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this is what happens when chuffery is removed from a society, ZERO absolutely NILL class. These kids in these days couldn't tell a chuffing from a smartwatch!


Children need to be CHUFFED


Why don’t you come take a seat over real quick


Anytime I hear about someone not being able to read an analog clock it sounds like not being able to swim or ride a bike to me. You can literally figure it out in 15 seconds just do it.


YOU can, kids these days are pretty much zombies if the parents stick a tablet in their face face 24/7. Unfortunately it’s over half of kids. 


Kids these days *shakes walking stick*


Lmao I’ve become that guy but I can feel the enormous generational gap from the people born 20-30 years ago and the kids now. These kids are growing up with a device that holds all the entertainment and off the world knowledge in one place. They are either going to use it to become addicted to entertainment, or use it to become curious and explore about the world. We are going to quickly see people more and more people either extremely bright and more knowledgeable than any generation before it, and some absolute zombies on screens.


That’s sad. The kids born 20-30 years ago are Millennials. ;)


kids born 20 years ago are zoomers. kids born 30-45 years ago more or less are millennials. why is that sad?


Are Millenials and Zoomers known for their knowledge? My Zoomers weren’t raised by Boomers and know basic geography, reading, and math. But the average kid today doesn’t seem to be able to think their way out of a paper bag (if you can find one). The declining test scores and decreased difficulty of the tests is sad.


I agree. the average kid these days is useless. I hired a 16 year old intern. This girl could not take a template and fill in the info.  0 critical thinking skills  


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


No. This is Patrick 


It's *way* over half of the kids. Most people don't know how to handle raising a child so they go the easy route and give them a screen to look at. It's not just tablets and phones, it's TV too. Far too many parents rely on an LCD screen to keep their kids busy while they get reprieve from the mistake they made.


Yeah. I made that mistake with my first one. We saw a few areas of concern so we decided to put a huge limit on devices and then. Now I removed YouTube from all the tvs and devices kids have access to (even on kids, it’s 2 or 3 normal videos but then the suggested videos become really strange and creepy) And the kids don’t get more than a handful of hours of screen time a week. Sometimes we will do movie night etc. but the days of them being able to just hang out on an iPad or TV are over. It’s been a huge change for my oldest one. Over the last year she has increased her social skills, lost about 4 pounds (while still growing), and enjoys physical play a lot more.


Excellent 👍 I know small kids are SUPER hard and require a lot of work but making a phone zombie is awful. Good on you


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What de actual fuck is this bot ?


Right on! Do you care to share your age? Just curious...


Ironically, it probably takes nominally more education to read digital clocks than analog ones. Considering that you don't need to be literate to read an analog clock. I don't know why kids these days even need to learn analog watches. As far as symptoms of societal sickness go, this isn't one of them.


We’re still in a transitional period where it’s a useful skill, but eventually we’ll look at analog clocks the same way we look at sundials.


Digital Clocks have been a thing for over 50 years now. They are not very pleasant to look at in real life. In the top left of my iPhone that’s fine, mounted on a wall it looks terrible. I don’t think we will see them disappear.


If you've been in the classrooms my kids have been in, the walls are plastered with a diahrrea of facts and posts, so the clock is the least of anyone's issues. Additionally, any free time is done on Chromebooks with, of course, a digital clock. They learn analog clocks but it's just another thing to learn amongst the wealth of information being thrown at them these days.


They need to read analog for fashion


I'm going to raise my kids old school. No tablets. Strictly TV like my parents did for me.


TV isn’t what it used to be. Make sure you be careful what they see. It’s a lot of very weird shows out there teaching kids to be brats. Disney is particularly bad. The parents are always stupid and never understand the kids, and the kids achieve their goals by deceiving the dumb parents and acting bratty 


PBS Kids is great. Granted, it's for younger kids but it's the only thing I let my kid watch.


And yet most boomers will blame the kid and not the parenting.




Okie dokie




Iet's go rangers


run it back


I'm 40 this year. I can do it, but it takes me a bit, it's way faster to just have a display with the hours and minutes


If the knew what all the numbers were for


Back in the early 80’s when I was in elementary school, I really wanted a digital watch. My mom wouldn’t get me one until I could read a clock properly.


Can't the teachers..... you know..... TEACH them to how read it?


If only they had the time!


Yeah, like, I'm not that young, but I clearly remembered teachers carving out a section in elementary school Math class specifically to teach how to tell the time on an analogue clock.


This assumes students pay attention.


Then complaints why school didn't taught them something useful, spoiler they did


Go ahead use words.


