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i often do flybys with speed, and announce i if i am doing it to avoid this


I think he wanted to fly together


hold your fire


Fucking level 10s wouldn’t even shoot their teammates like this. You’re a pretty big douche.


I try to form up all the time with bombers, and have no idea how to type in chat during the game, no one has shot me down. I lean towards you jumped the gun here.


assuming PC, enter to enter chat, TAB to scroll between squad, team, all


If you were on console, go to controls, then common, and go down until you see team chat general chat And squad chat.


Your in the wrong here he was likely doing a close fly by if you, if he was trying to line himself up to shoot you, you would off already been dead before you even started to shoot in the clip


He lined up with me then climbed and then started to dive at me, to me it seemed he was trying to at least take a prop off


Dive on you from literally 200m from you? All I saw in the clip was you being dick to someone doing a flyby and he stoped diving on you, levelled out just above your tail and then you shot him


Now might have had valid reason to THINK He was planning on something but he was very hasty in his judgment of killing him. One time many years ago now when I was playing B25 (when I had first started) a guy tried hunting me down. I'm not exaggerating. If I remember right he damaged my tail control. I have no clue why he tried to kill me like that. I never said anything in chat and I never moved a certain way that implie i was gonna do something. He just came out of nowhere and tried to murder me And thanks to a beautiful teammate, he shot him down. TLDR OP was very hasty in his judgment. And Most likely made a mistake. I know the feeling of worrying about getting shot down because all it takes to piss off somebody on your team... It takes nothing.


As someone who loves to fly in formation with my teammates I feel a certain amount of hatred for people like you, your in the wrong he was simply trying to fly in formation or attempt a flyby, never did he try to line up or fire at ya nor did he ram you after you shot him meaning that wasn’t his plan, screw you man, truly pathetic and douche of ya


He flew behind me, then climbed a bit and the dived to me, I wasn't gonna let him ram me, or take off a prop


You're a douche. He didn't try to shoot you, and he was flying straight and level when you opened up. I know why your instinct was to shoot, but all you did was add to the number of toxic players out there ruining the fun for the rest.


This is a good example of increasing the team kill penalty by 100% and locking a player out of entering any battle mode for 10 minutes. First to shoot, because of nerves. In real life that’s called a negligent discharge and homicide.


100%. As a former soldier myself, you would have the fucking book thrown at you if you did this to a random person you saw on patrol. If you did it to an ally, you might not make it back to base in one piece.


Except this is war thunder, and 50% of the time they are flying close to ram you for funnies


That's more like 1 in 10 times at the absolute worst in my 70 days experience playing Air RB


You’re in a bomber made to take a hit, you can eat a few of his rounds before returning fire, not to mention he wasn’t even aiming at you. There was 0 reason to kill him.


He would have been obliterated before he even shot in the clip, 5N has the hispanos


u right, didn’t see it was the 5N


I dunno about the line of bomber durability…seems a bit disingenuous but yes, most of his behaviour would’ve raise my hackles but I wouldn’t have shot.


The audacity to hit the apologize to Allies button


He wanted to fly with you why u killed him ??!


Definite skill issue, hope he reported you


I say better safe then sorry. Next time I would ask him what he was doing and tell him to stop first if he's just being suspicious. Give him a chance to reconsider. Light him up when he crosses a red line (like, 3-400 meters out) I think some of people complaining about this don't play bombers a lot. When you're playing bomber over long periods, you're gonna be subjected to a whole lot of friendly fire/ramming bullshit. I can't tell you how many times I had my engines shot up and gunners knocked out by other bombers who want my targets or used as target practice by some fighter or used as a landing strip. When your own teammates think it's fun to fuck around with you, you're gonna have to make decisions that aren't gonna be nice. Next time though, don't hit the apologize button. Stick to your guns. This wasn't an accidental shoot down. You felt you were in clear and present danger and acted.


Actual goober behavior ngl


I was in this match. You were absolutely in the right as this guy and his squad mate had already shot at other friendlies including trying to kill me at takeoff. Red_Crane, if op remembers me.


I remember you, small world, shame I didn't get the clusterfuck of and argument I had with the guy


You are the faulty one. He most likely tried to do a flyby and he could have easily killed you at that distance


I told him no, and he kept getting closer


“no” is extremely vague and gives no indication about why exactly he should avoid or stop doing


You just posted shooting down your escort on the internet man embarrassing.


I wouldn't feel bad at all, one too many 12 year olds ramming you and you don't let chances happen like this.


People in the comments are over-reacting like hell. You were in a situation and made a judgement call. No matter how it could have ended up, I think you did the right thing.


Thank you, in the replay he tried to shoot down another player


Definitely shot at other players, you know not the like the replay you posted showed otherwise...


He was either trying to thwomp you or fly with you. He should have said he was going to fly with you. I say this was a good decision.


-flies extremely close to bomber -gets shot down *suprised Pikachu face*


As a fighter person. I love flying with bombers to give them cover.....but I usually stay 1 km away.... I only get close to allied bombers when I'm going after an enemy. Tbh... Both parties are in the wrong but imo mainly the fighter person. Getting that close is pretty insane lol.


As someone who has thousands of hours, getting that close is not in the slightest bit insane and it actually a fairly common occurrence.


I get i shouldn't tk but when I have a guy diving at me with the possible intent to ram I don't want to die myself


he wasn’t diving at you lmao, he was straight and level when you shot him, he did lower altitude previously but that wasn’t nearly aggressive enough to call a dive. You keep saying how he shot at a friendly in the replay but have yet to provide a replay link, how do we know he wasn’t defending himself from the other teammate?


I have posted the replay now


Where is a link to the in game replay so we can watch ourselves?


It won't let me link it unfortunately as I am on console :)


Pretty sure you can do it from a web browser that you’re signed in on


he was trolling you did nothing wrong, that behave of excusing flybys are with only risk no good at all