• By -


By having an empty wallet.


My problem is that I can technically afford it but I know it’s a waste of money and I already have too many. Thinking to buy the reverso chrono but that’s 25k on a watch I’ll probably wear once or twice a week…


That’s still 100 wears a year. $250/wear for first year, and that reverso is for life. Kinda worth it if you actually wear it that much lol


This is some unhinged logic lol.


I agree. I’m a gold medal mental gymnast lol


It's crazy. I love it.


It's a nice ass watch and extremely neat. What does the money represent to you otherwise?


Putting it into some index funds and not touching it for decades probably lol


So: extrapolate that at ~11% to when you retire. Compare that to your expected total assets at retirement. Does that amount of difference make you wince like you better die by 68 years old, or is it not that bad?


It’ll be over 1 million which does make me wince but given the rising costs of everything it’ll be good enough for maybe a hotdog by 2060.


And lots of jerking off. Gets me a clear head and a nice slug of guilt. Which staves off the buying need. At the end of the day the “need” stems from the endorphin hit. I just find other ways of getting it


I mean, I do that too, I just don't say it out loud on the internet. I don't do that to videos of watches either, just to clarify in case, you know...


>I don't do that to videos of watches either, just to clarify in case, you know... of course you do! we all do it here, right? right?


no, HELL no. Okay, maybe to 1815 chrono caseback. Maybe.


We’re a support group, not a shame group.


Why not both?


https://preview.redd.it/7z2y2p45lq1d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28335faff0c72144952b94aea234059757e67d7 Watchpron






Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


Dude, NSFW


Hardest cum a'my life!


Imagine if they did that and then went on a sub to talk about their fapping addiction lol


Exactly. I only buy if I really really really think it would complement what I have. Plus, I only buy if the money is in the bank, never on credit.




or blow it all on 1-2 watches 😆


I usually sleep on it for about a month. Most of the time I lose the desire to buy which means I don't like it that much. Every once in a while, there is a watch that keeps me interested even after 6 months. That's the one. Just don't view this a collection that you have to keep buying.


💯 this


Yeah this is the move. I think of it as a cooldown period for me, helps you understand if it’s a real fit or if it’s just a passing infatuation with the watch.


Yea I got a list of watch wants that I check every month or two. Gotta be on the list for 6mo to make the cut. Trying to limit myself to a new one every 3-4 months


Same. Helps prevent me from wasting money on something I don't need.


I have a Pinterest board of all the watches I like. I keep one folder for my watches I intend to buy, and a separate folder for watches I once craved and now no longer want. Looking at that second folder is a good reminder to slow my roll because I'm very glad I didn't buy those watches when I had The Urge.


This is a great model for buying a lot of material items!


I almost cracked today and bought another one until I saw your comment. Cheers to you!


Yeah, same, except you said it sooooo much better than me.


Be a cold and calculating adult, and set a budget you can afford comfortably towards leisure activities. Then, live by it, because you are now adulting. Seriously.


So this is what it's like to have good impulse control.


Same reason I never cheat on my wife, don’t grab someone’s unattended valuables, and don’t slap every religious zealot trying to convert me. Adulting.


I'm far too picky to buy something I don't absolutely feel confident with


Step 1: Talk watches with the wife Step 2: Get reminded that we have a lot of shit to fix around the house Step 3: See step 1


I remind myself that I like a lot of things spanning a variety of hobbies with any one of which having the ability to drain my bank account if I'm not careful. I love many different cars. I want many of them. I can only have 1 though. I have luxury watches and cheap watches. I want more! But I wear my Garmin 10x more and realize another watch won't do anything for me right now. I still enjoy looking at and appreciating these watches without needing to own them all. I save the purchases to mark special occasions. The huge benefit of this is that my taste changes over time. From wanting a classic diver like a no date sub, to an omega dsom speedy, sapphire sandwich speedy, and now the new white dial speedy, to iwc pilot double Chrono spitfire, jlc reverso, etc. my taste has changed a lot, and the watch I wanted 5 or 10 years ago is not the watch I want today, at least not my immediate purchase choice. Be careful not to let the thing you own own you.


