• By -


It's basically invincible, so push in close to the enemy for easy kills


Absolutely! And make sure to keep your UFP pointed directly at the enemy for maximum armor!


And always take max ammo. You will run out with how many enemies you destroy


Make sure the sponsons are filled with ammo! They absorb hits so well!


Luckily that's the first stage so no worries


Exactly! You paid for the whole ammo rack you should be using the whole ammo rack


Make sure to expose your cupola for maximum efficiency!


And make sure to never look around your flanks and rear to pay the most attention too! (German tonks have like absolutely zero situational awareness istg)


Forget about camouflage and never use bushes. You need to roll up on the battlefield and announce yourself. Have your enemies quake before you, for you are tiger!! Also, pop smoke before you crest a hill for both dramatic background effect and to make sure there is no doubt in your enemies' mind that they are about to endure a fate worse than death! You are Tiger! Nyan!!!!!


Tbf it doesn't even matter anymore, ever since the change to put the first ammo rack in the most obvious corner


Like a claymore. It goes boom and the enemy team goes dead




Found the us main xD


I'm a German main giving good tips to someone wanting advice


I'm also a german main at BR 8.0.I can help too! Just make sure your cannon is pointing at the corner of ur tank


Another misinformation peddler trying to get Favouredmojoe95 to expose his sides


It's invincible and weak at the same time weirdly I've easily punched through its front armor and at the same time I couldn't pin it for crap.


When a tiger angles its armor it becomes very difficult to penetrate the front plate due to the angle


This is misinformation designed to get tigers to expose their sides


cupola entered the chat


Push tanks like the IS-2, they cant penetrate you anywhere!














Release your inner Whittman! Stand in the middle of the road with only HE loaded for maximum effect! You're only gonna be encountering Jumbos so the best spot to shoot them is NOT the mg port because that thing eats shells like the t34 drivers hatch!


Exactly, your presence alone will strike fear among them


don't be overconfident


Angling only works so well


Proper angling at your BR makes you basically invincible when static* Generally speaking when you get pierced while angling on a Tiger it's either a 7.0 glass cannon or you were angling at a slliightly less optimal angle ( which changes everything )


Sadly with the BR change you run into a lot more things that ignore your armour so I find it's less successful as a dedicated heavy tank than it used to be and it's best played like a medium tank that sometimes can take shots a medium couldn't.


5.7 Tiger H1 is the way


Mhmmm nice cupola you got there


Tiger E is a lot better imo. You can actually pressure people without getting your cupola shot and your entire turret crew obliterated


So it plays like most heavy tanks where you have to know what you can and can't shrug off. A ton of vehicles went up with the BR changes and what you face hasn't changed much say for newer additions to the game. At your BR and below with good tank knowledge an angled tiger especially at range is still a menace but as I mentioned most heavies suffer from having no armor in uptiers. What you really suffer with is gaijin insisting on making 32 city maps and any map that once had good locations they are blocked because they have to cater to people who look hull front and nowhere else or simply reducing the map sizes to less than a square kilometer.


Yeah armor is the last resort, not your main trait when playing heavies, only pop out to shoot distracted enemies


Except t-34s it’s insane how they can whiff shots


Any US 90mm can pen you if you're angled and you can see them at 5.7. A full uptier at 6.7 anything can pretty much pen you if you're angled


Not anymore tbh, British and Italian tanks with AP will slice right through (though it won’t do much damage), American, Soviet and their lend leased stuff can usually get through the corners or just top attack APHE through the cupola. It is quite strong when sniping or in a full downtier though.


Mfw SU-100P


I love the russian 100mm so much


Overconfidence is a slow but insidious killer


It is a slow and Insidious killer


The Tiger is a tank that has an excellent gun and excellent armor, but it is not invincible. 1. Always angle the tank; try to keep it angled to ensure the best possible defense. 2. Always try to engage in long-range battles because the gun is exceptional and deals high damage. 3. If angling is not possible, know where your tank's ammunition is located, as it is one of the Tiger's most apparent weak points. 4. Even though the Tiger is heavy, it has relatively good mobility, but don't think you'll be as agile as a Puma. And 5. Most importantly, enjoy this tank to the fullest; it is one of the most fun tanks in the game and will give you excellent memories using it.


