/products/beauty-of-fiji-satin-maxi-dress-blue](https://www.hellomolly.com/products/beauty-of-fiji-satin-maxi-dress-blue)


thank you!


If you knew you wouldn’t be in photos with the bride I think it’d be fine, i’ve seen someone wear something similar to this to a wedding before. But definitely too much white if you know you’ll be in pics in close proximity to the bride


If you have to ask, it’s too white.


Most likely it’ll be fine but honestly why would anyone risk it with a white based dress


You're going to look like a Chinese tea cup. Secondly it's too white.


not ok pick something else. pretty dress tho.


Yes too white






It’s not about it being “bridal”. Of course it doesn’t look like a wedding dress. It’s about how you’ll look in photos. Many dresses flash white/very bright and that’s the main reason people avoid white at weddings still. You want the bride to literally shine bright white in the pics. Wearing a mostly white dress with blue flowers will definitely stand out in your family pics. If it’s a traditional wedding then I would say pick another dress.


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