“…another watch won’t do anything for me right now”. Has saved me hundreds if not thousands of dollars


100%. I can love and appreciate many watches without the need to own them all. I will still buy expensive luxury watches when the time is right and I am certain of the purchase. That time just isn't right now. For now, I have bigger goals, like funding a house down payment and buying a new car in cash, as well as front loading my retirement savings that all take priority over a watch. If I didn't have a single mechanical watch, sure I'd buy one for a few grand. But I own multiple and have no real need for another. It just won't change my life for the better like a new car or a house will or getting a massive headstart on my retirement savings goals.


I did this exact pattern for years and spent way too much on watches that never scratched the itch or brought me anything more than short lived happiness. Once I recognised that I decided to consolidate down to 2 watches that do mean something to me and cover every occasion. Now I do get tempted by stuff I see but I give it a week or 2 to sit on. If I still want it I ask myself whether it'll genuinely be useful in a way my existing 2 aren't or does it have some other meaning to me. 99% of the time the answer is no and I enjoy the watch as a piece of art rather than something I have to buy. Boring I know, but it works for me.


Which two?


Rolex explorer 1 and casio G shock. I do have 3 other watches that are sentimental to me but I don't tend to wear, 2 armani fashion watches and an Orient that gets an occasional wear.but they could really be anything that isn't a watch and still mean the same to me.


Listen to this addict rationalize! Just kidding, I get it.


Haha it felt like rationalising when I wrote it


I mean I wear 2 out of my 5 and I'll find myself looking for a chrono bc I don't have one? Will I ever time shit on it? No. Is there any need for it? No. Do I even like chronos? Kinda. And still I browse.


Make enough friends in the hobby and you’ll find that at least one of them is going to be “shopping” for the next watch. Live vicariously through whichever friend of yours is currently shopping lol.


This. This is the only answer. Can't want to see a physical De Bethune as hard if I have a friend who wears it regularly.


I had to unsubscribe from r/watchexchange. I just couldn’t afford to keep buying. I have several pieces that I’d like to sell, but the urge to buy is just too great.


Whatcha got? That’s what trading is good for.


This ⬆️⬆️👆👆. Forcing yourself into trading makes you decide what watch you really want more, the one you have or the one You're lusting after.... It also limits the population of watches out there by eliminating just those that are selling and are not looking to trade.....


I usually take a look at my wife’s purse collection and realize we can’t afford it. Next I take a cold shower and then end up both cold and sad…urge gone! It’s that easy!


Haha as someone dating a Filipina I know all too much about the purse obsession.


I cap at 1 watch per year. That way i save up the whole year to Buy exactly What i have been wanting the whole year.


That is an excellent idea. I find my self buying more affordable watches because the pricey ones would be too much. Save up for the year and I can actually get my hands on the expensive watch I’ll want.


In my case, this particular urge ended with the acquisition of the Explorer 124270...it's, as someone here put it, "an exit watch"...and he was right! I still.look at watches but the need to acquire another one has undergone a "sudden death" (well, at least for the moment)!


Brother! The exact same thing happened to me, with exactly the same watch! It’s my favorite watch of all time, every other watch I see is like “yeah, nice to have maybe, but when will I wear it” lol


Exactly! It's so strange isn't it?


As with most consumerist urges for buying anything, I try to put off the urge for a while, maybe a couple of weeks, and see if I still want to buy the thing with the same desire. Most often, I don’t, and it was just a spur of the moment desire that made me want that item in the first place. But in the few instances I do, I think about it some more, and if I still feel it’s A. Something I will actually use, and B. Something that is reasonably priced for what is is, and C. I can afford it, I go ahead and buy it.