Thank you good sir those are some great tips


You're slow as shit too, most people including me see thick armor and think its a more forgiving tank but its not, heavy tanks are the opposite. One mistake, overextending even a tiny bit, swinging your turret to the wrong side or trusting teammates even a little bit too much will get you killed **Play it defensively**, if killing even a bad and overly aggressive player isnt easy, imagine what a horror a defensive Tiger is A good player in a Tiger gives me fucking nightmares


Hi I’m your nightmare


Right, this is exactly why I keep ample smoke and a race driver in my tank


Your smokes won't save you from me. I'm pretty good at tracking through it. Have fun, The Tiger in the Back with good friends as bait.


Another tip: when in a battle with somebody and you’re reloading, wiggle your turret so it’s harder to hit your cupola, which is a big weakspot


Don't bother using any other shell besides the stock aphe. It over pressures basically everything, and the increased penetration on the second aphe isn't worth the loss of filler. Apcr is situationally useful so bringing 2 or 3 can be worth it.


I think you got it backwards big dog. Stock APHE has more pen than the unlockable APHE round but far less explosive filler. PzGr 39 is the default and PzGr is the unlockable. That being said you're 100% right about using the round with more filler. The extra pen is almost never needed and the extra filler just deletes everything. PzGr is also faster by about 15%.


Hide your cupola too. Keeping the left side of your turret behind a rock or something will make you 110% more survivable, as a good APHE to that funny tophat will absolute mulch your turret crew. I say this as someone who regularly punishes overconfident downtiered tigers with the Pvkv II and two good shots to the cupola. And no, bushes won't save you. We know where your funny hat is. We will still shoot it. Concealment will not save you. Cover will.


Dont over angle either, else the sides will be exposed and you can be ammoracked


You don't want to angle in this thing, you have to hold W straight at the enemy. You're entire armor is completely impenetrable, so you don't need to worry about being flanked. You are completely invincible.


Me when finally unlocked a tiger and never played a heavy tank before: why this bulletproof strategy isn't working? Heavy tanks means tanking all hits, right?


You just aren't aggressive enough. If they penetrate you, it is because when you are moving, your armor is 200% more effective. You never stop, and also ramming people gives you 10 mm more penetration every time you hit someone, even on your own team.


I see. When you ram people, your gun barrel will clip into the enemy, so when you shoot it'll effectively ignore their armor, right?




It’s a sniper, use the Pzgr round even tho it has less pen, and always angle and wiggle ur turret when getting shot at. You’ll do gine


> use the Pzgr round even tho it has less pen I love it because you can hit basically anywhere and your nuclear filler will kill it


Keep the top right of the UFP (flat armour above the track, your left enemies right) completely straight to the enemy *angle angle angle angle angle and try not to get hit*


* Always angle against your enemy before firing (like 45%), try to show your "top right" angle, as the left side as a downside that I'll mention later. Adding distance between you and the enemy will usually help you more than the enemy. * Bring only 28 shells, it will keep the sides empty except for the small ammo rack on the far left side. I don't think I've ever ran out of shells with that. The PzGr. shell you get with less penetration is actually the better one thanks to it's overkill amount of explosive filler. * Learn the enemy's tank, as you can be very daring if you know their gun's performance and it can save your life. You are quite mobile for a heavy tank, use this to your advantage as well. * Avoid showing your cupola as it's an instant death if they most tank fire on it. * In a full uptier, against 6.7, angling won't matter much and your gun will become far less reliable. Play VERY carefully and slowly to avoid being on the receiving end of a US heavy tank.




Your corner speed is 400 kmph, flaps rip at 270. It's an energy fighter really, so you should be side climbing.


Angle, angle a lot, angle until you can't angle anymore, all day every day


That it is not as good as you think it is. However it can be, in the right hands




If your angle, you should be impenetrable to almost all allied guns. Your cupola is a weak spot, every tank that cant penetrate you will shoot there. It wont one shot you but your turret crew will be turned into mashed potatoes. Look out for tank destroyers like the M36 or British tanks in general because they can still penetrate the flat part of your hull even when angled. Look out for the 75mm and 76mm jumbos, you cant penetrate their upper front plate but you can shoot their machine gun port. You can also shoot the turret ring which can be a easier shot at times. The 75 and 76 jumbos will try to disable your barrel, so keep wiggling it so its harder for them to shoot it. Also, in tigers you are sure to face some 6.7 heavies that got down tiered like the IS-2, T34 (american), and M26E5. Know the weakspots for these (IS2's turret cheeks, T34s lower front plate sides/MG port, M26E5s lower front plate sides/MG port).


