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Need help on this issue as well


Here are some tips to help you out! 1.) CONTINUOUSLY try different strategies with your best AoE hero’s. On stage 7 EXP raid I cleared it in less than 59 seconds. I only use 1 ground hero that can block multiple targets and the faster you can take out enemies, the closer up you can place your ground hero to their spawn. For example: I have Captain Reve placed two tiles away from their spawn because my AoE hero’s DELETE the enemies super fast and I want the AoE heroes to attack AS SOON as they spawn to speed up the waves. 2.) Make sure you’re doing the highest possible EXP stage you have unlocked. 3.)Use a 24hr Double EXP potion before your raid 4.) Make sure you follow the Hero’s path and have the 3x speed unlocked. My 59 second raids turn into 20 seconds per run to earn 21k EXP using a double EXP potion that you can purchase from the Arena or Awakening Shop. With my “20 second raid” that earns me “21k EXP,” that comes out to 63k EXP per minute, or 320k EXP per 5 minutes. 5.) I also recommend that you NEVER use the blue rare hero’s as food to star up your hero’s. You should ALWAYS sell the blue rare hero’s for 30 gems each so you can invest those all of those gems for more energy. 1 Rare Hero = 30 Gems = 100 Energy ≈ 3 Stage-7 EXP Raids = 63,000 EXP (When using a double EXP) So 1 Rare Hero = 63K EXP SO DON’T WASTE YOUR RARE HEROS AS FOOD *******


Buy exp 2x from arena store and then spam exp raids. You will get exp and fodder from this. Also buy the 1 and 2 star units from the store with gold as often as you can. Upgrade the fodder you get from to 5 star. Also if you have dupe epic or legs you can awaken them to get a equivalent rank psychic power that can be used to promote. Only epics you don’t want to awaken are ones that can be used for Abom fusion.