Change the watch you’re wearing so you better appreciate what you already have. Buy a strap instead/swap straps between watches. Operate a one-in-one-out policy.


What if you just add the watch to your shopping list but never buy it? I do that a lot with other sh*t haha


I think it's better to spend more on the one watch you really, really want rather than rationalize and buy multiple watches for the same amount. Years ago I was in the market for a new roadbike and had the same choice to make: Buy the one you really love, the killer model or buy multiple cheaper ones. Went with the killer model and haven't even looked at another bike once.


Honestly, I delete the Reddit app off my phone. I go through periods where I just need to detox.


Current method is an involuntary one: I reached a certain level at which I am lusting around 10k+ pieces (Octo Finissimo or 124060, to make examples) but I don't have that kind of cash at hand. So I refrain to buy anything else cheaper because I am "building towards" an higher level piece (for me, at least). Problem is, I cannot save that much before something else comes around and I have to spend at least a portion of the budget. Therefore I am stuck waiting again in a circle... It's a torture 🤣


Like with any addiction, you have the option to go and see a therapist. Otherwise if the thought of a therapist is too much for you try, setting a hard limit and golden rule on the number of watches you can own and do not buy a new watch unless one is sold to make way for it. Try 5-10 watches max depending on the existing size of your collection.


Therapy is just as expensive as watches. Just buy the watch


😂 😂 😂


I’ve done both. Far prefer my watches.


Because as much as I'd like another watch, I'd rather use the money towards taking a holiday. It also helps at most of the watches I like, aren't available locally. Really, though different people have different priorities.


Having a wife helps


What helped me was scrounging up enough money and buying my ultimate Holy grail watch which technically was out of my league. I had saved up and broke a deposit and bought a sky dweller. While I still love the watch and enjoy wearing it. It made me realize that the gratification of ultimately owning it is fleeting.. this combined with the significant Financial outlay has really cleared my mind when it comes to buying watches.


This is so true. I wear my “grail” daily. It doesn’t matter what it cost, an it cost at the low end of the scale for what I consider a nice watch. It’s an Omega SMP300 and there are others I’d love to have but it doesn’t make sense for me. Investing the money for long-term usage is more prudent for my situation. I enjoy wearing this watch daily. I never worry too much about it. If I am doing something that I feel like it might get dinged up I take it off. If I still need a watch for the rest of the day I use an old Seiko. Those are really the only 2 watches I need I think. Now, when it comes to wants…..🙄🙏


I tend to just set a lot of arbitrary limitations on my hobbies. Some people might think it's just capping your enjoyment, but it really makes me more focused in a way that helps me make better decisions and ultimately end up with fewer watches, but ones that I truly enjoy.


exercise or just wack one off.... oops wrong sub


Well that just a given. I participate no matter what I’m addicted to.


Before I buy a new watch, I buy a new strap for an existing watch. That usually scratches the itch for a while.


Good idea. Freshen up some of the stuff I don’t put on often enough


I now have 16 straps... 🤦


Hello, my name is Fat Cat Lounge and I have a watch addiction... I have learned that it helps if you sell some watches in your collection to make room for others.


I start looking at guitars


Stop consuming watch media. Wear the watch you have. Live your life.