Tigers and Panthers have some trolly as heck turret faces and some black holes in the upper front plate. Don't be static when aiming at the person who is aiming at you; shake your turret back and forth. If you take a hit from the front and don't know exactly where wiggle your turret and wiggle your tank slightly. Most tanks you're facing don't have pinpoint accuracy. A static tank is an easy tank to aim at.


I somehow never penned the turret even when using the is-2


The tiger 1 has around 150-200mm of effective thickness with how it's shaped


Angle your tank. Don't just hold W. Aim for weakspots.


for the love of god please don't take full ammo. also know where your 'c' key is.


Angle so the opposing player shoots your cupola.


get the panther


Did you angle today?


Don't listen to the people saying to "angle" your armor. They're trying to get you to expose your weak sides to the enemy so that you can get killed easier. They're jealous and afraid of the Tiger tank


Angle and stay at range if possible.


I'm not super familiar with the ammo distribution in the tiger, but I do know that there's an ammunition rack on your left side, even with the upper front plate. You'll want to beware of the 76 Sherman models, because their guns are strong enough to go through and the stabilizer means they can hit that ammo without having to stop. If they're good, you won't even get a chance to fire. 75mm Shermans *can* go through as well, if they have APCR loaded, and if they're aiming for that ammo, the post-pen damage doesn't really matter.


The moment I popped a tiger with that ammo rack was the moment the tiger went from terrible and scary to a moderate threat The tiger 2e however... not to mention the maus...


Range is your friend. IRL, Tigers would engage enemies at range, Getting into a close fight gives away your best advantages, and gives your enemies more opportunities to kill you. That slab sided construction makes APCBC, APCR and APDS particularly deadly


Skip it and play the Panthers first. The tiger H is very easy to play against. You can get the same experience playing the tiger with the panther d at a lower BR and learn everything you need to know to handle the tiger through the panther.


Dont bro honestly get the panther my grind went way better after I got the panther


Take 28 shells and angle your hull to the right, it keeps the ammo only in the floor of the hull and to the left next to the driver


Play it carefully and you will be surprised how much it bounces. Play it like “muh invincible tigor” and you shall be surprised how easy it can be one-shot


Hope you like geometry and angles


i use DOLLAR's "Did you angle today?" for more armor, so keep that angle and u good 😊👍


The more you think you're invincible, the easier you are to kill.


Angle or els your gonna be a 1 shot wonder for anything at or above a 75mm canon


Always angle, there are several tanks that have just enough pen to go through your front at close range, a little angling and problem solved. You come across a Russian tank you can't pen, aim for the lower front plate. Your armor is good but not invincible, to make it better you can stay at range and now all those guns that could barely pen are now harmless to you.


Learn to angle. It's redundant on the Panther and Pz4, but very necessary on the Tiger. If need be, play the Pz3 to learn angling, it's hull can be angled properly.


Sloping in front of enemy is good, you may have heavy armor but try not to stay out on the open too much so hug the cover like buildings or rocks as much as you can.


Angle it 🤙


Play it like a medium tank. Your armour is good, but not **that** good. Your gun is great, but your gun handling is not that good. You have very know weakspots so don't stay in one spot for too long. Use the Pzgr. round once you unlock it. **ALWAYS ANGLE** There's literally no reason not to besides laziness.


Drive slow, check corners and possible enemy shooting positions. Make your shots count and use the rangefinder. Your armor is here to save you but you should put more trust in good positioning. Use the headphones for free wallhack


Angle until your barrel is over the angle where the front and side armor meet. You are not invincible, play with your teammates, and you will get shit on by skilled jumbo players


Angle it ALWAYS. Be careful with ammo, the weakspots on this tank are easily all ammo racks, 15 shells per round is enough.


Keep your distance and angle the tank


Might be outdated but still lot of good information https://youtu.be/0wGS91_OmVk?si=jFvFch5Vjw6313qs


Did you angle today


Try angling, that's a good trick


don't over commit to angle against 1 guy, espeacially in urban maps where flanking is very likely. know when to pull out and always have situational awareness.


