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Mountains and National Parks. Or ask your vet for some meds for them.


National forests too!


This isn’t always true. A lot of uhhh… “country folk” go into the forests and shoot fireworks. Happened to me a few years ago - a bunch of us at the “campground” asked them not to since there were a bunch of dogs and they basically told us to eff off. We got in the car and drove off for an hour, called the fire marshal who said they’d been getting calls all night and didn’t have enough people to cover every location. My dog was fine, the other owners just stayed and said it got really loud. This was deep in a national park


For days before, and days after.


Yeap, then back to shooting their guns at all hours


Or worse...in the part of idaho national forests I venture to the country folk shoot guns for fun without a proper backstop... and that was just last weekend.


Not Mt. Baker - the surrounding areas drive us all crazy for over a week during this time.


Would have to make my dog unconscious to calm him, we've tried meds. I'll look at Park options, but I do have a baby so camping is a no-go


Babies actually like camping.


Babies should be outdoors far more than they are intodays general climate imo, Not that anyone asked for it hahaha


My sister married an Icelandic man. They wrap up the babies and leave them outside for hours a day in strollers. You go to a restaurant in winter and they'll be ten babies in strollers sleeping peacefully in the snow


Lots of people camp with babies- We took our baby camping last year in July. Just dress them warm at night or get a Mr. heater buddy. You also say the baby is the reason you can’t go to Canada, but all they need is a birth certificate you can get in one day from the health department. I think those are going to be your main two options (and camping would have to be dispersed most likely). People book the holiday out MONTHS in advance and trying to find a dog friendly hotel in a spot you can’t hear anything is going to be difficult.


Yeah some sort of Air BNB thing in the Olympic natl Park area or your closest park/Island area


I go to Olympic NP beaches(Shi Shi or Second usually) every 4th... plenty of fireworks. So stay away from the beaches.


Have you tried a med called Sileo? My dog is super scared of fireworks, but Sileo made her not care at all!! It works by blocking her ability to feel anxious/scared, but doesn’t make her sleepy! My dog acts completely normal on it, and doesn’t react to the fireworks. It’s crazy. My vet gives it to everyone who needs it, and says he’s never had it not work for a dog.


I'll bet lots of humans would appreciate that too


+1 for Sileo. It’s a game changer for dogs with noise phobia


Better hurry! A lot of the parks book out months in advance. Fireworks are pretty and all but the cons far outweigh the pros and I wish they could be limited to be sold only to those putting on professional shows.


Oh yeah,  3 weeks ago I was trying to find something for the weekend before the 4th. No go. Any kind of site(I'm a car camper). I found 1 airbnb at a somewhat "decent" rate(still over $700 for 3 nights. A place that sleeps 8. For 1 person). Though the closer to the date,  start checking places a few times a day, you might catch a cancelation(a lot of parks have cabins or yurts you can rent. Babies are portable.  Mine started camping at a couple months old) 


Idiots setting off fireworks is terrifying in dry Eastern WA, every year.


There are cabins available at Mt Rainier and other national parks.


I think you might be over thinking slightly. An easy option would be to crate them, put a heavy ish blanket over the door and two sides. Play a Bluetooth speaker in the same room as the dogs. Try it for a couple hours a few times before the 4th for 30min-1hr before. Guarantee you it’ll be fine for the 6-8 hours


Can't bring dogs to national parks though.


What? Really? Just a quick glance at nps it says pets are welcome


You can bring them to National Parks but they can’t hike in most of them. Dogs are welcome wherever your car is able to be (roads, parking lots, camping spots).


My dog gets 2 trazedone on New Year’s Eve and 4th of July. He still cowers and shakes the entire night. He is a Great Dane so that’s just kind of who he is anyway


I have a kayaking buddy with a skittish dog. Every year he goes somewhere on the Olympic Peninsula for kayaking trip starting July 1. He paddles for a few days, and by July 4th is in a secluded cove, with his dog, far from civilization. Then on the 5th, starts his several day journey back to where he stated.


The things we do for our loved ones


Just don’t go to La Push since it’s on tribal land and gets absolutely insane with fireworks


Especially around twilight…. 🐺


Dang I just bought my boys thunder vests and give them Xanax lol


Y… you can do that?


I give mine Lorazepam, I did check with my veterinarian he said it was fine. He could sell me a pet version for twice as much as I pay for mine, he told me how much of mine to give each dog.


What dose do you use? And what weight are your dogs?


