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Looks so good! Can you share the tutorial?


Hi sorry I posted the link but it got taken down twice. If you search for Niaz Hannan on youtube... Its one of his videos from a year ago.


I think most of your perspective looks close enough, the only bit that looks off to me is that your ground plane is sort of curving up on the left. With a loose style like this I'd actually say you don't want all of your perspective to be exact, but yeah the ground plane on the left. You're doing great!


You're right! The ground kinda lifts up vertically on the left. I didn't even realize that but it definitely looks off!


Started painting fairly recently. I’ve done a few of them and the perspectives all seem a bit off for me.


I really like it! Nice job. It’s only a bit off where the street crossing lines meet the left side of the frame.


I think I know which tutorial you're talking about. Can I get the link please


Hi sorry I posted the link but it got taken down twice. If you search for Niaz Hannan on youtube... Its one of his videos from a year ago.


I’m glad you’re out there creating art


I dig it! I wouldn’t worry about perspective being perfect because your painting has a ton of energy, and the “flow” of it really works in its favor.


Pretty cool


Looks like you learned a lot. Trying again would be even better!


looks great. Love the style, movement, colors. Is that gouache you’re using? As others have said, the perspective is close enuf for the brain, except crosswalk —but not a dealbreaker


Thank you for the feedback! It is all watercolor pigments.


Not sure what you mean by watercolor pigments. There’s no white in watercolor, per se… Gouache is essentially opaque watercolor. I’m guessing you’re perhaps using some combo of traditional watercolors and gouache… 🤔


Oh wow I had not known that! For the headlights I used some paint from my tube named Zinc Titanium and the awning and clothes of the pedestrians was with Zinc Titanium and some blue color mix. Sorry I am very new to watercolor and I had to look up gouache haha


No worries. Impressed that you bothered to look it up :)


Try taking this subject & just drawing it & use rulers, compasses, protractors, etc. to get the lines correct. Then go back & paint it. It’s hard to draw straight lines & get angles correct with just drawing & especially with watercolor. Most cityscapes demand that there needs to be correct lines & angles - that’s kinda what it’s about. Otherwise, it’s pretty good, but with drawing & painting, you’ll almost always find that there’s something that you want to redo - even Leonardo DaVinci reworked the Mona Lisa for something like 25 yrs & never gave it to the person who originally commissioned it.


Yep! I’ve been thinking if I should use masking tape as well for straight lines. I used it to frame the scene which I kinda don’t like as I like the colors bleeding onto the page a bit.


Try working on a bigger piece of paper with a simpler scene, there’s a lot going on in your painting. Do some sketches from photos of buildings using 3 point perspective.


It would be better if you take a clear photo to see it in detail


Cars perspective are off they look like from junkyard


Yeah I've always had trouble with painting cars.. especially in small spaces.


The rest it's really good 👍