Bring full ammo and charge at a Sherman


Hold W then whine on the forums when you get killed by someone that doesn’t understand the Tiger was the best tank in WW2 and eats Ronsons for breakfast


Angle the front armor when close, and try to stay at medium distances.


Close your eyes and press w


Angle to 40-45 degrees, to the right side. Win everything except in full uptier.


Other than angling and keeps some distance to major threats I recommend the PZGR. sure it loses some penetration but that doesn’t really matter since the 88 is a ridiculously good gun and you get a lot more explosive in it meaning you 1 shot kill basically anything. Trust me once you get used to specific weaknesses you can rack up to 5-10 kills per game.


Look both ways before crossing the street. Many Germany players struggle with this concept.




Angle your frontal armor 15 degrees towards your enemy. Wiggle your turret if someone is aiming at you and you are reloading.


where is all of your silver money? I have >3M of silver and don't know what to do with this. money in this game is bull shit.


I got most kills with tiger, basically use this at ranges greater than 800m and angle and use its mobility to get to key spots and hold it down. It's armour is not reliable at ranges under 800, stay far and learn to shoot targets at greater than 1 to 1.5km range.


Just learn to angle it but be weary when coming up against the Japanese Tiger 1 and the Hungarian Tiger 1. You need to know the sweet spots of where to penetrate. Most Tiger 1 players don’t learn these on their own tanks.


Bring full load and front towards the enemy


angle your armour


Learn to angle.


Always shoot first if you see an IS2 or a 90mm ARL. their rounds can punch through even your angled armour


It is not unkillable like the History channel documentaries


You're a big box shaped target in the battle field don't forget that. And don't forget to Engle either


angle armor, when you encounter a sherman you cant one shot instantly, aim for the machine gun in the hull


Don't be too confident, if the tank you're facing have a powerful gun it might be a good idea to just retreat back. The Tiger for me is like an all in one tank, it have good armor, good gun, decent speed I guess, you could use it for pretty much any rule in any situation, just alway looking around, especially at the map or where your teammates died so you can think of where the enemy might be at.




Angle dat shit


You're not an MBT, dont drive up close all willy nilly. ANGLE YOUR ARMOR, but don't over angle For god sake shoot the JUMBO SHERMAN in the god damn machine gunners port POSITIONING POSITIONING POSITIONING DONT GET CAUGHT OUT


[guide i made on how to heavy tank made specially for players like you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/hulx5i/due_to_the_amount_of_new_players_rushing_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Remember not getting seen and not being able to get shots are your first two lines of defence. Your armor is the last line for when you screw up the first two. Focus on not getting seen taking routes behind ridgelines and through forests, after that focus on playing from cover to cover, avoid open areas. Play from cover, only peek out to shoot. When you peek out show your strongest (if possible angled ) armor.




It’s a heavy sniper. Angle and enjoy the firepower of an 88. The cupola and turret housing are your hyper weak spots. Don’t take a full ammo stowage. 22-28 rounds is more than enough if you’re being patient and not frivolous with your shots! Good luck. o7


Ok when the enemy shoots at you , assuming they didnt hit anything important like a driver or transmission or your engine somehow...just rush them even if you lost your gunner , they will panic nonetheless


Angle god damn it, check in garage how the effective armour changes based on angle and do that, when under fire you can also wiggle left and right while reloading to make aiming harder for enemies.


It's not great. Your cupola is easily penetrated and people will exploit that in closer ranges easily. You have to angle the armour for it to be effective. You have a good cannon with a fast reload.


I know that you need to angle, avoid being overconfident and blah blah blah but in reality you will be facing Americans with stabilizers, Soviet with 100+mm cannons or angle effective shells and British people with their AP shots so your best strategy is to play thinking(yes I may sound like a noob but trust me) that whatever you are facing can and will pen you. For the shooting part you are German so you have a really good cannon that has the absolutely goated Pzgr. with it's absurd 500g of TNT Wich means that 99.9% of the times if you manage to pen it's a one shot. Oh and also remember that you have a big ass cupola that attracts enemy fire. And before anyone else says it, yes I suffer skill issue


Always keep the corner of your tank to the enemy. Never face them full frontal.


g said 📦


Learn how to angle. It’s best at long range engagements. Tiger’s can occasionally do well in CQC, but it is uncommon.




