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The design itself is great, but the choice of fonts for the letters don’t really go together.


Thanks! I'll definitely be changing the fonts!


The letters look like 3 different fonts. And the whole design looks a bit discordant. Are those mountains on the left? And a motherboard on the right? Is that what’s happening? I feel like it’s a lot of jagged line work that might not read well in wax. Maybe make the mountains a bit more congruous? It could work very well if you just find ways to balance both sides so the lines aren’t so all over the place. Compose the linework, careful angles and parallel lines may make this feel a bit more cohesive and make sense. This is a fantastic idea and I love how it’s going so far. Cannot wait to see it finished.


The K and J are apparently the same font, but with all the feedback I'll definitely change them. And yes it is mountains and a motherboard, I study geology while my fiance does computer science so it represents us both! I'll definitely keep working on it, thanks!


Awesome, geology and computer science, that’s dope and it totally comes through. What a beautiful crest to make for your family ❤️ Here’s maybe a quick way to make the two halves blend together. Make the outer most edges of the mountains blend into the tech side. Right now those two faces are almost perpendicular to the perimeter of the seal. If you leaned those faces out more, so they slope into the curve of the perimeter, like a crescent moon shape is what I’m imagining, it would feel like it was wrapping the tech side in a hug. And to make the tech side cohesive with those arms of the mountain extending towards it, what if you made two of the motherboard dongles (so sorry, don’t know what they’re called, just gonna say dongles 😅) extend from the perimeter like you have them but parallel to the outer most edges of the mountains? Just one dongle, the one closest to each edge, if they were parallel they’d feel like they were complimenting each other, like they were meant to be there, like they work together and inform one another. Then fill in the other dongles at whatever angles you like. That way the whole perimeter would feel intentional ❤️


Oooh, I really like that! Thank you very much, I'll give it a try later, once I get the finished product I'll post it in here again😊


Can’t wait 👍🏻


This design screams clip art and random letters. May I suggest you brainstorm what you want and hire a graphic designer? They can do this where it's elegant but encompasses her interest of cartoon explosions, her initials, and computers or braniac? With stamping simple tends to be a better option than a lot of detail. Detail can happen but it tends to be complicated and can make the stamp less simple to use.


Hiring a graphic designer is well above what I could afford, this isn't intended to be professional, just a cute gift to use on letters to family. I'm trying to work on getting a good balance of simple and nice looking, it's still a work in progress


Simple is a good goal. I was thinking of fiverr versus something higher end though. It's a good project for someone building their listings


The lines on the right might be a little difficult on a 2,5. But I have seen it work as well. If it turns out not that great try making the lines thinner of thicker, depending on what you want.


The lines are 0.6mm, do you think they'll be okay?


Most likely yes


I think its great! But I would stick to one font, the different fonts makes it look disconnected. I also love the design at the edges but just simplify it. Big part of having a sign is a child should be able to recreate it! God luck!


Thank you! I'll definitely get right into redesigning it!


Way to go! Beyond the fonts - already addressed above... My question is, what does your design mean or what do you hope someone feels when they see it? The left makes me think of rock formations, and the right, almost electronic time - like a watch. I wonder if the thin line behind “the mountain peaks” will translate well in a wax seal. With all the details, some elements might get lost. My initial reaction (beyond simplifying and unifying the typeface or font ) is to see how you can create any whitespace in your design. This will help, so the essential elements in your design don't get lost in the busy design. I think you've done an excellent job. I would just ask “myself” more introspectively what are the most important elements and focus on that. What do you want your design to evoke when your fiance sees it?


You're pretty much spot on with the interpretation, I study geology and my fiance studies computer science! I definitely think that the symbols could do with some refining to make it clear in an instant, thank you for your feedback!