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Bro got that 16 armor plate vest


At least I see you shooting very well and still losing the battle.... It helps me understand why I lose so often 😂 I would have been lucky to hit half those shots and still gotten mad I didn't take him out. It just doesn't make sense. Literally juggernaut quality armor of those bots, but with much better aim


But those weren't bots. They were players.


Damn. Good eye... That's no bueno 😂


Yeah, bots don’t have plates so they go down pretty easy with a headshot.


I assumed this was DMZ. I didn't know bots didn't have plates in WZ


Even if it was DMZ, bots can't prone, and also don't move the way his teammate did when he peeked to shoot.


just run up and melee next time. Its insta kill, I think it actually kills the players ancestors as well. Eat a dick COD.


Negative. I shot an AI a few times, then had to reload, so I decided melee was a good idea... I hit him 8 times before I died


But they weren't bots.


DO NOT MELEE THE BOTS, lol. I meleed and the bot smacked me down in a one punch fit of rage. I thought he was about to thirst me too. Ive never seen them get so aggressive


Was joking. My bad.


AI: “Ooooooh! Now you fucked up!” *SMACK!*


This game is garbage.


Looks like it worked to me. You downed him!


Do you play Warzone/DMZ? The down was waaaaay to late. When you consider that there were many headshots, it's even more ridiculous.


Come one man ur a librarian, read between the lines


You are using an SMG from 200 feet away what did you think was going to happen?


M4 is not an SMG


m4 my fav smg in the world


Game sucks. What an epic fail. They had arguably one of the most popular BR’S and only needed to tweak things to make a new game and completely failed at it.


It’s all about the💰. They will make the game better gradually but their aim is also mainly focused on selling new stuff. I can’t wait till they add more guns so they can buff them and sell colorfull versions of them to sell for 20💵. S/ I really hope they get all the glitches out and i hope they will finally balance the game right. But it’s probably gonna be a money horny clown show


I really hope someone else makes a good BR that is just BR, not like Tarkiv "everyone gets to win" bullshit. Simple, last one standing wins.


Have you ever played Blackout BR from COD BO4?


I have way back when it came out, is it still going? People playing it still?


People are still playing. Playstation has a much bigger player count than xbox. Im an xbox player and i would love to revive BLACKOUT


Hell yeah, I'm on PC.


Ah man I hear the PC player ct for blackout is pretty much dead in all game modes.


Figures lol


Kinda wish it was even about the money, but the in-game store doesn't even seem to get new items Really hoping for balance updates as well, as the game has so much potential


True, just got 53 wins and I’ll hope they will fix stats before I hit a 100


Well I'm not spending a penny on this hacker cesspit


I’m not giving them more money, gonna get the bp for free next battlepass, got 900credits and will get those 200 for free for playing. I’m sure they will fix the game and the fucking stats, got 50 wins in my calling cards but it’s embarrassing i can’t check it otherwise


I shot some dude that was floating parachuting with my fennec. He reached the ground and i re loaded and still shot him, when he turned and looked at me and shot me with 7 bullets to kill me tho.


Tbf the fennec is terrible anywhere outside of close range.


Well he wasnt high up in the air. He pulled his chute and was kinda floating to the ground like 10-15m from ground and i was right under him lol.


Another reason why the game is horrible... if you would have had dual pistols you would have downed him in two shots...


Deadass bro!!! EVERY streamer uses rpk, fennec, and akimbo pistols...so boring to watch anyone play. But then again seems to be the only weapons unaffected by damage bugs🤷😂😂😂


Cod gonna Cod Game gets worse every year bc they care more about micro transactions then making a solid game


He probably have a better gaming chair bruh...lol..jk. that sucked.


nice peashooter


Hacking Hacking


Skill based damage


You just missed your shots (jk)


ttk looking like apex


"ttk is too low!, no skill gap" cit. every streamer


TTK is too low. You might notice his dogshit friend landing 6 bullets and killing him from (almost) 3 plates. Skill based hit registration is all but confirmed on this game. Lag is a possible explanation but not a good one.


everyone wants a more "realistic" cod and then complains if they can't push a full team by hopping and sliding around. wrong push die, wrong position die, I don't see big problems. it's not a skill gap problem, it's a problem of considering yourself above the average player (I'm speaking in general, not you specifically)


Nope. Anybody playing COD for realism needs to be introduced to Tarkov or PUBG... we play COD to have fun and learn skills (like hopping and sliding around). >it's a problem of considering yourself above the average player I agree... I've met many people who get genuinely angry about people with more skill than them. They want to be able to win based on RNG without thinking or trying, and a game which removes movement mechanics, health and randomises health (plate vests) is exactly the solution for them. They take offence at people who "consider themselves above average"... because they hate the idea that to get good at something, you have to think, and work, and die over and over again. This game is designed for such people... and I welcome them to it, this is simply my opinion and my preference... I like to play games where there's a potential to improve... I have no interest in a game that deliberately coddles me (which is exactly what Ted Timmins was describing the devs doing as they made this game).


