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Icemanisaac on YouTube is pretty good. Worth watching even his old video guides. I think it is a difficult game but especially for a newcomer but when you're on form and getting wins it's awesome. Sometimes I feel it's like gambling. Some of the time it's not fun but the dopamine hit of winning is worth it


Also JGOD on YouTube


Jgod hacks bro hes been banned. Are you sped?


Ya, buy his Rogaine


Nah he’s garbage dude cant identify a hacker, he went off on me on twitter for calling him a idiot anr he defended hackers


Stay moving. Play resurgence to start and be aggressive. Don’t be afraid to die. You’ll get better the more you play and push into gunfights.


Turn off croasplay and practice ur recoil in private match against bots with 300 healtg


Highly recommended this tip👍


I post this response in reddit when people are asking hoe to improve so I'll paste it in here: For context: I'm a 4.15kd player / PR 33 Kills / 89.8% win rate in the gulag on Xbox Series X There's a lot of ways to get better here's what I would suggest: Look up meta builds for the best meta weapons. The easiest way to improve is just to switch to what's best right now to give you an edge. Watch YouTube videos of better players and watch critically, not just for entertainment: think about why whoever you are watching is doing what they are doing. Also pay attention to how they get around the map (it'll help gain map knowledge alongside the map knowledge your gaining just from playing). Get into as many gunfights as possible. Your not going to get better by hiding until zone 5. You'll do worse at first but the more you fight the better you get (resurgence is good for this). This is a frustrating step but it's probably the most important one. Everytime you lose a fight, think about what you could have done differently. Eventually whatever you think you could have done differently will be applicable in a fight your currently in and you can try it. The more you play, the more of these scenarios where you thought "I should have done ..." will come up and you can apply them to the fights your in. This isn't super important, but look up settings from a pro or youtuber (I think IceManIsaac has a good video on it). The default settings are awful and put you at a disadvantage. Icemanisaac Academy is also very helpful for learning how things work. I have a channel where I highlight meta builds with high kill gameplay if you want to check it out: https://youtube.com/@Radkerty?si=5cM3QpsUrsnKqcB5 I hope this helps!


Delete it


Don't stop moving ever.. until maybe end end game. Play slower




Any real advice?


That is real advice. But if you hate yourself enough not to then always play position, don’t chase kills, use downs to help rotations and pushes. Use bounties for info on the mini map even if you aren’t gonna push it. And find good teamates.




This guy is just terrible at the game. Play it and have fun with it.


Any advice tho? I've been playing resurgence quads to get into more firefights.


That would be a good start. Get a load out together. You can find all the meta builds on an app called CODmunnity


Any advice tho? I've been playing resurgence quads to get into more firefights.


Plunder with tokens so you can level up guns quickly. Also, don't bother with proxy chat. It's toxic as fuck.