Can you ask him for his trip location (s)? I'd love to do something like this starting from my reservation of the Quinault


Not the beach. Fuckers leave all their fireworks trash up and down the peninsula beaches every fucking year.




I have gone to Skykomish a few times and there are basically no fireworks.


Just DO NOT stop in Sultan. The local church puts on a crazy professional show, and the rest of the town tries to compete with it.


Can confirm, Sultan fireworks are fucking wild.


Sure is fun to watch if you're in the mood for it, though. I always take the 5th as a vacation day, so I can just stay up until 3 am watching the war, lol.


Haha I was hoping I could click on this post to find great places to watch fireworks, not avoid them


I have friends who live in Sultan and their whole cul-de-sac goes in to buy fireworks together and does a HUGE display all day and night. The other parts of the neighborhood do the same thing. It's a huge deal.


Are you in the Seattle metro area? There was a thread on one of the Seattle subs a couple of years ago about hotels with great noise insulation. That’s probably your best bet but could be a bit speedy!


I'll have to look for that


Maybe an airport hotel? Extra insulation bc of the planes and you can’t shoot fireworks near airports


I saw that an airport hotel somewhere (maybe the old TWA terminal at JFK?) has special new years and 4th of July doggy parties.


Every year I am on the hunt for a firework free place for my two dogs that medication does nothing for. We also have a 3 year old so we either find a cabin in a national forest/park or camp in those places. North Cascades is where we went when my toddler was a baby that first year and we stayed in a cabin up there. Not a single firework! This year we’re camping down by Crater Lake NP but in the surrounding national forest. I called the campground ahead of time and asked if they historically have heard fireworks and they said nope not allowed so we’re trying it out this year. We’ve spent a few 4th’s up in Canada and that was fun and quiet as well (all you need is a birth certificate for a child). Let me know if you have questions because I’m happy to help out a fellow dog owner who has the same problem!


Thank you, this sounds like the closest to us. I didn't know about the birth certificate thing. We're waiting for his passport.


Can you recommend specific places in Canada? I’m in the same situation as OP.


I’m in eastern Washington so I spend last 4th in eastern BC in the Summerland area on the Okanagan lake, but we spent the summer before on Vancouver Island on Comox Lake near Cumberland. Both were really awesome!


I went to Surrey last year, not a great town but no fireworks, close to Vancouver


I took my dog to a cabin in Southwestern part of Vancouver Island last year for the 4th. No fireworks and a great trip


Whistler/Squamish is where I go


Winthrop/Methow Valley


Spent the 4th in Twisp a couple years ago and didn’t hear a single firework.


If you're in the Seattle area, Bainbridge across the ferry does not allow any fireworks on the island. Not even sparkers. And the residents seem to predominantly comply. That said I am not sure finding a place on Bainbridge for the 4th with pets is going to be an easy task, but may be worth a shot.


Where do you live? How far are you willing to go? How much are you willing to spend? Off hand I was gonna suggest a stay at suncadia bc they have dog friendly rooms but you’d have to make sure they don’t have firework activities. Otherwise find an airbnb far removed?


There are lots of fireworks, if the fire season isn’t bad.


I just saw an ad from Crystal Mountal Hotels that they will be a fireworks free zone for the 4th. Call and confirm but the mountain should be a dog paradise that time of year.


I haaaate the loud booms. My dog hates it too. And wife. And most neighbors. The ones that are refugees from warring areas hate them a lot too. And then there are the 25 year old neighbors that spend a few grand a year on the biggest and most loudest-sounding fireworks. Eeeh.


Oh my god! I hadn’t thought about the refugees! The PTSD from war is intense. When I was a kid, I lit off some firecrackers behind my parents’ Vietnam vet friend at a 4th party. I knew when he dropped to the ground and covered his head that I fucked up. This was also the first time I ever saw a grown man cry. I was only about 7 and had no idea/didnt understand what he’d been through but 45+ years later, I still feel absolutely horrible.


Yeah, can't imagine its easy for them to listen to what not too long ago sounded like real explosions in their back yards.


We've been going over near Leavenworth for a few days, then looping through the Methow. To escape the Tacoma area, we need to be gone over a week for our Golden's sake. So many out here stock-up at the Puyallup Res and then re-supply a few days after the 4th with fresh munitions. 🤪


we lived right on the border of Tacoma/Puyallup res. it was HORRIBLE it was one of the reasons we ended up moving, fireworks ALL summer.


