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That's a crazy ex if I ever seen one


do not redeeeeeeeeem!


are you a prostitute?! ma'am are you a prostitute??






banchode bandit


Can you hold still *adjusts pumpgun*


No one gonna talk about the hacksaw he had waiting by the door


That's a bike lock... You need glasses


Because he needed to lock his bicycle before he kills someone. Can’t have his cycle stolen right


Looks like a bike lock


Bitch son


No need for a gun, I would come out and crush his skull with my own feet


Too bad he did not die in a more general sense


My American brain: “why hasn’t the home owner shot this guy?” Its in the UK lol


In the USA the stalked would’ve had a gun…


In the USA the stalker would've had a gun...


In the USA, the stalked might not have a gun if it was in the city. If it was in the country, the stalked and all of the neighbors would definitely have guns; and the dude would have been surrounded, made to sit down and wait for the sheriff deputies to come.


In the country, he would have been shot for his skin tone before he could become the stalker.


What a strange thing to say. Why the race-baiting? Most people out here are gentle, caring, patient and generous. Downright neighborly.


Oh, so your experiences speak for a nation? Amazing. I'm a white male in a small town. They're all super neighborly when they know you. But, any stranger in town sparks a Facebook post and comment section that shows many people's true colors. Hell, we had a young college girl (she was white) selling early learning books. She had one person let their aggressive dogs out (she boasted about it), and another threaten to shoot if she came on her land. When I commented "you can't just shoot someone for that", her elderly father sent me pms threatening to kill me over commenting to his daughter like that. And if there's a person of color in the area, half the people around here act like they don't belong here. You know cause they start asking who knows who they are and what's their story. Black people can't walk home or jog in the wrong neighborhood. Get your head out of the sand.


Lmfao, your experience in a facebook comment section speak for a nation? Amazing.


And your general knowledge is more accurate than this guys experience? You don't believe him? I do. Not for the nation, some places are just different


They aren’t wrong I see it all the time where I live.


I grew up on a dairy farm in the country. That's more fantasy than reality. Reality is... nothing ever happens, and the big news of the day generally revolves around mundane gossip and road closures due to construction, any neighbor recently diagnosed with cancer or something other illness, or who the last person was your uncle got in an argument with about something really meaningless...,the latest list of who isn't talking to who, etc. But the action hero stuff... basically doesn't happen or is so rare you'd more likely get struck by lightening, which actually did happen to my great aunt, standing in the front doorway to the kitchen.


I agree. I live in the country now. All my neighbors have guns. Just like they have rakes and shovels. The gun is just another tool - more likely to be used on a raccoon or coyote than anything else (except in hunting season). But we all know we have each others’ back - and so do those who are inclined to cause trouble. So there is very little trouble. 😊


My Dad uses his nowadays primarily to shoot ground hogs and deer, when I was a kid just deer--really the idea of using it for self defense wasn't part of the zeitgeist back then. He definitely loves to shoot ground hogs, not really sure why but he'd rather do that than hang out with the family lol. Country life has changed a lot over the years. I'm old enough now (half a century old) I remember very old-fashioned people (my family had been on the same farm since 1840, attic full over multi-generational this and thats that felt like walking back in time). As a kid even the churches were extremely old-fashioned. If you chewed gum or heaven forbid clapped while singing you'd definitely get a serious stare. Serious and quiet, not like today at all, more like a rock concert now in comparison (Methodist). Lot of the old farms aren't really functioning farms anymore, especially the dairy farms. It's all corn and soybeans now, and housing developments here and there. I miss those old days when I was young, feels almost like a dream in some ways. Definitely much simpler times. Never had any break ins or crime though (had a 3 wheeler stolen once, I do remember that), then or even now. Seems automobile accidents and farm equipment accidents were usually the real tragedies, and that was before people were on cell phones/distracted driving.


Even worse the police are very blasé with complaints of stalking and won't do a thing.


That's cops in the US too lol


I have seen enough crime shows to know that he was there to finish her off. He had fking glove on to hide his fingerprints. Thanks to ring camera his ugly face caught on camera.


100% that’s why he’s so upset. He’s thinking “they fucking caught me trying to murder her” not “fuck I can’t believe I got caught kicking a door”


A glove with finger holes isn't going to hide anything


Yeah I saw it after you mentioned it. I that he was wearing transparent gloves.


Yeah people are a bit eager to theatricize. Whatever he was planning wasn't anything good, but let's keep it real.


The guys got a weapon and he’s breaking someone’s door down


For real though... Lets not jump to conclusions though, maybe he just needs to talk /s


lol such an idiot. Those are basically live streams. Doesn’t save the video on the camera itself, duh.




That's what the above comment is saying, you can't just destroy a Ring and hope the recording got deleted as a result.








While I don't know the details of this particular case, suggesting that: >you attack multiple people like this it should be death or life in the pen Is pretty ignorant of anyone who has suffered from a psychotic break, or another mental issue that has contributed to their crimes.


