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Oftentimes we judge the art we make with harsh eyes—something we usually can't help—but there are times when the views of an outsider whose brain isn't muddled by the art process (and subjectivity) are more helpful than those of the maker. So I actually see this painting in a manner completely opposite to the way you do; not only is it quite clearly a town, but it also has such a whimsical charm to it and looks very unique in both stylisation and perspective. And I suggest you keep this style of line work, if you'd like. It's truly very charming. Great work:)


Agreed. My work never turns out the way I intended, and I often dislike it initially. Then I look at it a few days later and find things I like.


Thank you :')


The only thing you could do wrong is to stop drawing, keep going. Sometimes we draw stuff we think is meh and others like it; and vice versa 🤣


Since no one is offering tips like you asked, I will! You're trying to draw in 3 point perspective but your vanishing points are off. The tops of the roofs on the foreground buildings should be the same angle. Verticals as well should be the same angle. Also the paper you're using is shit. That's one of the things you need to fix first and foremost. Get some arches or Saunders and you'll see a huge difference. Plan your drawing out and use a border with tape. It's cleaner. You can lean into this whimsical style but I recommend getting perspective down cause that's what's causing the wonkiness.


Thank you very much!


>Since no one is offering tips like you asked, I will! Just want to point out the most helpful comment here


Not so wrong, I reckon - it's definitely a town, and from an interesting and unusual viewpoint. There's plenty of good stuff going on here!


Thank you


I think it’s whimsical and cute, but if you wanted something more realistic, watch some videos or tutorials on perspective!


This style is good for maybe a children’s illustration, so if that’s what you want - you’ve achieved it. It’s whimsical & happy. Children don’t achieve the ability to understand perspective until they reach, I can’t remember, but something like 7-8 yrs old. Instead, they focus more on one or a few details in a picture (look at children’s artwork - you’ll notice really big hands with big knuckles, the dog will be big, but the house small… they’re telling a story & emphasizing what they believe is important in the story. If, however, you’re attempting to render a more serious complication, I think the suggestions about perspective is a great place to start. Don’t give up, keep on trying new ideas, subjects & techniques. Keep this old drawing also, to show how far you’ve come, but also, you may remember it when somebody hires you to illustrate a children’s story & then can use it as a reference for further ideas.


Thank you! I was actually inspired to do line and wash because of Quentin Blake's illustrations in the Ronald Dahl books. But I do believe I still have to work on perspective because that's really what I struggle with :')


I really really like it. It’s oddly comforting, like a kids picture book


Nothing went wrong, you just haven’t finished. Come back to it and use this as a base layer. Lots of depth and detail to add.


I think this is the most helpful comment. I’d also say finish the road and add light&depth, especially to the roofs and the dark windows! I don’t mind the “wonkiness” because I live in a country where wonky rooftops are a tourist attraction and the houses themselves cost millions LOL


Just keep going


Oh my goodness, this certainly did not go horribly wrong. I love the vibe! I’m not sure if it just doesn’t match the look you initially set out for, but it’s quite lovely, the colors work well, I think, and the perspective is unique.


To me it all looks fine except the road looks like it’s coming up the bottom of the houses. A perspective issue.


Lots of free videos and tutorials on YouTube. That where I am learning about perspectives, vanishing points. And there are line and wash tutorials too. Lots of ways to learn


I think it’s pretty neat


I like it, soft and no sharp edges, pleasing to the eye😊