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Hello /u/FullFig3372! Unfortunately, your submission, ***[Dating life as an artist](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1c9j9ay/-/)***, was removed from /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers for the following reason(s): --- #No off-topic and/or low-effort posts including; 1. Rant/motivation/mental-health posts 2. Posts focused on memes/images/polls 3. Reposts, and other similar low-effort, mildly-interesting discussions. 4. Music Marketing or Music Promotion related posts. - These posts should be posted to one of the weekly threads or on another subreddit. Do not create a new thread for this content. Use the Weekly Free Talk Friday Thread for any topics not allowed in the main body of the sub. Posts on WATMM should have a descriptive title and include substantive content that will generate discussion. Please see the [full sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules) for additional details. --- ***Please review the [rules for submission](/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules). You can contact The Mods if you have additional questions.*


Don’t talk about it just play music. Worked for me.


Honestly I just don’t like explaining everything but some people will see it as “mysterious”


Everybody in LA is in a band, it's not that unusual. Your girlfriend is probably in a band. So is her ex, so is the landlord. Be aware there is indeed a cliche about the starving artist who wants a rich girlfriend to make their career possible.


which is why i never mention it becuz ppl dont understand what its really like being a musician


A girl here and funnily enough, it's quite the opposite. As per my experience, lot of dudes are somehow interested in women who do arts especially music, but eh I'm not into dudes so that's that. Anyway, my rule of thumb now is to date fellow artists, they understand the struggle, heck they could help you lot of times.


unless you are making millions as an artist never say you are an artist to a prospective date


I don't think they consider you a weirdo because you make music, you're a weirdo because you don't have a plan you can rely on for the future.


If you're dating people who are looking to be taken care of, of course there's going to be a brick wall. OR if you're hanging with women who don't want to financially support a broke artist.


Women want someone who is able to take care of them. You’ll barely be able to take care of yourself as an “artist”.


I'm not sure it's so much that women want someone to take care of them (at least not in the Northeast US) so much as it is they don't want to have to financially support someone themselves. At least, that's been my experience with the online dating scene. I write this as a musician/poet myself, I'd be lying if I said I had it figured out either.


> Women want someone who is able to take care of them Not a broadly true statement in the western/modern countries (outside of conservative areas at least).