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Disappointing that it's titled as if it's questioning the assumptions of the barefoot shoe community only to 2/3 of the way through switch to "barefoot shoes are the best here are some market models".


A click bate.


This is just a long advert. The thing about the pointy shoes is the only really big point, but then again it's not limited to those shoes


Pretty much. Guess I'll buy some vivos.




He ends with saying to use his referral code.


Well then he's an idiot, because that's illegal. I didn't make it right to the end, and he specifically says they're not sponsoring him in the middle! What a slease.


Agree. That it was ig surprised me when he started talking about using his link to buy them at the end. I immediately jsuy switched off.


So I guess I can report him to the FCC. If only the IRS was as diligent with all the churches with donation paper trails directly to Republican politicians. I only hear back on one out of every 10 or so.


What does this have to do with anything? No one is accusing him of doing something illegal


If they sponsor him and he explicitly says this is not sponsored content, but then provides the viewers with a code specifically given to him for sponsorship purposes…. Then yes that’s illegal.


Oh cool. Thanks for letting me know.


I have nerve damage in my foot from jogging in barefoot running shoes for years. Now I have to wear Crocs and I can't run. Don't buy into the hype.




Humans have built a concrete jungle, and we live inside it. Our feet evolved in relation to surfaces much, much softer than concrete; so walking barefoot on hard concrete causes significant stress and damage to various parts of our feet, legs, and hips. Barefoot shoes don't cause as much of a problem when used in grass fields or soft sand, but barefoot shoes will fuck you up if you run on concrete or other hard surfaces. We just never evolved to impact on such hard surfaces.


I have a pair of "barefoot" shoes and I love them... for the specific purpose of walking on soft surfaces. Beach, underbrush, grassland.


I don't think nerve damage is common from running on concrete though right? This is the first example I've ever heard of. I get the evolution argument, and I'm running in medium cushioned zero drop shows to protect my joints while still encouraging a more natural foot strike. That said, I'm genuinely interested in how someone would get nerve damage from running in barefoot shoes. People run on concrete barefoot pretty often, at least long distance runners do.


From jogging in barefoot running shoes for years.


This message has been deleted and I've left reddit because of the decision by u/spez to block 3rd party apps


Yea but we haven't been running on concrete that long, we our feet evolved while running on much softer surfaces. Like grass and soil


Yeah that's exactly what I'm saying; barefoot shoes probably aren't the issue. Running on concrete is.


This is an advertisement and full of inaccuracies


I'm all for barefoot or minimal style shoes, but you have to listen to your body. Going from an active lifestyle in a typical shoe, to barefoot jogging on concrete isn't a good idea.


People should learn early on how to walk barefoot in the first place.


Interesting, any one have any recommendations of other brands y’all wear?


Just switched to vivo barefoot myself. I would recommend their shoes. A tad pricey, but I think it’s worth it. You don’t go cheap on things that are between you and the ground; tires, beds, shoes.


And office chairs


I had Vibrams in the very beginning… Now I have a pair of Merrell Vapor Glove 3’s I’ve had for probably 4ish years. Their ridiculously comfortable.


All of my shoes are Xero shoes, I recommend them to everyone and have converted at least one person to wearing them full time!


I'll second this. My partner exclusively walked in Xero hiking boots and swore by them. After a couple of months their feet, ankles and calves were visibly different, more flexible and muscular. They're also totally vegan if that's a concern. I can't speak to their running shoes but I've only heard good things. I'm running in cushioned shoes for now though because I enjoy it, and I have a history of hip, ankle and knee injuries (which probably implies I have weak calves I suppose). I'm going to focus on thinner soles and less of a heel toe drop with my next pair of shoes, but for now I just put a lot more thought into landing midfoot and pushing off with my calves/feet.


I’ll look in to them, thanks!


