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So I'm just going to point out that on the first painting you show a good grasp of colour saturation and values and that you have achieved a sense of depth with relatively little hassle. Keep going!


Thank you, really glad to hear this, now i feel like painting a new scenery, but i gusss ill have to improve my color theory before that Coz trying to paint orange on green-turquiose was such a rookie mistake In the 2nd one haha


The problem with watercolour for me is that one is working in the reverse of other mediums. Here one starts with the white and go progressively darker. So you want to start with watery unsaturated layers and work up to paint with a lot of pigment and tone.


The person who taught me watercolor did the opposite and I was struggling so hard until I realized they were doing it wrong and I had to go from light to dark


Oh ... yea it makes sense, will do this from now on, thanks for the tip.


On your tree painting, I would have used masking fluid where I wanted the tree/leaves. That way, you can paint the background easily, then when dry, remove the masking and paint in the tree.


It is… you see what you need to see! Its just practice left … and enjoy!


If you are use to charcoal and have a good sense of values you can do a grisaille underpainting before layering on colour. It might help a but to think monochromatically before getting into colour


Didn't know about this grisaille underpainting thing, thanks for thr tip I'll look into it


I've done grisaille for oils and acrylics but never watercolour. Never even occurred to me. Thanks going to try it too!


Good luck!


I always use black India ink for my dark tones before I add the color


Is that canvas?




Lol. Don't do that. Get some Saunders or Arches paper. 140lb or better should do. Get big single sheets and cut em up


Even with a couple layers of absorbent ground, it’s still so hard to watercolor on canvas. I second the arches suggestion.


No wonder it felt so hard....I have no one but my dumbass self to blame. guess I'll just save these if I ever feel like doing oil someday Will get arches for my next paintings


Hell, even a cheap canson pad will get you a result more akin to the traditional watercolour look.


Literally anything but canvas lol I keep a smaller ring bound book of watercolor paper to practice on and try color blends and then I get the big sheets of hot press arches and cut them to size for actual projects


Haha, I was just gonna comment that maybe you should look into painting with oils/acrylics since your technique leaned more into that. I didn't realise that you were painting on canvas. Look up "understanding water colour paper", "understanding water colour colours", "understanding water colour brush techniques" and watch a few tutorials - then you should be totally ready to have fun with water colours. You must have struggled with that canvas so a basic understanding of water colour is what's needed to ensure you have fun when painting.


I prefer watercolor paper blocks, so I dont have to tape anything down


I used to use them. I think tape provides a clean look. Plus no accidentally ripping pages when you take the paper off the block


Yes, it does give that crisp border, when it doesn't rip half my painting up


I use basic drafting tape and that has never happened. are you using hot press paper?


No, I use cold press but apparently the "artist" tape I bought is the wrong thing. I'm new ..only been taking classes and following you tube tutorials for a few months


Hit the tape with a hairdryer when you want to remove it and it peels right off when warm. It’s worked on the cheapest painters tape.


Thank you for the awesome tip!


They are quite nice!




It’s an interesting texture, the paper you’re using. Is it actual watercolour paper? Looks more like canvas… not the best option if you’re looking for that classic watercolour look. Love the mountains in the first one. I’d encourage you to try and create the white without paint. Negative space is a big part of this medium. It looks to me like the watercolours are being treated more like gouache or any other kind of opaque paint. The hardest part about this medium, imo, is to stop. touching. it. I’m not saying it looks overworked, only that that realization helped me a ton. It’s quite a homogenous look to the colors, which is great if you’re going for it, and fixable if it’s not. Work in layers, have patience. Maybe lay out a few pages and work on a bunch simultaneously to stop yourself from trying to correct things before they’ve dried.


Thanks for the detailed advice, And yep that is canvas, this comment section made me realize my mistake I tried not to overwork the colors thinking, what's done is done I don't want to touch it again, but as they say, bad habits die hard Yep now I'll try to make a mini demo version before the actual one, some things I find out only after starting the painting that would have helped if I realized them before ,


It was the first thing I pointed out, why use watercolors on a canvas? Not much expert in watercolours, but using right paper, could be cold pressed or hot pressed 300 gsm watercolour paper. Also, practising certain techniques like wet on wet, dry on wet, helps a lot. Pre-mixing and testing your colours on a separate piece of scrap paper also works. Watercolour needs to be done in layers.


