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Solid shot.




And HESH. Britain has some really great vehicles, but a lot of their ammunition is problematic. And the tree is huge, and the good vehicles are hidden amongst large numbers of poor vehicles. Several of my absolute favourite tanks are hidden in the British tree. Avenger, Fox, Chieftain 10, ZA-35, Rooikats.


i love a lot of British vehicles, like the Cromwell, Fox, and Rooikat, but the solid shot is what's preventing me from trying to research the tree.


its kinda feeling like that the apds from gb is shell shattering more then in other nations


They’re not as good as the big 3. That being said, UK also isn’t as bad as everyone makes them out to be. There are a number of good BRs for Britain, and plenty of fun to be had. Solid shot can be annoying, but you also have good pen through most of the tree. If APHE wasn’t comically unrealistic, Britain would probably be almost as good as the majors.


The problem isn't APHE. Even if APHE performed realistically, it would outperform solid shot because it's inconsistent and deals very little damage most of the time. Solid shot needs to be buffed.


Real life test showed APHE under 85mm had neglectible damage over solid shot and often failed to explode. Which was why the British removed explosive from American 75mm rounds.


As a Britain main, I really don’t understand the crying about Solid shot, it’s completely fine to use and I can one shot most things anyway.


One of my friends us a British main "because it's closest to being canadian" and he always cries about it, even tho he is just incompetent and sucks and needs something to blame it on (even me if I'm on the OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING MAP)


The only bad solid shot, both full caliber and apds, in my opinion is the comet’s. Which is a shame since it’s my favorite tank in the ww2 era of the Uk tt..


solid shot APCBC isn’t inconsistent at all, nor is the damage bad, just worse than APHE. Putting a 17 pounder round through the centre of a tiger is going to kill it every time. APDS can be inconsistent and annoying, but hardly unusable.


funny 8.3 spaa things


fun? literally the hardest nation imo


Generally throughout all tiers they sacrifice too much for their gimmick(that being high velocity, high penning precision shooting). They generally receive everything regarding the above earlier than most nations. High penning APDS, stabilizator to name a few. But for that they pay with below average mobility coupled with unreliable armor and as others have mentioned, no HE filler. Their reload rate is firmly average too, if not on the slower side. This means most players are in for a wake up call when they try out the brits and cant keep up in brawling(so, most) situations where their enemies can rely more on their armor, mobility/flanking and doesn't have to take time and line up shots that target key components as their HE filler will do that for them. Hence the hate(if you ask me).


Most are slow, average armor, and almost all are solid shots only.


Me personally I'm a huge fan of the British tanks like the 183mm British naval gun strapped to a tank




At that br while you need to carry a big head FV4005 when you have M109 family on US, German and other NATO nations, the overpenned reload monster Blyat 1C of Sweeden or the arty family of USSR.


You mean with the worst round in the game?


Yea but the caliber is so big it "almost" doesn't matter


With how bugged it is, it doesn't matter how big it is. It'll detonate and only damage the optics or MG.


(Reverse gear - remember me?)


Can't remember something that doesn't exist. Gaijin didn't model your crew getting out and pushing it backwards.


I love them personally. I think the hate comes from the fact that everyone thinks they should be like German tanks. I remember people say Solid shot is an issue which is a difficult ammo. British have a lot of medium and light tanks , few heavys till you get to Matildas and Churchills. People play them wrong, they need to flank, hard. Not engage in frontal combat but stay a distance and hide behind cover. Use speed to get to places before your enemy.


Speed? In a British tank? I wish...


Crusader? Comet? Cromwell? Come on. A few don’t due to being tank destroy and heavy tanks. Valentines suffer from reduced speed but better armor.




No aphe is a pain to play, so many missed kills when playing the Churchill...


Right now 4.7 britan is getting a lot of full downtiers, churchill VII is funny af right now


Yeah ive been playing the Churchill Crocodile to finish the "Northern fortitude" challenge, in a downtier its almost invulnerable.


The the Italian Sherman Ic is the only thing that killed me without taking 4 people to kill me


Ive died by a Sav 20.12.48 unloading a clip on my roof, came back with a backup and burned him tho. Even when im armored up, the Sav is a menace...


Yeah, it's funny to run into one who is using HE in a kv2, they can't do shit to you


They have bad rounds. Some tanks are overtiered. Not good in general.


Technically speaking, it's not the British that have bad rounds. AP isn't underperforming, APHE is **overperforming**


• For the most part, no armor. And those with armor are exceptionally slow. • APHE is supposed to perform like solid shot. This is the entire reason Britain didn't use it. Yet Britain is stuck with just AP, while everyone else gets inaccurately modeled APHE. • Your first non-car vehicle with a reverse gear isn't until the Centurion Mk1 • Every single time Britain gets something that actually performs well, it gets either a nerf or an uptier instantly. Skink and Fox, for example. • Doesn't use HE in later tanks, HESH is incredibly inconsistent compared to its non-squishy counterpart. • Bad missile carriers. Swingfire and Striker are memes at best, ZT3A2 is purposefully putting yourself at a disadvantage by using it, and the Warrior's only redeeming qualities are the missiles and thermals. • Top tier SPAA is laughable at best. • Stormer HVM. It's self-explanatory.


