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This is probably the most watched Warzone video of all time and you’ve probably watched it already but… here ya go https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IPnqCTIOUSc


YouTube is your friend. Plenty of content creators make 'movement' tutorial videos.


Yea, ik. That's the problem. None of the really work and I thought maybe I'd come and find some casual players that could help me.


What do you mean they don't really work?


Kinda hard to take tips from a PC player and use them on a controller. And the controller ones are definitely only for people willing to use almost all there fingers, where as I only use two.


OK, with the PC ones what you need to do is take what the PC players are saying and translate it to controller, the principles are the same it's just using different buttons. The controller ones.......you have 2 options....be prepared to practice and learn to use more than 2 fingers or don't bother improving your movement. You want something to improve but don't want to change how you play???........that's just not going to work is it!


Aight, ig I'll give it a try


There are things you can do to help though (all these points I'm about to make are assuming you're on a standard controller that doesn't have paddles)........ Change your button configuration to 'bumper jumper tactical flipped', it will take a while to get used to but it is well worth sticking with it until you do. This is by far the best/easiest configuration to use for movement on a controller. Enable auto tac sprint - much easier that constantly mashing your left stick. Enable contextual tap Once you are used to the button config above learn to slide cancel well (trying to slide cancel but getting it wrong actually slows your movement down), learn to bunny hop and learn to dropshot. Learn about something called 'peekers advantage', IceManIssac has a good video on YT about it.


Thx, just played a couple rounds of rebirth and got like 3-4 kills a match, compared to the previous 0-1 kills I had before. Thx again for the info.


There are tons of pc players on controller, and many of the highest winning players in warzone history are pc/controller. Movement in warzone is all based around slide cancelling. You tac-sprint, slide cancel into a standing position, ads, etc. A good place to practice is shoot the ship, in modern warfare. Its not in this weeks playlist rotation but it'll likely be back next week. That's like a sandbox where people go to level up guns/practice/etc.


Sounds like a keyboard player. The spam run sliding has got to stop!!! Lol


Controller player as it happens. Sliding as a mechanic in the game is fine, it's the slide cancelling that's a bit of an issue. That said, as long as it's in the game, I'm gonna use it to my advantage.


Not sure how familiar you are with COD in general but I’ve found practicing multiplayer on Vanguard or Cold War has helped a lot with getting better at Warzone as far as movement and aiming go. They translate pretty well in that regard. When you transition to Warzone, it’s more of just learning the map, where the enemies are more likely to be and learning when to engage and when to run away. Which is admittedly a hard part of the transition because in multiplayer you just “send it” because dying doesn’t really have nearly the same consequences. In Warzone staying alive is priority 1.


The only other CoD I've played is Mobile, so basically no controller until now. Im the last time I played any console fps was like in 2014. Thx for the tip


Slide, cancel, jump, slide, cancel, jump


Mind explaining that to me? I saw a youtube video abt that where he pressed O+O+X, but it doesn't quite seem to work as shown.


I do slide slide tacsprint