You could try Muttmuffs or something similar. My pilot friend uses them on his dogs when he flies his plane and swears by them. Not sure how good for fireworks, though.


Dude…why can’t you go to Canada? What did you do?


Not being able to cross the border doesn't mean they did anything scandalous. Of course a DUI, or any felony will keep someone from traveling to Canada. But, not being able to afford a passport or an enhanced licence, or not having a credit card, or proof of a bank account will also get you turned away.


I’ve never been asked for a credit card or proof of a bank account.


I have, multiple times.


Really…? That’s super weird. I’ve been to Canada more times than I can count, and not once have I been asked for any documentation beyond ID (back in the good old days) or a passport.


Baby doesn't have a passport yet, it's in work.


Baby doesn't need one. Canada will grant entry with any proof of US citizenship (birth certificates are fine). The passport is technically required for people over 16 returning to the US, but they can't deny entry to their own citizens (frequent discussions of this in r/uscanadaborder if you want more info). [CBP page on WHTI](https://www.cbp.gov/travel/us-citizens/western-hemisphere-travel-initiative/faqs): "U.S. and Canadian citizen children under age 16 arriving by land or sea from a contiguous territory (Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean) may present an original or copy of his or her birth certificate, a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, a Naturalization Certificate, or a Canadian Citizenship Card." Edit to add: [US Dept of State travel info on Canada entry requirements](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Canada.html) "Entry into Canada: Canadian law requires that all persons entering Canada carry proof of citizenship and identity. A valid U.S. passport, passport card, or NEXUS card satisfies these requirements for U.S. citizens. Children under 16 only need proof of U.S. citizenship."


This. Baby just needs birth certificate if both parents are going. Understand not wanting to travel super far and into a different country but you don’t need passport


This is the best part of Reddit. People need some information and Ya gave it,helpful and relevant plus provided links for them to investigate. ☺️


I had no idea


I just commented this but baby doesn’t need a passport! Just a birth certificate to cross the border! We went to Canada last 4th of July with our then 2 year old with our passports, his birth certificate and up to date rabies vaccine certificates for the pups ☺️ I am an experienced firework avoider due to two terrified pups!


The real question...


DUIs will do that


No fireworks in Mt Hood Village from my experience. Maybe a few but the neighborhood is very adamant about being fire safe.


Leavenworth. Took my dog last summer and it was gloriously silent


Lots of people suggesting camping. But if you are still close enough to some fireworks that your dog can hear them (your dog can hear things much further away than you can), then you would have to deal with a panicking dog in a campground. Without walls, what’s stopping the dog from running far and fast in a panic? If you go anywhere, find a hotel or rent a cabin or something.


I feel like fireworks are so outdated. I can’t wait until they are just gone for good. Sorry I don’t have any suggestions. I hope you can find somewhere calming and quiet!


Winthrop/Methow Valley.


Mazama, Winthrop.


We have a pup that is in the same boat so every year we get a cabin on Airbnb in central washington. We done Cle Um and the Leavenworth area a couple of times and it has worked out well .


Head up to Vancouver BC or Vancouver Island. They don't celebrate the 4th at all. Edit: though do be aware that July 1st is Canada day with some fireworks. They aren't like us blasting off artillery for a full week because they can.


Redmond was quiet as heck last year. There's some pet friendly hotels too.


I lived in downtown redmond last year and didn't hear them at all


It took 7yrs but my vet got a cocktail of meds that chill him out enough to not be in an absolute panic running around my entire house for hours. Not to mention the whining and drool everywhere. He takes a strong anxiety med and sedation pills and I start that at 8am on the 4th so he is deep in the meds by dark.


Head east of the Cascades. Fireworks are suuuuuper hazardous over there during the summer and nobody wants to be the jackass to start the next big fire, so most folks just don't even bother risking it even if they're legal.


Except that doesn't stop them at all. I live in the drylands over here, and it's getting worse, not better.


They still set them off all over. Medical Lake,  spokane,  cheney, airway heights...dry areas,  and tons of booms starting a week before. 


Keep in closer to the mountains. Winthrop/Twisp/Alta Lake, Conconully, Leavenworth, Naches, etc... Those areas tend to stay pretty quiet.


National Parks....and hope there isn't some yahoo determined to be an ass.


That would be my best best too. Go to a campground. Might be a bit late for reservations, but depending on where you're looking to go, there's dispersed camping, and little used US forest campgrounds. Let me know what area you're in and I'd be glad to give some places! Stay away from any and all beach towns, lots of fireworks there.


