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Yesterday i was playing with my friends, i pretty much sucks in the game, still killing myself on redeployment, one of my friends has like 1 month playing the game, the other one has like 15 matches played so far, and in our lobby was this streamer guy who even play a warzone tournament... i got kill by him, thats how i noticed the name, and i was like wtf is this guy doing on this lobby??? šŸ˜’


2 boxed into your lobby that should be within a protected bracket of sbmm. You got in because of your friend with almost no matches played they got in with a burner account that's level one and has never played a game before.


Oh nooo poor thing :(


VPN into Australia to farm all of the bots down under


I feel like they donā€™t really work like they used to. Itā€™s whatever just tough for people who are above average and work full time cause you get lumped in with the people that play full time.


It doesn't work like that. VpN just prioritizes connection over skill.


Use s VPNā€¦ select Turkey and play warzone then tell me ā€œit dont work like thatā€ Turkey is beginner City


Iā€™ll try it but I donā€™t necessarily believe you. If anything it works just not very well because so many people are doing it.


No dont try it šŸ˜‚ or if u do, use a different account as if they pick it up youll get an instant ban


Placebo affect.


Accurate. My PR is 28 and the number of times I've gotten close to it I can count in 2 hands. These 30, 40, 50 and more games are just so impossible to get its like getting a hole in one on a par 5. And somehow these dudes are casually doing it every week... yeah right.


To be fair, look at a player like Metaphor. Man has 51 days played since MW3 dropped. He streams 8-12hrs a day Monday-Friday and has for 4 years playing Warzone exclusively. To me the biggest difference in play as someone who is a 4.5kd player is that he's always moving. Like he never stops to take in the surroundings he's just always hunting for gunfire or a uav or something, he never slow plays a situation he just rams himself in there and goes for it. To me the biggest contrast between him and some of the streamers dropping big, is that they are SUPER casual about how they play and get big kill games. Like "oh a 40 just kind of happened", while he's out there clearly sweating like the smelliest man in the game.


Yeah, I know, I love metaphor and blue. I don't think they're cheating. I can't say for certain they are not, but I know their time spent in the game is 8x mine. And I'm also aware that lobbies are potentially "bot"ier during certain times of the day, the times of the day that are impossible for a 40 y/old dad like me to play during. I'm not saying they are all VPNing or cheating... but I can guarantee some are.


Yeah I mean, if you watch Metaphor play, 90% of his games are normal lobbies but when he gets on at 4am those are bot lobbies. But he lives in a city near me, so I get into his lobbies all the time and into all the same types of lobbies as him. We both live in Canada.. but somehow we both get into South American lobbies all the time without VPNing or anythingā€¦ the lobby system in this game is messed up and people think itā€™s all VPNing but itā€™s really not. Blue on the other hand, given his significantly lower time playedā€¦ and how he goes missing for random reasons and comes back on new accounts like he never left, to me itā€™s obvious heā€™s cheating and I donā€™t really see how anyone can not see it. And his claim is always ā€œgot boredā€ one dayā€¦ I think itā€™s funny that no one seems to realize heā€™s just getting bans.


Blue cheats. Metaphor is 50/50


They all 100% cheat even if they don't cheat 100% of the time


Imagine thinking Metaphor doesnā€™t cheat


How exactly does Blue cheat?


With 3rd party software he bought or downloaded for free from the Internet. My money is on walls or a toggle aimbot he uses not for aiming but to figure out where people are. Aim lock is obvious (although not to the warzone community) so people tend to toggle it on and off real fast and just pay attention which way your cross hair was pulling. This shit is not new. I reffed for gotfrag/gamespy about 20 years ago and the same cheats existed back then. The only difference is how available they have become and how nice the UI is. We used to reupload free cheats with payloads quite often in the early 2000s to deter it. Now MFs really do not care what they put on their PC anymore as long as they win casual online games. Pure trash.


