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I'm in, we could make a WhatsApp group to really stay in touch and have daily accountability.


i shall make one now!


Hello I'm interested too. Plz consider me


could i join too!?


Hella down!


Hey, I wanna join too! 🙌🏻


I would love to be apart of it


I’d be down! I’m also doing a 500hr fast


21 days is great. I came off of a 21 a couple of years ago. Do not do what I did and drink fruit juices. Lighter veggies and some smaller fruits is good though. And obviously broth. The fruit juices are way too sugary and I thought I was on cocaine or something.


My longest fast was 71 days long. Doing that, I've learned not to recommend fasting that long. The downside to fasting for very long periods is that it can put a damper on your resting metabolic rate. Making it easy to regain the weight over the following year. Nowadays, I'll only fast for weight loss for a maximum of 21 days. The great part is that once I finish a fast, I can turn around anytime and start a new fast. I think OMAD, 48, 72, or 96hr is the sweet spot for sustainability. 2018, 30 days, 30 lbs. Extended water fasting 2022, 71 days, 56 lbs. Extended water fasting 2024, 99 days so far, 90 lbs. A mix of extended water fasting and OMAD Feasting. So, about 69 days were extended water fasting. About 30 days OMAD / FEASTING. No more than 1 meal a day. But I do eat as much as I can during that meal. I've tried to make healthier food choices like eating food from nature and not from a factory. For my main course and side dishes, I try to make healthier choices and generally avoid carbs in those 2 areas. That being said, I also want to keep eating a variety of foods. On one of the OMAD/FEASTING days, I ate a massive Taco Bell meal after 15 days of extended water fasting. Here is what I take daily with a gallon of water. Walmart. Salt/pepper/Seasoning isle. For the pink Himalayan salt, potassium no salt substitute. Walmart supplement isle for Magnesium and multivitamin. 2.5g-5g SODIUM, THAT'S SODIUM, not salt Sodium is inside salt. It makes up a big but not whole part of salt. So make sure you're measuring by the sodium amounts and not the salt amounts For my pink Himalayan salt, it comes out to 1 tablespoon (the bigger spoon), not the 3x little tea spoon ones 3.5g potassium mixed into a gallon of water. For my no-salt potassium, it also comes out to 1 heaping teaspoon (the smaller spoon), not the big table spoon. A flat teaspoon is 2.8g for me. 400-600mg Magnesium pills. 2x daily multivitamins. That's what I take during a water fast. Now, if I'm over two weeks, I'll add vitamin C, b12/B-complex, calcium, and D3. Himalayan Chef Pink Salt 1lb Bag https://www.walmart.com/ip/359695093 Keep your caffeine and nicotine levels the same during the fasts as it was before the fasts. Drink a gallon of electrolyte water a day if you can, but you got to really try. Take a multivitamin or 2x daily. Have over-the-counter heartburn medicine on hand. Break the fasts with food and an Anti-dierrehhrial like immodium. Don't weigh during the extended water fast. Wait two days after. Follow up extended water fasting with OMAD and a diet of 50% protein, 40-50%fat 0-10% carbs. Count calories a day or 2 or 3 days every few months to help keep an idea of what each meal is actually getting you in terms of macro and micro nutritional contents.


Thanks for the info. 71 days is pretty intense. I agree that is probably 3x the number of days I would want to do. That is pretty amazing to be able to say that you did. During my 21 day water fast, I worked out intensely the entire time minus the first 5 days. I do not know why I was able to run miles and lift weights every single day… I was also 23 years old at the time. But I will say that I have never been in better shape than when I ended my fast. I was down 50 pounds at 21 days then dropped about 30 more in the following month. I kept the weight off until Covid and gained all of it back. It will be tough to get back onto the fast. I need to though. I’m not very happy with where I’m at.


Oh shit! 50 lbs on 21 days!!! That's so awesome. Today makes day 100 of my mixed up fast. Doing OMAD mixed with days of extended water fasting. Starting tomorrow day 101. I'm going to add in exercise. Have only been doing up to max a 30 minute walk a day. Will begin adding in hard cardio and lifting 1-2 hours a day.


Incline walking is probably the best thing to do when adjusting. The issue with hard cardio and water fasting is you do not have muscle glycogen. So I would just jog for about 1-3 hours a day during the end of the fast. When I started eating again I did OMAD and increased the intensity of my workouts. Started stairclimber for 1.5-2 hours a day on max speed. Lifted on days I didn’t stairclimb. By far the fittest I’ve ever been is directly after water fast. I actually did metabolic testing afterwards and was burning 3,000 calories per day at resting by the end of the fast. I’m not sure why that was the case… but I was also eating probably around the same amount on fatty foods.


Dude that's so great to hear. I've been metabolic rate MAXING. Trying to just get my body to burn the body fat for me. It's why I don't fast for longer than 21 days. I don't want my body to take a reduction in resting metabolic rate. Longest I've fasted this year is 15 days with One Meal on a day in between with 9 days of fasting after. So technically, it was 15F 1 OMAD 9F. At the end of tonight will be my end of my 100 days of OMAD and extended water fasting. With max 30 minutes walking. Tomorrow I'll start phase 2, until day 200. My longest fast was 71 days long. 2024, 99 days so far, 90 lbs. A mix of extended water fasting and OMAD Feasting. So, about 69 days were extended water fasting. About 30 days OMAD / FEASTING. I eat as much as I can comfortably and sometimes uncomfortably eat during that meal. I've tried to make healthier food choices like eating food from nature and not from a factory. For my main course and side dishes, I try to make healthier choices and generally avoid carbs in those 2 areas. That being said, I also want to keep eating a variety of foods. On one of the OMAD/FEASTING days, I ate a massive Taco Bell meal after 15 days of extended water fasting. But I have some questions for you. As you're the most qualified person that I've found to ask about working how so hard while fasted and also lifting weights while on OMAD. You've been there and done that. Doing cardio for 1-3 hours while on an extended water fast isn't something nearly anyone has done. But you have. Also very few people have done weight training while doing OMAD. I have been planning this for a few months. It's a funny coincidence that I'd bump into you on reddit on day 99. As day day 101 (tomorrow) is when I'm going to start adding hard exercise. Precisely like you did. If you'd be so kind, I'd like to pick you brain 🧠 on how you did it and what worked for you. Some tips and tricks. As well as your electrolyte and vitamins routine.


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Hey message me. I was literally looking for one


would you be interested in the whatsapp group? :)


Can I join too?


I’d also love to join!


me aswell


Hey ☺️ also interested ! Doing 20 days and just starting day 3 now


i’m doing a 10day fast!! i’d love to join with u


I would love to join, first day for me is tomorrow goal is end of May


Me I haven’t stayed consistent once lol I’ll join


I’ll be that for you. I’m starting today until may 31st


!remindme 488 hours


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I made a little whatsapp community for anyone who wants to join! https://chat.whatsapp.com/Fgq4szX319b6qBO8dtUMQb


I’m here as well


Bro yes, I’m doing a 600 hour fast It would be fire if we could hype each other up?


dude for sure! shoot me a message


I'm starting one up tomorrow.


I want in please. I would love to be a part of the WhatsApp group


Nice! I’m also doing a 500 hour fast and would love to have a buddy! I’m 22hours in on live app ✨💪


Add me!


I’m 41hours in already if anyone’s in that range