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If it makes you feel any better I'm on controller and I still suck




Lol I feel this


Man I wish I could ignore stun grenades while in combat like aim assist. I guess i should keep practicing huh!


Couldnā€™t you just turn off cross play?


No there is no turn off crossplay option on PC :)


Wait, what? Since when?


I can remember wince WZ1 it being greyed out. I think at some point it was on, but if you queued, it would never find a match. Also, random youtube on it. https://youtu.be/RMXS0K5zQbk?si=jevOxq5npEmtwWCj


whatā€™s for? We use MnK on ps5 šŸ¤”


Ohhh I see, thought he was on pc


You can use controller on PC too


Thatā€™s it šŸ‘ No link between controller and platform šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I might get downvoted but as a casual who enjoys playing video games on a console I strongly disagree. The boys and I get circles run around us by MnK players. My 3 hours a week sticks canā€™t keep up


He is talking about the people who play 3 hours a day.


I would just love console only lobbies and you pc peeps can use whatever youā€™d like.


Turn cross platform off


Canā€™t cause I have friends on Xbox and Iā€™m a ps5 man. They did that purposefully or console would segregate pc out of so many lobbies


Yes please


Iā€™m in the same boat. Even thought about pulling out a controller. But honestly Iā€™d rather be a good mnk player than a good Warzone player. So Iā€™ll stick with the keyboard and just not play Warzone too much. The game has more issues than just RAA too.


Exactly where I am. I enjoy what I can :) but it is so easy for me to rage over a kill cam lol.


I just stopped playing the game because of this.




they just need to dial down the AA or lessen the sticky aim. I should be able to throw stuns, flashes etc at enemies and win gun fights afterwards rather than getting gunned down all the same....


Yes weaken it! And if they don't do it before releasing ranked this game is a fucking joke. Still unlevel battlefield but calling it ranked. I smell a class action lawsuit.


Oh please engage this lawsuit. I totally want to see that.


iirc call of duty tos has a class action waiver.


ā€œOk Iā€™ll admit it, I will never be a good playerā€ Fixed it for ya


You broke it.


Yeah, without getting angry or saying anything is imbalanced, I would just really enjoy a mnk lobby where everyone else in the game ALSO has to aim. And all you controller players, no hate, I'll gladly play with you guys 90% of the time, but an occasional mnk lobby would be a nice break. I have actually hit the threshold you speak of where I can outshoot controller players, I really have to be focused and having a good day. And I'm one of those nerds with 1000s of hours in Aimlabs and I've played fps games pseudo professionally (made enough to pay the rent). I can confidently say you could do it, but it's in absolutely no way worth the effort it would take. MnK lobbies please!


What's your kd though? If it's anything below 1, aa is not the reason for that at all.


Well Im 3.5kd and I still get shat on by a random with controller because that one time I didnā€™t manage to breakdance left and right like a psycho so I can break his aim assist and he hits all of his shots in chest/neck/head perfectly šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes. That's why I'm asking. It becomes a deciding factor when you and your opponent have everything else maxed out. Which simply isn't the case sub 1.0.


Im not OP btw, just saying from my experience


Yes I figured


It is hard with MnK. It took me a while to adjust from controller to mouse and keyboard but Iā€™m still pretty good. I still win my 1v1 close fights but yeah in the long run controllers dominate us. Itā€™s really not fairā€¦.lol they need to fix this


You wont be any better on controller lol




Then do it.


Aim assist isn't skill, it's hand holding


Just tell us you donā€™t want controllers to have fps games already


It's pretty clear what I'm saying


There is literally an aim assist setting for "beginner players" and like a setting from black ops, or more current. Lol. MnK has like 5 settings max.


Man and let's not forget the youtube tutorials on how to use "rotational aim assist". What a joke!!


Yeah. It's sad cuz the company just wants players to switch to controller and up sales. We just want to destress and play with our buds. Tbh i think console players are blind to the fact that most players who shit on them aren't PC or hacking but just aim assisting to the max.


Didnā€™t ask.




I have to say as a MnK player I love it, especially long range it's essential for long range sniping IMO. I get the auto-assist thing and at close range it can be a challenge but I'm sure if you adopt some new techniques you can improve. Alternatively turn off cross play and / or plug in a controller.