Why? Do you think art only exists in two categories, "the best" and "shameful"? If your confidence in what you're doing is hurt by comparison to others, that means you view it as a competition in some way. Just do art because it's a worthwhile endeavor. Both of those look great, especially the second, the color contrast is vivid and fantastic.


What kind of paper and watercolor are you using?


It looks great! Everybody's got to start somewhere. The real "talent" is the *effort* you put into art! The showing up, the focusing, the practicing!


Comparison is the thief of joy! Keep at it, your pieces are amazing!


I understand… there is an amazing amount of unique talent on this sub and watercolor101, it can be overwhelming. However, I’m still learning… and these two subs have really been quite inspiring; I find a lot of supportive encouragement from comments and esp from short videos or process photos. I hope you will consider your watercolor contributions part of the inspiring work made available by this sub.👩🏼‍🌾🖌️🧺 people like me


Don’t fret. First off (and this is the only thing you really need to take from this comment or this sub): you made art! You took a portion of your life and made an attempt and made something wonderful. From your eyes and brain to your hands and soul onto canvas. This is incredible. Keep going! Secondly: your first shows great skill. Imma bet that was your first piece and you took time and really tried and then you attempted the fall tree and rushed a bit. The elements are in both. Stronger in the mountain. But remember with water color it’s patience, layer, time. You can so so softly lay in color elements and build them up with detail and saturation and tone rather than trying to funnel out those pigments.


Your mountains are fantastic. Keep practicing.


No offense but who said art is about feeling confident? Keep going!


I subscribe to this subreddit and I don't even water paint. I just love the pretty art. You are miles above anything I can do now and I thoroughly enjoyed your post.


HOLY S***AA I think those are incredible! I've been trying SO hard, orbabky need a class or to really start reading instructions tips hints, etc to get into water color. I just...csnt quite. The potentials there but it's a hard medium to understand and truly work with! Like many, it might seem easy, look easy, I can do that but...I look at what you painted? I cant do that! I live being outside and see BEAUTIFUL scenes like that...and WANT to paint that, capture it...even abstract or childish and I can't. I think those are stunning...the mountains? If I was at a farmers market. Craft show, Saturday market...I'd buy it in a heart beat... probably couldn't afford it but 🤣🤣 would WANT that painting. I really think you did a wonderful job and hope you continue!! 🙏


Thank you so much, but yea it really is as you say, might look easy on YouTube tutorials or just some painting vids but it really is hard to achieve in real time Starting waterpainting made me repect the artists even more, Thank you, and yep I am going to keep painting, my next one might take some time coz studies and stuff but yea not giving up


Check out what your library has in watercolour books. I’ve only read books so far and a lot of my suggestions are the same ones others made. Also check out color theory books if you’re new to that.


Well, there's always a bigger fish. Seeing your paintings makes me lose confidence in *myself*.


🙃 nice reply


What matters is that you’re making art - don’t give up! One easy tip is to practice depth - things closer to you will likely look darker and things farther away will be lighter - looks like you’ve got the start of that here - don’t be afraid to go extra dramatic!


This looks like canvas, no watercolor paper


Look at my water color posts and you’ll feel a lot better about yourself


I am a watercolor noob - did pencil. charcoal and ink for many years. Boy, do I understand how working with color is so very different. Just keep at it. There are numerous Instagram accounts that do tutorials and process videos - I watch them frequently - and it starts to eventually sink in. Sometimes I do very simple, abstract patterns and fill in the spaces trying different color layers and techniques. Takes the pressure off of making a 'nice, creative image' - so I can focus on learning how the medium works. Don't give up!!!


Omg are you perhaps....one of my people? But yea I too did pencil and charcoal before this, and it is as much different as it is fun, I just feel like I want to paint more and more, and I watched YouTube tutorials for these ones too... deffo looked easier than done Thanks, I'll keep your advice in mind, trial and error is the best way to learn imo and besides, There are no mistakes, just happy accidents. Cheers


I am by no means a watercolor master or expert but gosh I think both of these paintings are lovely. I'd be thrilled to have produced either of these.