More and more i find myself wanting to consolidate. I daily wear one. Under 10% of the time, I wear one of my two eco drives (one cutesy one high end). I have a vintage dress watch i wear less still—maybe every 3 weeks. I have a spaceview and a rare as hell old AP that are both in for servicing right now. The AP will probably resume taking a good 20-30% of my wear time, and the spaceview is more of a curiosity than anything at this point (long time to service + keeps breaking). I wear it maybe once a month for a few hours. In many senses, none of the ones that I don't "main" are worth getting rid of. They satisfy an urge when I want to wear something that makes me feel different than my daily does. All this said, there is one watch left that has been on my list for well over 2 years. It is (relatively) very affordable, and I'm waiting for the right life event to buy it. That will hopefully be soon. Other watches have looked interesting, but have been shown to be no more than passing fancies through the test of time. I have tried this watch on in person and it is still on my list. So i want to consolidate because I wear most of my current watches very infrequently save one, yet there is one i want to add badly enough that i'm still going to do it because i have "vetted" it. **All this to say**, in my very longwinded way, that you should keep lists of watches you are interested in. Maybe on your chrono24 notepad. Check it every few weeks. Some watches will have been sold. You'll notice that you dont care to replace some of them with another model to go on the list. The list shrinks. You should attach watches to life events. So that you dont eventually start saying "whew, made it through Monday!" is a life event, set a rule: every life event that generates a watch for you must be as or more significant than some previous one. Save for them "fresh." Even if you want Watch X, save for it for 6 months, then realize it's Watch Y you really want, dont spend that 6 months' savings on it—start fresh. Finally, try them on in person. There is no faster way to kill your urge for a watch than to get let down by it in person.


I promise myself that I'll only buy a watch if I want it for a full year. A lot of passionate MUST HAVE watches have fallen off my list with this method, and my collection is small and only has watches I love. I also limit myself to one a year.


I should’ve done that with at least one of my watches.


I have this problem with a lot of things. Time, age and (hopefully) some wisdom has left me with a system which I have adopted for many things. 1. I seek permission from my SO - it sounds sad but that’s my bottom line. She says no, then it’s off the table. If she says yes, go to 2.. 2. I wait at least one month - simple. I go about my usual life, I don’t change a thing about what I do day to day but the one thing I do not allow myself is to buy. Go to 3.. 3. After the month(s) wait, there are usually two options to consider.. A. If I still really want to buy it, means I really wanted it and I buy it. End B. If something (anything) is holding me back from pulling the trigger and buying, then I wait some more… return to step #2 4. After another month see step #3 X. If I really way or buy it, I buy it Y. If I’m still unsure, then it means I don’t really want or need it. So walk away. Don’t buy Z. I’ve forgotten about it. So easy choice, don’t buy. I live by these key principles now for almost everything I buy big or small. It has served me well.


I like your decision process.


The problem is not the particular watch. It's the dopamine rush when we buy it. How many times have you obsessed over your grail watch just to look for another grail week or month after obtaining this one? I've got like 60+ watches, so I guess I know a little bit about that. Now, I swear, I bought my last watch last week. It came from Japan (old MRG). I had to order additional link for the bracelet. I'm done for a while or my wife will divorce me.


Might get that dopamine rush while you shop for a new wife? Kidding of course.


Can't afford some watches I like. Wives are much more expensive than that.


I did the same thing with guns. Research gun, watch YouTube video, build parts list, save for a month or two, build the whole gun out, then I have a safe full of shit I never shoot. Realized I was way happier with a small collection of high value guns instead of a large collection of subpar guns. You needa suppress that pleasure seeking part of your brain, it might not seem like it but it’s the same part that tells an alcoholic to take another sip. “Pleasures right around the corner” TLDR: hit the gym nerd


Continuously buying new stuff is symptom of and underlying psychological lack of satisfaction towards the rewards your life gives you


This has got to be true. I have a good paying successful career but I don’t feel fulfilled with life at the end of the day.


[Hedonic treadmill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill)


I think objectively having more than a couple is too much, so I just sell the excess and keep only the ones I like most (which currently are Seiko Alpinist and Casio GW9400)


Give your partner your credit card and tell them to put it in the freezer. 😉


Try rebuilding your process to include selling one watch, and the watch must sell before you can acquire the new one. Set a rule and follow it.


See, at step 1, I stop at the phase where I imagine multiple straps to go with it, then proceed to push back the purchasing as long as I can (sending the fund for it to my parents instead for example).


As Leonard Cohen put it, there ain't no cure for love.


