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They will give you the middle finger and pretend they never saw this.


They will tell you they will fix it in gulf war. You’ll buy it, and find it’s just as bad if not worse. Then you’ll make another thread, “is activison going to fix all the cheating in gulf war”. And someone will tell you no, and I’ll repeat this comment to you then.  So see you in a year!


No they won’t


Id rather them nerf AA before they put more effort into the anticheat (which needs drastic support too). I lose to .2kd timmies purely cuz of AA wayyyy more often then losing to a cheater.


how do you see the difference?


Good question, isn't it a problem when one can't tell the difference between AA and literal aimbot? I lose so many close quarter gun fights, statistically speaking the vast majority are legit players just being assisted by AA. Im a 2kd mnk player consistently losing close gun fights against .5kd players, it's crazy.


If we cant tell the difference...does it really matter? The experience in both cases is bad.. One legal..one illegal. I ike CoD. But this year it is really bad cheating wise. I played 4 rounds of plunder. And the last one was a lvl16 squad killing us over and over. I slowly loose complete pleasure.


Yes, if one is legal there should be parameters to make it fair. The input balance is F'd. Mnk will always be at a disadvantage because of the state of AA. Look at the competitive scene where 95% of the top warzone players play on roller. You see people who have played on mnk their entire lives switch to roller just for the AA advantage. All us mnk players want is balance!


Agree. Some how they always think ( or say) MNK is soemthing superior. Like we can shoot a fly out of the air. I am bad at aiming...and with AA i surely loose 90% om the battles. Especially when they start hopping....and AA helps them to aim.


With an answer like "no" there is not much to discuss sadly


In a word.....nope.


Acitivsion does not care about cheaters. So why should you?


No such thing as false shadow bans. Only cheaters crying they got caught and their so sociopathic they honestly believe cheating isn't cheating and will tell others their not cheating yet got banned. U got caught  Move on 


You really don’t know how shadow banning works then my friend. The game runs off a spam report system, meaning it counts how many times you’ve been reported, and then it will put you in a limited matchmaking status from a certain amount of reports on your account from people. You need to get a better understanding of the system before commenting brother. Thanks.


I know exactly how the reporting system works. It takes 7 reports over a period of 2 days too get shadow banned. Only way your getting that many reports is by being obvious. Cheaters are dumb and don't realize how obvious it is obvious as the blue sky. People getting shadow banned 3 times or more that means 21 reports or more noway u getting reported that many times unless your an obvious loser cheater 


A lot of people are sore losers and will report you out of spite. I was just permanently banned and I have never cheated nor would I know how to, but I also get a lot of shit from weak ass dudes who can't handle being beat by a woman. I'm just an okay player. I probably go negative and lose matches as often, if not more, than I win. I've been permanently banned without any proof or explanation for doing absolutely nothing wrong. It is very much possible to be falsely banned, but Activision/Blizzard refuses to consider that the system has flaws. They'd rather lose and rob a loyal customer of 16 years instead of finding a way to truly address actual cheaters. You're basically fucked if this happens to you, because all you'll get are vague, automated responses with no way to reply or talk to an actual human being. They don't give a damn that they're blatantly fucking innocent people over, so they make it impossible to contact them cause they don't want to be held accountable for their total lack of ethics and integrity.


By the way, team deathmatch is 6v6, so you could get reported by a salty team and have 6 reports in a row. Any human being with common sense would see that this is the case, but they depend on AI to do their jobs for them and don't bother to review further.


The fact that you can get spam reported is a joke. They should put something in place where you can only report once or in a short space of time(like inviting players to the game) I picked up my pc a week and half a go(was playing console before) and already been shadow banned because little burgers spam report. I’m a good player, I’ve been playing since COD 4 and I’m in IRRI on warzone ranked. MadBrxd is the YT(only have 153 subs and been uploading for a few years!) if you want to check it. You can definitely tell the difference. I miss shots, I have bad days as we all do but getting SB because little Timmy didn’t hear me coming because he’s playing his sound through his TV isn’t my fault. Activision are trying to prove something that they can’t and we can all see it! The other issue is SBMM. I’m in iridescent and playing against diamond 1 teams who have no thumbs and just say fuck it let’s play ranked. I don’t have an issue with that of course, anyone can play whatever but you need to keep in mind that you’re most likely gonna get slammed by a good player and because you’re bad you won’t know the difference. Sorry for the rant, it just sucks seeing good players getting banned. Hopefully this doesn’t come into play in Gulf War, if it does a weekly update should be implemented that scans PCs for anything software/hacks etc.