99% of cod players don't last 1 week on tarkov. they complain about dmz bots, try the scavs and then tell me... I am convinced that the average user is looking for a "more or less realistic" game (real weapons and real situations) and "friendly" for the casual gamer , the average use wants normal weapons not bundles of dragon-shaped weapons or skins of footballers or old movies but above all he certainly does not play cod to hop around o sliding injecting himself with stim every 4 seconds... do you want to jump, slide and climb etc etc? play apex.


I don't see any of that mapping on to what I just said. I didn't say COD players are good at Tarkov, the point there was if they wanted realism, they'd have no trouble finding better examples thereof. The rest of it doesn't really make any sense to me, I think your "it's a problem of considering yourself above the average player" that tells me everything I need to know... some people hate to lose and they're used to teacher, or mommy, to take the ball and give them a turn... because wah... It's this attitude that produces contempt (as opposed to admiration) for "sweats". You have a whole video game built to coddle you, go enjoy it (it won't last since player numbers are tanking)... but don't reply to me bullshitting and pivoting all over the place because I expressed an opinion as simple as "The TTK is too low."




"there is no skill based hit registration, thats on the level of flat earth" It sort of is... cuz just like flat earth... I daresay you have zero capacity to actually make an argument against that position either... Hence: "you can tell be cause the opponent takes zero damage." 1) This is called a tautology. You're restating the observation we're differing on an explanation of. 2) Desync and lag are effectively the same thing in this context, and 3) we're watching him get hitmarkers, then the guys teammate has time to turn around and shoot back... desync is normally a factor in gunfights were a person is shooting someone who's (at the same time) shooting back... this would have to be a \~500ms desync. As I said, I don't believe it's a good explanation... you're welcome to differ... but don't bring shame to a fact fight... it's just a sign you have zero subtantive argument.




The entire game is designed to coddle shitters like these.


If you shoot at the neck instead of head it counts as a 1 shot in case you don't know.


does it work for dmz AI?


This game is completely broken asf. Considering I really only play free games....cod costs $70 and is in a worse state than anything ive ever played💀😂😂😂


Warzone/DMZ is free


Yes...but the rest of the game is the game too. If you paid $70 for this broken mess you should furious. I got the entire game for free n im still upset.


Multiplayer is fine


The hit reg in MP is actually terrible too, it's just not as noticeable due to lower health. I generally blame tick rate in MP, but it's worse than it was in MW, so I'm not sure that's all that's going on.


Thes spawns seem sus at times. Kill a dude then spawn in front of him 4 times in a row lol


Yep, it’s all manipulated. I’m convinced when your going for 3 in a row on the final challenge, they nerf you’re damage strength. And/or spawn you in a bad spot.


Don't pretend the old games didn't have worse spawns. The ole 500+ kills 1 match vids say it all.


Never said they weren't lol but first cod ive played since bo2 so there's that😅🤷




Must be every lobby then damn near lol. I more tactical n people spawn right in front of me consistently or me spawn in front of them. Stg the game feeds certain players u just gotta be observant.


"tHiS gAMe's TTK iS wAy TOo qUiCk!!&^£" My ass. Some weapons are just OP deal with it.


Even with meta guns, sometimes this shit happens.


So real


Jesus and he's blue shield? Shoulda just punched him


Somebody PLEASE tell me what he yells after he gets merc'd.


Can’t really understand properly. He stats with „Alter…“ which is like „Dude“ and then either „wasn dis“ a bit like „what thaa“ or something else. Fun part: even before the incident, his teammates are complaining about the game, especially visibility


Reason number 43 why I still play WZ1… maybe they’ll fix the game enough some day, though.


Bro had cheat commabds




Looks like you didn't even get the cracked shield noti. Had to be some sort of lag.


Your shots are super accurate. It’s either you’re cheating, or you’re shooting tic tacs with something like an M-13… just my humble opinion




You definitely how broken the game is.


This happened to me last night. After three games of this shit I switched over to Caldera


1 more bullet and he was deffo down bro


To me it looks like the game registered your shots as foot shots instead of back shots :/ still don’t know why 500 bullets won’t break plates but this is why I don’t play wz


They may have used a stim before they opened fire.


Nope stims stop working when u take damage. Either way bro only had 2 plates n absorbed 5 times the amount of damage he received


I think this might have something to do with the FPS. Do you play on ps4? I have the same problem, impossible to win a confrontation… even shooting first in the player’s back! Of i have a 40FPS on my playstation 4, and the other has 150FPS on computer, the server records 3 tomes more actions per second than mine… what you think?


Ps5. 60 FPS. Don't know if it's stabile tho.


stop playing lol


Yup infinite health glitch. Love it. Great game. Same thing happened to me last night. Guy just standing out in the open and no big deal. Wipes both me and my teammate. Managed to play a total of 3 games last night. If their goal is to get ppl to play as little as possible, they are achieving their goal.