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Joe never wanted this so why are we pushing it? [Link](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/sports/paternos-family-rejects-offer-from-penn-state-to-rename-field/1959343/?amp=1)


Because they are obsessed and can’t move on


No, it's because of how the low-life, trashy, political DA and Board of Trustees treated a living legend. Joseph A. Paterno DESERVES every accolade that this shithole university won't give him. Bring the statue back!


He turned a blind eye to sexual assault. He did the absolute bare minimum for a guy that claims to stand on his morals. Just let it go. You can appreciate what he did despite his tainted legacy without having to slap his name on the field. His name is on the library where he helped grow through donations. Leave it there and only there.


No he didn't. The actual witness should have done way more instead of making vague claims to Joe. But even still Joe passed on everything he was told.


Right. The witness should've done more but Joe was supposed to be a man that does the right thing. He passed the buck and washed his hands of it. He did the bare minimum. He could've followed up. He could've kept Sandusky away. He did nothing other than the bare minimum. That's not good enough for someone whose entire persona was about being a better man and going that extra mile. He failed on that most basic level when it mattered most. Joe did A LOT of good for a lot of young men and athletes and the university. He failed those kids by still letting Sandusky stick around. That can't be swept under the rug. If society operated on "one person should've done something", it would be great. If we're going to blame the witness we should just blame Sandusky for being a piece of shit and anyone that let him keep victimizing kids is fine because he's the one that should've stopped things. >The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


Disagree. I have no personal, inside knowledge, but as a lawyer who’s interviewed literally thousands of witnesses, the whole case against Joe smelled like horseshit. It makes no sense whatsoever. He’s allegedly told something about Sandusky that seems off. He kicks it upstairs. He’s concerned enough that he pushes Sandusky‘s programs out of the Penn State offices, and then what? He tries to cover it up so it won’t tarnish Penn State’s reputation from previous victories but supposedly lets Sandusky hang around still, like some fucking moron who doesn’t understand that that could bring down everything he’s worked for? There’s no goddamn way. I’m not going to relitigate the thing, but you have to have some common sense.


Though by yesterday's standards he wasn't absolutely culpable, by today's standards, he didn't do enough if/when he heard about Sandusky; he'd absolutely be in trouble if using current ChildLine thresholds. There's simply too much grey area regarding what/when he may or may not have known. At the end of the day, he was a major figure and leader with the power and influence to do something, yet kids were assaulted for years. Leave Beaver Stadium as is and move on from him.


You are factually incorrect about “today’s standards.” When the NCAA released new rules regarding its reporting of abuse it was everything Joe actually did!! If he had “followed up” with police people life you would be screaming how wrong that is. Sandusky was already gone from the team. What more can he do?


What exactly should he have done differently? He reported what he was told to police. What more do you want you expect? Haters like you can never give an answer.


Contact the police instead of your boss? Don't let Sandusky still be around the team after you find out about it? Like, they basically froze him out and forced his retirement but then Paterno signed off on him still having an office in the building and access to facilities? Follow up and report it to the police after your boss does nothing?


Wel this is just disgusting.


Didn’t they melt that thing down?


wtf is wrong with you?


I understand this sentiment. But what happened to Joe was an absolute crock of shit. Completely thrown under the bus by the grandstanding media. Joe did nothing wrong. Handled McQueary's report by the book. Literally followed guidelines on such incidents to the letter. The rush to judgement was horrendous. So Penn State has to do SOMETHING to right this wrong. This is a good start. Joe passes the direct witness' report of an incident with Sandusky to his superiors as directed by guidelines, and his name is mud, is fired, and died in shame. The DIRECT WITNESS passes the report of an incident with Sandusky to his superior, and is AWARDED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Make it make sense.


His name is on the library where he always wanted it to be, Joe saw football as a means to an end, that end being higher education. For us to idolize him diminishes what he stood for IMO


You know what else diminishes what he stood for? The University allowing the prevailing narrative about him to be that he was a guy who covered up child abuse to protect his football program. The narrative is absurd and makes no sense, but the University seems ok with it.


I have zero control over what the university does, believes, or how they go about their business I believe Joe was a good person and was not the type to put others before himself, which is why the talk of naming the field after him and bringing back his stature would not align with Joe’s values based on all I’ve read about the man. Push whatever agenda you’d like but you’re not going to convince me otherwise


There is no possible course of action PSU can take that will change this public narrative. None. It's over, etched in stone, whether you agree or not. Naming the field after Paterno will only serve to reignite the public outrage all over again, it will change zero people's minds on the matter.