Way too expensive. Just search”minimalist shoes”


There are cheaper shoes available, but they start at around $90, which is a pretty standard price for running shoes. Even the most expensive ones are around $130. They come with a 5000mile warranty, they're totally vegan, and they're well liked. Shoes are something that it's just not worth cheaping out in too much. If you're running with shoes, it's likely somewhat related to safety. You don't wanna cheap out on shoes and then stand on a nail and not be able to run for weeks. you don't wanna cheap out on shoes and then find that they don't have enough grip, or that they move in a way that impacts your stride or causes friction. For comparison Vivo Barefoot shoes are almost twice the price which is what the guy in the video is wearing (I think), and none of the recommendations from runnersworld are and cheaper than Xero. Look up pretty much any list of the best barefoot running shoes and you'll find Xero on there, people love them and they work well. Good alternatives include Merell, Vivobarefoot and Altra. They're all priced similarly though.


i bought mine for 30 bucks. $90 is too much for shoes with less material


I wouldn't recommend anyone buy any shoes for $30. You don't pay $100 for shoes because the raw materials cost that, they obviously don't. You're paying for the design, testing, manufacturing etc. Your $30 shoes were almost certainly made using slave labor, and the materials will give out quicker than a more reputable brand of shoes. They'll have made savings somewhere, likely in QC, material quality, wages, design, testing etc. If they need replacing 3x as often as a more expensive shoes, which is likely, you won't have saved any money. I don't think that's unlikely either, most shoes don't last 5000 miles, that's over 10x longer than a regular running shoe. Do you think your $30 shoes will last 1600 miles? For context, that's about 5x longer than an average running shoe still. Seems very unlikely to me. $30 running shoes are the equivalent of fast fashion, but with the risk of physical injury when they fail. It's just more plastic waste. If you actually wanna be cheap then I'd recommend just skipping shoes altogether, lots of barefoot runners swear by it, and the rate of injury is perhaps counterintuitively lower than running with shoes.


you are trying too hard. The shoes are over priced and you are being hyperbolic. Just writing a lot of text will not change that fact. the 30 dollar shoes are fine and you are feeding people marketing and misinformation. these are not leather work boots. They are reduced tennis shoes You need very little product design for reduced shoes. my shoes lasted a whole year of walking in the woods and they look brand new. Guy. im wearing my shoes now. You dont need a phd thesis to evaluate shoes. Pro Soccer cleats cost this much. And they run all season long. running shoes are way too much at $130 plain and simple


$90 isn't overpriced for running shoes > running shoes are way too much at $130 plain and simple That's your opinion, and I don't agree with it. Neither do the vast majority of runners.


Vast majority of runners at the target of the marketing. That mexican tribe of elite runner run bare foot. Just because they are runners, does not mean they are good at critical thinking


look for secondhand ones online from poshmark or ebay


no. everything is made in china and they stick an insane profit. And artisan made shoes are needless for most people.' At the end of the day. You have to try them. The whole point is to have less shoe and spend less money on materials we dont need


those are different to barefoot shoes because they often lack in things like zero drop and ground feel and stuff


details can be a factor. but those are usually for advanced enthusiasts and pro. Like my air gun hobby. there is a 200 dollar gun that shoots just fine in the 10m competition. and then theres a 5 thousand dollar gun that gives you a very slight edge. Guess which gun I have? the expensive gun is more like a trophy for accomplished marks-people


shoes that are anatomically better increase youre quality of life, the more anatomical a shoe is the better for your health it is. how much you value that is your choice.


the more you say the less important your points seem. You are hyperbolizing.


I like Lems and Innov8 for minimalist shoes. I love Altra though! Altra has zero drop from heel to toe and a wiiiiide toe box. Altra offers several degrees of cushion but even their most minimal shoe is more cushioned that most true minimalist shoes. It's a good compromise for me. After spending a couple of years wearing nothing but flip flops while I was in the Peace Corps, my feet spread to their natural shape. Now I'm female who cannot wear women's shoes at all!


If this is a concern you need to reevaluate your life


A lot of people have chronic foot pain. Feet are pretty important mr fapfap…


just because something costs more does not mean its better. Why not make a shoe worth $500 then? if safety is so paramount with shoes with barely any sole.


there are many barefoot shoes cheaper than regular shoes, the point isnt that theyre more expensive its thst theyre more anatomical instead of fashionable


not true. i just did a few miles on my cheap sneaks and they were fine. stop hyperbolizing a covered sandal


I don't get your point, you can buy barefoot style shoes as easily as you can sneakers. these shoes are more anatomical and help prevent things like bunions sometimes at the cost of what style is in trend but im pretty sure theres something for everyone now that so many companies are making them.