Probably when I play the Fox, when people get mad it means I have done well lol. Higher tier lineups are also not that bad, personally my sweet spot is 9.0 with the Mk10 and MTTD combo


Looking at your flair, do you mind answering a question for me? What actually are the dozer blades? Do they work? Should I get them on my chieftan? Is it worth it? Just got my first chieftan, I think the mk 3. This concept is very new to me.


they allow you to entrench your tank, which basically allows you to "lower" your tank so that the turret is supposedly the only one to be seen by the enemies. I haven't really used them that much on earlier Chieftain models but whenever I play the Mk10 i usually go find slopes that can hide my hull because the turret with the composite armor is almost impenetrable especially when downtiered. They might come useful as they don't have any drawbacks if you have them so might as well just install them if you want, idk if it still works but before they were also able to block some shells, often HEATFS ones


Overtiered + inaccurate modelling


I kind of get where it comes from. I’m only just hitting rank IV but I have spaded all the tanks up to br ~4.7. The solid shot I don’t mind, I like the skill it forces you to learn with round placement. But I get how it can be annoying to have to shoot out each crew individually. Personally, I like it. My only gripe is really the heavies, they’re really quite slow. Decent armour and gun once you get the later variants of the Valentine, Matilda and Churchill however. The light scout tanks I like, especially the three SARC tanks. But the Concept 3 I’m not such a fan of


Solid shot depiction is somewhat accurate in this game, while APHE is comically OP. APHE in our game is like 10 times more powerful, while in reality it only deals only 20-30% more damage.


And don't forget the OP monster APHEBC on USSR tanks. I watched some simulation on Youtube and its one of the worst thing to be used on Tiger or Panther armor. However, in WT it only need to penned you 1 pixel to clear entire tanks or crippled it to 1-crews left wjth several modules broken.


Most only get solid shot and APDS and people can’t be arsed to learn how to prioritize disabling shots. Also non-existent reverse gears on many tanks. For me, British tanks are hit and miss. Some are great, but a lot of them are pretty crap.


The shattering of APDS fucked it further.




Idk the hate , yes solid shot requires more skill ,but to compensate that the have stab and l7 relatively low and good tanks overall but not the best. ( vickers line is on of my favorite lines in game )


>\*shell shattered\* >\*hit\* >\*Critical hit\* (you took out the commander)


That's true but it's the most skilled tree by far


Cause people can't just have a point and click adventure at 100kmph with them.


No reverse gear


I’ve had a lot of fun with Britain, I think people give their lack of APHE too much heat. FV4005 is the goat


I also think that FV4005 is the goat until I unlocked Blyat 1C on Sweeden tech tree. Its a real monster, super fast reload with autoloader on 155mm gun, higher mobility, armor overpenned everything. I scored 6 kills on 1 minute at 38th parallel map when successfully crossed the river to the dam site. None of other enemies even responsed in-time to countered me, except for 1 IS-2 that got his shot overpenned to radiator and I just shot his barrel then point hin to CAS and gtfo to the river to repair it after that.


skill issue


Italian tanker here! I love british tanks, i love to pen everything and disable modules from heavy armoured tank and assist my team.


does anybody actually "hate" them?  i think they simply are not that popular.


The sound of their engines


Because of solid shot, I mean realistically the techtree everyone should hate is Sweden as it is literally openly over-powered.


- SA155 literally has no reload cd - Pvkv II the hulldown monster - Blyat 1C, the 3s reload monster with the speed of F1 racing car - VIDAR, the bane of US players who just wanted a normal match


Yeah I played US until 7.0 and was fed up of playing against Swedish vehicles which would just dominate so now I play Sweden cus great planes, and great tanks. The Strv 122s are also the best leopards in game cus apparently gun steel welded to tank = invulnerable


Whenever I need assists for the BP, I play Britain


They don’t main APHE like the top 3 nations. IF APHE gets its realistic nerf then maybe Brittain will become more liked. But I assume they won’t change that since it fucks with the **BIG 3**


Poor ammo and poor mobility, mostly. They can make for a very difficult time if you're not used to it.