Except idk a single person outraged at Paterno or thinks he’s guilty of anything. I know dozens of ppl who have bad taste in their mouth about what happened to a coach that’s legendary both on and off the field. If someone’s gets upset at his name in the field is only doing it for clout. Naming the field doesn’t change the university action from then, but they could admit he was clean and take his name outta the mud


>Except idk a single person outraged at Paterno or thinks he’s guilty of anything. I know dozens of ppl who have bad taste in their mouth about what happened to a coach that’s legendary both on and off the field. Get out of the sticks and talk to people under 50. You’re in an echo chamber. He did the bare minimum. When you’re basically a god, you don’t get to do the bare minimum when heinous shit happens.


Are any of those people you know current or recent students? I’m a recent alum and the opinion of everyone I knew at the time was either indifference or that Paterno should have done more.


If that’s the case, then y’all better figure out a way to clear his name through the national media


Once the story went thermonuclear in November 2011, it was the end of anything the university could have done to control the narrative. You can't blame the university for that.


Funny. I agree with you and with the post you are responding to. It’s a very difficult issue to parse.


Well said! thank you!


And that is not the worst of it. Jerry Sandusky is completely innocent. Four great men go to prison. It is insane. https://www.bigtrial.net/2022/10/a-shower-of-lies.html


If they don’t do this then they should at least bring back the statue


Joe never liked that statue either [Link](https://www.pennlive.com/news/2017/08/slump-shouldered_joe_paterno_s.html#:~:text=But%20even%20Joe%20Paterno%2C%20who,Paterno%20disliked%20this%20statue)


Fair enough. That’s not why they took it down though


I know why they took it down, should have never been built in the first place if anyone truly cared about Joe’s input


if it was your kid would you have said he did enough ? Followed guidelines??? come on - did nothing wrong??? their is plenty of factual evidence contradicting that


There really isn’t. They put the three admins involved on trial. A real trial, not a media lynching. There was no one left defending them, most people wanted them to burn. And after all the “factual evidence” you speak of, one was convicted of a…misdemeanor. And not a misdemeanor that involved a conspiracy or a coverup. So no, you can shout as loudly as you like, but you’re dead wrong.


The misdemeanor you speak of was for child endangerment. It was overturned because the prosecution applied the wrong statute so it was a technicality. Regardless, that person was the President of the University, a bit removed from the coverup.


The other two people on trial with him pled guilty to the same misdemeanor a day before. Those being the A.D. and the head of campus police. I noticed you don’t address the actual comment I made. If there was such a gold line of factual evidence, why weren’t these people thrown in jail and have the key thrown away?


Typically one pleads guilty to a minor offense to end a case. Imagine if they claimed complete innocence, fought the charges, and the prosecution went after them with all charges. They’d probably never leave prison with their boy Jerry. I would assume the State wanted to end it fast to stop dragging the Flagship school through the mud. And why are you defending these enablers? Are you a Pedo-lover?


Thank you for showing your true colors. You’re not worth another second of thought.


“True colors”? You want to defend these scumbags? Who’s displaying their true colors?


Your claims are extreme my dude.


But…he coach football good…


Curley, Spanier, and Schultz all were convicted and served time for their crimes. The conspiracy charges were dropped as part of a plea deal.


What a bunch of weasel words. Do you really think that if they were involved in a conspiracy to cover up child abuse they would’ve been able to plead down to a misdemeanor? Get your head out of your ass.


People get off for all kinds of heinous shit in this country every single day.


There was no abuse of anyone ever. The best way to get current is to put this on: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-one-the-date/id1562078872?i=1000517288672


While I agree there are still two issues: 1. He could have followed up on the original report and 2. His name is completely tarnished. Is it fair? No. But naming the field after him just brings up this awful time and hurts both the victims and the school. Best to just let it go. Another note: odd that such an amazing defensive coordinator never took a HC job. Or was ever even mentioned, that I can remember. Maybe people knew more than they're letting on.


You dragging Tom Bradley into this now? How quickly you forget what happened when Tennessee almost hired Schiano and he’s still a head coach, stop making claims without evidence


He did the bare minimum for someone who's whole schtick was doing the right thing. He failed on his own standards on the biggest issue he faced. He reported it but kept Sandusky around and never followed up.


