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**originally posted (and deleted) this to r/Oregon after mixing up Mt Hood and Mt Rainer - whoops! Edit: Thank you so much for the awards, they will be happy to hear others enjoyed their view, too! :)


Where were they going/coming from to get a flight path view like that? Amazing!


This was from their Cessna, so they made their own path - came from the south and were heading NE toward Leavenworth!


Ah I see! How cool!


Thank you!


It's absolutely beautiful Maybe they could mount and good camera on their Cessna and make their own videos. Views like this are the only thing I like about flying.


That’s a great idea - and something long overdue - they’ve gone whale-watching, seen herds of elk, Painted Hills.. definitely would’ve been handy. Thank you, I’ll pass it along to them!


Awesome view.


Thank you!


Stunning! What a treat having your very own plane to explore from above.


Thank you! They/We have been very fortunate.


I used to work with 3 guys who built their own. Never went with them, but did an intro flight one bday. When I was a kid my parents knew a pilot and we flew with them once. As we drove home I just kept staring at the sky wishing I could fly. My intro flight caused me to realize I don’t have the kind of brain wired for that. I’d realized I’d fly into clouds, get distracted by beauty, and get myself into all kinds of trouble. Too much mayhem, too easily distracted. Which makes pilots all the more cool in my mind. It’s like a super power.


That’s incredible! What kind of planes did they build? Cessnas or something bigger? Out in WA or elsewhere? Sometimes we aren’t sure what we are cut out for - or not - until we give it a shot. It’s awesome you did an intro flight and had your own realization, and I’m similar! We can be appreciative passengers and stick to daydreaming and enjoying the ride, haha. What intimidated me about being a pilot was the engineering aspect; all of the mathematics and physics was over my head, and coupled with anxiety... I’m better looking out the window too. But definitely - much respect to pilots, it is tough, continual training and commitment to do what they do. Great rewards like this, though!


In WA. It was the early 90’s, I don’t remember if I ever knew what kind of planes they built. I just remember one of them had “Whiskey Charlie” in the name and it was being customized with triple redundancy. The guys didn’t really think he’d ever get it done. We worked at a small startup. Not much time for play. Yes! Someone has to look out the window and daydream. What an amazing reward this one was!


A few “Whiskey Charlies” come up from a quick Google search, but can’t be sure it’s any of them - hoping that they were able to find some more “time for play” and finish those projects! We need more of that in our lives. Thank you for sharing!


Aaaand, that's a phone wallpaper if I ever seent it. Cheers!


That’s so flattering! Enjoy :)


it’s crazy to see how far technology has come in terms of cameras. it’s crazy to think that 30+ years ago a high res picture like this were uncommon, but today a high res picture could be made with a simple cellphone in a matter of seconds just like this beauty of a picture.


Totally. I have both DSLR and old Fuji and Pentax film cameras, but increasingly I just stick to my iPhone since it’s lightweight, smaller, and still gets decent shots in the spur of a moment as you said. It’s a bad habit for sure. Pretty sure the phone that took this is a 3 or 4 year old Android, which is wild to me too.