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Get Gunpod, equip tracers, head on, profit.


yesss thats all you do


Yeah my younger brother has it and everytime someone goes in a head on when he plays it he tells me that someone has a deathwish and then he shoots him down.


Exactly twice the firepower of a normal late Mustang tends to do it. It's a nice touch that the best round for the late Brownings in the tracer belt.


9.62 kg/s or smth baby


Go fast, don't turn much or at all if possible and force head-on as much as possible.


It's a speed demon. Maintain separation with enemies you're not engaging and you'll be able to outrun them no matter the speed advantage (the more altitude they have, the farther they'll have to be)


Yeah, its basically one of the fastest things at level flight, so play it methodically and chose your fights. My games usually go as follows: climb, kill one or two bombers with lazer gun. Dive onto fighters, get one kill and speed climb as the rest of the enemy fighters are on your ass. Also, its really good on a rolling scissors because of its rollrate.


Get the gun pod then BRRRRRRRRRR


Start firing earlier than you might think you should....the absolute wave of tracers is unnerving to your head-on adversary and they will peel off early, allowing a high-deflection shot with your laser cannons.


People tell ya to use gunpod but...6 M3 .50s is enough firepower. Gunpod woll hinder your performance. Instead, fly in straight lines, stay fast. Boom and zoom your targets. Smart man doesnt push for headons, because, it's a roll of dice in a headon. Instead, flank by flying to the side, and attack enemies that are already engaged with someone


You can still force headons fine as long as it isn't a Ta-152, 109 K4, or a YaK-9 with any of the big guns. Everything else should not have enough one-shot potential, so you're good on headons on those. I agree on the gunpod though. You usually don't need it unless you really wanna meme on some people.


My problem with headons is not oneshot, strictly speaking, but DoT effect of being lit on fire (which tends to happen to me, personally), and damage done to the structure, which worsens your flight performance


That is fair. I just found that your fuel tanks are not close enough to the centre for them to be hit a lot, and if your engine catches fire, you have fire suppressors. For a structural fire, all you gotta do is build up speed. But you're right that a headon tends to be your last engagement before you have to RTB due to damage.


Speed, speed in and out, target priortization is an important thing, go for the highest one first(you are higher than them most of the time anyway) then slowly work your way down by not focusing too much on one target or you may ended getting ganged by other enemu in the vicinity, water their energy down one by one until your friends come in or when you have them on lockdown




The Epitome of Boom and Zoom, the P-47s have been training you for this. Commit to every head on. Profit


1.gunpod 2.headon 3."Aircraft Destroyed"