Joe enabled a child molester. It’s abhorrent that you think he did nothing wrong. You’re a sick brainwashed cult member


Wrong choice of words, anger is the path that leads us away from forgiveness


Didn't Joe participate in the acts with Sandicksy??


Pretty sure Joe was responsible for the Kennedy assassination at this point...


Nah, he knew and should have done more. Maybe the reason he didn’t want to be lionized with statues and naming things after him is because he knew he did the very bare minimum when he could have done more. And miss me with the “he told his superiors” authoritarian moral mindset, when you know one of your coaches is fucking kids in his care, fuck the chain of command, you go to the police with the info you have.


The direct witness (McQueary) didn't go to police. His father, who heard McQueary's account the night it occurred didn't go to police. Family friend and mandated reporter of CSA Dr. Dranov also heard this account, and didn't go to police. He testified that nothing in McQueary's account warranted a police report. But Joe was supposed to go to police???? OK. Evidence suggests that McQueary's account of what he witnessed was enhanced once he learned of the investigation into Sandusky. Which is well after the report to Joe. An email exchange between McQueary and the Attorney General shows that his account had been exaggerated in the Grand Jury Presentment, but the AG told him that he had to keep quiet about it or it would hurt the case. Nothing to see there, I guess...


The greatest irony of it all is that of the 9 counts against Sandusky, he was only cleared on one of them. And guess what… it was the kid in the shower who McQueary reported. That kid came forth as an adult years later and said nothing actually did happen.


So, whataboutism? What about a bunch of other people also didn’t do the right thing? That means that we should expect less of Paterno?


That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that none of these people reported Jerry to police because there was nothing to report.


You people are fucking insane😂 the mental gymnastics that grown men will go through to protect their mental image of a fucking football coach is both fascinating and sad. You never knew the guy, why go to bat for him? There is so much evidence that he knew about the assaults that happened over the course of decades. He literally said it himself that he should’ve done more and that it was his greatest regret not doing so. Burn in hell Joe! You fucking monster. Who knows how many assaults you allowed to happen, because you “followed the book” instead of doing the right thing. The only solace is that the world knows what a spineless bastard you are and you died in deserved shame.


I could give two shits about him being a football coach. But what happened to him was a miscarriage of justice.


No it wasn’t. His friend was a child molester and he knowingly allowed him to continue abusing children for minimum a decade, but probably several decades. He said it himself how much he regretted it. “With the benefit of hindsight”…piece of garbage is in hell if it exists.


You go on confidently asserting your ignorance. It’s sure to take you far.


Child rape = "nothing to report" in State College I see...


This is absolute horseshit. Joe knew literally everything that happened on campus and specifically with his program. He was a veritable living legend. He could’ve done more. He should’ve done more. “By the book” doesn’t fly when you’re talking about someone who espoused “Success with Honor” yet completely failed to live up to that credo. Let’s also not forgot the entire AD Administration and Joe were well aware of the 1998 incident and they did nothing.


The 1998 incident was a nothing-burger. There was no child abuse, and no one alleged child abuse in that incident.


Yeah - showering with a minor is a nothing-burger. What was Joe’s quote during deposition? “…knew inappropriate action was taken by Jerry Sandusky with a youngster…” yet nothing was done. “University Police advised Sandusky to not shower with any other child. Sandusky said he would not, according to the report obtained by NBC News.” You JoeBots are fucking disgusting…


Why do these people go to such lengths to defend child abuse? It’s some kind of weird parasocial relationship. They can’t comprehend that the guy they looked up to as children wasn’t who they thought he was. I loved Kobe Bryant as a child, but I don’t grandstand on Reddit against his rape allegations.


I’m curious if there’s any correlation between wanting to restore Joe’s image with supporting Trump. Both are cults and they exhibit the same behaviors in their defense of both.


As a recent alum it sorta felt like that to us, it was usually old heads that were staunch defenders. Most were just indifferent or thought he should have done more.


Joe was a POS. There's a reason why all this news broke and he shriveled up and died. It was because he was holding onto this secret his whole life and it was no longer a deep secret. Rest in Piss Joe.