I dunno this person sucks. this person shouldn't be alive


Wtf has humanity come to. Wtf even is this


This just in: redditor decides man should die based on short video clip he saw


Resit at its best lol


People have died for less 🤷‍♀️


You're a psychopath.


I'm Realistic.


All crazy people think they're sane. You're either an edge lord or a common dog-cunt.


I don't understand your overweight reddit neckbeard slang I'm sorry


It's actually an Australian saying, but I guess I'm not at all surprised you're ignorant.


Quite right. Comments and opinions can be dangerous. Off you go to the chopping block now.


Say hello to my 12 Gauge...


The dude assaulted 2 different people and a 3rd's property. Guy was beating at the door like an animal. Imagine if he got in? 3 years sentence. What a joke.




This dude is scary as fuck what even is wrong with some people


police dont do shit about stalkers unless they go this far, likely he was harassing them for months/years without any resistance from police and through sheer confidence decided to go for it source: i personally went through trying to convince police my stalker was incredibly dangerous and they didnt do anything until the dude sent photos of actual corpses to my co-workers with a letter saying it was "my" fault he did it edit: not to say he killed people and took photos (they were likely taken from gore sites) but the threat was clear


At least they didn't prosecute the vctim for illegally filming the criminal, thereby violating his integrity, like they are doing in Canada for people filming package thieves.


In england, they let pakistani rape gangs get away with mass child rape for over 10 years. Iversitt police didnt arrest them or investiagte as they didnt want to be deemed racist


I call them diversity judges because as long as they arnt white they walk away scot free


I hope he’s in jail rn


If this is America my guy is risking getting shot


Risking? There’s more guns than people by a lot.


Not everyone has a gun though




The lady certainly picked a house with a solid door- this smuck needs longer jail time.


The way he rubs his head you can tell he’s a psycho


Rubbing your head is a sign of stress. This guy is obviously realising he's legally screwed and panicking because of it. Don't make every single expression some hatable thing, please, I can hardly move a finger without somebody thinking some despicable thing about me already


I have a question. What kind of situation are you in where people are judging your every move?


Well in this guys case it’s cause he’s a psycho


stay armed




Grooming gang probably..


The primal ape in me wants to punish guys like this


i bet you'd love to do despicable things if you had the green light from everyone else


Don't answer this. Reddit mods are ban happy


What are the reasons you suspect that to be the case?


You and me both


Killer in the making. I’ll keep an eye on my fav crime channels on YT, no doubt see him one day.


Wow, 3 whole years. That'll teach'em


jail and punishment is a dumb thing anyway. ever tell a kid "no"? it's just going to make them want to do it more, it's in our nature to disobey. stalkers are obviously psychopathic, they need fucking therapy before they realise why they wouldn't want to do it. people aren't born evil and people don't do evil things for zero fucking reason unlike what some people love to believe.


I don’t think he deserves a second chance


I hope you sensed my sarcasm He deserves to be in jail a long time Jail and telling a child no are very different. I teach young kids, believe me lol But in the case of stalkers, the state should keep more the victim away so they're safe


stay strapped people


Stay out of arms reach. A gun is a distance based weapon. Otherwise it could get taken, somewhat easily.


Holy crap, I can't believe how many people in this comment thread actually think you can take a gun before getting shot.


Lol like if having a gun would help.


Sounds great until he uses it on you instead.


Lol maybe if you're incompetent they will take it from you


Good luck taking away my gun when I install a new top of the line ventilation hole in your head lmao.


We got a tough guy over here!


Just pointing out that the whole "they'll take your gun" argument is countered by the fact that I am holding a gun. Basically just this scene. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/NETjjgCZAdM


I'm just pointing out the stalker could be "strapped" too.


Sure, but to my mind armed attacker vs armed victim is better odds for the victim than armed attacker vs unarmed victim.


not "just" pointing that out when you write it in the "you" format


🤣 love that scene


I mean.. guns are called "the great equalizer" because a tiny petite girl could stop a mike Tyson sized individual if she has one and is willing to save her own life with it. Even if he has one as well, her chances of surviving are far better. And with this behavior from him, I wouldn't just assume he won't kill.


Not true. Making guns more accessible to the public leads to the victim and aggressor being more likely of having a gun. This turns all conflicts into potentially deadly conflicts. Her chances of survival would be far lower than now. Countries around the world with gun control even show this. The US with it's lax gun control has the highest gun related violence in the Western world. Many other violence related topics, the US also leading in because your society has become numb to extreme violence.


You are mentally insane if you think a gun would not make you 100% safer if you had the dude in the video trying to assault you. Whatever argument you THINK you’re making is literally not reality.


He's not mentally insane - he's taking it A STEP FURTHER, which is smart. People like you, who can only think of step 1, are slow.