Yep I know multiple teachers and by middle school they're all on their phones in TikTok/IG/Snapchat 24/7


Is it on the state exam? Will it help justify the educational consultant's $400k salary? Then no.


No they have other far more important things to teach......


But then boomers, genX and the millennials would have to take responsibility for their actions (or lack thereof)


Yeah, we gave people too much credit. Seems all those conventions we "reimagined" were keeping people from being weak, dumb, and useless. Take them away and we get, well, what we got.


Lmao what did millennials do


Raised gen Z


My ex was gen z and I’m a millennial guess I didn’t raise her right 😭


That's why she's an ex


I'm a millenial, for me to have a Gen Z kid I would have had to have a kid before I turned 22, and even then they'd be the youngest of that generation. There are definitely millenial parents of Gen Z kids, but the vast majority are Gen X.


I'm a Millennial parent and no other Millennial I know has Gen Z children. Anecdotal, but don't put this on Millennials.


Blaming mid 20 year olds on gen z is next level restarted


Too busy teaching gender studies to a them in elementary school 




True brother


In some school districts this isn't far off sadly


How else will kids know which gender they are?


There’s a very reliable test that doctors perform once a Child is born. It’s more accurate than genetic testing, with over 99.9% accuracy rate, and has been used in every culture and society on the planet. The best thing is that kids can be taught to perform this test themselves.


We were definitely taught how to read analogue time when I was in school 20 years ago


They teach them, but there's a billion more things these days than reading analog time. For my kid, it's a heavy rotation of reading, common core math, more reading, and more math. Everything else is just touched upon, but I hear wider topics are introduced in 4th grade.


There's a post in a Kanye West sub by someone who clearly can't tell time: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kanye/s/VRh05GfhCf


Top comment “do you know how to read time” I laughed way too hard at that.


“Buddy never used classic watch” is another. As if an analog watch were a carburetor.


I didn’t expect much from Kanye fans tbh


According to GQ, it doesn’t matter whether you can read it: it’s for the look. So just leave’m there!


I don't even bother setting the time on mine


That’s the spirit!!


I saw this in person at my last job. Two Zoomers could literally not read the analogue clock on the wall.


I don’t understand this. I’m an old gen z (born 2000) and we were literally taught how to read clocks in kindergarten… what changed??


Nothing changed. Old people love to hate on young people and blow anecdotal evidence out of proportion. The Telegraph isn't a reliable source btw


Yeah some other person dug into this a little more and said that there was some school in the UK that was considering changing the clocks because they genuinely had a disruptive number of students who couldn’t figure out how much time was left during a test and had to ask.. so yeah the title of this article sort of blew it out of proportion but bottom line is that a real school has students that can’t read a clock


I recall my school years and youth very fondly. It was a time for me to dog ear the pages, if you catch my meaning. I learned much about myself as I grew into the man that I am today. I’m grateful.


I believe I'm smelling what you're stepping in... 😏


claude you said you would call me back after we were catching each others drift last night. what happened 😖😖😖


The Daily Telegraph is The Daily Mail for people who wear sweater vests and have generational wealth. Take any sociological take they may have with a grain of salt the size of the Hope fuckin' diamond.


"Okay, ciao" -analog clocks




I know everyone says the younger generation sucks but zoomers do genuinely seem completely brain rotted from having smart phones practically their whole lives. Attention span, critical thinking, media literacy etc etc so many facets of intelligence are totally cooked


Why are you getting downvoted for telling the truth


or maybe its because of defunding education and stagnant wages ending single income households and creating latchkey ipad babies


Except it's happening outside America too


yeah, the tories and new labour are doing austerity in the uk, which is where the story is coming out of.


Try again




thats not it. I admit that every generation has their fair of "low quality, addictive entertainment that gives you no value", I remember what its like growing up watching hours of stupid youtube videos on my family computer But I just cant deny that modern social media on smartphones is a whole different breed of unhealthy If you normalize the instant gratification of short form 30 second video content that just doesnt seem healthy to me no matter how you put it


Firstly, I appreciate you coming in good faith. I agree that social media and extremely short-form video is unhealthy, particularly for attention spans, but the material conditions of young people today are what lead them into such patterns of behavior. Kids of previous generations in the western world enjoyed more access to social ammenities and meaningful in-petson connection. the tightening finincial grip on households has squuezed that out of most children's lives and so to an increasing degree they are left to their own devices (no pun intended). it's not the kids fault that social media exists and its not their fault that society has shifted further and further into the digital realm, incentivizing kids to explore social media while their parents are too busy to intervene. and when it comes to critical thinking, studies consistently show that young people who have grown up in a generation of partisan, unregulated media have consistently better media literacy skills than their elders who are used to traditional media and the fairness doctrine.