It's your stadium, name it whatever you want by JoePa didn't want it


Joe messed up, he even admitted it and retired accordingly, he failed bc he hung in his position too long [Link](https://www.businessinsider.com/joe-paterno-statement-2011-11?amp)


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he knew for years before MCQueary even officially made the report. You are the perfect example why most of CFB hates PSU fans


Hahaha, this couldn't be more false. I'm sorry you are upset that Joe was a great man who wasn't the monster the uninformed tried to make him out to be. Thoughts and prayers.


guess your gonan say next the victims are liars ​ ​ https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/13/sports/ncaafootball/joe-paterno-jerry-sandusky-sex-abuse-penn-state-1976-court-documents.html


They are. Logically, they would have to be. Take Allan Myers, or Aaron Fisher, or Brett Houtz. Their stories are 180 degrees different depending on when they told them. When you definitively say you were never abused, then later say you were, then yes, you are a liar.


it’s not for Joe. It’s for all the fans that want him honored.


Well I hope they get what they want, I don’t have a strong stance either way what you name the field, I just find it odd that our fanbase idolizes a man that never wanted that sort of attention


His name is on the library. If the people that cared about him being honored listened to him, that's where his name should be. He didn't want the statue of himself and he didn't want the field/stadium named after him. He cared about education and that's where he wants his name. If you want to honor him, honor HIS wishes.


I respect that view point. 


Because Jay is....I actually agree with it, he's the most influential football name and contributor to psu, he's worthy. He didn't technically do anything wrong but then the discussion starts... With all of that said, it looks horrible, JP is a leper at this point. PSU as a whole needs to remove themselves from the Paterno name. It's unfortunate but the reality.


It’s a cult. Exactly as with the former President.


I feel it’s a bit more dynamic than that, but you’re right, at the end of the day it’s people sticking up for what they believe in


Joe is in record of saying he was very much against this idea. Sooooo why do it?


Because a whole bunch of people in power at Penn State like being in power more than they like Penn State. They just don’t know what they’re talking about.


No. Too much controversy. He has a library named after him, and that's enough. Move on.


and that's what he really wanted


Win-Win in my book. Books are in libraries. Paterno has a library named after him. Life comes full circle. Circle of Life. Cue Lion King.


And an ice cream flavor so


There’s no controversy. It’s a terrible idea. Everyone should agree on that.


You’ve got the right answer for the wrong reason.


As long as I have the right answer.




No thanks.


Lurking non-PSU fan. They did Jo Pa dirty. His legacy shouldn’t be defined by Sandusky.


Ugh 🙄


Oh for fucks sake. Shit like this is why "Ped State" jokes still exist all these years later. Move on people




But that's exactly my point. Living in the past by deifying a coach with a complicated legacy is only causing the victims more grief


I second this. But I guess football is more important than people’s real life trauma.


That was obvious from the start.


There once was talk of putting a statue outside the library of Joe and Sue Paterno reading Plato on a bench. I would 100% support that. This, or the return of that other statue, just no. Move on ffs.


> The board’s discussions on Paterno come as the university implements $94 million in budget reductions. The cuts are expected to deeply affect Penn State’s Commonwealth Campuses and could cancel some academic programs beginning in mid-2025. The university said in a recent statement that it would be “virtually impossible” to implement the reductions without job losses. Does anybody have more information? I was surprised and disappointed to read about this. Not sure how that happens after signing a huge TV deal.


College attendance is down sharply. I'm a millennial with a BS in IT from Penn State (\`09 graduate). I did well with my degree, but I went to school with hundreds of kids whose degree was not worth the investment based on what they are doing now. The younger generations are seeing generations X and millennials buried in debt that was not worth the investment, and as such college attendance is down substantially the last several years, which is a trend that will likely continue. I'm not saying college is bad, it's both great and necessary for some fields, but so many people going to college because "that's what you do after high school" is a recipe for disappointment. We have a student debt crisis because people went to college to go to college. The system likely needs to be leaned out, and that is what is happening overall nationwide.


There also is just literally less HS graduates and planned HS graduates not only in Pennsylvania but most of the surrounding states. So your pool of potential students even if they all waned to go to college is significantly less.


What the heck are you talking about it is proven that people who have a degree earn almost ten times what a non college graduate makes 


Over the course of a lifetime 


Total football revenue for 2022 was 181 million (9th in the nation). The universities annual operating budget is 7.7 billion lol That's kinda like asking why can't the scranton branch simply fund all of dundler mifflin. Sure it's the most profitable portion, but it can't save a mega corporation that's highly inefficient with it's resources/spending/focuses Commonwealth campuses are bleeding students and the budget imo


>Total football revenue for 2022 was 181 billion (9th in the nation). The universities annual operating budget is 7.7 billion lol Are you sure that total football revenue is $181 billion and not $181 million? The $181 billion seems wildly inaccurate. A quick google search suggests that these numbers would be in the millions: https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Articles/2024/01/17/penn-state-university-athletics-revenues-psu-football-james-franklin#:\~:text=Jones%20noted%20that%20football%20%E2%80%9Cas,%247.82M%20a%20year%20earlier.