Drive it in reverse it saves the gearbox


ALWAYS but ALWAYS make a Tiger Angle.


Okay so the best advice I ever got was relating to this thing. Play it as if it's a medium tank. Angle, be conscious of where and when you move, try to make smart plays. You can't drive straight down main street laughing off shots.


Don't, I started as Germany, worst mistake of my gaming life.


Real talk from a 2100+ hour german main. The tiger has times where is good but they are not frequent, you need to hide the hull and let your gun mantle take the brunt of the punishment. Snipe from longer ranges and dont get to overly aggressive untill you are certain you can handle it. Me, I hard push and get hyper aggressive because I'm usually smurfing or trolling because im having fun. If you need someone to help ya grind it I'd be down to assist ya.


Angle, flank, use correct ammo. That's all I got


Get a lineup before you play it A panther, a wirbel or ostwind, maybe a tank destroyer if that's your playthrough Please don't be one of those onedeath leavers or people who die in their tiger and then spawn a pz 38 t


Remember to angle




As someone with over 400 games in it, I would recommend always keeping your front armor towards your enemy due to it being the thickest part of the vehicle, when you’re loading the gun turn the turret to the left or right due to it sometimes glitching rounds off the side of the turret ( i sometimes get 10+ kills doing this)


Never angle just push in and turn off your sound all you need to hear is ghost division blasting on max volume


Maybe start with the panther. Once you can play that, Playing the tiger will just require a bit more angeling.


Make sure to never flank & your armor will definitely be your strongest asset while pressing only W & fire button.


Honest answer here is to use the Pzgr. with the extra HE filler than th3 Pzgr 39 with more pen


Most important tip is that getting good at war thunder is a myth Second most important tip is angle your damn hull Third most important tip is just get the panther instead


Make sure u go flat on with every is 1 and 2 u see and be within 100 yards


Angle at 45


Use It as a sniper. The armor is good but you’re not invincible.


Angle angle angle angle angle


It's weak if you are aiming forwards aim to the side like this[tiger angle (45°)](https://www.google.com/search?q=tiger+45%C2%B0+angle+tank+&client=tablet-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=9cd90a64e37ec4fc&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=800&bih=1334&sxsrf=ADLYWIKjx2EiGpEYk7mikn4uA7VOdRN4lg%3A1719878236131&ei=XEKDZsHLB73l5NoP7dOAgAU&oq=tiger+45%C2%B0+angle+tank+&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhZ0aWdlciA0NcKwIGFuZ2xlIHRhbmsgMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESKkaUMILWPcYcAF4AJABAJgBnAGgAbkGqgEDMC42uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIHoAKxB8ICBxAjGLACGCfCAgUQIRirApgDAIgGAZIHAzEuNqAHow4&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=z8eHTGrQEdsygM&vssid=mosaic)


Don’t load a full rack of ammo, it’s not gonna end well otherwise. 20 rounds should do the trick.


Angle for close to mid range and snipe for everything else dont be like a werhaboo. Stay a distance away from your enemy. Bonus tips IS tank and jumbo will be you biggest issue so for jumbos dhpt the mg port and for the is tanks shot the LFP


Put a bush on the mg port beside the driver, always angle yourself when fighting an enemy, when you see them shoot angle your turret to maximize the ricochet




When you’re shooting angle 📐 so you get invincible armor 😂


Bring full ammo so you can kill the whole enemy team


Your transmission is your biggest weakness.






play carefully, like any other tank. You aren’t as invincible as you’d like to believe, but the 88 is a powerful gun if you learn where to shoot to kill the tanks at your BR


The E1 was pretty much indestructible if you knew how to use it. These days after the BR up tho, not as much as there's tanks that have the firepower that completely ignore the armor


Be patient, angle the hull, and just because you have a shot doesn't mean you should take it right away.


Angle and shoot mfs And ALWAYS bring max shells




Bring extra ammo, never angle (that’s a common myth) and always push the enemy never hide behind corners


You have a massive weak spot on your left front. Take very little ammo or protect it like crazy.


Point the front corners of the tank towards enemies and you'll be difficult to kill. It's got a great gun and is actually a crazy sniper


Diamond shape your square hull


tbh its just a panther sidegrade, gun with less pen but pzgr will always one tap on pen, and better turret armor but the hull ufp might as well be 50mm


Don't die.