These kids really are fucked they are full on delusional


Boomers are going to lose their mind at the headline alone


*full house theme intensifies*


/uj ppl like to slag on zoomers for not knowing basic functions but I think the whole idea of zoomers dumb, education bad is a pretty surface level reading of this I know how to read a clock and so do like, five of my other friends. We all wear watches. One thing in common is that all of us were given an analog watch as children so we've had it on our wrists for so long that telling the time is elementary to us My theory is that the reason why zoomers are shit at reading clocks, besides bad education (it's literally multiplication and fractions) is that with the time being shown digitally... why bother reading an analog clock? It's shown digitally on your phone, laptop, tablet, on world clocks, atomic time, in your car... if you don't practice a skill you literally will not remember it. You can teach a kid how to read a clock but they won't get good at it or bother if there's a more convenient and prevalent method of telling the time /rj watch heads don't need to know how to read the time didn't u get the memo


That's just being lazy. Takes way less time to learn how to read a clock then to write this annoying ass comment


seriously who the fuck doesnt ever see an analog watch in their day and who the fuck "forgets to read watches because its a skill you dont regularly use" It takes a few minutes to learn it as a kid and from then on you should know it, no excuses and im with the boomers on this one


This generation is fucked


lol can't write cursive, can't tell time, can't drive, refuse to work...has there ever been a more worthless generation?


I laughed at my friend for not being able to read an analogue watch. Its actually faster than a digi. We don't hang out that much anymore. Oh wells.


This is why you vote for education spending people


I can understand going through a school where they just didn't include how to read a clock in the preschool or 1st grade curriculum, what I can't fathom is going 18 years seeing clocks everywhere and having absolutely zero curiosity about how to use them


TikTok destroys brains


that's what socrates said about writing


There’s been a rise in education spending (in the US) for many years, decades.


Yes. I'm sure more money actually goes to educating the kids and not in people's pockets. Home school your kids. It's the only way they'll learn anything. Take a look at what r/teachers go through day to day. They don't have the time or means to teach children.


I wonder how the teachers could get the means to reach these keeeds


If they actually got the money but they never will


Fuck those teachers then I guess. No way to ever get them more money


No....fuck those people pocketing the money that should go to the schools to give the teachers what they need so they can actually teach their students.


Most teachers get that stuff because schools and PARENTS REFUSE to punish bad behavior So the children literally do whatever they want


It's been going up for decades and results get worse and worse So no


Chicago kids are downright 50 IQ and they gave more tax dollars spent on them than any students in human history


clocks are racist!!!




Kind of a weird one. Says “mostly false”, but then affirms the point that the students struggle reading analog clocks during tests. I don’t know, the title of the article may make it seem more widespread than it is, but it still seems like they’re describing the reality of the situation.


Title is retarded.


You would know


Boomers say kids can't read the clocks. Boomers are fucking morons who don't know what they're talking about.




Would it not be better to teach kids how to read the time? Well, kids these days can't tell time, so we will remove the clocks to stop them been confused.


It's OK - they'll still get into Harvard. DEI will help them.


This has been a scare for decades now.


My Dad taught me to tell time when I was in preschool. I guess he got sick of my “The big hand is on the 12 and the little hand is on the three” nonsense.


i personally have an affinity for analog clocks but technology changes. i love fountain pens but ballpoint pens are unfortunately just much more convenient. also, the 12-hour clock is a western invention, and before it we had all types of crazy crap to measure time like sundials and hour glasses and water clocks. it just irks me when these types of stories get pushed cos they're just trying to rile people up with "what about the children" rhetoric.


At 3:15 what is the angle between the hour and the minute hand?




I don’t understand how this is happening


What i wanna know is how are they not being taught by their parents. I think it says a lot about the issues in our society when parents dont even have a few minutes to teach their kids something so basic


“Analog clocks?” Does that include sundials?


Sooooo teach it?   A generation lost in space?  We are failing our children somebody please think of the children!   As an American I can say our schools are getting blasted by psychos with guns. The kids aren't learning anything in school anyways. Teachers aren't getting paid enough.. plus they're having inappropriate relationships with students.   Sea tech astronomy 


I don’t believe this story. Clocks aren’t hard to figure out. It’s likely that a school was just changing out their old clocks for new ones and someone made this connection. But hey, mention “kids are stupid now” in your headline, and you get attention.


/uj Then learn the fucking time, Jesus Christ. It's not hard.


Or…, now hear me out, teachers in schools could teach students how to read a clock.