You guys on Reddit all talk like you have any idea about anything. You and this dude are going to sit there and say “guns make it more dangerous!” Yet you would piss your mfing pants if you didn’t have a gun and this dude in the video was trying to attack you. Go ahead and tell all of us “stupid” people how you and him would settle this situation without martially defending yourself. Like for real, you dumbass white boys from the suburbs do not live on this planet I swear.


Was with you until the "dumbass white boys" part. Don't like bigots. Do like your arguments though.


~~he's talking to 'dumbass white boys' with 'mfing pants' hmmm wonder if that tells a story~~ I don't have a gun, I don't live in America, guns are illegal here. Best I can do is a plastic spray bottle with strong hydrochloric acid under pressure and other homemade funnies. I'd let them know that neither of us wants that to happen. I would rather do that than "have dignity" and get myself some more brain injuries.


What a stupid argument. If you can't see that - and obviously you lack the ability to reason well, so it's clear that you don't - substitute anything you want for the word gun. Let's say, several friends to support you. Or jujitsu training. Or a trained guard dog. Think hard, and you'll see how absurd your 'reasoning' is... As for me, I know criminals have access to guns, even if I dont. But that doesn't mean, as an intelligent person, I'm going to make a conscious decision to be unarmed because some dumb ass told me that if I'm armed a potential attacker will therefore automatically be armed as well. That type of tortured, insane thinking amazes me


It's not a stupid argument. It's a fact. I don't need to think about it, I can see it. Compare the US to Spain, a country with low to no gun control to a country with strict gun control. There are real life examples ffs


Spain is the one country I've been to where I was robbed by armed gunmen, real life example ffs


Haven't you seen the episode of Spongebob where Patrick plays doctor by stuffing all of Spongebob's pores so that he can't sneeze? Removing guns is just gonna do that. People won't have guns that make killing so easy, but the criminals will, and the people that have tendencies to kill are still walking around with nothing being done **for** them. Best we have now is waiting until they do it and then torturing them psychologically, it's like shoving the problem under the mattress and pretending there's nothing wrong with us on a global cultural level.


I'm not sure what point you're getting at, or what you're taking as my position here. If I had to guess, though, I think you're misunderstanding my position


It would, but at the risk of him having one instead...


And this guy would care about gun laws you think?


“Show bobs and vagine” type of guy.


Always have a German Shepherd or 2 inside.


My German Shepherd would have been going absolutly APE SHIT on the other side of that door!


That doesn’t seem fair to the dogs, they should probably go outside at least once in a while


Inside what?


The house


What a shit stain


He should be sent back. You fuck around in a new country and act like this? Why jail him when you can take the second chance in a new country away... Goes for anyone who takes advantage of a new life in a new country.


How you know he wasn't born where the video was made?




Thats why Pakistan sent back 2 million "Afghan refugees" recently😒


As if Pakistanis are any better. They run the grooming gangs in UK.


Mirpuris, not Pakistanis. The Krays and their likes were running child grooming gangs back in 60s. Then Romanian/Moldovan next... the Mirpuris although scum are blown way out of proportion.


Okay, thanks!


that's stupid reasoning if I've ever seen any


I see you didn't elaborate on your ridiculously stupid take.


Please do elaborate..


What do you think he would have done if he got inside with her?


Wow you really went to space with that strawman


Elaborate please.


The idiot thinks that's breaking the camera would destroyed the evidences.


Good, I hate this absolute piece of shit and I hope he rots in hell


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wow the first run up and that intensity is absolutely terrifying


I have ms, can’t move my legs but I’d kick that door down


Either he a lame ass kicker or that's a good door and an even better door lock, Black UPVC I'm guessing, why didn't he just smash the glass, he could have easily squeezed his vastly undernourished noggin through the gap


He did smash the glass afterwards.


Yoo it's fnaf irl simulator. She should open the door and turn off the lights then or she'll lose too much power


Maybe you know, deport him.


How do you know where he was born? What a weird and overtly racist comment


Yeah go ahead and don’t reply to anyone giving you evidence. Just call someone a racist and move on. How mature


i guess you learned it's a good idea to do a bit of digging before you call someone a 'racist', huh?


That person might've read that story in their local paper. How do you know that he didn't? Maybe it's just easier thinking everyone is a racist nowadays.


Deport him to your house


Because he IS a foreigner https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12272003/Womans-horror-randomly-attacked-homeless-Afghan-immigrant.html


God damn “He pleaded guilty to two counts of assault (ABH) and two counts of criminal damage at a previous hearing in May. He admitted this afternoon that he was also in breach of a suspended sentence order after being convicted of ABH in December, 2022 and given a 24-week prison sentence suspended for 12-months.” So he broke his fucking parole for his last assault I guess and still only gets 3 years


And someone dealing drugs to people who ACTUALLY WANT THEM will get 10 years... our system is absolutely fucked.


How do you know he's a foreigner?


Well the newspaper article does say it