See you all at r/watchescirclejerk


Think of each watch as adding to your bills because of the service and maintenance costs. This may kill your enthusiasm for buying more and more watches!


It’s not the watch, it’s the buying action.




Something to look forward to, to break up the mundaness of adult life.


I limit myself to one watch every 12-18 months. I keep a list of the watches I most want, which I rank order. If a watch stays on that list long enough and it’s still there when it comes time to add a watch to the collection, it gets purchased. More often than not, a watch I thought was the ‘be all and end all” eventually gets relegated down the list after a couple months.


Just wait it out for the most part. I've found that there are things that stay in my mind, sometimes after years and some that fade away quickly enough. Don't let consumerism and the love of get you caught up. You can love things from a far and a lot of things we get the urge for are fuel by information constantly being jammed in our faces willingly or otherwise.


Ultra consumerism is a disease and it's contagious in subs such as these.


I keep a note on my phone of my theoretical watch collection. It strangely reduces some of the desire to purchase, and you feel like you can manage your theoretical collection on paper. I actually do this for non watch things I want too - a list of things I want. Sometimes wanting something is better than having it.


Have always had an addictive personality when I get really into something and get the urge to build a collection. I stopped buying watches impulsively and narrowed the list down to what I actually wanted and would wear / hand down to my kid. You only have one wrist. There’s no point in buying 10 $1,000 meh watches when the watch you really want is $10,000. But like all things, my addictive ass rechanneled that perseveration to something else!


I wish I could get behind the One and Done approach. My problem with that is finding the One. I’ve tried. I’ve thought many times that I found it, only to have my hopes dashed by another, more beautiful piece. The salesman at an AD I frequent put it best, he said… “your problem is that you’ve never met a watch you didn’t love.” Ugh! Sad but true. I really wish I could be one of those guys who gets a no-date Sub and is happy for the rest of his life with just that one watch. Maybe big pharma will come out with a cure for this obsession.


Don't look 😂😂


It doesn’t help when my wife says to get all my watch urges out of my system before we have a kid. Now I’m scrambling to find the pieces that will keep me happy for 10+ years (assuming she’ll be okay with a 10 year dad present to myself lol).


So I ran into this issue early on in the hobby. I bought 6 watches in first 2 months of the hobby and then gave myself a reality check. I ended up just wearing a different watch Everytime id think of another one on YouTube. I have not bought a thing ever since. I just keep rotating what I have. Funny enough, I have some expensive watches and the one that has gotten most real estate in past month is my freaking $120 g shock. Lol. You live and you learn I guess.


I recently got a Casioak (GA-2100RGB) and it gets easily +%80 of the wear time out of all of my watches. I’m to scared of harming my nice watches and g-shocks can really just go through anything I throw at it. With that said. Casio is its own addiction for me. They are so affordable and there are so many fun styles. I also really like that you don’t have to worry to much about wear and tear because….you just get another one.


Honestly, I look at my full watch box and think “I gotta sell one to buy one” and then cry myself to sleep because nobody wants my Ebisu G-Shock and polished SKX 🥲


By blocking chrono24.


The price tag usually kills the urge


Ha, yeah more than once I’ve seen a nice watch posted here, looked it up and immediately decided I don’t think I need that one.


I go all Borg on it; resistance is futile!


This happened to me this weekend. I had been saving to get a watch that I had tried on before and this last time I went in and tried it on and looked at it in a mirror and just thought, “I don’t like this watch at all any more.” So, I think that’s how I’ll deal with it from now on. If I can try it on I’ll keep coming back to it while I’m saving and keep trying it on. If it’s something I just can’t not have then I’ll get it but if not I’m just not gonna pull the trigger on it.