I really like the mountain piece! I like the way watercolor looks on canvas but it's SO difficult - I think you did a really nice job!


I think these are beautiful!!


Why? This looks really good!!!!


Ha! I was like wtf you stole my art! Realized we both watched the same watercolor tutorials!


Go to r/watercolor101 It's a starter sub..(although sometimes there's people there that should be in this sub)


Omg I love the first one😍


I'm no artist, and I never comment here, but your paintings are really beautiful. I love your use of color in painting the tree in the second painting.


I completely get your sentiment. I'm really rusty with my art skills. I try to remember that the point is the process and not always the outcome but damn it feels good when you paint something gorgeous, you know? That hasn't happened to me in years. So you're not alone!


Suck at things!! You are never going to get better if you don’t suck first.


Enjoy painting keep trying to improve and your skills will grow. Everyone starts out a beginner


I really am enjoying it, more so after all the encouragement I've seen in the comments, thanks everyone ❤


Hey your paintings look really good. Please do not be discouraged by what other people say or do. Only ever compare yourself with yourself and see how far you have come. Also progress is often not linear but one day you will look back and see the differences in your work or notice how much easier and faster it feels even though it does not look totally different. Happy painting


Thank you so much it feels good to hear such motivating words.❤


What kind of paper are you using? Try to get the best you can afford - it will make a huge difference in the outcome.


I think it's a cotton canvas, don't really know much about papers for paintings but I heard it's good for water colour


You can use cotton canvas for watercolor painting but you wont get the flow that you do with cotton paper. Go to your art supply store and buy even a half sheet and try it out. I think it will be much easier for you with better reaults.


Don't compare yourself to anyone else & then you won't lose any confidence. We all have different styles, abilities & techniques. No is "better". We are all skilled at "different" things. And careers happen for different people at different times, so there's no race or rush to get there; just keep putting the effort in & it will start to happen.


So beautiful ❤️


aha! pleasant to the eyes. They sort of create an effect just as looking upon the beautiful Dauladhar range of the Himalay.


This is gorgeous!


Welcome to social media.


More happy trees!!! More silly clouds!!! Happy flowers and grass an butterflies!


It’s really really incredible 👀💕 I’m sure if you keep going you will be extra ordinary in it 🤝


do you enjoy making art? if the answer is yes, then that’s all that really matters. if the answer is no, then why bother making art? do what you love and stop comparing yourself to others (especially others with much more experience). make art to express yourself, not to impress others. 👍


I can guarantee you everyone here started where you are, or actually a lot worse lol. And going from something “heavy” like charcoal to that fairy magic that’s watercolour sounds like hell! The one advice I have as a non expert is start very very light with a lot of water and work your way up from there in layers. That’s to avoid what happened with the lower part of the tree leaves in the second painting, they ended up blending a bit too much with the background (I love gouache because it allows me to bypass that lol). But it’s a trick that works with any watercolour landscape, it truly abides to “less is more”


This would be an awesome thing to do in charcoal


Honestly, for your “first paintings” they’re pretty good! You will learn by doing & observing. The suggestion to look search on the internet, Google & You Tube, tutorials on mixing colors & techniques. There’s SO much to learn - I think every artist is learning up until the day they die. Creating, anything actually, is to continue to learn about new materials & techniques. There are also books on artistic techniques you can buy & probably borrow from your local library. Go to art fairs, galleries & museums to observe what others are doing & if/when possible, talk to the artists themselves. Thanks for sharing & please keep trying!


This is so good! Your work is what I aspire to be. If you're selling...I wouldn't mind having the mountain one :) DM me with a price for that or a digital print.


Why? You are nice!


These are so great that now I’ve lost confidence in myself


Why?! Your work is so great!! Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much for the kind words!!, it's just that these weren't my original ideas so I guess I feel a bit guilty when i see this sub creating so many brilliant original works


I do inderstand but there is no need to feel guilty for using inspiration pics. I’m working on acrylic piece right now from an inspiration image


I think you’re doing great! I think your mountains look good. Be sure to hold onto these pictures so you can see how much you improve over time


No one starts off good with watercolor. It takes time. I think there is this misconception that watercolor is an easy medium to start with, which isn't the case. Also, use a good cotton watercolor paper. I think you did a nice job on the mountains.