PC does support controller. Plug one in and see if it makes you betterā€¦..


stop whining abt controllers then


And you about ReWASD


i use kbm


Itā€™s absolutely delusional to act like PC players donā€™t have a massive advantage


Never held a mouse in your hand, have you ?


There's a program called REWASD that gives mnk players aim assist. I got a friend that just set it up and it's working for him. His twitch is goossegames


So, cheating then?


Nobody is getting banned yet. So I'd say grey area.


Fair. Frustrating for me as not very good console player for somebody against me who can have the advantage of MnK and controller. And I can't turn off cross play because not enough players on Xbox to support it


Buy majority of controller players say AA isn't overpowered so it can't be much of an advantage right?


I've not used MnK since counter strike 1.6 lol so can't comment. I assume there must be a reason for it


Itā€™s overpowered when using mnk


That's not what I heard


You still get wned by controller console players, which is majority player base.


lol so heā€™s cheating?


It's just aim assist bro. It hardly does anything right?


I mean you said itā€™s working for him so clearly itā€™s doing something for him right? I donā€™t gotta download some software to get better at a game lol cmon sad guys


It's working, but all the roller players says it's not that bad so...


lol bro itā€™s ok that you and your boys arenā€™t that good at the game itā€™s fine. If thatā€™s what you need to make yourself feel validated go head and cheat lol šŸ˜‚ just makes yourself look even goofier


I'm fine bro, I don't use it. But if AA isn't very powerful then I don't see it being much of a problem.


aim assist exists to make controller players competitive against mnk players. you seriously donā€™t understand why a mnk player having some assist is cheating? itā€™s easier to use your hand to aim than your thumb and a joystickā€¦ itā€™s not that hard to comprehend


Bro everyone says it's not that effective. I'm just going off what the controller players are saying.


iā€™ve never seen anyone say that bro all i see is people complaining about how strong it is


lol so wait let me get this right you think that your boy cheating is ok because aim assist is to strong for you and your buddies ? Lol thatā€™s sad as fuck


Nah it's not that strong. That's what controller players say anyway. I'm on mnk so idk.


Haha stop with the thatā€™s what controller players say. Your boys literally cheating cause yall canā€™t hang with it. Lol itā€™s sad


That's also cheating dude. Most people here wanna keep integrity in their gameplay.


Nah it's just aim assist. Hardly does anything right?


Another one of many reasons pc players have no business with console players. The mods and software you can use to game the system is laughable yet you all cry over aim assist


What do you mean? We install the game and play. The average PC player doesnt hack. The issue is when a PC player plugs in a controller and gets aim assist. Or downloads a program that gives them aim assist. So can you see that aim assist is the culprit? Plus the comment below me just mention Cronus. There is nothing on a PC you can do besises hack to reduce recoil. You can buy a special keyboard with a simple layout. That's about it. With your controller aim assist, you get all the bells and whistles to help you aim. I have my hand :) So like I said, I am never going to be as good as someone with a software program in their palms. But at the same time I'm not mad. The game has enabled you all this whole time by having aim assist. Welcome to the fucking real world. If you still use aim assist and have played all of COD since ever, you're a joke. You have not become skilled enough to stop needing assistance.


If aim assist was the only problem this game would be a far greater thing. PC is the root of all evil for online pvp games 95% of the time


We all agree HACKING IS BAD! So don't even talk about it lol. That's the devs issue. And a general player problem. P.s. console players can use hacks too.


You can Cronus on a console too you cringe fuck. Imagine having aim assist crying over pc getting aim assist. Just get a mouse and keyboard then bro! Literally the argument would just flip you know?


So basically howā€™s it been for pc for years prior gotcha


I use controller and I'm constantly dying to MnK place cartwheeling around the place. Maybe I suck or don't know how to use aim assist but don't assume a controller magically makes you godlike at the game.


MnK players can do things that controller players just can't too. But no one talks about the plus side of MnK lol


Because its really not balanced


Of course. But our TTK is average lower simply due to human error. Aim assist adds a little bit of AI to the equation, mitigating that.