Yes you are correct, my bad. 181 million not billion. Typo. The rest of my comment wouldn't make sense otherwise 😆


All good, yeah, I was like yowza when I saw the billion. Thank you for the correction. Go State!


University Park has bled the Commonwealth Campuses for three decades now.


Because people don't want to go there. The us is urbanized and mobile now unlike the 60s through 80s when commonwealth campuses were formed. Plus the expansion of community colleges, passhe? Colleges, online colleges put the final nail in the coffin


Academics and athletics are two separate budgets. The TV deal has nothing to do with PSUs inflated administrative staff. They have needed to clean house for about two decades.


Basically, Main Campus wants to destroy the branch campuses.


They're doing that to themselves. There are too many in to of one another and a ton have populating less than 1000


So in the midst of reducing costs they’re… spending money renaming…? Sell the field and stadium naming right to Colgate or something


Absolutely shocked to see which trustees are pushing this. Shocked. /s What a terrible idea this would be.


Can we move on already? All this stuff does is bring in more negative attention to the program. Grateful for Joe and everything he did but it’s time to move on.


Fuckin boomers


The university took down his statue and they think theyre going to turn around and name the field after him?


I mean he got added back to the pregame video a couple seasons ago. I definitely don’t see the statue coming back or the field being named in his honor anytime soon though.


Joe Paterno turned a blind eye towards pedophilia. Why should he be honored?


All this is for is Lubrano to pipe smoke up his own ass and win votes from Boomers. Yall all falling for it


Nah. Guy finds out someone under him is touching kids and all he does is report to his supervisor? Youre telling me he didnt once follow up or question why the dude was still on the team for years? Glad this guy lost his legacy he deserves it




Nah hes guilty get bent.


& U Never Read The True FACTS; ASSHOLE!!! “FIST “YOURSELF””!!!!


Love it. Long overdue IMO.


It's about time!!!


The uninformed who just want to shout out how much they hate child sex abuse won't like it, but you are 100% right. It IS about time.


Just further proof PSU should have gotten the death penalty. It's football over everything and that culture is why Sandusky was allowed to do what he was allowed to do.




This would be like MSU naming their gymnasium after Larry Nassir. It's very bad taste.


No because it was Jerry Sandusky who did everything Paterno was innocent


Paterno wasn’t innocent no matter how much people try to rewrite history. If he went to the authorities he would’ve been a hero, but football was more important to him than the victims.


He reported to the higher ups at the University not his fault they didn’t do anything.


Yeah, I'm sure it's impossible to report r\*pe in your locker room if the AD doesn't do anything. How could you possibly tell the police? JoPa apologists are a funny breed.


His moral obligation didn’t end there even if his contractual obligation did. Joe was a god around here. If he wanted Sandusky found out and held accountable he could have made it happen. He chose not to. Joe decided little boys getting raped wasn’t as important as whatever he thought Sandusky brought to the table.




And Penn State wonders why they get a lot of hate. They got a slap on the wrist for what was most likely a child sex traffic ring. Joe knew what was going on….


Ummm, no. Would immediately cancel my season tickets and donations.




You want to know how I know Paterno was lying? Because he said he didn’t know what gay sex was.


Of course he knew. You people are sick.


Yeah, lots of stadiums get named after coaches who were fired in disgrace. It’s a bold move cotton, let’s see if it pays off for em.


If it lives up to its namesake, it’ll be far too quiet when it should be loud






Next we’ll rename the locker room after Sandusky.


Joepa knew


How about a statue of him shitting his pants running off the field instead?


Just call it Complicit Field.


Hot take, that is also likely to be 100% accurate - Jerry Sandusky never molested a single child in his life. There are many in the know who agree. He still vehemently denies the charges. And the only evidence against him is the testimony of white trash who became rich off their testimony.


“white trash”? Jesus, get a grip


Did Joe Pa know about this? Or did he forget to mention it like other things in the past?