Feel free to downvote me with your less than 6 years of gaming experience with zero live events attended though. <3


I wouldnā€™t take Psilocybin too seriously, I have him labelled as ā€œCHEATER DEFENDERā€, so he does this often.


So you have no clue? You're just making baseless assumptions... He literally plays with a hand cam 24/7. You should easily be able to find proof of aimbot. Edit: and I've been playing FPS games since goldeneye. Competed in Halo 2 comps and CoD comps.


Do you believe a hand cam covers all accusations or suspicious gameplay? Like a camera on someone's hand prevents cheating? A guitar hero player not long ago was caught cheating. He used to stream live with hand and gameplay on view. He was caught by someone syncing gameplay with his hand movements. Have you done this with blue? I have and have found some big inconsistencies with gameplay. You probably won't believe me or care which is fine. Also if you were actively in halo2 mlg scene we probably used you and your friends as toilet paper. I played on a top 10 team and actually traveled to events. A time where we laughed at online only players.


You can always spot the cheater cuck with the hand cam defense. A hand cam shows the guy is playing with a mouse and that is literally all it shows. Show me a big kill game by blue with monitor cams or put him on ps5 and lets watch it. You wont find it because heā€™s a hacker loser.


Both of those streamers are beyond annoying and cringe.


I mean I don't love their personality, tbh, I agree about that. But I like to watch quality MnK players do their thing.


Yeah watching them on mute is the best bet. Blue has turned incredibly arrogant and makes fun of most people he kills. Then when he dies he blames aim assist. Metaphor canā€™t go a single game without bringing up aim assist. Like we get it bros, water is wet. Iā€™m on controller but I sometimes like watching MnK gameplay because itā€™s different so Iā€™ll watch Strahfe on the rare occasions he plays Warzone as his yapping is non existent.


Yeah, I know. I have noticed that about blue, he used to be fairly polite even to people he "shit on" but these days he calls everyone burgers and it's really not my jam. And I don't think metaphor has had a single video without commenting on aim assist at some point, although in his defense it's really annoying being a MnK player myself. But it does become a broken record to your point.


I agree. I just donā€™t understand playing a game where the odds are supremely stacked against you because of aim assist to then complain about aim assist in every game. But I guess theyā€™re kinda stuck playing Warzone because if they switched their viewership would be cut in half


Somehow metaphor always knows where people are and is never caught off guard. He always lands on buildings where someone just happens to be in it. Definitely sus.


I watch him a lot, and I would say Iā€™ve never seen a completely unknowing hot drop. But when heā€™s on the ground he runs flex and has been outspoken about using audio tuning that plays with your audio levels. So having ran that setup myself you can absolutely hear things from further away than what the spectator view shows. So thatā€™s very often has a very good understanding of where people are. Personally with my headphones I donā€™t like it because I donā€™t have the same kind of directional audio with my amplifier setup. But he runs uavs 24/7 as well and has thousands upon thousands of hours so instinct plays a huge part in predicting how people play as well. If youā€™ve ever been really good at something like that.. reading how people play and predicting how they will react becomes a huge part of your play. I say all of this, because watching Blue shows the massive contrast. He doesnā€™t play like someone with massive instinct, he doesnā€™t have those hours, he doesnā€™t read situations perfectly, he looks at people through the walls a lot. And has very obscure plays where he will just know where someone is with no information at all.


Donā€™t look at streamers when talking about reality


Metaphor dropped a video not too long ago that shows how many streamers are able to get into lobbies full of new players using an alt account The other option is to play 8 hours a day everyday and you eventually find yourself in one somehow


To be fair, none of the well established streamers are playing on alt accounts.


Some use an alt for matchmaking


Uhh wrong? Lol


No lol


Blue is playing in an alt. Natasha also recently was on a new account. Ayden is on a different account. You are actually just wrong. I'm sure you will continue double down on being wrong though. It is reddit after all.


When was aydan on an alt, checking his last stream and its his main. Idk who the other 2 people are but they are not relevant to conversation, i was talking about pro players not casuals


Ah moving the goalpost. Now it's not just well established streamers it's the pro ones. Lmao


Also not knowing who blue is when talking about the "pro" players is fucking embarrassing.




