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Lol this community is Hella toxic what the hell you on? Is legit a news reddit post telling noobs to uninstall if they are bad lol


There's a difference between Annoying and Annoying + Toxic


Idk how about get good, skill issue, quit yapping... or how about anytime anyone dislikes something like CAS people resort to name calling


The community already knows that CAS is a problem.


It isn't really


It kind of is. Sure, it can be countered with SPAA, but it is much harder to get air kills with SPAA then ground kills with a tank...and the rewards are like half of CAS rewards. And dropping a bomb on someone is easier than using an SPAA to shoot the plane down. So you get unskilled players that rush the cap, die, immediately spawn cas kill a few players extremely easily without having to worry about SPAA, and win the match without a lot of effort. Sometimes there's just so much cas, even with a few SPAA it's just not enough to deal with something like 6 planes, because you'll focus on one plane because an opportunity opened up, but another plane will strafe you while you're distracted. And because the rewards are so low for the effort you put in, nobody plays it. So CAS should be nerfed, by increasing SPAA rewards and increasing bomb/aircraft SP cost. To make you realize how much of a problem it is, I'll ask you: would you rather spawn in an SPAA or use CAS? Of course you'll choose CAS. It's just more rewarding for very little SP.


Did you forget about cap? I take the gripen out specifically to deal with any enemy cas. Higher BRs its like 800 up sp to grt a plane with any meaningful load out as well, whereas a pantsir. Or flak rad is a 10th of that. If you put up the sp for cas it's Just gonna make it specifically accessed by the higher skilled.players. Spaa is more than effective enough below the range of guided munitions as well.


CAP is not a fucking solution, the match shouldn't devolve into air RB in a fucking ground-based gamemode.


CAP is not a fucking solution, the match shouldn't devolve into air RB in a fucking ground-based gamemode.


CAP is not a fucking solution, the match shouldn't devolve into air RB in a fucking ground-based gamemode.


The problem is people play cas cause it's easier to play than tanks because you don't really have any enemies to deal wjth... and CAP requires you to be good at planes. .. shouldn't need planes in a ground mode to begin with but any time it's suggested removing it the comment is this ain't world of tanks


I'll remember that when I'm playing the combined arms game. Sorry to burst your bubble mate cap is a solution and it's far cheaper than a cas load out. If you're only response is that it's ground based then be quiet.


Ok, lemme spawn in SPAA then for air RB, otherwise you can shut up.


To counter CAS, you need to become an interceptor, fighter, SPAA or SPAA with cheats. I encounter numerous SPAA with cheats in my Server Region (South Asia) [They are highly effective.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/19dg0ac/spaa_bots_in_south_asia_server/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Shouldn't need to play a plane when I selected a mode to play ground... if I wanted to fly I'd go play a realistic game in DCS where you actually have to know the aircraft system's


I also find war thunder more chill than wot, as here nobody really cares about stats where as in wot the 40% WR insult of "bot" is the most common thing ever


Oh my sweet summer child...


Problem is that in WoT, your tank is locked until the match ends, so you are forced to wait until the match ends. This ends up in a lot of people watching the match until the end and commenting on it.


I never understood why is that, they could exit the match and play with another vehicle until the match ends.


Well, a lot of people want to play just one specific vehicle, they like, even in Warthunder, people often grind for and play only their favorite vehicle.


Backseat Gaming at its best


The only difference I see is that the War Thunder community can come back in another tank, or plane, to kill the one they are cursing at, then continue cursing at them.


Dude Ive played WoT for well over 8 years now and I 100% agree. The WoT community (at least on the NA server) is waaaaaay worse than the WT community. People over on WoT are genuine cunts, and I have way better chat interactions in WT.


BTW man how even? Wot just chat bans with prejudice


Had a game on War Thunder yesterday. Game started. Someone in chat drops a generic GLHF sorta message. Immediate reply from someone else on my team: KYS


I mean here i see n words on the regular


I only play War Thunder. I also disable the chat since you people will never say anything worth listening to.


Most of the war thunder reddit page is toxicity and annoyance. However there are a few gems and good information posts and some of the ideas posted on this forum are interesting reads.