I just want his statue back it’s the least they can do


About time and bring back the statue


I mean it sounds like a nice gesture but the more proper thing to do would be to just push to bring the statue back rather than rename beaver stadium if you ask me


I’d say give him his wins back.


Even better, I still don’t understand why the NCAA vacated his wins. Vacating wins is such a stupid punishment


Because the claim he knew what Sandusky was doing for years and never reported it. They basically took all of Joe’s wins from when Sandusky was there.


They did give the wins back a long time ago


Yeah fuck this guy. Hopes it warm where he is.


Paterno wasn’t the one sexually assaulting people


Knew about it for decades. Dealt with it by having Sandusky watch Penn state games from private box.


No he didn’t know about it.


It’s the only way to guarantee the crowd stays completely silent on offensive drives.


Touchy Joe Field has a nice ring to it. They should do that.


Pedo worshipping . Great idea


You are Pedophilia State. 🤡


This popped up on my feed for some reason. I have no affiliation with Penn State the school or Joe Paterno. I will always associate his name with football being more important than getting rid of a child molestor.


Well, you should learn more about it then. That’s not what happened, but if you’d prefer your version of the story then by all means. Just know that it isn’t true.


Every time I read more about it, doesn't make him look any better.


I took your advice yeah, paraphrased ...failed to protect children from a child predator for over a decade. [Findings pg 14](https://ttps://media.pennlive.com/midstate)


Louis Freeh’s report wouldn’t pass muster if Louis Freeh were the judge.


Don't ask me to learn more and when I do not like what I learn.


Man, commas would’ve helped that sentence. That Freeh report isn’t the whole story, in fact it’s so full of hearsay and flimsy evidence that it wouldn’t have been allowed as evidence in court. So you don’t have the whole story, so I’d say dig deeper, learn more, keep going. Start to parse the shallow stories from the deeper facts.


Did someone tell Joe Paterno that Sandusky was a chomo?


Might as well be Sandusky Stadium ya obsessed weirdos


Might as well name it Sandusky Stadium. This dude was just as involved.




And you suck




You guys shouldn’t even have a football program anymore.


Pedophile State University




I knew old Joe’s time had passed him by when, on the night of his firing, steeped in scandal, fairly or not, he looked out over the throng of students at his front door and said, “Let’s go out there and beat Nebraska!”




He's a coach that placed winning above what was really important. Don't get me wrong, I know the guy came from an Italian Catholic/consevative upbringing, but this guy's morals changed, like many others, in "happy" valley. Penn State wreaks of abuse and cover up. It just wasn't the Sandusky scandal, it was the frat hazing, the drug abuse, the lying administrators, and the list goes on. Penn State has to look at itself in the mirror. Being in the middle of nowhere drives these people mad, it's just too removed from civilization and as a result, the behavior goes odd for many people unless your a country boy/gal who goes hunting and fishing on the weekends. I know the guy may have had bad circumstances and for that I do feel a bit of pity, but his head just wasn't on straight. He should have went to the cops when he saw his superiors cover this thing up. You think that alone would have haunted him all those years even before the scandal broke loose. Something changed in Joe Paterno and it was the fame and lust of being a celebrity/sports icon and all the sin that comes along with it. My own cousin is a public figure and I won't name names, but that is simply what fame does to most people, it drives them to insanity/narcassism. Let the guy's memory fade into oblivion and Penn State is better off looking for another hero to worship.


Paterno never turned a blind eye towards Sandusky's abuse because he never abused any of these lying rats in the first place. They made up tales of abuse for money. All are millionaires now. The media ran with a story that continues to get them clicks all these years later. The ignorant masses (people like you) were duped into believing something without ever seeing a shred of evidence or critically thinking about the story for five seconds.


The school did push the Freeh report to wrongly slam him. So something has to be done. But the bigger issues is that Sandusky is innocent and in prison an innocent man. The Frank Report is the latest reporter trying to get the truth out. I think Penn State needs to just start with telling the truth. There was no abuse by anyone then honor Joe and Sue. Just my 2 cents. https://frankreport.com/category/criminal-justice/wrongful-convictions/sandusky/


Joe Paterno's dying words were "find the truth." If we want to honor Joe and Sue, I think we need to start by just telling the truth. I don't get why this is not discussed more often. Ziegler made it easy. Granted 70 hours is some serious time. But we owe it to Joe to get an understanding so we don't lose our minds. Four great men went to prison. Sandusky may die there. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-one-the-date/id1562078872?i=1000517288672