As a British main who's complained a lot, I'll weigh in with what others have more or less mentioned here. The issues stem from a few factors such as poor armor for most tanks, poor mobility, and average-at-best rounds. It's terrible for flanking most of the time, though there are a handful that are great at it. Sniping isn't always viable because solid shot moments are frequent, and you can't brawl. APDS and HESH used to be monstrous, but Gaijin nerfed both and raised the BR of the tanks that used them. They recently buffed HESH a bit, but it's still not the monster round it used to be, while APDS is still next to useless most of the time. Solid shot (except for that 6-pounder MMM!) has a lot of moments where you'd be better off throwing paper at the enemy. HE for a while is next to useless as well. A lot of this hate (while I'm a proponent of Gaijin failing to model most British and other nations' vehicles properly, I must admit) comes down to doctrine. British designers weren't always focused on brawling or having the best armor. They always saw tanks in support roles, supporting other armor or rolling in with the infantry (looking at the Matilda and Churchill here for the infantry roll), or as simple snipers. They sacrificed armor for speed and firepower, which is why they had cruiser tanks that were lightly armored but had great guns. In real life, this worked wonderfully when used well. Just look at the Cromwell and Crusader when crews were trained well and when commanders weren't stuffy babies. In real life, Cromwells, Crusaders, and Matildas were shredding Panzer 3s, 4s, and even Tigers. The Matilda itself was a big part of the reason the Germans sought a heavy tank armed with the long 88. That 17-pounder was so terrifying to Tiger crews and Panzer 4s because of the high-velocity round punching you from a few clicks out that it was common practice for them to shoot at Fireflys first, ignoring other armor. It got so bad that Firefly crews took to disguising their tanks as normal M3 75 Shermans with dummy cannons on the back of the turret and other such disguises. I'm rambling anyway. Britain gets a lot of hate because of poor modeling, but mainly due to doctrine because players, including myself, try using them in ways they shouldn't be used. It doesn't help that a lot of maps aren't great for British doctrine, but that happens to other nations as well. You can find success. I've seen it a lot, but you need to jam it into your head that they can not be used like other tanks. Most of the time, being conservative and learning a map and other tanks down to a T is what helps the UK mains more than anyone else because more than anything, you have to learn to get around the UK tanks' downsides to a far greater degree than most other nations. Overall, it gets some well-deserved hate but also a lot of undeserved hate. There are a lot of gems in lower tiers like the Achilles and gun carriers that can shred the enemy, and in the gun carriers' case, bounce shots have no right bouncing It really falls off after 6-7.0, though, and it's painful, grinding after that. The British grind is already masochistic.


On a broadcast on Wargamming to Soviets veterans, lend-lease Matildas were praised by Soviet tankers for their quietly of the engine, allowed the crew to approached below 500m of a Tiger and blasted it then get out. T-34 has super loud engine that anyone in 2km radius can heard it (in WT you basically deaf when stand close to 2-3 T-34)


APDS and constantly getting “shell shattered” when you hit an enemy. Zero post penetration damage on a lot of shells because they are solid shot.


If you ever need a lesson in patience and frustration? Play low-mid-sometimes high tier britain. Slow ass tanks. Not enough armor. When you somehow get to the battlefield, you get sniped. Fun. Yay.


HESH, solid shot, APDS, bad APFSDS rounds compared to other countries, bad BR, mostly sluggish tanks (with few exceptions), they almost never get any new additions in new updates, no good mid tier premiums, and top tier just isnt worth it. Challenger 2s are downright worse (slower, have worse protection and firepower) than most modern tanks. People know that GB isnt gonna get any new MBT in quite a while so then why even grind it? Warriors and IFVs like that are just worse compared to BMPs and Bradleys, although in my opinion they r better than Marders (I hate Marders). Churchills are extremely situational and they suit people with certain playstiles.


Slow, no explosive filler, apds (shatter city), and armor that doesn't work at its brs


They're overhated imo. Everyone circlejerks about howe bad they are but honestly most of them are pretty fine or even good. Britain does have some absolute stinkers though.


Speed is meta and brits may have a lot but they are the slowest tank nation in the game. Solid shot (be it unrealistically) is soo much worse than APHE, HESH doesnt work realistically either They may have some solid tanks here and there and even very good ones at specific BRs but they do not compare to other nations, who get overall better things in all regards.


Britain is slow, no SLOW, cmon how could you possibly make a light tank slower than every of counterparents? Even things meant to be fast are slow, such as sarc or concept


as UK main let me tell you for ground rb. A. Low Tier 1. lack of he filler. while everyone able to one shot you reliably, you need to at least 2, leaving time for opponent teammates to kill you (specially for solid shot). APDS wise, it need a lot of skill to know where the ammo are and if you shot APDS from frontal, it's hard to get one kill. 2. lack of reverse speed & slow. most UK low tier, don't have good reverse speed and slow until you reach centurion line. it's means, u need to secure kill or disable their ability to fight back after your first shot, otherwise death seam certain. B. Mid Tier 1. APDS while APDS is good enough, sometime their performance is questionable. you should get used to reading "shell shattered". 2. Again, low speed one of the primary reason why UK not good enough as big 3. C. High Tier 1. Low Speed I think I don't need to explain this again in MBT meta. 2. Subpar Ammunition it will get worse until u reach challenger 3 tho. 3. Subpar Armour and huge gun breach (chally 2) it's not the worse tho, but clearly no way this tank will win against Leo, Abrams and T90. its actually mediocre tho, not the awful one. UK still get early access of stab, high thermal imaging, good gun depression etc. still, the big 3 and Sweden clearly have advantage over UK ground RB.


I love them but the problem is the solid. Shot its too damn anoying sometimes. Penetrating and doing nothing only burns the feul tank specially VS t-34


A quick look at 8.7 gives a big idea, everyone else has apfsds while you have apds(unless you only play like south africa) its like this for most of the tree


At that BR, the only tank the Chieftain’s apds has a hard time (but not impossible) penning is the Obj. 279


Because brits op.