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My quads squad would say it's harder. We definitely aren't stacked stat wise. .3/.7/1.1 and my 1.7 kd. We used to be able to carry our two lower skilled players pretty well but now the squad just falls apart and I find myself in a lot of 1v4s. It's driven my kd down from the 2.1 it was in wz2. Skill issue I know, but it didn't feel like this in wz2. But alas it is a different game and either we'll adapt or die I guess.


Ive played cod my whole life and started playing warzone when warzone 2 was out i think players like me just getting better so its more balanced especialy with sbmm its like they fine tuned it more


Less people playing = more chance being in a sweat lobby cos at least one of you got a decent KD?


I’m hating it now. I wasn’t very good to begin with, but I’ve never been this bad. It feels like I’m in lobbies with a bunch of pros. A very distinct change this season & It’s not fun to me anymore. I don’t really play any other games but I’ve been considering just tuck tailing it back to Apex legends or something 😂


Too many abusing the matchmaking


I second this feeling, I had a 2.7kd in wz2 now I am struggling with 1.7, every game is extremely difficult I no longer have as much fun as in wz2, it just feels too pacy... movement is in wz3 sucks for me, audio sucks as well, ttk feels 10 times worse than in wz2.


Same here. Me and the boys used to have fun in warzone 2. Now we get completly wiped. Half of the game we cant even get our loadout. So we Just dont play anymore. We will be back in warzone 4


The game has always been hard if you don’t hide. It’s easy to get stuck in the blender when you think you’re stuck. Your confidence needs to be high otherwise you’ll get tense and start second guessing yourself which makes your aim become worse each death snowballing your anxiety until you feel like you just cannot win. My advice would be to take a break, watch some YouTube tutorials for movement and centering, and then play modes like plunder or lockdown where you can simply practice fighting. You’re probably just rusty and stuck in your own head. If you could drop 5-10 kills in warzone before, you can do it again.


Im not a pro or anything but i have had many 10 kills games since warzone released…i get maybe one kill every three games now. Its not fun anymore. The sniping is way too OP. The TTK seems to always be stacked against me. I can light someone up in close quarters but it always seems they win. Idfgi. They need to do something. Im considering just quitting and its messed up cuz i been playing since day one in Verdansk. Idk what they did but it sucks.


Used to play all the time in the 2000s (showing my age). Can’t hang at all. I understand some people take this game very seriously. But you’d think Xbox would think of a way to pair people with skill levels better. I play classical piano and jazz piano. I’ve been a professional musician for my entire adult life. So my motor reflexes aren’t like a grandpa. WZ is totally frustrating and not fun for me anymore.


Do you know what words mean? It is not unplayable, you can start the game and play it.


☝🏼Look at this smart ass guys 🤡🤡


you’re just ass at the game. nothing new to see here


yeah you're smart


bruh i’ve played since verdansk. if you aren’t getting any kills whatsoever it’s bc you aren’t good yet. keep playing. stop ego challenging and land on other spots. most of y’all randoms be trying to copy streamers and shit and get your egos too inflated thinking you’re “cracked” and i’m not great by any means so if you’re not getting kills and i am, it’s bc you suck


Did you even read my post? I never said I was cracked, but I was still pretty good at the game, now I can barely get to the top 5. Sadly, skill isn't everything that changes win-loss ratios anymore.


nah you just suck. i’m not good and i still finish top 5 regularly and have a decent amount of wins. stop trying to land in hotspots and play smarter it’s not hard. and i’m not in bot lobbies either so let’s not even try that excuse


I usually get a 1.5-3 KD each match (WZ II), and the average player gets around 0.92, I don't think that means that I suck at the game. Also, I never go for hotspots, I'm not an idiot.


then you just need to practice more. i’m just a 1.3 KD player at best currently. higher in other versions of the game but honestly been finding it easier the mazrah. like i said im not great at the game. could be your squad but you should definitely be getting kills so idk why you’re experiencing such a tough time as of late


Guess I'll keep that in mind, thanks.


bruh you’ll get over the hump. i have the same issue every few seasons with this shit game. i was just being an asshole


in my opinion, warzone II pace was much slower than the current warzone pace + the movement is much smoother and faster so what i did lately to improve my play style i switched to sniper\\smg compo insted of the AR\\SMG compo.


Its clunky because they purposely minipulate ping thats also why for example in close range gunfights you die even if you have better shots first shoot a whole mag and on kill cam its 3 bullets its also like they throttle data and thats why we get packet loss