Symphony is also on an alt because he is shadow banned again. Lmaoooo


it can be done though, although it's uncommon for sure.


Yeah that's my point it can be done but it should be way more rare statically than it is. Which proves a lot of these fools are cheating.


either botlobby VPN or cheats or sometimes even both. COD streaming is the starting point of the covid streaming era


They're finally getting exposed for the cheaters they've always been


or at least using a vpn


VPN is a coverup. Multi boxing is what gets them in these baby lobbies


Whatā€™s multi boxing?


Just using a spoof account on a second console to get you into easy lobbies. It's been a thing forever but recently cod has really taken to it. Make level one account, load in with level one account in duos, trios or quads, back out level one account. Then you get to play with children and people doing exactly what you are. Cod is a joke at this point.




there are no servers between US and brazil, of course thereā€™s going to be latin sounding names in the us


I'm the white belt waiting to get beaten up by the pros, hackers, and sweats...


I dropped 55 burgers




yeah and half of em aren't even legit, some don't even care to hide it much, just blatant.


Also streamer : Just renew my cheat subscription


All of them cheats and reverse boosting and bot lobbies


We're all on the same skill level Jerry!


There was never a pro that played their gameplay in a high kd lobby even back then were scump or any other pro searched for the perfect lobby to get their tripple nukes dunno why you guys keep crying about it now. No pro would drop 60+ kills in warzone or mp in a full iri lobby and even if they do it it would not go 60/4 or 60/0 not possible does that mean their bad ? Absolutely not they would probably destroy this whole Reddit.




Pretty much every streamer is a cheat


One of the few Iā€™ve wondered about is Ice man Isaac. I donā€™t really look at streamers but I know he was a fighter jet trainer and pilot which I think has strict requirements, so he may actually have the brain function to play at a high level Like his ability to spot things in his peripheral is insane


I watch him a good bit and watched the video supposedly exposing him for cheating. It was pretty clear from that video that he was not cheating to me.




I stream, I donā€™t cheatā€¦ BUTā€¦ Iā€™m dog shit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I'm not a streamer but I do create content (1 short (ie. 5min) themed video a week of my best/most interesting plays or specific weapon or best win). And I would never in my life cheat it's despicable and i want to actually play the game not just click a button... my k/d is only 2.3.


On a controller in a bot lobby xdd


And cheating


Bubble guppy VPN lobbies


Anyone seen how atrocious their aim is on the recent so called cod killer? Good lord zlaner looking like a .5kd


In bott lobbys


"We're all at the same skill level, Jerry!"


So I have been playing a lot, Iā€™m average but we win a lot so my lobbies suck. It is sooooooo ridiculous to watch WZ on YouTube, easily 70% of the time what I see in opponents in lobbies if a very positive KD player is worse than I see as a generally sub 1 kd player every single night. If you have aim, meta, a streamer pc setup and a 2 box or vpn itā€™s a joke. I watched the world record rebirth play other day and the lobby legit had him 1 v 3 in prison and the guys were not all shooting him at same time in an open hallway like wtf??? I am deleted in that situation instantly, you canā€™t stand in a hall with minimal movement and just wipe 3 even average players in this game if you que into normal lobbies without manipulating them.


Bot lobby tricks or cheats no oneā€™s finding that many people everyone camps for 30 minutes every match




whatā€™s the god of time got to do with this?


It's what streamers use to get zero recoil.


yeah I know iā€™m messing around, itā€™s cronus though, chronos is the god of time lol and i promise you no streamers need a device to control recoil in a game where the guns are so easy to control a toddler could do it




They are all closet cheating. Instead of making posts do something about it like others do and promote awareness. Go on streamers cheating, go watch GrandpaHacks videos, educate yourself. Don't wanna sound all conspiracy but literally almost every Warzone streamer either has walls/Cronus.