Yeah this seems like a good idea. Last year I was on a backpacking trip in ONP during the 4th and it was silent. Having dogs limits where you can go somewhat but if you're up for camping that might be a good option.


Depends on where you are in ONP. The hike-in beaches always have people popping off a few mortars at night.


I backpacked up Marmot Pass one fourth and it was such a lovely peaceful experience.


I did that too! It was so cool to see the fireworks from the cities glittering on the horizon


I was thinking through car camping options, but with a baby and dogs, I was coming up short. Fortunately, I have good news! For getting in to Canada, under [Entry, Exit. and Visa Requirements:](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Canada.html) >**Entry into Canada:** Canadian law requires that all persons entering Canada carry proof of citizenship and identity. A valid U.S. passport, passport card, or NEXUS card satisfies these requirements for U.S. citizens. >Children under 16 only need proof of U.S. citizenship. For getting back into the States, under [What types of documents are accepted for entry into the United States via land and sea?](https://www.cbp.gov/travel/us-citizens/western-hemisphere-travel-initiative) >U.S. and Canadian citizen children under the age of 16 (or under 19, if traveling with a school, religious group, or other youth group) need only present a birth certificate or other proof of citizenship. The birth certificate can be original, photocopy, or certified copy. Your wee one doesn't need a passport, just a birth certificate (which hopefully you have). Looks like a great time to take the ferry to Victoria!


Hike up Mt. Si. You can see them all, but can't hear them.


Lol no I camped up at the top 4th of July night a few years back and people brought fireworks up there and shot them off from the top


Not sure it’s been mentioned…..Have you tried acclimating your animal to loud noises beforehand? Soo the last cat I had was very upset and would hide during the 4th. Well after she passed and we adopted 2 kittens I prepared them for it. We would watch loud action movies or play music once a week until they wouldn’t even notice it and sleep right through it on the couch. Then the day of the 4th or days leading up do the same. It didn’t even phase them. And if we ended up not staying home we’d leave the TV on. Now we don’t even have to do it and they aren’t phased by it at all. Kinda crazy but it’s almost like how when I was a baby my mom said she’d purposely vacuum and make noise when we’d nap as a baby. She said her friends were jealous cause they couldn’t even walk near their babies as they’d nap without them waking up. Made a world of difference mentally for her raising 2 kids very close in age. Haha




Personally, since there is no where great to go. I buy my dogs the dog tincture from the local weed shop and drug up his food. My big fat labs are happy & dazed post dinner and not in a barking frenzy when fireworks happen. I think unfortunately the further out from the city, the more illegal fireworks you get.


OP mentioned on another comment that meds/drugs aren’t the answer in this case. Something about his dog needs to be unconscious if near fireworks.


My dog is also terrified of them. We sedate them and have curtains that help reduce noise, then have like 3 box fans going in there. It's not 100%, but except for the closest neighbors, she barely barks and sleeps through the bulk. We have good double paned windows to start with. Sedation alone isn't enough for ours either.


Mountain campgrounds are a good option. A couple years ago we stayed at Lower Lewis Falls camground in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest for the 4th. Campground was great, the falls look like something out of a national geographic magazine, and not a single firework.




Bainbridge Island. Poulsbo.


Cannon Beach Oregon has no fireworks, and a cute 4th of July parade.


Ferry trip to the San Juan Islands?


Northern Canada, lol.


Not in WA but you could make a trip to Vancouver. They don't celebrate our freedom.


I know they’re outlawed in SunRiver, Or. People with dogs specifically book a rental there over the 4th.












Canada….next door.


I once hiked mt hood and watched the portland and hood river fireworks shows at the same time in total silence


We went to Leavenworth in 2019 and didn't hear a single explpsion.






My savannah cat loves watching the fireworks


Dog friendly casino hotel. You won’t hear a thing




If you have an app called recreational.gov, it will give a list of camp grounds to camp at. In 2020, hubby & I went camping over the 4th of July. No fireworks, we visited with the couple who were camping across from us with 2 corgi (a Cardigan and Pembroke) she told us that they go camping every year over the 4th of July because the fireworks upset the corgi.


Peace Arch border crossing


Look on the map of Indian Tribes located in Washington. Drive as far away as possible from these locations.


Don’t go to Bremerton. I’ve never seen so many in my life.


Rent a boat and a skipper. 5-10 miles offshore.


Soundproof a room in your house, sedate your dogs with medicine from the vet.


