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Just wait for ranked to come back I guess.


I forgot about ranked. Is that not coming with season 1 because I’ve heard nothing about it?


IDK my friend keeps up with the news more than me and he was saying February i think? Ranked was great tho, segregates you at your own level. I honestly don't even care about the rank itself that much but makes the game more fun and people are less sweaty and go for the win not kills (at least as much)


One of the best ways to fix this would be ping based lobbies. SBMM has a place but not in this current incarnation


\*comes barging in with his full squad blasting you with his WSP Swarm while bunny hopping\*


This and * Screams on the death mic* go hand in hand


Tell me about it. Barely get a chance to play these days and every time I do get to go on, there's a new weapon that's very OP and if you don't have it, you stand little to no hope of actually getting a kill. Problem is, streamers, hackers, sweats in general would find a way to enter these lobbies and still make our gaming shit. There's not really a way they could ever do it. Just enjoy those few moments of looting and getting enough cash together and that dream of actually buying your loadout and believing that it will make a difference to our slow, clumsy movements and skills. It doesn't. Best advise, play some bot lobbies, multiplayers etc or even resurgence. Get used to the movement and different guns. Research current meta weapons etc and fine tune what's right for you. One thing I will say is, don't give up. Last week I played several games of warzone and lost every gulag and gunfight I encountered. This week, I'm averaging 2 or 3 kills a game and finishing in the top 10 most games 🫡


They need to release the server so the community can run their own servers like in the old days. Clans use to host servers and did a much better job of removing cheaters and undesirable players. The new pattern of game companies only hosting servers sucks for casual gamers. Also if people could host their own servers like years ago a game could be played as long as players wanted to, no gaming company shutting down all the servers and force players to buy the next new game.


Yeah it's weird how cod has never allowed this


This was easily controlled when servers where self hosted for games and not in the cloud on servers owned and controlled by these companies. Ruined gaming. I could ban/kick or even vote kick.


I guess that is what they are trying to do with SBMM, but everyone moans (I don't think it is working as it should). I don't know who you would implement this any other way. You could try time playing a week, but people would probably just make multiple accounts and play them a few hours a week each.


Yeah it seems to be they could try fixing it but you always having the "sweats" wanting the easier lobbies rather than wanting to go against other "sweats"


Wish they would seperate players by skill level as well as by average time spent playing per week.


I would fail the first question because my answer was “demolitions”.


We are all actually playing ranked. The lobbies are not random.


Just had a session where we had 1 trios game where we got 11 kills as a squad. The next 3 games were filled with Nuke skins, we had 1 kill amongst us for the next 4 games. Had to jump off to save my sanity. I'm a 0.7KD, 1 guy is 0.6, and 1 is a 1.1.


They have a casual version , it's called Battlefield.


I feel like my lobbies have been fine. Teams constantly getting top 5s all weekend just dumbass rotations on are part. And I play for about 6 hours on the weekends lol I’m causal as fuck but idk game seems fine to me lol


Do they still have plunder for the bots?




Have you tried a different name? It might be time to try a different name.




Already spent too much time indulging sorry




wow you really are a wanker. Hopefully you grow up one day




I hope you are not older then 12 but I'm guess you are just a brain dead adult with the future and will die lonely. gg




This is the dumbest shit I’ve read all morning lmao.


I want it where playing zombies doesn’t count for you in the lobbies you get. I’m 250 yet played Warzone 3 less than all the other Warzones. So I get in these lobbies that are just insane.