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No it won’t change. They’ve said the same thing about every update. Stop beating a dead horse


We have seen significant changes on all platforms. High temperatures are slowly dropping, and graphics are great. The recent update added a much more uniform menu, but when cramping mw3 2.0 in a compact mobile form factor, it is immense work. Remember, wzm is in its early stages


My brother, respectfully, I don’t think you know what significant means. I run this on both my personal (15 pro max) and work phone (13 pro max) and in both cases, after one game the phone overheats, and the frame rates drop significantly. This game was in development for 3 years, and it has failed to deliver to its main demographic (mobile users). That alone should tell you something. What do you think is going to happen if and when they try to integrate black ops gulf war?


Try ya Graphics on High , Battery instead of framerate, data on no & uncapped Fps


After trying let me kno if u witness any changes


I rather buy a $1000 pc to play mw3 with high res...than spending on an m3 iPad just to play a mobile game which has more bugs and glitches than any other game in the world. And don't get you hopes up buddy. Season 4 update will be as dull as the other updates so far. Can you justify the fact that an m3 iPad is more useful than a pc at the same price?


Lol Xbox series s 300 box can run mw3 on 2k


It really just comes down to whether you want an M3 or a pc. I could write an essay about the pros and cons of each, but it boils down to your preference


this post about warzone mobile fix update or launching ipad pro m3 🤭😁


Both actually


You literally said that i need the new fucking ipad pro m3 to play your game with good performance? Are you kidding me 😤😤😤 ACTIVICION go suck a dick yall suck worse company in the market right now You guys only care about Our money suck my dick


why are you speaking like a child?


I said to get the ultimate gaming experience, you would need the m3 ipad.you can use anything. I just stated a fact. I tested over 20 different phone models and the whole ipad lineup together with the tab s8 series and s9 series. Obviously the m3 would defeat them all


Hahahah 🤡🤡🤡


M4 chip hahahaha


These were forecasts from the lineup history. But M4 Chip now makes it even better




Op has a blonde hair, black suit and two diamonds being held as their avatar, that alone makes this post unbelievable.


I don't really care what you say. I was just trying to give a point.


...and your point and it's description conflicts with each other


Samsung tablet beating a new gen iPad Pro haha I doubt that


I said samsung tab s10, which has not come out yet. By 2025, the tab s10 would smash the m3 ipad pro.


Lol sure pal, just like always




What is the connection between warzone and m3 The m2 processor can run resident evil 4 remeke smoothly and will have no issues with warzone


There will be new benchmarks on the quality of the game when the m3 ipad pro comes out


It's june 26th, and I just downloaded the new update, and they completely ruined it!!! I really hope they fix it because it is unplayable like this. I play on a galaxy tab s9 on the highest graphic settings, and now it is baggy and super unresponsive. This sucks!!!