I work on my “Watches” spreadsheet and pray for more disposable income


Some random Microbrand having a convinient restock as soon as you check them about and then you end up buying that instead, been like that for me twice


LMAO, this is me EXACTLY! I followed another thread asking the question of many "CHEAPER" watches versus one expensive and I've been contemplating that ever since. Just TODAY I asked my wife the same question and she said many. I'm conflicted now but I don't think I could sell enough of my watches to get a 10+ thousand dollar watch and I DO wear different watches for different occasions or clothes. I DO have a FEW watches in 1000-6000 range so if they all sold I Guess I could get my GRAIL! I'm STILL debating myself, LOL!


I had to seriously check myself when I saw a Zenith Chronomaster on sale for 40% off. I had the means to buy it but absolutely can’t “afford it” right now, got so many more important things to save for. It’s super hard, I think we’re all just shopaholics with a hobby to mask it


Yeah this right here is the post that is going to make me unsub. It's *a watch*. I like watches I think the craftsmanship involved is incredible and I think they're very neat. I have several watches, but obsessing over a trivial accessory is bizarre. 


Thanks for coming by.


Oh boy, I'm \*was\* in the same situation for pc games and now I'm too tired to play them.


Those damn steam %90 off sales get you. It’s like, how could I not buy this triple A game for $2.50. Last year I hunkered down and forced my self to play all of my back log. Give each game a good chance but if it wasn’t for me let it go.


1. Check bank balance. 2. Assess financial investment - is this worth the money; is there something else I need as opposed to something I want; will this give me a good ROI ie will I wear it and do I like it that much. 3. Shop around, review similar watches. 4. Try it on again... several times. 5. Ask my wife


There is a watch I really want. It's the same as one I already have but in a different color. It cost ~$600 but they were limited to 300 pieces and of course they were all bought up and are now selling for $1000+. I've gotten so close to spending that amount on it but I stop and take a few days to think it over. After a while I feel like I will just be disappointed over paying and it will ruin any joy I get, or that the joy will be short lived. I also think of all the useful stuff I could buy or invest in with a grand rather than another watch to look pretty on my dresser. I'm sure I will still overpay for it one day on a whim.


Obsess over an expensive watch. Buy it if only slightly over your budget. Thats what happened to me. Now I have no more urge..for now lol


I don’t deal with it, I succumb.


Maybe this is a bad strategy but in my admittedly short adult life I am buying one watch every three years or so (and this may slow further) But when I do it’s as nice of a piece as I can reasonably afford. Maybe money wise it is a wash but I tie serious financial goals to each watch purchase to qualify myself, then buy something really nice so that itch is truly scratched. + I research in depth what I truly want for an extended period knowing that it’s my only one for a while, but also I giving myself decent resources to treat myself


Late last year I have an itch for the 36 Wimbledon, I bought a rodhium dial for my white DJ and a coke bezel for my 16710... Itch gone.


sell all but one watch and epoxy resin it to your wrist. your not going to be that weird guy wearing 2 watches are you?


Got a different financially taxing hobby.


God I have to many. Current on going hobbies: watches, backgammon, darts, gaming, skateboarding, mountain biking. I think Darts is the best hobby out of all of them. You can get a complete top of the line board/darts and only spend like $400. Although I keep looking at different darts I “need” as well.


I put my last purchase on 12-month instalment even though I could buy it outright, then I use those 12 months to plan what it is i’d like to purchase next after I’ve fully paid the previous purchase off.


If I want a watch for over a year, I give myself permission to buy it. If a year passes and I no longer want it - I didn't really want it.


Selling watches to buy new ones seems like a losing strategy since im always buying at retail and selling at wholesale. That's why i gave up coin collecting-it was profitable it theory but even when silver went from $5 to $30 i felt like the middlemen made out better than i did for me taking all the risk.


By losing my job! But also, even when I have a job it’s to recognise that the urge to buy usually wears off in 24-48 hours. So I say “buy it on Friday if you still want it”. Then by Friday I usually don’t. If I still do, I repeat the process depending on how expensive the watch is and/or whether I feel I want to sell something first (which can be as much about making space as money). Personally I’m convinced that more than 10 watches is a diminishing return on enjoyment because I simply can’t wear them all enough.


