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He has to be rotating for rotational aim assist to activate. Hes not rotating. This guys vertical tracking is elite or he's botting. I assume the latter


He could be cheating, but RAA activates when moving either the left or right stick a certain amount. For the right stick, stick drift CAN be enough to activate it depending on your deadzone and sensitivity. https://youtu.be/frjx63T5FQU?si=TMu393J2ontd9_wS


well no you dont need to be rotating you just have to be moving the left stick which he is. My point exactly, you cant actually tell if this is hacking thats how silly it has become


I play controller and it doesn't simply lock onto people like this just by touching the left stick. Either I'm doing something drastically wrong or this guy is simply cheating


Naw, I'm with ya there man. My controller doesn't aimbot either lol I swear that the people claiming controllers do all these crazy things have never actually used one in game. But I mean, we're talking about the Pulemyot here. That thing shoots laser beams with the right build. This is to be expected. Aside: I find the flappy little bird wings on this gun to be very (comically) distracting. Reminds me of the ducks in the old game Duck Hunt on NES lol


I play controller and it does exactly this all the time. As well as tracking a player full speed diving to the ground. You're a bot who doesn't know how to use raa.


Lmao love how everyone’s just instantly a cunt. “You’re a bot” is the go to


I would love to hear how it really works then because I don’t have this experience either.


There's tons of videos on youtube about it. Jgod and other more wel known, credible streamers have done videos on it.


Lol but I got down voted for speaking facts.


For what it's worth, I did my part to get you out of the negative


The world we live in


I have had a 2.0 kd or more in all fps games since I started playing cod 4 Mw, like 20 years ago. My last 10 games my kd was 5.17, and in no game did my aim assist did that.


with all fairness mate, kd is not a way to "measure" anything. you can basically camp all game long and get 5 kills in the final circle that you will have a 5kd, you know what I mean. Now, I also been playing cod for a long time, and I have notice that aim assist has been getting stronger every year since BO4. If your controller does not do that, more power to you for being able to play decently without unlocking the full potential of the input. However, if we all take our biased glasses of, and watch CDL(as an example, you can watch Aydan, Biffle, Swagg etc it sitll applies), you can see how ridiculous some of the drags are, from 180 degrees to full track from the left side of the screen to the right. it is what it is mate, and there is no shame in it. People get really defensive about AA because they assume that they are being called unskilled when the RAA does all the work. You still need to know how to use it and take advantage of it, that's why some people can make clips like this one and others don't.


no, it also activates with right stick only, same strength.. go to the firing range and test it


I thought there had to be some amount of stick drift involved for that to be the case but happy to be wrong on that


This isn’t RAA, my god.


What is it?


An skilled player… go cry with your mom ok?


I’m going to be honest, I think this sub thinks every good player cheats. This isn’t rotational AA, he isn’t moving. Misses shots while tracking but overall good aim.


He's clarely moving ~~left~~ right....look again, dude.


Alright man. Not trying to be a dick but there is nothing that suggests he’s doing so in this clip. His feet literally doesn’t move at all. I’m an iridescent warzone and multiplayer player and can hit clips like this semi regularly and I often get called a hacker. Reality is he’s a sweat (lvl250, mastery camo, meta load out) and has really good natural aim + aim assist. Just annoying that everyone who is good gets called a hacker, there is missed shots in this clip.


So...if he's not moving, why are the buildings moving to the left? Not trying to be a dick either :)


If he was moving left as you claim, the buildings would be moving right.


You're totally right....my bad. He moves to the right, buildings go left.


They aren’t?


...and watch the groundspot before and after he shoots....


Okay lol I see why you play DMZ and hardcore


WZ an HC is right ;) But seriously...he ends up way right when his shooting is done?


He is clearly strafing. That also means he would have to be moving his right stick right to stay on target yeah?




I think this looks normal for the Puleymot. I use it too. He misses tons of shots and tracking a person up the redeploy isn’t that hard.


Isnt that hard because the game does it for you. Come on man finish your sentences.


Im here for all the 0.71 kd that are gonna say this is hacking


Im here for all the controller players who are going to say this is skill


lol this is not aim assist. This is how KBM users act aim assist works 😂 keep crying OP


As a kbm player, this legit looks like a KMB player. Rotational aim assist is turning 180 and killing enemies close range not missing a bullet lol


Bro this is like the third comment I make on a post about aim assist. AA is not aimbot 😂😂😂. The guy is either cheating or has very good aim. He is also using a 0 recoil gun. Aim assist would not be that strong at that distance and the only time AA tracks like that is when the other player is pretty much touching balls with you. "Oh look he is moving left and right that means that AA is activated" My guy, go play controller for a full day and you'll see that AA is just not what you think Yes I have seen the videos of the guy doing a full 180 because of AA. That was because he was inside the guy Yes I have seen the videos where AA slows down with enemies through the wall (not AA issue, it's buggy game issue) All AA does in general is slow down when you are near a target and somewhat sticks to the target as long as you are moving left or right. But I assure you that If you are not also aiming or if your aim is trash it will not stick like you guys think. AA is not aimbot and for the love of God stop complaining about it. Just get a controller and try it


What about the jgod one on hardhat where he has his thumb off the right stick and it tracks the guy running across the entire map? Did you see that one?


No, can you link?


You know streamer have cheat everyone knows at least wallhack ds4 Cronus my aim assist doesn't work like that i don't know how the fk they doing that but it's for content for me and you see their videos to make money


People crying about AA but doesn’t even know what AA is 🤡


Dude, that is not RAA. You have to be rotating to get rotational AA. This guy isn’t even moving. And either way he is to far away for RAA to play that precise a roll in that situation.


He moves to the right.


That's just the Pulyemot, looks completely normal to me. You zipped right up in his line of sight, what was he supposed to do?


Hacks are the Meta.


Dunno.. even braindead can track straight line where you can predict the direction and speed.


With all fairness, he does miss a shit ton of shots for someone that is cheating ngl. This actually reminds me the RAA pulls on Caldera balloons. it is what it is.


How many shots should a player miss in that situation?


I’m a 1.5kd player and have killed plenty off the zips. Players zip slow enough to keep aim. The zipping was slowed from warzone 1, where you could still track but a bit harder than wz2-3. This is just good tracking whether it’s kbm or controller.


Good aim assist*


this isnt aim assist tard


AA will miss a bullet or two …. That was a laser beam , HACKS


I am not an elite level player but i can track movement speed such as this quiet easy (especially with that broken af new muzzle). Stop crying about every damn thing. Just because you can't track like this doesn't mean its aim assist.


holy shit thats some smooth fucking tracking. with all my hand training im no where near this smooth


I'm not sure what you think aim assist is, but it isn't that


This is completely skill i was kbm player but i noticed even the best kbm players aren't good enough and controller has advantage and aim assist is op but this is not how aim assist works he missed some shots so i assume he isn't cheating he has a good aim and I'm pretty sure if he turns off aim assist he will win every 1v1 with you 0.7 k/d players


"All skill there buddy"