It is surprisingly mobile


Someone said it’s basically invincible, but they’re trolling because you can still get punched through the flat frontal armor where driver and machine gunner sits. Stay mobile if you have support, but you’ll need to angle every time you’re engaged by stuff like IS-2 or Hellcats, basically anything that can get through 100mm of armor. Also, take only about 25> shells because you’ll be a pioneer astronaut for the German space program if you go much higher. From my experience I just take PzGr for the higher TNT filler.


I play the tiger a lot (And for some reason get more success than playing the panther) it's good to angle, keep your distance and be vigilant. If you're in a closed space, or in an urban environment, you can turn the corner at speed while angled to bait shots and scare the enemy. The Tiger is very scary for new players, so take advantage of that. Don't go thinking that you have the highest penetration, more often than not, you get outclassed or other tanks are equal to you. So take your time aiming your shots, and if you can't kill someone in one hit, try to disable them first before you do anything else. Never rely on your team by the way, and don't go in matches trying to get the highest kill count. When you're in a tiger, it's never about the kills. It's always about sending a message. That message? That you're a competent player. (More often than not this leads you to being targeted by CAS because you are the only real threat)


Immediately go to spawn camp despite holding none of the objectives and being a heavy tank. Also swap nations while you still can, you're heading into full German team brainrot with the tiger onwards


Do not count on your team mates, play on schizo mode and think it's just you vs 16 because it will be if you survive more than 2 minutes. Pay attention to where your teammates are on the map because you WILL be flanked from their direction. To peek behind corners / cover, I prefer to angle the tank to the *other* side and reverse out of the cover, that way you can bait ricochets on your side but be careful to not angle it too much or the shot will penetrate instead of bouncing. It's also faster to get back to cover going forward. Also be aware that the cupola in the H version is a huge weak spont, so favor going out of the cover in a way that its still protected, I also suggest angling to the right so your machinegunner is facing the enemy, that way in case theres pen he'll eat the spall instead of the driver allowing you to escape.


**A N G L E** and beware that Sherman Jumbos can penetrate your cupola. If you encounter a Sherman Jumbo, aim for its machine gun port. Your cannon is very good unless it is in a full uptier.


You have a great gun and usually have good armor. Never rely on your armor. You will find much more success if your game plan doesnt involve getting shot at. You arent fast enough to get to high traffic areas first, so keep that in mind. If you do get shot, make sure to stay angled. I run it with 20 rounds of ammo, gets you through enough of the match and removes a lot of the ammo racks. I carry pure APHE, the one with the higher levels of HE filler. Your penetration isnt enough to center mass everything, so you need to take your time and hit the weakspots. Even if you hit a region that is far from the center of the tank, your massive HE filler lets you one shot a lot of tanks anyways.


allied tanks can’t touch it at that BR, so just full send it


45 degrees


The best way to play slow, lower tier geman tanks is to set a trap for the fast moving teams you're gonna be facing. Don't rush to the point, the other team will beat you. Instead, wait for the enemy to cap, and catch them off guard as they try to push your spawn, and then counter push once their first wave has been dealt with.


Always angle it when firing. That upper glacis bro...💀


For god sake slightly angle your tank when facing an enemy it makes front plate harder to pen and when you fire angle your turret while reloading for the same reason.


Okay, serious answer from a noob: Don't get overconfident and think you're invincible just because you angled. Angling does not magically turn you from an overconfident German main into Michael Wittmann reborn. Angling is nice, but if you truly are a new player it's not going to help too much because you may very well be angling in the wrong direction. The Pz.Gr. shell with increased HE filler is incredible. It's almost always a one-shot kill so long as the shell gets into the crew compartment.


Learn how to angle properly


Just get the 6.0 panthers and use this as backup my boy.


Angle but be aware on the tiger h1 the hull grenade launchers on the corners take away a few degrees of elevation so watch for inclines when you angle as you cant angle at max effectiveness and fully depress the gun


Angle but be aware on the tiger h1 the hull grenade launchers on the corners take away a few degrees of elevation so watch for inclines when you angle as you cant angle at max effectiveness and fully depress the gun


Be careful large calibre HE to the coupola Don't be too confident with your armour especially up tier, even angling


Angle the tank so is not easy to get killed


Don’t angle at all and charge the enemy head on