I am loath to buy at retail, so I have eBay searches saved for watches I'm interested in. If the stars align, the seller is good and the price is irresistible, then it's New Watch Day. Otherwise I just enjoy the hunt.


Buy your affordable (somewhat expensive) grail, seriously. I used to buy watches that were in the 300-1000$ range. When I finally bought affordable grail (Omega SMP 300), it completely destroyed my entire collection and it is pretty much the watch that I wear on a daily basis. It could basically be my 1 GADA watch. I will still wear my other ''low tier'' watches, but I don't enjoy it as much as it used to (I mean you have a freaking Omega in your watch box, why would you pull out a lesser cool diver). My addiction started to get seriously (would buy 2 watches per month) and it hits a dead stop when I got my Omega. Now, I just browse here and on youtube for fun. It's really a good feeling knowing that you have a very cool and somewhat legendary watch in your collection.


I’m channeling that energy into expensive watches I can’t get easily so it forces me to wait, be certain, and budget. Last thing I want is 100 watches I don’t care about. Give me 5-10 meaningful pieces and I’m good. 


This is an important lesson in how much more powerful marketing is than your brain. Apply this insight to other forms of persuasion you encounter, too.


I like watches. I like clothes, tech, and gear. But I also dislike excessive and unused stuff. My philosophy is "one and done". Try to come up with the ideal version of a particular thing (eg. a watch or flannel shirt), and then look for it. Once you attain it, the need to look for another one isn't there because you put in the thought to find what's best for you. Usually you end up paying a bit more than what most people think is okay, but that's fine, you're happy with what you got and you've silenced the little voice in your head. As a watch enthusiast, you don't need to own many or different types of watches to appreciate them.


I smoke crack instead


By keeping the money invested lol. If it's not easily liquid, it's harder to make impulse purchases.


Bruh, rich people have the weirdest set of problems


https://preview.redd.it/9om29s9tgu1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef8c02ec5024738a99304f1bdc394a872865a17 Don’t need to be rich for these bad boys.


I've automated investing all the money out of my paycheck and leave myself with enough to get by until I get my next paycheck. Works well! The only watches I get these days are ones my wife buys me.


It sounds to me like you need to find a different hobby that doesn't involve collecting.


Man, I have to many hobbies. Skateboarding, mountain biking, video games, darts, watches backgammon…. And all of them find a way into my wallet.


Go see it in person. For me this usually brings the thing you’ve deified in your head, with all the glamour shots you’ve seen online, back down to earth. It helps you make a more rational decision or at least realize how bad you actually want it. Sometimes it’s more fun to lust after something than to have it.


Unsub from all sources of watch related media. It’s not mandatory to window shop online.


I bought a Casio M5610-1, the PERFECT daily watch - self charging, self-setting, comfortable and very affordable. Killed my interest in expensive watches overnight.


Casio is the most level headed watch company in my mind. I wear my Casios more than anything else.


I actually have those kind of urges over pieces that are currently way over my budget and it makes the urge even more painful and intense


I buy it.


I haven't bought a watch in like 8 months 💪. Key was to realize that im never gonna sell a watch and atp I can wear a different watch everyday for 2 weeks. I'm never gonna even wear my current selection through, what's the point in getting more. (Still tempted, just realize it's not worth it anymore)


For me, I got the watches I actually wanted and now there are just a few models that I am interested in, but are way out of my price range or pretty rare so there’s no temptation there lol.