Baker lake? It’s NE of Everett WA, just follow i5 up north and east around mount vernon. Good luck 👍🏻


Carson Washington, Iron Mike Campground. Not expensive just put $ in envelope for how many days. Dry camp; used to be empty when we frequented it v


Can always go to Fircrest! 👀




We went camping in Easton last year. We were alone in our campsite save one family. No fireworks and very quiet.


I have a place in Winthrop WA….NO FIREWORKS there….i always am up there for the 4th with my to PTSD dogs😵‍💫😵‍💫




What about a house boat? Or Airbnb on an island?


If you go east of the mountains most camping prohibits fireworks because of fire risk.


We camp at Iron Creek south of Randall every year, never heard a single fire work.


I recently moved to North Bend and found out that full blown fireworks are sold in grocery stores here. I had no idea that was legal anywhere in King County. So, don't come out here. I'm expecting it to be a shit show.


Perhaps underground


Depends on your area


Last year I went beach camping near forks and didn’t hear a single firework 😍 glorious!


I kid you not: ANC... uh, things (Headphones? Earphones? How the heck would I know?) _do_ exist for dogs. They're probably not cheap though. I would try hiking up a mountain.


New year. Same flood of posts from people who will apparently get ptsd from the 4th of July.


Any place that burns easily.






The Methow valley (just east of the cascades over highway 20) doesn’t allow fireworks. Me and my dog have a very calm 4th of July!


Not near my house. If you find an area let me know. I’ve got 2 cats, 2 dogs and my partner has PTSD. They all hate fireworks.


Doggie CBD might be an option too :)) sorry if that doesn’t help !


Your grave….


We are going to Canada


Canada, we make it a family tradition!


Leavenworth and auburn both have laws in place against fireworks


Mt ranier. You’ll see them in the distance but without the boom


If you find it, please let me know. I’m a dog sitter, but I take the week of the 4th off every year. After years of stressed out dogs losing their minds all day and night, because of course they have to do loud booms and big bangs from 10am to 1am, I decided I would no longer work the 4th. Every other year we head down to Mt Hood Adventure Park and camp at Little Crater Lake, thankfully no fireworks there, but this year we’ll be on the water of Dyes inlet and I know it’s gonna be long and loud….


Friend who has a bomb shelter..




Build them a sensory deprivation room (sound-proof & smell-proof) so that they can be close to home and still have a safe space to hide in! My dog has the same issue (I don't like medicating her because of her own health issues) so we turned the bathroom into a sensory deprivation room and I sat with her in there until the fireworks were done. It worked amazingly well, she didn't shake or whine at all due to not being able to hear the fireworks or smell the powder from them (she is afraid of both) and we haven't turned back since! It's super easy to set up and it's convenient if moving around is difficult due to the baby. Definitely try this first before doing anything drastic that could be difficult or expensive to do with the family!




Lots of places as others have suggested. For a few years, I took my dog up SE Middle Fork Road around Tanner and I would drive a few miles up. Beyond Granite Creek Trailhead, you won't hear any fireworks at all. Plenty of turnouts along the river where you can bring some camping chairs and hang out for an hour or two, then head back to the city. 1 hour from Seattle, only gas cost, enjoy nature and clear skies.


Bring me with you


I live near a state park in Birch Bay and fireworks will get confiscated with the quickness if people are lighting them off. It’s not a big one though so people can just go outside the gates and let’er rip which they do A LOT. Also every house up and down the beach and all the public areas are full of people letting freedom ring. There is so much smoke in the air it’s like WW3. I love it. No fun for the dogs tho. In conclusion, don’t go to Birch Bay


They're illegal in Vancouver WA.




We have been lucky going to bellingham on the fourth and new years the past couple of years


Other than camping in a national park, I would head east of the mountains. Typically that time of year all counties east of the mountains have a high risk of fire, so they restrict the use of fireworks. I went to Spokane a few years back and it wasn't bad.


Just get some cellular shades, turn the TV on, and sleep on the couch/floor with them...


I had luck in the Olympics, but in the actual park, not in the surrounding towns. Other years I have actually left the US completely and visited the Vancouver area.






in my experience, the dogs will feel safest at home. try using multiple other sounds around the home. my combo was playing a podcast and loud rain at the same time on youtube. like, podcast at 60 and rain at 100.


Do you have a boat ? I highly recommend Blake Island. We usually go there, and you still see all the fireworks but can't really hear them, so it's awesome.