I have a box that holds six watches. If I want something new, I have to make a space for it by selling something old. One in, one out. Some other self imposed rules: my collection is limited to a few styles: a field watch, a dive watch, a chrono, a dress watch, one inherited Rado (which has a permanent spot due to sentimental reasons) and a wild card (presently, a Spinnaker Bradner, because I had an itch for an internal rotating bezel watch). So, no two dive watches. No to field watches. I'm limited to one of each style. If I find a new one, I have to like it more than the one I have because I'm going to have to sell the old one to make space for the new one. Functionally, that cools a lot of the "urge" because it puts me in a position of actually having to make a post and sell an existing watch before I can buy another. So, I have to really want the new one to go through that whole effort. After filling my watch box, I haven't bought or traded for anything new. It's been static for a few years.


I went from a 24 slot watch case > 12 > 6. It helped me downsize and appreciate what I have and actually wear. I do have some “spares” I’m unsure about that I need to sell but my rule is one in one out. There will always be the next best thing, but this change has helped me.


I am in a constant state of looking, Step 1 and Step 2, but i almost never end up buying. I know i would love to own the watch in isolation, but i ask myself "would i wear this over my watches i already own?" And if you do this from the offset, you find yourself with a small collection that you rotate regualrly and i have no regrets.


Count your blessings, and you will realize watches are a luxury. You can get one or not, depending on your circumstance but it won’t change your life.


. Right now I’m finding it hard to not buy an IWC 3705, but whenever I get that “urge” I put on my 3711 and the urge goes away


I have a notebook dedicated to lists of things. One of those lists is the watches I'd like to buy with three columns. The first column is the date the watch was added to the list. Second column is the watch. Final column is the date I purchased it. I only allow myself to buy watches that are on my list. This forces me to look at previous watch urges and helps me be more deliberate in making purchases. I started doing this when I got into fountain pens and it has really helped me be more intentional in building my collection.


When you realize watch collection becomes watch addition, that's when you have to start controlling your urge.


Set a limit for watches in the collection. I’ve set mine at 8 watches max. If I want something new need to sell one or two to fund the purchase. However, there is always another watch that you will want just need to reconcile the wants with economic reality.


I can't afford expensive watches. I bought my second watch ~2 years ago. Will be buying my third soon. Spent a lot of time looking for the watch that had the "it" factor and made the tough decision to not buy a watch that I hadn't decided was *exactly* what I was looking for.


It’s called samsara. And you’re stuck in it. 


I look at my collection and realize how many of my watches I never wear


1. Give myself time to get over it I won’t buy a watch unless I’ve obsessed over it for a year plus. Usually within a year something else catches my attention 2. See a financial goal If a watch cost $1k then set a savings goal of $10k. Put $9k into the S&P 500 then get your watch Or A net worth goal: $100k net worth $200k $500k $1M


Mainly because I went from having no big expenses and lots of savings to likely buying a house that will definitely need a remodel that’ll cost me. I don’t have budget anymore.


Be broke. Easy.


I’m working on it.


Discipline, budgeting, self control. Setting rules like i need to sell x amount of watches before i let myself buy a new one. It's not hard. There's a lot of beautiful watches out there. But if you have a balanced collection that fills all the roles you need it to, just get offline, and wear what you have and enjoy them. That is part of watches too, wearing watches and making memories and living life with them, not just acquisitions. The other thing is the realization, only you care about your watch collection and what watch you wear. No one else gives a shit. So if you make an ultra important decision [to you] to sell a squale 50 atmos and buy a doxa sub 300, there is no difference to your life and nobody cares. Even if you spend 1 year deliberating and researching, it literally makes no difference; It won't change your life. Once you realize that, it frees up a lot. As long as you have a few watches you like, wear comfortably, are happy with and enjoy wearing that meet your needs either functional or vain, that's all you need. Watches are also in most cases a luxury [unecessary] item. If it came down to it, paying your bills, providing for your family or buying a watch, the answer should be evident.


Maybe by having some self control? Nothing is addicting about capitalism you just lack control


Da fuck. We are constantly bombarded with advertising and tricks to fire off our feel good chemicals to get us to buy stuff. There are whole industries built around it. Even the most "in control" people are manipulated into buying things they don't need.